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Secondary English Common Field Instructor Feedback Form Department of Teacher Education Michigan State University

Name of Intern: Avery Hammond Name of Field Instructor: Marsha Potter Date of Observation: 12/11/2013 Please use this form to record the three observations you submit to the Secondary Team D2L dropbox for English FIFFs. This form addresses three areas of inquiry in succeeding sections: planning, things you can observe teaching, and things you can conference about after teaching (those standards that are not immediately observable). It is aligned with the English education program standards we assess at midterm and final, each semester. Going from left to right in each section: The first column identifies the standard. The second column is for your notes on specific standards, for your convenience. Also, there is more space for notes at the bottom of each category. The third, fourth and fifth columns are based on what you might expect to look for early in the year, more in the middle of the year, and towards the end of the year. Obviously, interns will vary widely in when they achieve various benchmarks, but this is meant to be convenient: when you use this in September, youre going to be mostly reading and discussing the cells towards the left, which can (hopefully) be disregarded later in the year. Also, we are trying to get away, in this formative instrument, from the Beginningexpanding-connecting language that is read more like grades by interns and mentors. Submit this form to the Secondary Teacher Preparation Team D2L site, in the dropbox labeled Field Instructor Feedback Forms (FIFF) English. Thank you Samantha Caughlan, English Education Program Coordinator,

English: Observational Tool First formal observations in yellow. Second formal observations in blue. Third Formal Evaluation in green. September, 2013 Standard and Elements Evidence of meeting standard Foundational (elements expected to be a focus early in year, and developed quickly) Professional (these are elements expected to be a focus as you approach Lead Teach period) Advanced (elements to refine as you approach the end of the internship year)

Planning (to be completed before observation) 1. Knows and teaches English as a subject matter: a. Knows content: . Objectives in daily plans both short and long- . Has to follow IB indicate attention to ELA term planning show curriculum.. concepts and skills. evidence of knowledge and skills Unit test on Scarlet There are few errors in in reading, literature Letter was about 30% presentation and study, writing, and recall and 70% essay response to students. language study questions requiring appropriate for the textual evidence. students taught

Solid grasp of ELA essentials evident in plans. Reading, writing, speaking and listening are integrated in plans. Activities and assessments challenge learners by going beyond recall.

You draw on a range of materials that both engage students and are particularly suited to achieve your objectives. Plans indicate activities and assessments that promote analysis, inference, interpretation, and/or idea generation.

b. Purpose and coherence: both short and long-term planning show attention to

Objectives, activities, and assessment follow through on one or a few key ideas.

Objectives in daily plans and unit plans show a sequence of growth in knowledge and skills that align

connections among texts, activities, and assessments. Goals for learning are evident to both students and observers c. Promotes Some level of this is independent learning: the ultimate evident. goal of a teacher is that students read, write, and exercise choice and judgment independently.

Students are informed of why this (text, activity, lesson) is important now.

with district curriculum and state standards. You can explain your rationale for a unit of study.

You begin to plan classroom routines that foster student independence.

Plans over time show evidence of gradual release of responsibility for reading, writing, and routines. You plan for student interaction and participation. Plans show opportunities (during lessons or built into assessment) for students to exhibit conceptual understanding and achievement of skills. Formative and summative assessment build on each other to show evidence of growing understanding over time.

Plans show evidence of development of meta-cognitive skills in ELA on the part of students.

d. Teaches for understanding

Plans indicate opportunities to check for understanding at intervals.

Plans include opportunities for students to lead lessons on occasion.

3. Assesses student learning a. Sets assessable goals

Good exit question following introduction on Hucklebury Finn unit. Assessments include tests and quizzes, presentations,

Daily plans include formative assessment of goals for the lesson that allow students to exhibit understanding

A variety of assessments is used over time, carefully chosen to assess particular goals. Students may be involved in planning

compositions, the latter two with IB rubrics. 7. Engages guardians and community: c. Uses community resources in teaching and/or curriculum (planning) Planning notes:

Planning works backward from assessments.

or choosing assessments. Materials selected that draw on community language usage, locally-written literature, and your students backgrounds.

