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Sood Evaluations Spring 2004 -- 1

Course: Liberal Arts Core 6 (2nd semester Junior year) Course number: L330B Section: 03 Teacher: Sujay Sood Spring 2004 Number o responders: 14 !eac"er Evaluations rom The Boston Conservatory
!"is class covered some ver# compelling topics and related t"em in an interesting as"ion$ % come a&a# rom t"is class &it" a great deal o ne& in ormation and a better understanding o man# relevant topics$ Su'a# is ver# (no&ledgeable and % en'o# "is class discussions$ )o&ever* "e lets "is opinion get involved too muc"* and "e &ill lo&er paper grades i "e doesn+t t"in( #our ta(e on t"e sub'ect matter &as correct$ ,lso* inal e-aminations are a bit too intense$ .t"er t"an t"at* t"is "as been a great class$ % ound t"at % learned a great deal o in ormation in t"is class$ % eel t"e class ollo&ed t"e s#llabus completel# and &as spaced appropriatel#$ % elt t"at t"e genetics unit at t"e end o t"e second semester &as con using$ %t didn+t seem to ollo& along &it" &"at &e "ave been doing all #ear$ Su'a# is ver# (no&ledgeable about ever#t"ing t"at &as covered t"is #ear$ ,lt"oug" t"is class is an e-tremel# substantial amount o reading* most o &"ic" is directl# connected to t"e sub'ect at "and* it doesn+t "ave muc" room or complete and 100/ e ort at all times at t"e Conservator#$ !"e best t"ing about t"is class is t"e atmosp"ere Su'a# creates$ %t is an approac"able classroom* ree o 'udgement or attac( i an ans&er is 0incorrect$1 Laug"ter is (e# &"en in class and "e does not "esitate to 'oin in to "elp us learn t"e &a# ever# individual needs to$ !"is class made me eel li(e a real* intelligent "uman being at a 0sc"ool1 o sur aced-based per ormance classes$ !"is course &as "elp ul to me* #es$ !"e instructor did not care t"at "is &"ole class &as ailing$ , clearer understanding &as needed in a more basic sort o &a#$ Su'a# is ver# (no&ledgeable and t"e topics covered are ver# interesting t"oug" a balance needs to be ound bet&een &or(load e-pectations and &"at is easible given sc"edules* a 2uestion o 2ualit# as opposed to 2uantit#$

Sood Evaluations Spring 2004 -- 2 !"is course "as en"anced m# academic &riting s(ills and or t"is % am grate ul$ .ne t"ing t"at &as rustrating or me during t"is class &as t"at t"e amount o reading assigned to us in t"is class &as nearl# impossible to al&a#s complete* given our bus# Boston Conservator# sc"edules$ .verall* % "ave en'o#ed t"is class and % believe % "ave learned a great deal about modern art and its man# movements$ % appreciate all o t"e &isdom and (no&ledge t"at #ou "ave and % t"an( #ou or s"aring it &it" us$ )ave a great li e in %ndia3 4e &ill miss #ou3 Su'a# is a ver# intelligent teac"er$ %t+s obvious t"at "e clearl# understands t"e material t"at is discussed in t"e class$ ,t times t"is course &as ver# c"allenging$ 4"en % &as involved in a s"o&* % "ad a "ard time (eeping up &it" t"e di icult and o ten lengt"# readings$ But % don+t t"in( t"at aspect is necessaril# a &ea(ness o t"e class$ !"is class "as given me a greater a&areness and dept" o understanding about t"e &orld around me$ %t+s rare to ind a teac"er t"at teac"es intelligent and t"oug"-provo(ing ideas and is also able to relate to t"eir students as people$ !"e combination o "umor and ne&* interesting ideas made t"is class a positive e-perience or me$ % &as ver# pleased &it" t"is course$ % learned a lot o in ormation in a s"ort amount o time$ !"e in ormation &as presented at a good pace$ !"e instructor &as e-tremel# (no&ledgeable and &as able to relate t"e material to issues ot"er t"an t"e ones presented in t"e te-t$ % li(ed "aving a course t"at gave me a broader (no&ledge ot"er t"an m# c"osen ield o stud#$ ,lt"oug" % did learn ver# interesting acts* t"ere &as a lot o &or( or a sc"ool t"at ocuses on per ormance$ % could "ave gotten more out o reading e&er boo(s and articles t"an loading on t"e material$ Some o t"e readings % onl# got enoug" in ormation to &rite t"e paper$ Learning about genes and eugenics &as t"e "ig"lig"t o t"e class$ .ut o all liberal arts classes at Boston Conservator#* % li(ed Lib ,rts Core 5 and core 6 t"e most$ !"e materials covered b# t"is course &ere ver# interesting and ver# bene icial or me as an artist$ % t"oug"t t"at t"e irst "al o t"e semester &as &ell paced$ !"e t&o novels t"at &e read &ere great and t"e class time spend on t"em seemed appropriate$ % en'o#ed t"e e-cerpts rom t"e reader #ou made or us$ !"an( #ou3 )o&ever* % reall# &anted some more class time &it" 04"ite Noise$1 !"e section on pop art &as also ver# &ell setup and e-ecuted$ .n t"e one-pagers: %+m glad t"at t"is &as one o t"e re2uirements$ !"e# reall# "elped &it" t"e pace o t"e course and also (ept m# motivation and

