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Adjective Clause (Klausa Adjektif)

Tujuan Pembelajaran : Setelah selesai pembahasan materi ini peserta didik diharapkan mampu: 1. Menjelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan adjective clause dan relative pronoun 2. Menyebutkan macam macam relative pronoun dan masing masing ungsinya. !. Menjelaskan perbedaan antara relative pronoun who, which, whom, whose. ". Menggunakan r elative pronoun untuk melengkapi kalimat. #lustrasi: Saya suka buku............ada di atas meja itu. $ata apa yang c%c%k untuk mengisi titik titik di atas& Sebelum lebih jauh berbicara tentang adjecti'e clause. Terlebih dahulu pelajari istilah istilah berikut ini: 1. ('erb). 2. Independent Clause ( $lausa #ndependen) adalah : kalimat lengkap yang mengandung sebuah subjek dan sebuah kata kerja ('erb). Independent Clause disebut juga main clause. Dependent Clause ( $lausa #ndependen) adalah :kalimat tidak lengkap yang harus dihubungkan kepada sebuah Independent Clause. Adjective Clause ($lausa *djekti ) adalah :sebuah dependent clause yang mem%di ikasi sebuah kata benda yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan+ mengidenti ikasi+ atau memberi in %rmasi lebih lanjut tentang benda tersebut. Adjective Clause disebut juga Relative Clause. Clause ( $lausa) adalah : sekel%mp%k kata yang mengandung sebuah subjek dan sebuah kata kerja



,-ample # like the b%%k which is %n the table. $ata .hich mem%di ikasi kata b%%k. $lausa *djecti'e biasanya dia.ali %leh kata yang disebut relative pronoun atau kata ganti penghubung yang ber ungsi untuk menghubungkan $ata /enda yang dijelaskan dengan $alimat yang menjelaskannya. Macam Macam $ata 0anti Penghubung (1elati'e Pr%n%uns) 2 .h% 2 .h%m 2 .h%se 2 .hich 2 that S%me ,-amples
$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata

1. The man who came here just now is Mr.4ahyu. (5Pria yang baru saja datang ke sini adalah Pak 4ahyu) 2. The ilm which I saw last night .as 'ery g%%d. (56ilm yang saya lihat tadi malam sangat bagus) !. The girls whom I met in the party last night are 'ery riendly. (50adis gadis yang saya jumpai di pesta tadi malam sangat ramah.) ". The b%y .h%se ather died l%%ks 'ery sad. (5*nak lelaki yang ayahnya meninggal itu tampak sangat sedih.) 7uesti%n 1 Tahukah kamu apa arti kata kata .h%+ .hich+ .h%m+ .h%se+ yang terdapat dalam c%nt%h kalimat tadi& : 7uesti%n 2 $arena keempat kata tersebut memiliki arti yang sama dalam bahasa #nd%nesia+ dapatkah kata kata tersebut saling menggantikan& : meskipun keempat relati'e pr%n%un tersebut memiliki makna yang sama dalam bahasa #nd%nesia+ namun masing masing memiliki ungsi yang berbeda 2 beda. .h% dan .h%m hanya digunakan untuk kata ganti penghubung %rang.Sedangkan .hich digunakan untuk kata ganti penghubung benda Perhatikan 8%nt%h /erikut9 1. # thanked the man who helped me. 2. They killed the d%g which bit a b%y. :atihan. 8%mplete these sentences .ith who %r which . 1. 2. !. ". >. # d%n;t kn%. the girl ........... talked .ith y%u. The b%%k ........... <%u b%ught yesterday is 'ery g%%d. She .ants a maga=ine...........has al%t % picture in it. The p%lice caught the thie my m%ney. ?id y%u see s%me%ne ............ent %ut r%m this r%%m&

Apa perbedaan antara who, whom, dan whose? @ntuk menja.ab pertanyaan di atas+ perhatikan c%nt%h c%nt%h kalimat berikut ini 1.The man wh% dri'es an aer%plane is called a pil%t 2.The ilm .as ab%ut a man who %ught against the c%rrupti%n. !.The man whom # met in the party a pil%t ".# .ill 'isit the d%ct%r whom y%u talked ab%ut. >.The man whose s%n died l%%ked sad. A.President Susil% .ill 'isit the pe%ple whose h%uses .ere damage by l%%ds. :atihan. 6ill in the blanks .ith+ who+ whom+ %r whose9 1. The man .............she married .ith le t her a m%nth a ter they g%t married. 2. # met the girl BBBBy%u sa. in the party. !. They 'isited the man BBBBB.b%ught a ne. car.
$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata

". 3as he talked t% the girl .............. b%%k he b%rr%.ed yesterday& >. The .%man BBB.. car .as st%len called the p%lice. A. The ser'ant the 'ase ap%l%gi=ed %r her carelessness. C. # ap%l%gi=ed t% the .%man.............# spilled her c% ee. D. They met the .%man...............husband is the president % the c%rp%rati%n. E. The passengers..............came late missed the train. 1F.The pr% es%r...............the%ry used e' died at the age % CF. /agaimana cara menggunakan kata that. Relative pronoun (kata penghubung) who, whom dan which dalam kalimat kalimat di atas dapat diganti dengan Relative pronoun (kata penghubung) that. ,-amples 1. The passengers who came late missed the train. Menjadi: The passengers that came late missed the train. 2. # ap%l%gi=ed t% the .%man whom # spilled her c% ee. Menjadi: # ap%l%gi=ed t% the .%man that # spilled her c% ee. !. The ilm which # sa. last night .as 'ery g%%d. Menjadi: The ilm that # sa. last night .as 'ery g%%d. Latihan . Fill in the blan s !ith " !h#, !h#m, !h#se #r !hich. 1. 3e has eaten the ruit BBBB. he b%ught this m%rning. 2. # sa. the d%ct%r BBBBB. # met in the h%spital. !. She has studied the less%n BBBBBthe teacher e-plained last .eek. ". # met the girl BBBBy%u sa. in the party. >. They 'isited the man BBBBB.b%ught a ne. car. A. 3as he returned the b%%k BBBB.. he b%rr%.ed yesterday& C. Siti .ill n%t p%st the letter BBBB she .r%te yesterday. D. 4e rem%'ed the chair BBBB..y%u b%ught last .eek. E. The .%man BBBBB has glasses is my m%ther. 1F. The girls BBBB.. are playing '%lleyball are SMP 1 students. 11. The man BBBB. died % hunger is 'ery %ld. 12. The .%man BBB.. car .as st%len called the p%lice. 1!. # met the girl BBBB.. umbrella .as le t. 1". She married the man BBBB.i e died last year. 1>. 3e kn%.s the man BBBB.. s%n .ent t% ,ngland t.% years ag%. 1A. The %ld man BBBBB y%u helped in the street is his grandpa. 1C. ?% y%u see s%me%ne BBBBBis bringing a suitcase& 1D. # d%n;t like pe%ple BBBB. talk t%% much. 1E. The ilm BBBBBB# .atched last night is ab%ut the Gietnam;s .ar. 2F. 4e 'isited the amily BBBB.. h%use .as %n ire last m%nth. 21. The ser'ant br%ke the plate aunt b%ught in the market. 22. 3a'e y%u read the maga=ine BBBBBB. # ga'e t% y%u& 2!. The y%ung lady BBBB.. li'es ne-t t% me is 'ery beauti ul. 2". The b%ys BBBB. are playing %%tball l%%k 'ery happy.
$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata

2>. The man BBB..d%g bit a b%y is called by the p%lice. 2A. ?id y%u remember the man BBBBB m%t%r2cycle hit y%u& 2C. The man BBBBB. # met this m%rning is a tail%r. 2D. The y%ung man BBBBshe married a m%nth ag% died % cancer. 2E. The cat sleeping by the d%%r is 'ery tame. !F. *re the sh%es BBBBBB.. y%u b%ught last Sunday c%m %rtable t% .ear&

?egrees % 8%mparis%n (Tingkat Perbandingan)

4e use degrees % c%mparis%n .hen .e .ant t% c%mpare things %r pe%ple. (5$ita menggunakan tingkat perbandingan bila kita ingin membandingan benda atau %rang) :%%k at this e-ample: 1. *mir is as clever as *hmad. (5*mir sama pandainya dengan *hmad.) ,-planati%n : @ngkapan as cle'er as adalah c%nt%h bentuk perbandingan untuk membandingkan dua hal yang sama. Perbandingan seperti ini disebut p%siti'e degree atau perbandingan tingkat p%siti . :%%k at this e-ample: 2. * bu al% is bigger than a sheep.(5Seek%r kerbau lebih besar daripada seek%r d%mba.) ,-planati%n : @ngkapan bigger than adalah bentuk perbandingan. Perbandingan seperti ini disebut c%mparati'e degree atau perbandingan tingkat lebih. :%%k at this e-ample: !. Hakarta is the largest city in #nd%nesia. (5Hakarta adalah k%ta paling besar di #nd%nesia.) ,-planati%n : @ngkapan the largest adalah juga bentuk perbandingan. Perbandingan seperti ini disebut superlati'e degree atau perbandingan tingkat paling. Perhatikan c%nt%h n%m%r 2 dan ! di atas 2. * bu al% is bigger than a sheep. $ata : bigger berasal dari kata big (5besar) yang ditambah akhiran er (5lebih). !. Hakarta is the largest city in #nd%nesia. $ata : largest berasal dari kata large (5luas) yang ditambah akhiran est (5paling) ,-planati%n Sebuah kata si at (adjecti'e) dan kata keterangan (ad'erb) yang pendek (hanya satu suku kata) dapat diubah dari tingkat p%siti (p%siti'e degree) menjadi tingkat k%mparati (c%mparati'e degree) dengan cara ditambah akhiran er dan menjadi tingkat superlati (superlati'e degree) dengan cara ditambah akhiran est. Perhatikan c%nt%h berikut: I% P%siti'e ?egree 8%mparati'e ?egree 4 Superlati'e ?egree

$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata

1. 2. !. ". >.