Since City High follows the International Baccalaureate curriculum, you will have to work hard at incorporating activities and materials that you create. This is the biggest challenge when you are working with a set curriculum. Try to get at the objectives in ways that support them but that generate from your knowledge and your teaching style. The Agree/Disagree worksheet you created and follow-up discussion was great at engaging students into thinking about the judgments people make and why they make them. Your ninth graders showed amazing maturity and insight into the issues. Consciously write formative assessments into your plans. You could have used an exit slip to determine who did or did understand the difference between the literal and connotative values of words. Also, revisit the definition of diction with some specific examples from The Crucible and The Scarlet Letter. I will be looking for cohesive unit and daily plans of your own making for the Hucklebury Finn/ Realism unit that address literature skills, essay skills and vocabulary. (1a, 1b) You will also show this unit fits into the big picture of instruction. (Also, 1b).

Observed in Teaching: Working with students and the classroom environment 2. Works with Expectations for You make students as learning and behavior expectations clear individuals: are made clear to through multiple a. Clearly students. modes: clear communicates You provide detailed speaking, handouts, steps for clear posters, posting on directions. board or screen, You check for class webpage, etc. understanding before you proceed. Power Point presentations b. Adapts You create opportunities Teaching makes from students, pre-reading curriculum to get to know your evident that activities worksheet, student sharing. students in order to and assessments Few accommodations are adapt curriculum and include adaptations necessary for this gifted instruction. for individual needs. group of learners in a test-in, A variety of teaching c. Employs Strategies for opt-in school. multiple and learning strategies approaching texts strategies begin to be observed. and learning Students were eager to objectives vary share their beliefs with according to students respect to judgment paper. and goals. d. Seeks Activities are introduced Connections are relevance and in ways that connect to made between High level of engagement. authenticity students interests and academic knowledge prior knowledge. and skills and current, out-of-school knowledge and skills. e. Includes, You are observed Activities and accommodates, making sure all students assessments include differentiates are included in learning accommodation and activity. differentiations for

Students use of choice and individual and group adaptation more evident over the year. Refined over time.

Students work on projects and assessments that link the classroom to the outside, adult world. A range of texts and assignments can be accessed according to need, interest, and

4. Organizes a class: a. Structures participation to engage students

High level of engagement.

Per interns input.

More than the usual volunteers are heard from . You begin using a variety of instructional groupings to provide an opportunity for students to interact.

b. Promotes safe and inclusive environment

c. Promotes intellectually engaging environment

Your own manner towards students is respectful, but firm. Your class rules insist on respectful talk and behavior. You are beginning to become aware of the interactional dynamics of the classroom. You include texts and activities that show you are aware of students interests as they relate to academic content.

different students. You are building your toolbox of strategies for gaining and keeping the attention of students. You intentionally use different groupings according to purpose. You begin to use what you have learned about students to mediate conflict. You follow through on consequences for violating expectations.

ability. Students recognize that they are responsible for participating. They move easily among whole-group, pair, small-group and independent work. Students can explicitly state rationale for respectful behavior and why this classroom is a safe place.

Because you know your students, you make connections to their interests and needs. You encourage them You encourage students to work to their to complete work. potential. You find links between classic texts, academic writing genres, and popular texts.

You expect students to approach all texts analytically. Culturally relevant and popular texts, when used, are integrated seamlessly into lessons. Students take up your high standards for talk and writing as the way your class works.

d. Teaches students to productively participate in classroom community

You make your expectations for behavior explicit, and attempt to enforce them consistently. You begin to use verbal reminders and proximity to maintain order.

e. Organizes activity

You follow your plans, for the most part, adjusting them slightly as necessary. Your transitions show thoughtful intention. You have routines for handling space, technology, and materials. Notes on Working with Students and Organizing a Class:

Your expectations for what is good learning behavior adjusts with different activities. Your repertoire for communicating expectations is growing. Students rarely test you. You move among activities smoothly, losing little time in transitions. Students are aware of your routines, and generally follow them.

