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Atmosphere Lesson Observation Name of Teacher: Erin Hartill Observer: Kim Finnerty Date: 1/28/14 Subject: Freshman Honors

Science: Atmosphere

Evidence Create a learner-centered culture Introduced atmosphere learning goal to Students understand the purpose for being in class and class for purpose of class. school Students understand the shared vision, how they are Reminded students that it was fine to use moving toward the vision and how it has been improved Students explain the Code of Cooperation and connection notes and alleviated student concerns that they did not know the answer. to shared vision Students set goals and can improve behavior in CoC Clear expectations for group work Students track progress on CoC goals and know when they have completed Students celebrate when goals are reached and move to new goals Procedural efficiency in a learner centered classroom Seamlessly went from introduction and Students know and show the CoC, SOPs independently welcome back to learning activity giving Students see expectations as important and create CoC/ clear expectations of group work and SOPs noise level. Students articulate connection between SOPs and vision Class success with CoC/ SOPs is monitored and results in improvement Success is celebrated when mastery is demonstrated Learning is transparent so students can navigate their own learning. Students explain learning and why it is important to them Learning goal was clearly articulated. Group work allowed and answers written Students reliably assess evidence of learning mastery on the board for discussion. Talked about Students understand the scope and sequence of their disagreements with answers and why they learning were wrong. Students monitor personal learning Students set meaningful learning goals and celebrate success as they progress Comments: this class was well planned and had great transitions. The students were given clear expectations concerning
what was to be learned. When needed to bring class back together from small group discussion you used great technique. You spoke quietly rather than trying to talk over them. You also asked the class if they were with you. During each transition you asked for class participation to make sure everyone was focused on the topic. For example one student draw the layers, another draw arrows to describe temperature for each layer, another draw ozone. All the while you were asking class to make sure artist was correct. One on the many great things you did was that you allowed for movement during transition. 80 minutes is a long time to sit and during class you allowed for student movement, so that they were not sitting the entire time. It was simple things like put papers away, move and talk to a friend about the ozone and work in groups. You provided notes for students but they were in small chunks and you were always conscientious of student mood and participation.

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