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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Kristen Parker Grade and Topic: Grade 3- Science Mentor Teacher: Weaver Date: 4/27/14 Length of Lesson: 1 Hour School: University of Memphis- IDT 3600

UNIT/CHAPTER OBJECTIVE/GENERALIZATION/BIG IDEA: All life is interdependent and interacts with the environment. LESSON OBJECTIVE: Given a printout that provides the definitions and characteristics of living and non-living things, the student will complete a worksheet and create a graphic organizer that categorizes things as living or nonliving with a score of at least four out of six on the rubric. STANDARDS ADDRESSED: SPI 0307.2.1 Distinguish between living and non-living things. Creativity and innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. a) Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes Research and information fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information b) Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. MATERIALS: Materials Used 1. Living vs. Non-Living printout 2. The Halloween House written and illustrated by Carol Moore (link to online version) 3. Classifying Living & Non-Living Worksheet 4. Reflection Worksheet 5. Computer 6. Microsoft Word 7. Internet Explorer 8. Lined Paper 9. Pencil Technology Integration o Students will use Internet Explorer to read The Halloween House and then the Microsoft Word program to type and format a T-Chart that will categorize things found in The Halloween House as living or nonliving.

BACKGROUND and RATIONALE: Students will demonstrate a clear understanding of the characteristics that distinguish living things from non-living things by providing a T-Chart that correctly categorizes a variety of different objects. Academic language is not addressed in IDT 3600. This lesson connects and builds on Grade 3 Standard 1: Life Science- Cells We will refer back to the graphic organizers created here as we continue to explore matter and heredity. I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are no covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson. PROCEDURES AND TIMELINE: Introduction o Begin by asking the class, How do we know whether something is living or non-living? o After the class discussion- ask for volunteers to share examples of living and non-living things. These discussions will be based on prior knowledge. o Display clearly labeled pictures of living and non-living things on a large screen display or overhead; briefly explain why each object is categorized the way it is. Procedures
Prior to the Computer (15 minutes)

Teacher Procedures: 1. After the Introduction, distribute the Living vs. Non-Living printouts to the students and ask them to take a few minutes to read and look over them. 2. After a few minutes, hand out the Classifying Living & Non-Living worksheet and instruct the students to complete it based on what they learned from the class discussions and Living vs. Non-Living printout. Student Procedures: 1. Students will study the printouts given to them. 2. Then they will complete the Classifying Living & Non-Living worksheet.
At the Computer (35 minutes)

Teacher Procedures: 1. Have students open Internet Explorer 2. Provide them with the link to read The Halloween House 3. Instruct the students to make a list of at least 16 living and non-living objects (8 of each) while reading 4. After the students are finished reading the book, have them open Microsoft Word 5. Instruct students on how to create a T-Chart that will adequately organize and categorize the objects they listed while reading 6. Monitor and assist as needed Student Procedures: 1. Open Internet Explorer 2. Read The Halloween House and list out objects included in the book 3. Open Microsoft Word 4. Create a T-Chart 5. Transfer the previously listed things to the graphic organizer appropriately 6. Save work 7. Print copy

After the Computer (10 minutes)

Teacher Procedures: 1. Place students in groups of 4 students 2. Ask the students to exchange their graphic organizers with another student in their group 3. Tell students to spend the next 3-4 minutes quietly discussing the differences/similarities, etc. of the things each of them included in their T-Chart 4. Distribute Reflection worksheets 5. After they have finished their discussions, instruct the students to individually reflect on what they learned from the activity in 2-4 sentences; have them include 3-6 examples of both living and non-living things Student Procedures: 1. Get into assigned groups 2. Review and discuss each others work 3. Complete Reflection worksheet Closure Students volunteer to share and explain their T-Charts. At the end of class, the teacher collects the graphic organizers and reflections, and asks the class for any unanswered questions. ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE:


Student failed to demonstrate an understanding of living and nonliving things in daily life Identified less than 6 of the given objects correctly T-Chart does not display the ability to distinguish between living and nonliving things Very few (if any) of the things are correctly listed

Student demonstrated a general understanding of living and nonliving things in daily life Identified 6-11 of the given objects correctly T-Chart displays some ability to distinguish between living and nonliving things Most of the things are correctly listed

Student brilliantly demonstrated a clear understanding of living and nonliving things in daily life Identified all of the given objects correctly T-Chart clearly displays a superb ability to distinguish between living and nonliving things All of the things are correctly listed




Fails to indicate comprehension of living and nonliving things


Indicates some comprehension of living and nonliving things 2-4 sentences written & some correct examples listed

Greatly indicates an impressive understanding of living and nonliving things 2-4 exceptional sentences & great examples provided

Less than 2 sentences written and/or no correct examples listed

MODIFICATIONS: I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson. STUDENT SAMPLE:

The Halloween House

Correctly list at least 8 things found in The Halloween House in each category.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Suzie Suzies brother Suzies father Suzies mother Picador (Suzies dog) Chihuahuas Cats Spiders Pumpkins Snakes The Witch Grizzly bears

1. The Halloween House 2. Blankets 3. Teddy (the teddy bear) 4. Teddys scarf 5. Teddys tennis shoes 6. The Dollar Store 7. Piles of clothes 8. Cobwebs 9. Pumpkin costume 10. Bags of candy 11. Doors 12. Windows 13. Beds

I have listed all possible correct answers above. It isnt necessary for them to provide every example.

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