Your use of glances, gestures, and quick reminders is usually all that is required to maintain a good working environment. Students behave appropriately for the activity. You organization of activities reflects your knowledge of student motivation and learning. You can carry out complex activities.

Most of your students are at a high intellectual level, so you dont have to differentiate instruction very much in that way . However, you have your share of different levels of interest. Some of that may just come from lack of background in these kinds of works or themes. Keep looking for ways to tie the situations in the works to current events or movies students might know or personal views (as in the Anticipation Worksheet you used in class today). Is there a recent newspaper article or news video that would tie in? You could compare the treatment of Hester to the way women and girls in this age are condemned and punished in many cultures for actions by men. Go on line and see if you can get ideas from other teachers of ways to make the connections. Also, when students at this level of intelligence do the agree/disagree worksheets, they should be encouraged to draw support from history, literature, religion, culture, etc. to show they are thinking beyond their immediate situations. When testing students, position yourself so that you can see the entire class to prevent cheating and to identify students who seem to be struggling. Make students who have questions come to you and stand beside you, not in front of you, to

do so. Never completely take your eyes off of the classroom. You could also rearrange students on test days. Do not use the students testing time for grading or whatever. Your attention needs to be on them, not your paperwork. Continue to work on command in the classroom. Try to make your presentations and directions crisp, not dragged out. Know the material VERY well before you present it as your students are of the level that they will ask questions. If a question arises that you cannot immediately answer, promise to research it and have an answer ready the next class period. Structure your lessons so that there is NO downtime or openings for side chatter.Control discussion on the value sheets you often use. Perhaps each group could consider one statement, react to it within the group, and then find support for their opinion. Have the group do a poster to which other students can add comments after class, during lunch, etc. Overall, be very well prepared and practice what you are going to teach!!! Have the exit question and assignment written on an overhead transparency to eliminate the last minute talking over students as they get ready to leave the classroom.

Observed in teaching: Exhibiting pedagogical content knowledge 1. Knows and teaches English as subject matter: c. independent learning You clearly communicate through speech and classroom routines that students are responsible for their own work. You ask open-ended questions that affirm students thinking about content. You encourage students to find or develop answers themselves. You teach students how to use print and digital texts to increase independent learning. You develop tools for discussion and other ways for students to participate. You create engaging class activities that require Students make independent choices of readings and assessments. A majority of students engage in class discussions. Students regularly monitor self and peer progress towards completing assignments.

You did an excellent job of distributing questions nearly equally between boys and girls. Also, you acknowledged responses with good comments.

d. Teaches for understanding

7. Engages guardians and community d. Practices language awareness

You check for understanding of concepts at intervals. Written assignments provide opportunities for students to demonstrate understanding. You are respectful of students home and community language practices. You are clear about when the standard dialect is required.

students to prepare in order to take part. . Lessons and written assignments provide opportunities for students to build on what they have learned previously. You are strategic about when and how you require standard English. You explicitly discuss the advantages of knowing different registers and using them appropriately. You approach students as individuals to give them concrete help as needed on assignments, based on your knowledge of their academic needs. You allow for revision of work where it helps students learning. You regularly review

Students independently apply understandings in new activities.

Students may make language variation the focus of inquiry in your classes. They are comfortable expressing themselves in a range of registers.

3. Assesses student learning b. Assesses students as individuals

You are beginning to learn your students academic strengths and weaknesses. You develop means of tracking student progress.

