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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Jenna Jongekrijg Date 4/23/14 Subject/ Topic/ Theme Fables Grade 3rd

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

This inal lesson ties e!er"thing that #e ha!e learned together and assesses #hat the" ha!e learned$

Learners will be able to#

Summari,e a able -denti " elements in a able .ick out the main character and their traits -denti " a moral in a able -llustrate a able Demonstrate their kno#ledge on #hat the" ha!e learned about ables

cogniti!e% & ' (p (n ) *+

ph"sical de!elopment

socio% emotional

(p ' ' ' (p (p

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.2 Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and !t"s fro di#erse cultures$ deter ine t"e central essage, lesson, or oral and e%&lain "o' it is con#e!ed t"roug" ke! details in t"e te%t. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.3 (escribe c"aracters in a stor! )e.g., t"eir traits, oti#ations, or feelings* and e%&lain "o' t"eir actions contribute to t"e se+uence of e#ents.
01ote# 2rite as man" as needed$ -ndicate ta3onom" le!els and connections to applicable national or state standards$ - an objecti!e applies to particular learners #rite the name0s4 o the learner0s4 to #hom it applies$4 +remember5 understand5 appl"5 anal",e5 e!aluate5 create

II. 'efore (ou start Identif( !rere)uisite *nowledge and s*ills.

6no#ledge o #hat the" ha!e learned in other lessons about ables$

Pre-assessment (for learning): 7bser!ing #hat the" ha!e learned and grasped in the pre!ious lessons$

Outline assessment activities 0applicable to this lesson4

Formative (for learning): (sking 8uestions5 sho#ing e3ample5 monitoring progress$ Formative (as learning): Filling out the cubes #ith the rubric as their guide$ Summative (of learning49 The inal post assessment$

+ at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" + at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(e.!erientiall(emotionall(- etc.- for (our students to do t is lesson"

Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation .ro!ide options or perception% making information perceptible Fable on paper *ube )lements poster .ro!ide options or language5 mathematical e3pressions5 and s"mbols% clarify & connect language

Provide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression .ro!ide options or ph"sical action% increase options for interaction Students #ill stand or raise hand as a response *reating a cube .ro!ide options or e3pression and communication% increase me ium of e!pression

Provide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement .ro!ide options or recruiting interest% choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats - #ill be telling lies gi!ing authenticit" to the moral$ Fill out cube as an indi!idual .ro!ide options or sustaining e ort and persistence% optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back

:erbal Discussions

:erbal &eading 2riting

Students #ill the use rubric and - #ill gi!e them eedback on their post assessments a ter re!ie#ing them$


.ro!ide options or comprehension% activate, apply & highlight

&ubric has them acti!el" appl" kno#ledge gained about ables

.ro!ide options or e3ecuti!e unctions% coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies

.ro!ide options or sel %regulation% e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection

&ubrics #ill monitor progress )3ample o completed cube

<a!e the students re!ie# the rubric to kno# the e3pectations or their cube$

/aterials1w at materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for t is lesson and are t e( read( to use"

*ubes5 rubric5 post assessment$

Students #ill be at their desks$ How will (our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. 2 e Plan 2ime 617 Com!onents /otivation 0opening/ introduction/ engagement4 3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in*ing )uestions and5or !rom!ts. )3plain that - am going to tell them some sentences &aise hand or stand up$ and - #ant them to raise their hand i the" think am telling the truth and stand i the" think - am l"ing$ - ha!e ten horses$ - o#n a castle$ - #as a s#immer in the 7l"mpics$ - ha!e a pet cheetah$ - ha!e been to outer space$ - can eat ice cream or ree an" time that - #ant$ (sk #h" the" don=t belie!e me> (sk #h" the" think - am l"ing> )3plain that the moral #e are going to read has to do #ith liars$ Gi!e each student a paper #ith the able The Shepherd ?o" and The 2ol $ )3plain that the" are going to make cubes based o the able and that the" should listen closel" and ollo# along$ Tell them the" can underline elements the" see in the stor" 0elements poster #ill be in ront o room4$ &ead able9 The Shepherd ?o" and The 2ol 0page 114 out loud to the class$ <a!e a student pass out a rubric and ha!e students get their cra"ons or markers out$ Sho# students m" e3ample cube and tell them the"

