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Business Intelligence Services and Data Integration at Softtek Mexico.

M a r c o A n t o n i o A n t o n i o

l e n d s m o n e y g r a t i s . [ Br. Lit.: Merchant of Venice] See : Generosity

Antonio schemes against his brother Prospero. [Br. Lit.: The Tempest] See : Treachery Brittes was appointed as new director of Business Intelligence Services and Data Integration at Softtek Softtek is a Mexican IT company, focusing on custom software development for large organizations. It has branches in Latin America, the United States, the European Union and Asia (China). Mexico Mexico, city, Mexico Mexico or Mexico City, Span. Ciudad de Mxico (Mjico), city (1990 pop. 8,236,960; 1991 met. area est. 20,899,000), central Mexico, capital and largest city of Mexico. . Brittes was previously the director of the northeast region of Softtek Brasil and project manager within the services area of Business Intelligence. He brings to his elevated post extensive experience in the generation of new clients, sales of BI services and Cognos (Cognos Inc., Ottawa, Ontario, A leading business intelligence software company specializing in application development and 4GL tools. Founded in 1969 as a consulting firm, its PowerHouse 4GL was introduced in the late 1970s for midrange systems. products. "This new challenge will permit Softtek Mexico to strengthen its offer to different markets where it currently finds work, thereby offering better benefits to current and potential clients," said Brittes. [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED]

COPYRIGHT 2005 American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico A.C. No portion of this article can be reproduced without the express written permission from the copyright holder. Copyright 2005, Gale Group. All rights reserved. Gale Group is a Thomson Corporation Company. +Mexico.-a0142107683

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