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Relevant Thematic Unit Design Map (A)

Unit Theme / Topic / Problem? Examining High Stakes Testing through Science and ultural Relevance
Unit Relevance? (Why is this topic important or students to study / act upon?! "t is important or students to understand #hy they are re$uired to ta%e part in hi&h sta%es testin&' the role o culture o ho# tests are ormed' and #hy and ho# their bodies react to stress be ore ta%in& these tests( +ssential ,uestions? (-rainstorm * to . drivin& ?s!
/( 0o# has science been used to create tests( *( What is the body1s response to stress? 2( .( 3an a test be created that is culturally relevant

Grade? 8th Subject? Science )uration? * #ee%s

4earnin& 5ctivities? These must line up #ith the standards

in the section belo# (sho# ho# your activities #ill develop stated s%ills! and you must provide attachments o these activities(

+ssential Threads? (Place an 9:; or those that apply!

class(ism! : 3ulture : +conomics : Gender : labor land / &eo&raphy mi&ration <ppression : politics / &ov( race(ism! : Resources : Resistance :

4earnin& Product 6/7 0i&h Sta%es testin& and the hormonal response to stress7 This pre8activity #ill help students learn about stress and the e ects stress has on their bodies by discussin& the di erent types o stress( This activity #ill be discussion based( Students #ill &raph their responses/results( 4earnin& Product 6*7 Research the Scienti ic 0istory o Testin&7 This activity #ill allo# students to research the topic o science and testin&( 5pply the scienti ic method and complete a short research paper(

<ther Understandin&s Students Will Gain? 4ocal7 3urrent and/or 0istorical Understandin&s 0o# lo# income students are especially a ected by hi&h sta%es testin&( Students #ill have a better understandin& o ho# unds are allocated based on test scores throu&h their research( Global 3onnections (3urrent / 0istorical! 0o# hi&h sta%es testin& a ects our Global Ran%in&(

5pplicable )isciplines and Speci ic Standards?

Place an 9:; or applicable disciplines (#rite in details! 4an&ua&e 5rts ?athematics ?edia / Tech ?usic =atural Sciences Psycholo&y Social Sciences Theater / )rama >isual 5rts Speci ic subject7 Science

@ey 3ompetencies (3ommon 3ore' 53T' or "4S! /( //(5(2a Aomulate hypotheses that can be tested by collectin& data( *( //(5(2 "nterpret and represent results o anylis to produce indin&s( ?ain TeDts? (readin&s' video' photos' art' music' 2( //(-(2a "ndenti y an actual desi&n problem and etc(! establish criteria or determinin& the success o a Sha#' E(? (*FFB!( Gettin& Thin&s Ri&ht at the solution( 3lassroom 4evel( Yearkbook Of The National .( /*(-(2b 3ompare and asses eatures o or&anisms Society For The Study Of Education, /F.(*!' 2.F82BG or their adaptive' competitive and survival potential( Magnuson! Allie" #Stress Management $or %ids and B( /2(5(2b5nalyCe historical and contemporary

Teachers"# Scholastic Teachers" Scholastic! &'()" *e+" &, Apr" &'()"

cases in #hich the #or% o science has been a ected by both valid and biased scienti ic practices( H( /2(52c +Dplain the similarities and di erences bet#een observational and eDperimental investi&ations(

3ritical >ocabulary Terms? 0i&h Sta%es testin&' 9teachin& to the test;' 9outcome based education;' Scienti ic ?ethod' 0ormones' =eurotransmitter(

Primary "nstructional 5pproaches? Eustice based' "n$uiry based' 3o8operative learnin&' scienti ic method(

Ainal Project Students #ill be re$uired to analyCe tests or cultural relevance and redesi&n one to be relevant to the cultures in their communities( Students #ill create a presentation (>erbal' Po#er Point' or Play! about hi&h sta%es testin& and present the redesi&ned test to the school administrators and community leaders(

3ommunity connection? ( ield trips' spea%ers' events! Students #ill be re$uired to invite amily and riends or presentation o their redesi&ned tests( Student administrators #ill also be in attendance(

Scope and Se$uence (a list o

%ey activities / steps to#ards the learnin& project / action!

See olders *c or s%ill support' *d or instructional support and *e or assessment ideas in the 3urriculum Tool%it' 2rd ed(

Project /7 Research the Scienti$ic Histor- o$ Testing "ntroduction 5ctivity /7 Discuss ho. tests are created" *ho designs them and .h-/ Teacher and students .ill explore the histor- o$ scienti$ic 0usti$ications $or testing and the controversies involved" Project *1 High Stakes Testing and the 2iological Response to Stress "ntroduction to 5ctivity *7 Discuss the topic o$ stress hormones and provide pre3activit- reading materials" Discuss the issue o$ the di$$erent t-pes o$ stress! and ho. it impacts student4s lives and their per$ormance" 5articular attention .ill +e paid to speci$ic stress $actors in the student4s communit-" Project 27 Evaluate6Redesign High Stakes Testing $or ultural Relevance "ntroduction to 5ctivity 27 Discuss the topic o$ cultural relevance and provide pre3activit- reading materials" Discuss the topic o$ cultural relevance in testing! and ho. it impacts student4s lives"

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