Sood Evaluations Spring 2004 -- 3 attention on t"e rig"t trac($ !"an(s or a great semester3 Su'a# is reall# (no&ledgeable* "o&ever % eel more could "ave been added and discussed in class instead o 'ust re-reading t"e assigned reading aloud in class$ 7ranted not ever#one mig"t "ave read but to 'ust spend t"e entire class going around reading became reall# rustrating$ % en'o#ed t"e art "istor# portion as &ell as reading t"e novels$ ,nd i % &as ever stuc( on a deserted island and could onl# pic( one boo( to "ave* %+d c"ose t"e Art in Theory boo( b8c it+s reall# interesting and "as so man# cool8random t"ings rom so man# &onder ul artists$ % believe t"is course is great or students &"o are ver# interested in t"e academics and all o t"ose ot"er great liberal arts classes$ )o&ever* as a student in t"e conservator# &it" numerous re"earsals and p"#sical demands ever#da# and on &ee(ends 9 t"e Art in Theory boo( is not a recommended boo( or our sc"edule$ Su'a# (no&s a lot$ )e is never at a loss or &ords and "e seems genuinel# interested in "is students$ )e could be a bit more lenient and understanding &"en students "ave con licts or misunderstandings regarding t"e class and assignments but all in all* % en'o#ed t"e class and learned$

Course: Liberal Arts Core 6 Course number: L330B Section: 01 !eac"er: Sujay Sood Spring 2004
u!ber o" responders: ##

!eac"er Evaluations rom The Boston Conservatory

1$ 4"at are t"e strengt"s o t"is course: ,ddressed t"e current situation o t"e &orld and gives us a "istorical bac(ground$ ;iverse material$ !"e course s"ould be called 0"o& to seem smart even t"oug" #ou go to t"e Boston Conservator#$1 <aterial is mostl# ver# interesting$ %mportant or us per ormers to "ave a general (no&ledge o $ =ou learn t"ings t"at do not relate completel# to t"eatre* music* dance* and it+s actuall# reall# 2uite re res"ing$

