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Genre Project

Creative Writing 2
This project is about understanding how to be a good writer in a genre. Learning
how to write a genre means that you need to be able to:

1. Identify the characteristics of the genre.

2. Read the work of a successful author in the genre
3. Write a complete work in the genre.

personal essay comedy screen play tragedy
biography epic poetry memoir
historical fiction farce melodrama action adventure
science fiction fantasy mystery realistic fiction

Project One—Poster (Due Nov. 23)

The poster should represent everything you have learned about the genre you have
chosen. The display should include characteristics of the genre, a famous author
of the genre, a “good writing” example from the genre, and an example of your
work from the genre.

Famous Author: _____________________________

I will be reading __________________________ written by

_________________. This is considered _______________ (genre
Project Two—Writing Sample from the Genre
(Rough Draft with 2 Peer Reviews due Dec. 18
Final Draft due Jan. 5)
The writing example should be at least 15 pages long. You may choose to create a
short story or break the project up into smaller texts with the same theme. You
may do this any way you wish as long as the project is equal to about 15 pages of

You must have Project Two approved by Mrs. Bramall (by Nov. 5).

Describe Project Below:

Signed _______________________ Date _______

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