(ns#er 8uestions


3evelo!ment 0the largest component or main bod" o the lesson4

@isten and underline the elements in the able$




are going to create their o#n b" using this rubric$ 2alk through the rubric b" sho#ing m" cube as an e3ample 0belo#4$ :61;7 .ass out cubes and tell students to get started$ 2alk around and assist an" students that ha!e 8uestions or need help$ Tell the students the" can keep their able the" ha!e #ritten inside the cube5 an" o their a!orite ables or morals the" ha!e learned$ ;71<7 Closure 0conclusion5 culmination5 #rap%up4 Tell the students the" are going to take a inal 8ui, on ables$ Gi!e out the post assessment$ 7nce the" are done5 the" ma" continue #orking on cubes until e!er"one is done #ith the 8ui,$

Fill out cube$

Fill out 8ui,$ Finish cube

=our reflection about t e lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne.t time. 02rite this a ter teaching the lesson5 i "ou had a chance to teach it$ - "ou did not teach this lesson5 ocus on the process o preparing the lesson$4

- enjo"ed ho# this lesson #rapped e!er"thing that #as emphasi,ed through out the lessons up into one product$ The students seemed to lo!e #orking #ith their cube and - sa# a lot o e ort go into them because it #as something that the" cared about$ - - #ere to do this lesson o!er again - #ould include the cubes5 but #ould ha!e each table ill it out to a di erent able$ This #a"5 students could ha!e shared their cubes #ith their neighboring tables and the" could be used as a classroom displa" to remind them o e!er"thing that the" learned$ - #ould also go o!er the rubric in more detail because - do not think m" students ha!e had much e3perience reading a rubric and that #as a barrier to ho# much creati!it" and learning #ent into the cube$ 2ith the inal post assessment 8ui, - reali,ed man" o the students got A or all B 8uestions right$ This #as an a irming moment or me and made me proud o #hat m" students learned$ - - could ha!e remade this assessment - #ould not ha!e included true and alse because the" do not necessaril" sho# i the student kno#s the ans#er or i it #as a good guess$ - no# kno# that #hen assessing #ith traditional pencil and paper tests it is #iser to ha!e multiple choice ans#ers or better "et short ans#er applicable 8uestions to be able to see #hat the" reall" comprehended through out the unit$ 0ubric .roduct9 Fable *ubes *riteria 0look or49 Title o able5 author o able5 and "our name$ 1 point 1ot Cet 7ne side onl" contains "our name or name o able$ 2 points 7n The 2a" 7ne side has the title o able and "our name$ 3 points (lmost There 7ne side has the title o able5 author o able5 and "our name$ 7ne side has a short summar" o able$ 4 points 272D 7ne side has the title o able5 author o able5 and "our name #ritten neatl"$ 7ne side has a short paraphrasing5

Summar" o able

7ne side has part o the able #ritten on it$

7ne side has a description o able$

Eoral o the able

7ne side does not ha!e moral o the able$ 7ne side does not ha!e a picture o #hat happens in the able$

Dra#ing o able

7ne side has a little part o the moral o the able$ 7ne side has part o a picture that sho#s #hat happens in the able$

7ne side has part o the moral o the able$ 7ne side has a picture that clearl" sho#s #hat happens in the able$

summar" o able$ 7ne side has the moral o the able$ 7ne side has a detailed picture that clearl" sho#s #hat happens in the able$ 7ne side has all the elements o a stor"$

)lements o a Stor"

7ne side does not ha!e an" o the elements o a stor"$

7ne side has t#o elements o a stor"$

7ne side has three elements o a stor"$

)3ample9 Side% The Shepherd ?o" and The 2ol 5 (esop5 Jenna Jongekrijg Side F ( shepherd bo" #as to "ell #ol i he sa# one in order to keep the sheep sa e$ <e lied about a #ol coming t#ice and each time to#n people came running$ The ne3t da" there #as a real #ol and no one came running to stop the #ol $ Side% 1o one belie!es a liar Side% .icture o shepherd shouting #ol Side% Setting,&lace- .eado' .ain c"aracters- S"e&"erd /roble - If a 'olf co es it 'ill kill a s"ee& Solution- S"e&"erd !ells if "e sees a 'olf Lesson, oral- 0o one belie#es a liar


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