:%ng (panjang) Tall (tinggi) 8heap (murah) Small (kecil) 6unny (lucu)

:%nger (lebih panjang) Taller (lebih tinggi 8heaper (lebih murah) Smaller (lebih kecil) 6unnier (lebih lucu)

:%ngest (paling panjang) Tallest (paling tinggi) 8heapest (paling murah) Smallest (paling kecil) 6unniest (paling lucu)

Sedangkan untuk kata si at (adjecti'e) dan kata keterangan (ad'erb) yang panjang (dua suku kata atau lebih) dapat diubah dari tingkat p%siti (p%siti'e degree) menjadi tingkat k%mparati (c%mparati'e degree) dengan cara ditambah kata M R! dan menjadi tingkat superlati (superlati'e degree) dengan cara ditambah kata M "#. Perhatikan c%nt%h berikut: I%
1. 2. !. ". >.

P%siti'e ?egree
#mp%rtant (penting) ?anger%us (bahaya) /%ring (memb%sankan) ?iligent (rajin) ,-pensi'e (mahal)

8%mparati'e ?egree
M%re imp%rtant (lebih penting) M%re danger%us (lebih bahaya) M%re b%ring (lebih memb%sankan) M%re diligent (lebih rajin) M%re e-pensi'e (lebih mahal)

Superlati'e ?egree
M%st imp%rtant (paling penting) M%st danger%us (paling bahaya) M%st b%ring (paling memb%sankan) M%st diligent (paling rajin) M%st e-pensi'e (paling mahal)

/eberapa kata si at memiliki tingkat k%mparati (c%mparati'e degree) dan tingkat superlati (superlati'e degree) yang tidak beraturan. *rtinya tidak ditambah akhiran er untuk k%mparati dan tidak ditambah akhiran est untuk superlati nya. /erikut ini da tar kata si at yang memiliki bentuk k%mparati dan superlati yang tidak beraturan: I%
1. 2. !. ". >.

P%siti'e ?egree
0%%d (baik) /ad (buruk) 6ar (jauh) :ittle (sedikit) ManyJmuch (banyak)

8%mparati'e ?egree
/etter (lebih baik) 4%rse (lebih buruk) 6urther (lebih jauh) :ess (lebih sedikit) M%re (lebih banyak)

Superlati'e ?egree
/est (paling baik) 4%rst (paling jelek) 6urthest (paling jauh) :east (paling sedikit) M%st (paling banyak)

,-ercise 1 :engkapilah tabel berikut dengan p%siti'e degree+ c%mparati'e degree dan superlati'e degree yang benar. Sebutkan pula makna bahasa #nd%nesianya
$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata

P%siti'e ?egree
Sh%rt (pendek) 6ast (cepat)

8%mparati'e ?egree

Superlati'e ?egree

darker (lebih gelap) deeper (lebih dalam) highest (tertinggi) smartest (paling cerdas) 3appiest (paling bahagia)

I%tes 1. ?alam kalimat tingkat k%mparati biasanya diikuti %leh kata than yang makna bahasa #nd%nesianya daripadaK 2. ?alam kalimat tingkat superlati biasanya didahului %leh kata the !. 3uru y pada kata happy+ la=y+ cra=y+ pretty+ dsb. harus diubah menjadi i sebelum ditambah akhiran er atau iest ,-amples 1. My ruler is longer than y%urs. 2. S% i l%%ks happier than Santi. !. The .eather t%day is hotter than yesterday. ". / S%l% is the longest ri'er in Ha'a island. >. ?% y%u kn%. .h% the richest man in #nd%nesia is& ,-ercise 2 : 8%mplete the sentences .ith the c%rrect %rm % degrees % c%mparis%n % the .%rd in brackets. (:engkapilah kalimat berikut dengan bentuk p%siti'e degree+ c%mparati'e degree atau superlati'e degree dari kata yang tersedia dalam kurung.) 1. Mr. $%dir is LLLLLLL than Mr. Pedr%. (rich) 2. 3anna is theLLLLLLL student in m class. (smart) !. <%ur dicti%nary is asLLLLLLL as hers. (g%%d) ". ?% y%u remember .hat theLLLLLLL m%ment in y%ur li e is& (happy) >. 8an a d%nkey run LLLLLLL than a h%rse& ( ast) A. *hmad is theLLLLLLLLLLLLL student in my class (diligent) C. ,nglish is n%t as LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL as m%st pe%ple think. (di icult) D. The tsunami in *ceh killed LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL pe%ple than it .as in Hapan (many) E. My c%mputer is LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL than y%urs. (e-pensi'e) 1F. 1eading a b%%k is LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL than .atching tele'isi%n. (use ul) ,-ercise !. Make a sentence based %n the picture. Pictures bel%. are %r number 1 ". (number 1 is d%ne %r an e-ample)

$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata

Iame : Mrs. :ucy *ge : !> years %ld 3eight : 1A> cm tall

Iame : Mrs. :aura *ge : >F years %ld 3eight : 1CF cm tall

1. Mrs. :aura is %lder than Mrs. :ucy. (Iy. :aura lebih tua daripada Iy. :ucy) 2. Mrs. :aura is LLLLLLLLLLLLLL than Mrs. :ucy. (tall) !. Mrs :ucy is LLLLLLLLLLLLLL than Mrs. :aura. (sh%rt) ". Mrs :ucy is LLLLLLLLLLLLLL than Mrs. :aura. (y%ung)

M%nas /uilt : in 2Fth century century 3eight : CF m

,i el /uilt : in 1Dth 3eight : 12F m

>. ,i el is LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL than M%nas. (high) A. ,i el is LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL than M%nas. (%ld) ,-ercice ". 1eaarange these jumbled .%rds int% a g%%d sentence9 1. than 2 a starts m%st 2 earlier rep%rter .%rking pe%ple 5M LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 2. the ne.spaper $%mpas is the in city largest. 5M LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL !. % ice rep%rter Him Tayl%r the his is %ldest in. 5M LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ". #n the m%rning it study in the a tern%%n than is better t% 5M LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL >. than late better ne'er is it 5M LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata

Eliptical Sentence (Kalimat Eliptik)

Tujuan Pembelajaran Setelah selesai pr%ses belajar mengajar tuntas+ sis.a diharapkan mampu: 1. Menjelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan ,liptical Sentence. 2. Membuat kalimat eliptik yang berasal dari dua buah kalimat !. Menggunakan kalimat eliptik untuk memberi resp%ns p%siti *dalah kalimat yang dihilangkan sebagian karena bagian yang dihilangkan tersebut memiliki kesamaan gramatikal dengan kalimat sebelumnya. $alimat ,liptik merupakan gabungan 2 (dua) buah kalimat yang memiliki Subjek berbeda tetapi bagian yang lainnya sama. $alimat yang di2eliptik2kan adalah kalimat yang kedua. Pahami 8%nt%h /erikut: 1. # am a student. My b%ther is a student. $edua kalimat di atas dapat digabung menjadi : # am a student+ and my brother is too. *T*@ : # am a student+ and so is my brother. 2. 3e can %perate a c%mputer. # can %perate a c%mputer.

$edua kalimat di atas dapat digabung menjadi : 3e can %perate a c%mputer+ and I can too. *T*@ : 3e can %perate a c%mputer and+ so can I. !. <%u l%'e Sundanese %%d. She l%'es Sundanese %%d.

$edua kalimat di atas dapat digabung menjadi : <%u l%'e Sundanese %%d+ and she does too. *T*@ : <%u l%'e Sundanese %%d+ and so does she.

$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


My ather d%esn;t like lamb. My m%ther d%esn;t like lamb. $edua kalimat tersebut dapat gabungkan menjadi: My ather d%esn;t like lamb+and my mother doesn$t either. *T*@ : My ather d%esn;t like lamb+ and neither does my mother.