Sood Evaluations Spring 2004 -- 4 2$ 4"at are t"e &ea(nesses o t"is course: !"e boo(s assigned aren+t on spar(notes$ Blast$ Some material &as overl# academic$ >some essa#s rom t"e ,%! boo(? % eel li(e &e cover suc" a broad area o sub'ects t"at some never get ull understood or learned$ 3$ 4"at are t"e strengt"s o t"e instructor: @er# (no&ledgeable$ Ano&ledgeable$ Bun but (no&s &"en not to ta(e s"it$ @er# (no&ledgable$ <a(es material interesting and eas# to compre"end$ Briendl#* laid bac(* educated* involved* in students lives and pro'ects$ 7reat gu#$ 4$ 4"at are t"e &ea(nesses o t"e instructor: Sometimes a little too s"ort$ 5$ 4"at &ould #ou c"ange to ma(e t"is class more e ective: <ore videos &it" ridiculous britis" men$ 6$ 4"at additional comments &ould #ou li(e to add: %+ll miss #ou* Su'a#$ % #ou spell c"ec( #our name on <icroso t 4ord* it becomes 0Sugar# Sod$1 )a"a" Su'a#* great &or(ing &it" #ou man$ %+m not a ver# smart person and % elt t"at a lot o t"e t"ings &e &ent over in class &ere interesting but 'ust a bit over m# "ead$ % loved t"e "istor# stu $ % guess % love t"e "istor# stu because it doesn+t ta(e muc" t"oug"t and it is &"at it is$ % ind it a ascinating "o& t"ings develop 9 cause and e ect$ % % &ere to ta(e t"is class over again$ % &ould &ant to "ave more "istor# and t"in( less$ % 'ust don+t "ave t"e brainpo&er* a ter all o t"e per orming$ But t"at+s 'ust me$ !"an(s Su'a#3 !"e e-ams are "ard$ Ceall# "ard$ ,nd t"e t"ing % don+t get is "o& % can stud# and ail* &"ile ot"ers can completel# BS t"e e-am and pass$ Dust an observation$ ,side rom t"at* t"e one pagers aren+t bad but t"e amount o e-pected reading is$ 30 pages isn+t a lot but &"en it puts #ou to sleep or con uses #ou* it+s anot"er stor#$ )aving a liberal arts class* % t"in( it is trul# important in t"e education at !BC$ 4e are so immersed in our cra t t"at t"is class is actuall# re res"ing

Sood Evaluations Spring 2004 -- 5 to attend* especiall# &"en t"e sub'ect matter in is interesting8 compre"endible$ !"e reading t"at &as tedious and dr# &as e-tra-di icult b8c our time "ere at !BC is ver# precious and little$ But inding time or a good boo( li(e 0&"ite noise1 or 0t"ings all apart1 &as &elcome$ Su'a# is ver# interested in &"at "e teac"es* ma(ing it eas# to listen and "ave class discussions$ )e &elcomes opposing opinions alt"oug" rarel# accepts t"em$ Eersonall#* % en'o#ed t"e scienti ic sub'ects li(e Breud 8 genetics8 ps#c"olog#$ )ave un in %ndia3 % t"in( t"at Su'a# is ver# (no&ledgeable about "is sub'ects$ % t"oug"t also t"at t"ere &as a clear line orm t"e beginning o t"e semester to t"e end$ % li(ed "o& sometimes &e got a brea( or a surprised 0end o class earl#$1 % t"in( t"ere &as an ample amount o &or( to be done but did not eel over&"elmed b# it$ % li(e "o& Su'a# doesn+t ta(e s"it but is at t"e same understanding i t"ere is a problem$ % reall# elt smarter a ter t"e semester$ E-ams suc( but % got over it$ Ero $ Sood is &it"out doubt one o t"e greatest instructors %+ve ever "ad in m# li e so ar$ )is course is one o t"e most interesting and &ellpresented o all %+ve ta(en$ )e is a great t"in(er* and "is artistic and p"ilosop"ical vie&s in luenced m# o&n in a most positive direction$ !"e selection o t"e material covered is great and ver# original$ ,bove all* Ero $ Sood is a great personalit#* 'ust t"e rig"t t#pe to direct and guide a #oung artist$ )e is ver# demanding but also ver# understanding o t"e students and "is vie&s are ver# open$ % &as never "esitant to e-press m#sel in class and ound t"at our vie&s are ver# similar$ % &ill continued to admire Ero $ Sood and "is teac"ing &ill remain a source o inspiration or me or #ears to come$ % am ver# grate ul to "im or all t"e e ort "e invested ver# unsel is"l# &it" a sole purpose to "elp us$

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