When asked, you can refer to student assessments over time to define the arc of learning for a particular student. You are developing means of student monitoring of their own progress.

c. Adjusts

Great details added to the

When a lesson does not

You adjust progress

based on ongoing assessment

existing Power Point presentation on Hawthorne. Review work on compound sentences, using punctuation.

go well, you make attempts to adjust and reteach. You are beginning to adjust your assignments based on what you are seeing in written work.

student talk and writing as a guide for teaching. In response, you shift mode of activity, time allowed, communication, or assignment expectations as needed.

through a unit based on how students are doing. You plan upcoming units based on students responses to earlier instruction.

Notes on Exhibiting Pedagogical Content Knowledge

5. Uses space and technologies in a classroom: a. Designs classroom to promote learning

Dont get stuck with one group when helping students. Make sure you continue to scan the classroom for students who are off task or for those who have their hands raised. Try not to have your back to anyone.

You work with mentor to set up seating arrangement and access to materials to promote smooth transitions and good communication with and among students.

You move freely within the classroom to enhance contact with students. You have students move seats to suit different modes of learning (individual, small group and whole-group activity), although transitions may be rough.

Students recognize the different behavioral expectations required by different room configurations. Transitions between setups take place smoothly.

b. Uses multiple modes to technologically enhance learning c. Provides access to available technology

You use photos, video, sound, or PowerPoint to enhance lessons at intervals.

You purposefully use multiple modes to help organize a lesson or enhance grasp of concepts.

You engage students in using multiple modes to demonstrate conceptual learning.

You have students use some technology in the classroom as you explore what is available in your building. You design assignments with what you know of students access to technology in mind.

d. Monitors technological issues Notes on using space and technologies in a classroom: I like what you have done to make the environment in your classroom more inviting and intellectually interesting. Keep adding things, and move displays around to maintain a freshness. Continue to do things that keep the classroom walls and spaces interesting and organized. Students should not see the same things for more than the length of a unit. Every poster does not have to change, but something specific to the unit should change. Can you find pictures of the actors who were in the movie? How about a picture of Hawthorne, maybe even a picture of the college he attended? Such things personalize the author and help students visualize the characters.The physical space of the classroom can be used to enhance the learning experience.

Becoming a professional (to discuss after observation, with intern and mentor)

6. Joins a faculty and a school: a. Attends to policies 8.Engages with profession of teaching as reflective learner: b. Cultivates a teachers manner c. Negotiates working relationships

Has observed all of the other English teachers in the building. Collaborates or asks questions of cohort university group.

You are aware of policies, and know where to find out about them when needed. You have studied the faculty handbook. You are generally successful at striking a balance between friendliness and firmness. You communicate your expectations through your gaze and tone. You and your mentor are developing routines for communicating consistently and openly about plans and students. You attend faculty meetings, and are getting to know colleagues in your department.

You consistently enforce school policies as part of your classroom routine. Students accept you as the teacher in the room. You perform the warm demander persona well, providing discipline and support for learning. You and your mentor have developed ways of dividing responsibility for the different classes in ways that work for you and your students. You are accepted as an English teacher by your department, and ask for and share ideas about teaching. You manage time well, and are reliably prepared for each lesson. Students receive

You can discuss the tradeoffs of different policies, and might actually try to shape them in your building. You have a range of responses to challenges that arise, and draw on the appropriate manner as needed.

You can articulate your approach to collaborating with colleagues, and have examples of productive collaboration to share with future employers.

d. Teaches responsibly

You are reliably on time in the building and with your lesson plans. You are developing awareness of what is

happening in the building and among your students, attending to safety. You can explain how to handle a possible crisis with a student (e.g., harm to oneself or others). Notes on becoming a professional:

work back in a timely manner. You know what is occurring in your classroom, and your classroom is a safe place.

What did you take away from the two PD days? Interesting how the time off for students impacted their behavior and level of thinking! Time to re-establish the rules and expectations. The most important part of being a professional is being exceptionally well prepared. Teaching is a demanding job which requires a lot of out-of-school work and much reflection.

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