She didn;t .atch the %%tball match %n TG last night. 4e didn;t .atch the %%tball match %n TG last night. $alimat tersebut dapat dieliptikkan menjadi: She didn;t .atch the %%tball match %n TG last night+ and we didn$t either. *T*@ : She didn;t .atch the %%tball match %n TG last night+ and neither did we. $ui% 1. &uatlah alimat elipti dari pasan'an alimat beri ut ini.


She can dance .ell. 3er sister can dance .ell. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 2. She d%esn;t speak ,nglish .ell. They d%esn;t speak ,nglish .ell. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL !. She is reading a maga=ine. 4e are reading a maga=ine. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ". T%n% didn;t buy a ne. b%%k b%%k. 3is sister didn;t buy a ne. b%%k. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL >. #nd%nesia is a tr%pical c%untry. Thailand is a tr%pical c%untry. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL *da kata kata khusus yang digunakan untuk membuat kalimat eliptik yaitu: 1. untuk kalimat p%siti a. t%% b. s% 2. untuk kalimat negati'e a. either b. neither Perhatikan Perbedaan :etak $ata t%% dan s% dalam kalimat berikut: 1. * radi% is an electr%nic media+ and a TG is too. 2. * radi% is an electr%nic media+ and so is a TG.

$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata

$ata t%% diletakkan di akhir kalimat+ sedangkan kata s% diletakkan di tengah kalimat setelah kata and. Perhatikan Pula Perbedaan :etak $ata either dan neither dalam kalimat berikut: 1. My ather d%esn;t like #ndian ilms+ and # d%n;t either. 2. My ather d%esn;t like #ndian ilms+ and neither do #. $ata either diletakkan di akhir kalimat+ sedangkan kata neither diletakkan di tengah kalimat setelah kata and. 7ui= 2. Pilihlah kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat eliptik berikut ini. ,-ample 1 # like ,nglish+ and my sister d%es.......... a. t%% c. either b. s% d. neither ,-ample 2. She .ill n%t g% t% the party+ and......... .ill her sister. a. t%% c. either b. s% d. Ieither 1. <%u .ant t% pass the e-am+ and # d%...... a. t%% c. either b. s% d. neither 2. # can;t remember his name+ and she can;t............ a. t%% c. either b. s% d. neither !. ,nglish is a di icult subject+ and mathematics. a. t%% c. either b. s% d. neither ". # .%n;t g% t% /ali+ and ............ha'e my amily. a. t%% c. either b. s% d. neither >. # .as ill yesterday+ and .......ere y%u. a. t%% c. either b. s% d. neither 8ara Meng2eliptik2kan $alimat $alimat ,liptik berasal dari gabungan 2 (dua) buah kalimat yang memiliki Subjek berbeda tetapi bagian yang lainnya sama+ dan kalimat yang di2eliptik2kan adalah kalimat yang kedua. 1. /ila Predikat dalam kalimat mengandung m%dals(can+ may+ must+ shall+ .ill+ c%uld+ might+ sh%uld+ .%uld) maka m%dals yang sama digunakan pada kalimat yang dieliptikkan. ,-ample 1: She can sing #nd%nesia 1aya. # can sing #nd%nesia 1aya. ,liptiknya menjadi: She can sing #nd%nesia 1aya+ and # can+ t%%. *T*@ : She can sing #nd%nesia 1aya+ and s% can #. ,-ample 2: The students sh%uldn;t sm%ke. The teachers shouldn$t smoke.
$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


,liptiknya menjadi: The students sh%uldn;t sm%ke+ and the teachers shouldn$t either *tau The students sh%udn;t sm%ke and neither sh%uld the teachers. 2. /ila Predikat dalam kalimat mengandung t% be(am+ is+ are+ .as+ dan .ere) maka t% be yang digunakan pada kalimat yang dieliptikkan harus disesuaikan dengan Subjek pada kalimat yang dieliptikkan tersebut. ,-ample 1 # am an SMP student. She is an SMP student. ,liptiknya menjadi: I am an "M% student, and she is, too. and so is she. *T*@ : I am an "M% student,

,-ample 2 3e .asn;t here yesterday. 4e weren$t here yesterday. ,liptiknya menjadi: 3e .asn;t here yesterday, and we weren$t either *T*@ : 3e .asn;t here yesterday, and neither were we. 7ui= !. 0abungkan pasangan kalimat berikut menjadi kalimat eliptik. 0unakan kata pembentuk eliptik yang sesuai dengan kalimat tersebut. #ngat9 $alimat P%siti gunakan t%% atau s%+ dan $alimat Iegati gunakan either atau neither 1. # must study hard. ,'eryb%dy must study hard. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 2. 3e mustn;t cheat in the test. 4e mustn;t cheat in the teast. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL !. 3e is a diligent student. <%u are a diligent student. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ". isn;t reading n%.. 3is br%thers aren;t reading n%.. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL >. The President .ill c%me t% the cerem%ny. The Gice President .ill c%me t% the cerem%ny. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata



!. /ila Predikat dalam kalimat hanya berupa kata kerja penuh bentuk # (simple pesent)+ maka dalam kalimat eliptik kata kerja tersebut harus diganti dengan d% atau d%es. ,-ample 1. 3e g%es t% SMP 1 /ungbulang. # go t% SMP 1 /ungbulang. dibuat kalimat eliptik menjadi: 3e g%es t% SMP 1 /ungbulang+ and # do t%%. *T*@ : 3e g%es t% SMP 1 /ungbulang+and s% do # ,-ample 2. *nimals need .ater t% li'e. Plants need .ater t% li'e. dibuat kalimat eliptik menjadi: *nimals need .ater t% li'e+ and plants do t%%. *T*@ : *nimals need .ater t% li'e+and s% do plants. ,-ample !. # like ne.s pr%grams %n TG. My ather likes ne.s pr%grams %n TG. dibuat kalimat eliptik menjadi: # like ne.s pr%grams %n TG+ and my ather does t%%. *T*@ : # like ne.s pr%grams %n TG+ and s% does my ather. 7ui= ". 0abungkan pasangan kalimat berikut menjadi kalimat eliptik. 0unakan kata pembentuk eliptik yang sesuai dengan kalimat tersebut. #ngat9 $alimat P%siti gunakan t%% atau s%+ dan $alimat Iegati gunakan either atau neither
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2. !. ". >. A. C. D.

/andung su ered r%m l%%ds. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL # came late t% sch%%l. She came late t% sch%%l. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL My br%ther didn;t .atch the ilm. My sister didn;t .atch the ilm. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL # g%t up late this m%rning. My br%ther g%t up late this m%rning. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 6%%tball didn;t get a g%ld medal in S,* 0*M,S. /asketball didn;t get a g%ld medal in S,* 0*M,S. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL The b%ys elt 'ery hungry. The girls elt 'ery hungry. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 4e didn;t g% t% the beach last Sunday. They didn;t g% t% the beach last Sunday. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL The nurse e-amined the patient. The d%ct%r e-amined the patient. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

7ui= A. :engkapilah $alimat ,liptik berikut dengan kata pembentuk eliptik ( t%%+ s%+ either+ neither ) dan au-iliary ( t%be+ m%dal+ d%+ d%es+ did ). ,-ample: My m%ther g%es t% the market e'ery Sunday+ and my aunt............................... * : d%es t%%. 1. # can;t remember his name+ and she ............ 2. <%u .ant t% pass the e-am+ and #............. !. ,nglish is an internati%nal language+ and ............*rabic. ". #;'e ne'er been t% /ali+ and ..................... my amily. >. She .as ill yesterday+ and ..................... y%u. A. # must study hard+ and e'eryb%dy ..................................... C. 3e mustn;t cheat in the test and...........................e. D. 3e is a diligent student+and ...............................y%u. E. isn;t reading n%.+and his br%thers ..................................... 1F. The President .ill c%me t% the cerem%ny+and the Gice President...................................... 7ui= C 1esp%nlah kalimat berikut ini dengan menggunakan kalimat eliptik. 0unakan "o........I untuk meresp%n pernyataan p%siti dan gunakan &either.........I untuk meresp%n pernyataan negati . ,-ample: 1. <%ur riend <%u 2. <%ur riend <%u : # am hungry n%.. : "o am I. :et;s g% t% the canteen+then. : # can;t an.ser Ouesti%n number >. : &either can I. :et;s ask %ur riends+then.

1. <%ur riend : # am sleepy n%. <%u : .......................................................... . :et;s ha'e s%me c% ee+then.
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2. <%ur riend : # can;t understand .hat she e-plained. <%u : .............................................................. . :et;s ask her t% e-plain %ne m%re time+then. !. <%ur riend <%u ". <%ur riend <%u : # am tired n%. : .............................................................. :et;s take a rest+then. : # didn;t d% my h%me .%rk. : .............................................................. . :et;s d% it n%.+then.

