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Rachel Olson Lesson Plan Countries in Africa

Stage 1
Subject Area: Geography/ Social Studies Grade Level: 7th Grade Time: At least two 45 minute class periods with time outside the classroom utilized if necessary. Present on the third day. Lesson Objective: Students should be able to recognize the listed countries of Africa and identify the components of that country. Lesson Goals: Students should have a well enough understanding of countries in Africa to be able to teach fellow peers their assigned country and the contents of the country. -This goal will be measured by the students presentation as well as the post quiz after the power points. Standards: ISTE2. Communication and collaboration. 6. Technology operations and concepts. PA- 7.37.A- Describe the human characteristics of places and regions. Behavioral Objectives: Demonstrate ability to comprehend/ take in information and put it to use. Locate countries in Africa. Indentify the countries and their cultural differences as well as the climates. Compose presentation to teach fellow classmates key facts about assigned country.

Enduring Understanding: Africa is made up of several countries which each contain important cultural and climate differences. Essential Question: Explain the components that make up Africa and how they are different from those in America.

Multiple Intelligences touched upon: Interpersonal: Seeing things from other students power points will help them learn it from a different point of view. Linguistic: Talking through things with the group will help the students comprehend the information they are exploring.

Stage 2
Pre-assessment: Use Smart Notebook Activity -To test the amount students know about the location of the 8 countries. -To warm the students and familiarize them with the countries. Informal Assessment: Have students write down at least 5 facts they learned from each presentation. This will not be graded but will be collected for participation points. -To make sure that the students are taking something away from each presentation. -To make sure that the students are paying attention to each presentation. -This will help with comprehending the information. Informal Assessment: Have students create power point presentation with at least 15 key facts they learned about their assigned country. Present to class. -This will help the student comprehend what they read on the Earth Browser. -Putting together 15 facts will help the students teach their peers and stick better in their minds. Formal Assessment: Quiz- Students will be asked to list 2 correct facts for each country covered. -Students must on average correctly list at least 12 out of 16 facts in order for lesson to be deemed successful.

Stage 3
Materials: -Mac Computer (One per group. If not available, Ipads can suffice) -Earth Browser -Smart Note Book -Teacher Computer station with Smartboard linked

-16 Question quiz -Microsoft Power Point -Writing Utensils -Paper for note taking Procedure: Pre-Assessment Divide the class into 8 groups (approximately 3 students per group) and have them sit with each other.

T-Go around the room counting off by 8 and have them sit with their group S-Gather up things and move to their new group Open up the Africa Map Smart Note Book File Activity

T-Go the Smartboard and open the Africa Map Activity. S-Get acquainted with new group members. Have students come up to the board with their groups and drag a country name to the country they believe it belongs to. If it is wrong, the Smartboard will throw the name off of the map. The students must consult with their group until they correctly match one.

T-Sit quietly and offer subtle suggestions if the group gets it incorrect. S-Consult as a group to correctly identify a country on the board. If incorrect, continue to work together as a group to correctly label one. -This will conclude the pre assessment and the students should be familiar with the listed countries. Have students go back to their groups and wait for further directions

T-Wait for students to return to their groups of 3 S- Quickly and quietly go back to their groups Have the students log onto the Mac computer, if Macs are not available then hand out Ipads. Only one per group is necessary

T-Wait for students to log on to the Macs or turn on the Ipads S-Have one person in the group sign on. If Ipads are used instead, place it in a spot that all group members can see Direct students to go to the Earth Browser Application on either the computer or Ipad

T-Show the students on the Smartboard how to find the App S-Search for the app on the device and open it up. Wait for further directions. Go around the room and assign each group a country from the list on the Smart board from the pre assessment.

T-Randomly assign each group a country S-Write down the assigned country for future reference Show the students how find their country on the Earth Browser

T-On the Smartboard, show the students how to find their country and go around the room if they have complications with finding it S-Search for their country in Africa and open it. If they can't find it, then they should raise their hand and wait for assistance. Explain the assignment. Once students find their country, write down at least 15 important key facts that they believe make their country what it is today.

T-Walk around the room once they start taking down information to make sure that there is no technology problems and they are doing their work. Make sure that the students are taking down important facts and not irrelevant facts to the lesson. - Example of a poor fact would be that a country has people there. S-Write down at least 15 facts that they think are important the making the country what it is. Must consult with the group and decide if a fact is important enough to write down or not. Students will have the rest of this class period to continue working on the research using the Earth Browser.

T-Return to your desk and continue to watch to see if any group needs assistance. S-Continue to work as a group writing down facts that are important. You must have at least 15. When there is 20 minutes left in the class period, stop the students and explain the next part of the lesson if there is a group that is ready to move on. Explain to students that using the 15 important facts they wrote down, they are expected to create a power point using Microsoft PowerPoint. They will eventually present the power point to the class.

T-Students should know how to use power point by this age but if there are questions, go around the room to make sure the students are still on track. S-Finish taking the notes down and once finished, put them into a power point presentation with your group.

*Students will have the rest of this class period and next class period to finish the power presentation. The next class after that, they will present the power point in front of the class. On the third day groups will volunteer to present their power point. If no one volunteers, then pick a first group to go at random.

T- Set up the Smartboard and computer for the students to use for their presentation. S-Volunteer to present, every group will present today. The students must write down at least 5 facts they learned about from each presentation. These will be handed in but not graded.

-This is just to make sure that the students are paying attention and take something away from each presentation. T-Hand out paper and pencils if needed S-Get out paper and pencil to write down 5 facts for each Have each group present but do not grade the presentations. The only requirements are for it to be at least15 facts.

T-Write down the 15 or more facts that were presented in each presentation. This will be used to grade the quizzes at the end. S-Write down at least 5 of the facts that they learned for each country from their classmates presentations. At the end of the presentations, collect the students' 5 facts piece of paper. This is not graded for accuracy. If they have 5 facts, they get a 100% for the participation grade on this activity. If the student does not have 5 but has a least 1, they get a 50% because they could have asked a question during the presentation. If the student does not have any, they receive a 0%

T-Collect the piece of paper with the 5 facts about each country. S-Make sure your name is on the paper you are handing in so you get the credit for the participation Once all of the groups have presented the students will take a quiz. They must write down 2 facts for each country that they learned through the presentations.

T-Since you wrote down all of the facts that were included in the presentation, you will use your page to grade the quizzes. - If they listed a fact that was not included in the presentation or left it blank then they get 1 point off. S-Sit Quietly while the teacher passes out the quizzes.

Pass out the quizzes and explain the directions.

T-Return to desk and see if any student has a question. S-Make sure to write your name at the top of the quiz. Begin the quiz. Once done, bring it up to the teacher. Quiz Grading- List 2 facts for each country that you learned. Student must list only facts that they learned in the presentation. If they list a fact that is not on the list from the facts you took down from the presentations or leave it blank, they get -1 point. The highest grade a student can receive is a 12/12. *In order for this lesson to be deemed successful, the students should on average be able to list at least 12 out of 16 facts correctly. IF TIME ACTIVITY: Revisit the Smartboard Activity you used as a pre assessment. Have the groups go up and match their countries name to the spot on the map.

T-Sit and call out the groups by the countries name to come up to the board. This will prevent groups from trying to get out of doing it. S-As a group, go up to the board and drag the country that you researched to the correct spot on the map. Closure- Next class we will be doing the same thing but for countries in Europe.

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