>. <%ur riend: # d%n;t like h%rr%r ilms. <%u : ............................................................... :et;s ind an%ther ilm+then. A. <%ur riend <%u C. <%ur riend <%u D. <%ur riend <%u h%bby+then. : # am n%t ready t% g% n%.. : ............................................................... :et;s g% later+then. : # .ill g% t% the beach t%m%rr%. : ............................................................... :et;s g% t%gether+then. : # like reading detecti'e st%ries. : .............................................................. . S% .e ha'e the same

E. <%ur riend: # g%t E %r the ,nglish test. <%u : ............................................................. .S% .e g%t the same mark+then. 1F. <%ur riend : #;'e ne'er been t% the ne. b%%kst%re+yet. <%u : .............................................................. . 4hat ab%ut g%ing there ne-t Sunday&

$ata 3ubung Tunggal (Single 8%njuncti%n)

Tujuan Pembelajaran Setelah menyelesaikan bahasan tentang $ata 3ubung Tunggal peserta didik diharapkan mampu: 1. Menyebutkan macam macam kata hubung tunggal 2. Menyebutkan kegunaan masing masing kata hubung !. Menggunakan kata hubung tunggal dalam kalimat *dalah: $ata kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua buah kalimat. $alimat yang dihubungkan bisa berupa kalimat yang menyatakan sebab akibat+ saling bertentangan+ menyatakan pilihan+ atau menyatakan dua kegiatanJperisti.a yang terjadi bersamaan. A. Untuk menyatakan sebab akibat biasanya digunakan kata hubung : /ecause 5 karena
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6%r S%

5 karena 5 sehingga

Study these e-amples: 1. 3e didn;t g% t% sch%%l because he .as ill. (5?ia tidak pergi ke sek%lah karena dia sakit.) 2. The child cried+ for he .as a raid % a d%g. (5*nak itu menangis+ karena dia takut akan anjing.) !. 3e .as ill+so he didn;t g% t% sch%%l. (5?ia lelah+ sehingga dia pergi tidur.) /andingkan kalimat n%m%r 1 dengan n%m%r ! pada c%nt%h tadi 1. 3e didn;t g% t% sch%%l because he .as ill. !. 3e .as ill+so he didn;t g% t% sch%%l. 7uesti%n : $esimpulan apa yang bisa kamu ambil& ,-planati%n Sebuah tanda baca k%ma (+) selalu digunakan sebelum kata hubung 'or dan so. Tanda baca k%ma tidak diperlukan sebelum kata hubung because. Exercise 1 Gantilah kata hubung so dalam kalimat berikut dengan kata hubung because. Lakukan perubahan seperlunya. 1. 2. !. ". >. #t rained 'ery hard %r l%ng time+ so the : : : : : l%%d happened e'

<%u say <%u say <%u say <%u say <%u say

4e .ere 'ery hungry+ so .e decided t% buy s%me bread. There .as n% interesting pr%gram t% see+ so .e turned % the TG. The .eather .as 'ery bad+ so many lights .ere cancelled. The .ater is clean en%ugh+ so .e can here.

. Untuk menghubungkan yang kalimat saling bertentangan biasanya digunakan kata : 2 /ut 5 tetapi (bertentangan langsung) 2 *lth%ugh 5 meskipun (bertentangan dengan dengan hasil tak terduga) Study these e-amples: 1. *hmad is a 'ery diligent student but his br%ther is rather la=y. (5 *hmad adalah sis.a yang rajin tetapi saudara lelaki dia agak malas.) $edua kalimat ini disebut bertentangan langsung karena di dalamnya ada 2 (dua) kata yang saling ber2ant%nim yaitu diligent dan la=y 2. The amily l%%ks happy although they are p%%r.

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$eluarga itu tampak bahagia meskipun mereka miskin.) $edua kalimat ini disebut bertentangan dengan hasil tak terduga karena kalau miskin l%gikanya sedih (sad)+ namun di sini sebaliknya yakni bahagia (happy). !ui" #elaskan mengapa kalimat berikut ini disebut bertentangan dengan hasil tak terduga. 1. 2. !. ". >. 3e .ent t% sch%%l although he .as ill. (5?ia pergi ke sek%lah meskipun dia sakit.) The man still .%rks hard alth%ugh he is %ld. (5Pria itu masih bekerja keras meskipun sudah tua.) The Ouality % this b%%k is g%%d although the price is price. (5Mutu buku ini bagus meskipun harganya murah.) (lthough he has an %.n car+ he g%es t% his % ice by bus. (5Meskipun dia punya m%bil pribadi+ dia pergi ke kant%rnya naik bis.) (lthough he .%rks hard+ he is still p%%r. (5Meskipun dia kerja keras+dia tetap miskin.)


Exercise 1. $upply the blanks in the %ollo&ing sentences &ith but or although. 1. 4e .ent t% the =%% LLLLLLLLL it .as raining. 2. My ather d%esn;t like #ndian ilmsLLLLLLLLmy m%ther d%es. ! 3e is tallLLLLLLLLLLhis .i e is sh%rt. ". # still trust himLLLLLLLLLLLhe has e'er lied t% me. ". M%st % #nd%nesian pe%ple are still p%%rLLLLLLLLLLthis c%untry has plenty % natural res%urces.

'. Untuk menyatakan pilihan biasanya digunakan kata hubung : or ( atau 3ere are s%me e-amples: <%u can b%rr%. the b%%k r%m the library or y%u can buy it in the b%%kst%re. (5$amu bisa meminjam buku itu dari perpustakaan atau kamu bisa membelinya di t%k% buku.) 4here .ill y%u c%ntinue y%ur study a ter graduating r%m SMP+ t% SM* or t% SM$& (5$emana kamu akan melanjutkan studimu setelah lulus SMP+ke SM* atau ke SM$&) ). Untuk menyatakan dua kegiatan*peristi&a yang ter+adi bersamaan biasanya digunakan kata hubung : and ( dan 3ere are s%me e-amples: 1. /%th % my parents are reading. My m%ther is reading a maga=ine and my ather is reading a ne.spaper.
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(5 $edua %rang tuaku sedang membaca. #buku sedang membaca sebuah majalah dan ayahku sedang membaca sebuah surat kabar.) 2. #t .as raining hard+and there .as a str%ng .ind. (5 3ujan turun dengan lebat dan angin bertiup kencang.) Exercise 1. ,ill in the blanks in the %ollo&ing sentences &ith or or and. 1. Please g% t% the p%st % iceLLLLLLLLbuy s%me stamps %r me. 2. <%u can send me a letterLLLLLLLy%u can call me at .%rk h%urs. !. The sky .as 'ery dark LLLLLLLLit began t% rain. ". *re y%u here t% study LLLLLL t% play& >. # .ill call her LLLLLLLask her t% c%me here n%.. Exercise -. ,ill in the blanks in the %ollo&ing sentences &ith or. and, because, so, although or but. 1. 3e .as 'ery tired+LLLLLLLLL he .ent t% bed. 2. The child hid behind his m%ther;s skirtLLLLLLLLLLhe .as a raid % the d%g. !. ?aniel made many pr%misesLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLhe had n% intenti%n % keeping them. ". # heard y%u .ent t% Surabaya. ?id y%u g% there by plane LLLLLLLL by train& >. She .ent t% the libraryLLLLLLLL read s%me b%%ks there A. *lbert ,instein became a .ell2kn%.n scientist LLLLLLLLL he didn;t g% t% uni'ersity. C. LLLLLLLLLL he is al.ays busy+ he ne'er %rgets t% d% shalat. D. Many accidents happen LLLLLLLLLthe dri'ers dri'e carelessly. E. TG1# is a g%'ernment;s TG stati%n LLLLLLLL Metr% TG is a pri'ate %ne. 1F. # didn;t sleep .ell last night+LLLLLLLL # eel sleepy n%..

Keterangan Kuantitas (Expressi ns ! "uantit#)

$u%uan &empela%aran Setela' selesai pem(elaran) sis*a +i'arapkan mampu, 1- .en%elaskan apa #ang +imaksu+ +engan keterangan kuantitas 2- .en#e(utkan macam / macam keterangan kuantitas untuk (en+a ter(ilang +an (en+a tak ter(ilang 3- .enggunakan kata keterangan kuantitas +alam kalimat0+ala' , Kata / kata #ang +igunakan untuk menun%ukkan %umla' suatu (en+aA. Macam Macam Keterangan Kuantitas Yang Hanya Digunakan Dengan Kata Benda Terbilang. Keterangan Kuantitas 1igunakan +engan (en+a .akna

$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


$er(ilang ne eac' e5er# t* ( t' a c uple ! t'ree)etca !e* se5eral man# a num(er ! ne ( eac' ( e5er# ( t* ( ( t' ( k k k ks ks ks

$ak ter(ilang 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 ks 23 satu)se(ua' masing4masing setiap +ua ke+uan#a +ua)sepasang $iga Se+ikit 6e(erapa 6an#ak se%umla'

a c uple ! ( t'ree ( a !e* ( se5eral ( man# ( ks ks

ks ks

a num(er ! (

23 7 n t use+ (ti+ak +igunakan) 8 r example, 9 u can sa# , I have one book (ut 9 u can:t sa# , I have one rice. B. Macam Keterangan Kuantitas Yang Hanya Digunakan Dengan Kata Benda Tak Terbilang. Keterangan Kuantitas a little muc' a great +eal ! 1igunakan +engan (en+a $er(ilang 23 23 23 $ak ter(ilang a little rice muc' rice a great +eal ! rice se+ikit (an#ak (an#ak


23 7 n t use+ (ti+ak +igunakan) 8 r example, 9 u can sa# , I have a little rice (ut 9 u can:t sa#

, I have a little book.

C. Macam Keterangan Kuantitas Yang Dapat Digunakan Dengan Kata Benda TerbilangMaupun Dengan Kata Benda Tak Terbilang Keterangan Kuantitas
n t an#;n 3 S me3 a l t !3 l ts !3 plent# !3

Digunakan dengan benda Terbilang

n t an#;n ( s me ( al t !( l ts ! ( plent# ! ( ks ks ks ks ks

Tak terbilang
n t an#;n rice s me rice a l t ! rice l ts ! rice plent# ! rice

ti+ak a+a (e(erapa) se+ikit (an#ak (an#ak (an#ak) melimpa'

$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


. st3 0ll3

m st ! ( all ( ks


m st ! rice all rice

se(agian (esar semua) seluru'

3 7 use+ ! r ( t' ( +igunakan untuk ke+ua %enis kata (en+a) 8 r example, 9 u can sa# , I have no books als 9 u can sa# , I have no rice. <ere ' *e5er) *e *ill n t learn all ! t'e expressi ns ! =uantit#- >e:re nl# g ing t +iscuss s me ! t'em) t' se are, eac' 7 masing 4 masing e5er# 7 setiap ( t' 7 ke+uan#a all 7 semua)seluru' m st 7 se(agian (esar)ke(an#akan0 l t ! 7 (an#ak Explanati n. a- Each +an Every 'an#a +iikuti le' kata (en+a ter(ilang (entuk tunggal- $i+ak ( le' +iikuti le' kata (en+a (entuk %amak %uga ti+ak ( le' +iikuti le' kata (en+a tak ter(ilangKe+ua kata ini +apat saling mengganti namun +engan makna #ang se+ikit (er(e+a- Each +apat +ipakai untuk mem(icarakan +ua 'al;+ua rang atau le(i'- Every 'an#a +igunakan untuk tiga rang atau le(i' ti+ak perna' +ipakai untuk mem(icarakan #ang +ua rang;+ua 'alExamples, 1- Each stu+ent s' ul+ 'a5e *n Englis' +icti nar# t 'elp t'em in learning Englis'(7.asing / masing sis*a se'arusn#a memiliki kamus (a'asa ?nggris sen+iri untuk mem(antu mereka +alam (ela%ar (a'asa ?nggris-) 2- Every stu+ent s' ul+ 'a5e an Englis' +icti nar# t 'elp t'em in learning Englis'(7Setiap sis*a se'arusn#a memiliki kamus (a'asa ?nggris untuk mem(antu mereka +alam (ela%ar (a'asa ?nggris-) 3- Each c'il+ *ill !in+ 'is *n pers nal r a+ t success(7.asing / masing anak akan menemukan %alann#a sen+iri menu%u ke(er'asilan-) 4- ? 'a5e t* apples an+ t'ere are t* c'il+ren 'ere- S i! ? gi5e t'e apples t t'em) each c'il+ *ill get ne apple(7Sa#a pun#a 2 (ua' apel +an a+a 2 rang anak +i sini- @a+i %ika sa#a (erikan apel itu kepa+a mereka) masing / masing anak akan men+apatkan satu (ua' apel-) !nterlude $entukan kata / kata (en+a (erikut ini) apaka' termasuk ter(ilang tunggal) ter(ilang %amak) atau tak ter(ilang- Kamu cukup mem(eri tan+a c'eck list (A) pa+a k l m #ang sesuaiKata 6en+a $er(ilang $unggal sentence (ranc'es * man *ater mice letters salt ! + @amak Kata 6en+a $ak ter(ilang

Kata (en+a

$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


!rien+s m ne# stu+ent pe ple #ips )amu akan dengan mudah mempelajari tentang )eterangan )uantitas apabila kamu sudah paham macam * macam kata benda terbilang +bentuk tunggal dan jamak, dan macam * macam kata benda tak terbilang. -ntuk kata benda tak terbilang tidak adalah istilah jamak semuanya dianggap tunggal. Explanati n. (- Both 'an#a +iikuti le' kata (en+a ter(ilang #ang %umla'n#a 'an#a 2 (+ua)- $i+ak ( le' +iikuti le' kata (en+a tak ter(ilangExamples, 1- Both restaurants are g +- (7Kedua rest ran itu (agus-) 2- .rs- Bse an+ .rs- Cina are sisters- Both of them teac' Englis' in S.& 1 6ung(ulang(?(u Bse +an ?(u Cina a+ala' (ersau+ara- Keduanya menga%ar (a'asa ?nggris +i S.& 1 6ung(ulang-) Explanati n. c- Most, a lot of +an All +apat +iikuti le' kata benda terbilang maupun kata benda tak terbilang- Kalau +iikuti le' kata (en+a ter(ilang) maka kata (en+an#a 'arus +alam (entuk jamakExamples, 1- Most people in ?n+ nesia eat rice as t'eir +ail# +iet(Kebanyakan orang +i ?n+ nesia memakan nasi se(agai makanan mereka se'ari 4 'ari-) 2- 0 (a(# spen+s most of his time ! r sleeping(Se rang (a#i meng'a(iskan sebagian besar waktunya untuk ti+ur-) 3- 0ll sugar is s*eet- (7Semua gula a+ala' manis-) 4- $'e !i!t' principle ! &ancasila is Ds cial %ustice ! r all ?n+ nesian pe pleE) (ut up till n * n t all pe ple 'a5e !elt t'e %ustice(0sas kelima +alam &ancasila a+ala' Dkea+ilan s sial (agi seluru' rak#at ?n+ nesia) tetapi 'ingga saat ini ti+ak semua rang tela' merasakan kea+ilan itu-) "ui# 0paka' kata (en+a #ang mengikuti kata Dm stE +an DallE +alam kalimat / kalimat (erikut ini terg l ng kata (en+a ter(ilang atau kata (en+a tak ter(ilangF 1- . st ne*spapers are +ail# pu(lis'e+2- . st rice in ?n+ nesia is pr +uce+ (# t'e !armers in @a5a islan+3- ?n+ nesia imp rts m st *'eat !r m GS04- But ! all t'e stu+ents) 0li usuall# asks m st =uesti ns +uring t'e class$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


5- . st pr grams n HI$? an+ $&? are entertainments6- 0ll cars 'a5e *'eels- 0ll *'eels are r un+7- 0ll *ater *e +rink) all ! + *e eat an+ all air *e (reat'e is !r m 0lla' S>$8- >e *ill n t (e a(le t c unt all en% #ment gi5en (# 0lla' S>$ t usExercise- Suppl# t'e (lanks in t'ese sentences *it' each) both) r allRemember Each !" used for singular countable noun only, Both !" used for two countable noun only, All !" used for plural countable noun,and uncountable noun# 1- ?t is 5er# imp rtant ! rJJJJJJJstu+ent t 'a5e a ( k2- JJJJJJJJJJJ stu+ents in m# class are +iligent- C ne is laK#3- 8rance an+ Englan+ are +e5el pe+ c untries-JJJJJJJ ! t'em are in Eur pe4- ? 'a5e t* (r t'ers-JJJJJJJ ! t'em are marrie+5- ?t is imp ssi(le ! r us t kn *JJJJJJJJ languages in t'e * rl+6- $'e ' st ga5e a present t JJJJJJJJ * man in t'e part#7- D6ank ?n+ nesiaE c ntr ls JJJJJJJJ m ne# circulating in ur c untr#8- <e g t seri us in%ure+ in t'e acci+ent- <e (r ke JJJJJJJJJ ! 'is legs9- D6enga*an S l E an+ DIitarumE are ri5ers in t'e islan+ ! @a5a an+ JJJJJJJJJ ! t'em run t t'e @a5a sea10- 0 , Ian *e c unt ---------- t'e stars in t'e sk#F 6 , ? + n:t t'ink *e can-

$()*+I,- +A.* /0)R+A-1AA- 0)-.(2(34 Tujuan Pembelajaran Setelah selesai pr%ses pembelajaran+ peserta didik diharapkan mampu: 1. Menjelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan .uestion #ags. 2. Menyebutkan beberapa ketentuan dalam /uestion tags !. Mampu menggunakan /uestion tag dalam ragam kalimat tertulis 8%nt%h Perbandingan dengan /ahasa #nd%nesia Sekarang musim kemarau+ iya kan& P sekarang musim hujan P iyakan& 5M pernyataan 5M pertanyaan pengukuh

8%nt%h dalam /ahasa #nggris : 1. <%u are a student+ aren$t you0 2. She didn;t y%ur letter+ did she& Pernyataan <%u are a student+
$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata

7uesti%n tags aren;t y%u& 22

She didn;t y%ur letter+ &eberapa 2etentuan dalam $uesti#n +a'

did she&

1. a. /ila Pernyataan /erupa $alimat P%siti + maka 7uesti%n Tag2nya harus Iegati 8%nt%h : She is a beauti ul girl+ isn;t she& b. /ila Pernyataan /erupa $alimat Iegati + maka Ouesti%n tag2nya harus P%siti 8%nt%h <%u d%n;t .ant t% ail the e-am+ d% y%u& 7ui= 1. 1hich one is the correct /uestion tag0 2. "he is an intelligent student, ... a. is she0 b. isn$t she0 3. #hey aren$t in the classroom, ... a. are they0 b. aren$t they0 4. 5ou can$t drive a bus, ... a. can you0 b. can$t you0 6. 7e will lend us some money, ... a. will he0 b. won$t he0 2. /ila Subjek dalam pernyataan tidak berupa kata ganti (bukan I, you, we,they, he, she atau it )+ maka dalam Ouesti%n tag subjek tersebut harus diganti dengan kata ganti yang sesuai. 8%nt%h : 1. #he 'ilm .as 'ery g%%d+ .asn;t it& 2. 5our 'ather d%es n%t sm%ke+ d%es he& !. !lisa is a dentist+ isn;t she& ". 5our books are %n the table+ aren;t they& 7ui= 2. Complete with a correct the /uestion tag . 2. 3. 4. 6. 8. 5our 'ather is a teacher, ......................0 (li was absent yesterday, ....................0 #he library doesn$t have the book you need,.....................0 #he books are 'rom the library, ........................0 Mrs. "usi can$t speak 9avanese, ..........................0

!. /ila Predikat dalam Pernyataan Mengandung t%be(am+ is+ are+ .as+ .ere) atau m%dals(can+ may+ must+ shall+ .ill+ ha'eJhas+ c%uld+ might+ sh%uld+ .%uld+ had) maka t%be atau m%dals tersebut digunakan kembali pada Ouesti%n tag 8%nt%h : 1. <%u are a student+ aren$t y%u& 2. She cannot sing .ell+ can she& 23

$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata

!. 4e have d%ne %ur best+ haven$t .e& ". She has g%t married+ hasn$t she& >. 3e won$t in'ite y%u t% the party+ will he& 7ui= !. Supply .ith a c%rrect Ouesti%n tag. 1. 2. !. ". >. A. #t is a g%%d b%%k+ ................................& She must be here n%.+ ...............................& 4e sh%uldn;t c%me late+ ....................................& They .ere here just n%.+....................................& # ha'e t%ld y%u ab%ut it+ ....................................& 3e .%n;t be angry .ith us+ ...............................&

". /ila Predikat dalam Pernyataan berupa $ata $erja Penuh ( bukan tobe atau modals) maka pada Ouesti%n tag harus menggunakan kata bantu d# atau d#es + (bila )alimatnya #he "imple %resent #ense ) dan menggunakan did (bila )alimatnya #he "imple %ast #ense) 8%nt%h : 1. 2. !. ". <%u go t% sch%%l %n Saturdays+ don$t y%u& She likes Sundanese %%d+ doesn$t she& They promised t% help us+ didn$t they& 3e 'orgot his keys+ didn$t he&

7ui= ". 8h%%se the c%rrect Ouesti%n tag. 1. She likes Sundase s%ngs+ ................... a. d%es she b. d%esn;t she c. did she d. didn;t she 2. They al.ays gi'e y%u g%%d ad'ice+ ........& a. d%n;t they b. d% they c. did they d. didn;t they !. <%u enj%yed the %%d in the party+ ...........& a. d% y%u b. d%n;t y%u c. did y%u d. didn;t y%u ". 3e made s%me mistakes in the test+ ........& a. d%es he b. d%esn;t he c. did he d. didn;t he >. TG stati%ns get m%ney r%m ad'ertisements+ ...........& a. d% they b. d%n;t they c. did they d. didn;t they 7ui= >. 8%mplete .ith c%rrect.
$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


1. 2. !. ". >. A.

3e drinks a glass % milk e'ery m%rning+ ..........................& The sun rises in the east+ ............................& #t rained hard yesterday+............................& She .ent t% 0arut last .eek+..............................& The b%ys play %%tball e'ery Saturday a tern%%n+ .................................& <%u al.ays bring y%ur ph%ne t% sch%%l+...........................&

/,/,1*P* $,$,8@*:#*I 1. /ila dalam pernyataan terdapat kata ne'er+ seld%m+ hardly e'er+ maka pernyataan tersebut terg%l%ng negati %leh karena itu Ouesti%n tag2nya harus p%siti . 8%nt%h: 1. She is never angry .ith y%u+ is she& 2. 3e has never been t% /ali+ has he& !. Mr. H%hn never c%mes late+ does he& 7ui= A. 8h%%se the c%rrect 1. She is ne'er late t% sch%%l+ ..............& a. isn;t she c. d%esn;t she b. is she d. d%es she 2. 3e ne'er makes y%u sad+ .................& a. d%esn;t he c. isn;t he b. d%es he d. is she !. They seld%m g% t% city + ..............& a. aren;t they c. d%n;t they b. are they d. d% they ". <%u;'e ne'er tra'elled %n train+ .................& a. ha'en;t y%u c. didn;t y%u b. ha'e y%u d. did y%u $ui% 5. C#mplete !ith c#rrect 6uesti#n ta's. 1. 2. !. ". >. <%u .ill ne'er %rget me+..........................& She is ne'er angry .ith y%u+.........................& They ne'er tell a lie+ ..........................& 4e seld%m meet t% each %ther+ ..........................& 3e has ne'er called y%u+ ............................&

2. /ila Pernyataan dia.ali dengan kata thatJthis maka dalam Ouesti%n tag kata tersebut diganti dengan kata ganti it 8%nt%h : 1. +hat is y%ur dicti%nary+ isn;t it & 2. +his is his car+ isn;t it & $ui% 7. C#mplete !ith c#rrect 6uesti#n ta's. 1. 2. !. ". >. This letter is %r me+..........................& That is y%ur m%t%rcycle+.........................& This isn;t a library+ ..........................& That isn;t her bag+ ..........................& That is a g%%d idea+ ............................&

$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


!. /ila Pernyataan dia.ali dengan kata TheseJTh%se maka dalam Ouesti%n tag kata tersebut diganti dengan kata they 8%nt%h : 1. +hese are y%urs+ aren;t the8 & 2. Th%se aren;t y%ur b%%ks+ are they & 7ui= E. 8%mplete .ith c%rrect Ouesti%n tags. 1. 2. !. ". >. These letters are %r me+..........................& Th%se are y%ur m%t%rcycles+.........................& These aren;t less%n b%%ks+ ..........................& These are her ballp%ints+ ..........................& Th%se aren;t my mistakes+ ............................&

". /ila Pernyataan dia.ali dengan kata there+ maka dalam Ouesti%n tag kata tersebut digunakan kembali sebagai subjek 8%nt%h : 1. There .as an earthOuake in Sumatra last .eek+ .asn;t there & 2. +here are a l%t % pe%ple here+ aren;t there& 7ui= 1F. 8%mplete .ith c%rrect Ouesti%n tags. 1. 2. !. ". >. There is a letter %r me+..........................& There are many m%t%rcycles+.........................& There aren;t less%n b%%ks here+ ..........................& There .as an interesting ilm last night+ ..........................& There .ill be a %%tball match+ ............................&

>. /ila Pernyataan P%siti Predikatnya memakaiJmengandung t%be am maka Ouesti%n tag2nya menjadi aren$t I 8%nt%hK 1. # am healthy+ aren$t # & 2. # am talking t% y%u+ aren$t #& 8atatan Tapi bila pernyataannya berupa kalimat negati + maka pada Ouesti%n tag2nya tetap n%rmal yaitu menggunakan am # 8%nt%h : # am n%t guilty+ am # & 7ui= 11. 8%mplete .ith c%rrect Ouesti%n tags. 1. 2. !. ". >. # am in'ited+..........................& #;m ree+.........................& # am n%t late+ ..........................& #;m n%t in the .r%ng .ay+ ..........................& # am d%ing my j%b+ ............................&

A. @ntuk Pernyataan yang berupa kalimat perintah dan kalimat larangan+ maka
$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


bentuk Ouesti%n tag2nya sama+ yaitu menggunakan .ill y%u 8%nt%h: 1. Sit d%.n+ .ill y%u& 2. ?%n;t sm%ke here+ .ill y%u& 7ui= 12. 8%mplete .ith c%rrect Ouesti%n tags. 1. 2. !. ". >. ?% y%ur h%me.%rk+..........................& Ie'er c%me late+.........................& Speak clearly+ ..........................& ?%n;t %rget t% turn % the lights be %re y%u g% t% bed+ ..........................& /e care ull+ ............................&

C. /ila Pernyataan berupa kalimat ajakan yang menggunakan :et us 5 :et;s+ maka Ouesti%n tag2nya selalu menggunakan shall .e 8%nt%h: 1. :et;s g% t% the library+ shall .e& 7ui= 1!. 8%mplete .ith c%rrect Ouesti%n tags. 1. :et;s g% t%m%rr%.+..........................& 2. :et;s d% it t%gether+.........................& !. :et;s %rget it .hat has happened+ ......................& ". :et;s .ait and see+ ..........................&


Tujuan Pembelajaran Setelah selesai proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan mampu: 4. menjelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan Kata Hubung Berpasangan
$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


5. menyebutkan beberapa ketentuan dalam Kata Hubung Berpasangan . menggunakan Kata Hubung Berpasangan dalam ragam kalimat !. membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan kata hubung berpasangan

&asangan kata 'u(ung, a- ( t' ---------an+-------(- n t nl# ------ (ut als ---------c- eit'er------- r-------+- neit'er---------n r----------

(------+an--------)ke+uan#a----------)3 (ti+ak 'an#a------tetapi %uga--------)3 ((aik------ataupun------------)3 ((aik-----ataupun-----ti+ak-----)3

3makna !rase +i atas ti+ak mutlak +an +apat +iu(a' sesuai +engan k nteks kalimat&e'atikan (e(erapa c nt ' (erikut, 1- Both m# !at'er and m# m t'er are still ali5e(0#a'ku +an i(uku ke+uan#a masi' 'i+up;(elum meninggal) 2- $ot only @akarta but also 6an+ung !ten su!!ers !r m !l +s($i+ak 'an#a @akarta tetapi %uga 6an+ng sering mengalami (an%ir-) 3- Eiher ker sene or gas line is expensi5e n *(6aik min#ak tana' ataupun (ensin sekarang ma'al-) 4- $either t'e &resi+ent nor t'e Nice &resi+ent ! ?n+ nesia is Sun+anese(6aik &resi+en ataupun >akil &resi+en ?n+ nesia a+ala' (ukan rang Sun+a-) 5- $'e ( k is not only g + but also c'eap(6uku itu ti+ak 'an#a (agus tetapi %uga mura'-) $emember % &!ngat%' Kedua pasang kata dalam struktur paralel harus diikuti oleh kata%kelompok kata yang memiliki bentuk grammatikal yang sama# &engan kata lain, kalau kata both diikuti oleh kata benda, maka kata and sebagai pasangan katanya juga harus diikuti oleh kata benda.,tidak boleh diikuti oleh kata sifat, kata kerja atau jenis kata yang lainnya# Begitu pula pasangan kata yang lainnya# &er'atikan kem(ali c nt ' / c nt ' +i atas, 1- Both m# !at'er and m# m t'er are still ali5eKata 6en+a 2- $'e ( Kata 6en+a + but also c'eapKata Si!at I (a kamu pela%ari %enis kata apa #ang mengikuti pasangan kata 'u(ung pa+a c nt ' n m r 2) 3) +an n m r 4F 'ngat pula bahwa posisi kata hubung berpasangan tidak selalu berada di awal kalimat tetapi bisa juga di tengah kalimat, tergantung kepada letak kata yang akan dihubungkan# Seperti pa+a c nt ' n m r 5(ati)an *. +ebutkan ,enis kata yang mengikuti pasangan kata )ubung dalam kalimat berikut ini% 1- 6 t' the teachers an+ the students are n ' li+a# n *2- Eit'er (ohn r Mary *ill c me t 6 (:s part#3- $'e cat is n t nl# funny (ut als tame4- $'at ( k is neit'er interesting n r accurate$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata

k is not only g



?n+ nesia exp rts ru((er n t nl# to (apan (ut als to AmericaS'e can eit'er dance r sing0 g + ! t(all pla#er nee+s ( t' good skills an+ strong body# Ceit'er my brother n r my sister likes ?n+ian !ilms-

(ati)an -. .abungkan pasangan kalimat berikut dengan kata )ubung berpasangan yang diberikan dalam kurung. Example , 1- ? 'a5e met his father- ? 'a5e met his mother- (eit'er--------- r-------) 9 u *rite , 7O ? 'a5e met either his father or his mother( pa+a c nt ' 1 +i atas 2 (ua' (%ek #aitu D'is !at'erE +an D 'is m t'erE +iga(ungkan le' pasangan kata 'u(ung Deit'er------- r----------) 2- )heat is gr *n in Kansas- *orn is gr *n in Kansas- (n t nl#----(ut als ----) 9 u *rite , 7O $ot only wheat but also corn is gr *n in Kansas(pa+a c nt ' 2 +i atas 2 (ua' su(%ek #aitu D*'eatE +an D c rnE +iga(ungkan le' pasangan kata 'u(ung Dn t nl#--------(ut als ----------) 1- $'e cit# su!!ers from air polluton$'e cit# su!!ers from water pollution- (eit'er ------- r----------) 7OJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 2- 'ndia 'as al t ! p pulati n'ndonesia 'as al t ! p pulati n- (n t nl#----------(ut als -------------) 7OJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 3- <e buys use+ cars- <e sells use+ cars- (( t' ---------an+-----------) 7OJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 4- 0'ma+ is stu+#ing math# 0'ma+ is stu+#ing chemistry- (neit'er-------n r-------) 7OJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 5- R*+' is a pri5ate $N stati n- Metro +, is a pri5ate $N stati n- (Eit'er------ r-------) 7OJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 6- .# !at'er rea+s Republika- .# !at'er rea+s -ikiran Rakyat- (( t'--------an+-------) 7OJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 7- 0 teac'er s' ul+ (e patient- 0 teac'er s' ul+ (e wise- (n t nl#-------(ut als --------) 7OJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 8- (ohn can speak @apanese- Mary can speak @apanese-(Ceit'er--------n r------------) 7OJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 9- ? l st my wallet- ? l st my keys- (n t nl#-------------(ut als -----------------) 7OJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 10- +he driver g t in%ure+ in t'e acci+ent+he passengers g t in%ure+ in t'e acci+ent- (6 t'-------an+------------) 7OJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 11- ? !eel sleepy- ? !eel tired- (( t'----------an+-----------------) 7OJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 12- &e ple electe+ the national representati5es mem(ers in t'e general electi n&e ple electe+ the local reprensentati5e mem(ers in t'e general electi n JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ

/ tice0
Bila . /dua0 buah subjek dihubungkan oleh both.......and......., maka kata kerjanya /predikat0 harus menggunakan kata kerja 1jamak2 /!tanpa akhiran 3s%4es0# 5edangkan . /dua0 subjek yang dihubungkan oleh 1not only.......but also..........., either.....or..., dan neither.....nor....., subjek yang lebih dekat kepada kata kerja /predikat0 menjadi penentu apakah kata kerjanya harus jamak atau tunggal#
$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


&er'atikan c nt ' (erikut ini, 1- B t) t'e teac'er and t'e stu+ent are 'ereKata Ker%a (&re+ikat) @amak karena +ua (en+a #aitu teacher +an student +i'u(ungkan le' kata 'u(ung Dboth and.. 2- 6an+ingkan +ua kalimat (erikut ini, a- Ceit'er the teacher n r the students are 'ereKata Ker%a(&re+ikat) @amak karena su(%ek #ang le(i' +ekat kepa+a pre+ikat #aitu students (entukn#a %amak(- Ceit'er the students n r the teacher is 'ereKata Ker%a(&re+ikat) $unggal) karena su(%ek #ang le(i' +ekat kepa+a pre+ikat #akni teacher (entukn#a tunggala- C t nl# 5iti (ut als her parents like rea+ingKata Ker%a(&re+ikat) @amak) karena su(%ek #ang le(i' +ekat kepa+a pre+ikat #akni parents (entukn#a %amak(- C t nl# her parents (ut als 5iti likes rea+ingKata Ker%a (&re+ikat) $unggal) karena su(%ek #ang le(i' +ekat kepa+a pre+ikat #akni Siti (entukn#a tunggal(ati)an 1. .arisba2a)i bentuk kata ker,a yang benar dari dalam kurung. 1- 6 t' t'e stu+ents an+ t'e teac'er (are;is) planning t c me2- C t nl# t'e stu+ents (ut als t'e teac'er (are;is) planning t c me3- C t nl# t'e teac'er (ut als t'e stu+ents (are;is) planning t c me4- Eit'er t'e teac'er r t'e stu+ents (* rk;* rks) 'ar+5- 6 t' *'eat an+ c rn (are;is) gr *n in Kansas6- Ceit'er 'er 'us(an+ n r 'er c'il+ren (speak;speaks) Englis' *ell7- C t nl# 'er c'il+ren (ut als 'er 'us(an+ (speak;speaks) Englis'8- 6 t' H ni an+ 6 (i (en% #;en% #s) ' rse(ack ri+ing9- Eit'er small ! x r malaria (are;is) a +anger us +isease10- C t nl# cats (ut als ra((its ((ree+;(ree+s) =uickl#11- Ceit'er m# (r t'er n r m# sister (like;likes) ?n+ian !ilms12- C t nl# t'e c'il+ren (ut als t'e a+ults (rea+;rea+s) <arr# & tter13- 6 t' @ 'n an+ @ e (g ;g es) t * rk earl#14- Eit'er t'e teac'ers r t'e 'ea+master (c me;c mes) t sc' l six +a#s a *eek15- C t nl# .ark (ut als 'is parents (*as;*ere) n t at ' me #ester+a#Lati'an 4- Susunla' kata / kata acak (erikut men%a+i kalimat #ang (aik +an (enar1- 'a+ / S'e / an+ / lunc' / ( t' / !rien+s / +inner / *it' / 'er 7O JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 2- mat' / n t nl# / c'emistr# / ? / stu+#ing / (ut als / am 7O JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 3- # ur sister / r / at t'e airp rt / Eit'er / *ill meet / # ur (r t'er / # u 7O JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 4- n r /a re!rigerat r / a st 5e / $'e# / neit'er / 'a5e / in t'eir ne* apartment 7O JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 5- irreplacea(le / il / natural / are / an+ / c al / res urces / 6 t'
$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata



/0E 1A$$23E 342'E

*. 3%. t% Make the Passi'e G%ice.

5 6AL27A/ 1A$2, 8

#n the passi'e+ the %bject % an acti'e 'erb bec%mes the subject % the passi'e 'erb. Qnly transiti'e 'erbs ( 'erbs that are %ll%.ed by an %bject) are used in the passi'e. #ntransiti'e 'erbs such as happen5(ter+adi8+ sleep5(tidur8+ come5(datang8. and seem 5(tampaknya8 are imp%ssible t% be used in the passi'e. Perhatikan c%nt%h c%nt%h cara mengubah kalimat akti menjadi kalimat pasi berikut ini: A'/23E $imple 1resent /ense 1. *hmad helps the b%y. 2. My m%ther buys t.% kil%s % apples. !. She invites me t% the party. ". My ather doesnt like h%rr%r ilms. >. Do the b%ys see the that ilm& 1. The b%y is helped by *hmad. 2. T.% kil%s % apples are bought by my m%ther. !. # am invited t% the party by her. ". 3%rr%r ilms are not liked by my ather. >. Is that ilm seen by the b%ys& 1A$$23E 9

1resent 'ontinuous /ense 1. *hmad is helping the b%y. 2. My ather is making the c%%ps. !. The girls are reading a maga=ine. ". My br%ther is not feeding the cats. >. Are they planting the trees& 1. The b%y is being helped by *hmad n%.. 2. The c%%ps are being made by my ather. !. * maga=ine is being read by the girls. ". The cats are not being fed by my br%ther. >. Are the trees being planted by them&

1resent 1er%ect /ense 1. *hmad has helped the b%y. 2. S%me%ne has stolen the ph%nes. !. The p%lice have caught the thie . ". They have not made an agreement. >. Have the armers cultivated the rice ield& 1. The b%y has been helped by *hmad. 2. The ph%nes have been stolen by s%me%ne. !. The thie has been caught by the p%lice. ". *n agreement has not made by them. >. Has the rice ield been cultivated by the armers&

$imple 1ast /ense 1. *hmad helped the b%y. 2. The b%ys broke the .ind%. yesterday. !. 3e brought the b%%ks t% the library. ". President didnt attend the c%n erence. >. Did they know y%ur address& 1. The b%y was helped by *hmad. 2. The .ind%. was broken by the b%ys yesterday. !. The b%%ks were brought by him t% the library. ". The c%n erence was not attended by the president. >. Was y%ur address known by them&

$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


1ast 'ontinuous /ense 1. *hmad was helping the b%y. 2. The pe%ple were singing a s%ng. !. Mr. *nt% was feeding the chickens. ". They were not building a ne. h%use. >. Was the ser'ant cleaning the r%%m& 1. The b%y was being helped by *hmad. 2. * s%ng was being sung by the pe%ple. !. The chickens were being fed by Mr. *nt%. ". * ne. h%use was not being built by them. >. Was the r%%m being cleaned by the ser'ant&

$imple 1resent ,uture /ense 1. *hmad will help the b%y. 2. My uncle will give a n%teb%%k t% me. !. The g%'ernment will issue s%me ne. rules. ". 4e will not visit the =%% ne-t m%nth. >. Will y%u invite Mr. 1ene t% the party& 1. The b%y will be helped by *hmad. 2. * n%teb%%k will be given by my uncle t% me. !. S%me ne. rules will be issued by the g%'ernment. ". The =%% will not be visited by us ne-t m%nth. >. Will Mr. 1ene be invited by y%u t% the party&

R P%la utama $alimat Pasi adalah tobe : 6ata 6er+a bentuk 222 5 1ast

1articiple 8
Hadi secara umum p%lanya dapat kita tulis sebagai berikut: ;o. 1. 2. !. ". >. A. /enses $imple 1resent /ense 1resent 'ontinuous /ense 1resent 1er%ect /ense $imple 1ast /ense 1ast 'ontinuous /ense $imple ,uture /ense 1ola isJareJam P Past participle isJareJam P being P Past Participle ha'eJhas P been P Past Participle .asJ.ere P Past Participle .asJ.ere P being P Past Participle .ill P be P Past Participle

Latihan 1. Ubahlah bentuk akti% men+adi pasi% dengan memberikan bentuk yang benar. 1. T%m opens the d%%r. T%m. 2. T%m is opening the d%%r. %pened by T%m. N The d%%r LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL N The d%%r LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL %pened by

$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


!. T%m has opened the d%%r. %pened by T%m. ". T%m opened the d%%r



T%m. >. T%m was opening the d%%r.N The d%%r LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL %pened by T%m. A. T%m will open the d%%r. N The d%%r LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL %pened by T%m.

Latihan -.Ubahlah bentuk akti% men+adi pasi%. ,-ample: Shakespeare wrote that play. N That play was written by Shakespeare. 1. /ill made that b%-. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 2. *le- is preparing the rep%rt. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL !. * .aitress serves the cust%mer. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ". The teacher is going to e:plain the less%n. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL >. Shirley has suggested a ne. idea. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL A. T.% h%rses were pulling the armer;s .ag%n. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL C. H%sh will invite *nn t% the party. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL D. $athy has returned the b%%k t% the library. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL E. The president will make the ann%uncement. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1F. Mr. /r%.n is painting my h%use. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL /. 3%. t% @se the Passi'e G%ice. The passi'e '%ice is usually used .ith%ut a by phrase. 4e % ten pre er the passi'e .hen it is n%t kn%.n %r n%t imp%rtant t% kn%. e-actly .h% %r .hat per %rms the acti%n. The passi'e is used .hen .e .ant t% stress the thing d%ne than the d%er % it. Perhatikan c%nt%h berikut: 1. This h%use &as built in 1DEF. (5 1umah ini dibangun pada tahun 1DEF.) 2. The ne. h%tel &ill be built ne-t year. (53%tel baru itu akan dibangun tahun depan.) !. This pr%blem can be sol<ed s%%n. (5 Masalah ini dapat diselesaikan dengan segera.)
$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


:atihan !. :engkapilah kalimat kalimat ini dengan salah satu dari kata kerja berikut. (Hangan lupa mengubah kata kerja tersebut ke dalam bentuk Past Participle). arrest discuss &ake look knock examine check repair make translate

1. * decisi%n .ill n%t be LLLLLLLLLLLLL until the ne-t meeting. 2. That building is n%t sa e. #t sh%uld be LLLLLLLLLLLLL d%.n be %re it alls d%.n. !. 4hen y%u g% thr%ugh 8ust%ms+ y%ur luggage .ill be LLLLLLLLLLL by a cust%ms % icer. ". # t%ld the h%tel recepti%nist that # .anted t% be LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL up at A.FF. >. 3er ne. b%%k .ill pr%bably be LLLLLLLLLLLLLL int% a number % %reign languages. A. # y%u kicked a p%liceman+ y%u .%uld be LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL C. The missing b%y is being LLLLLLLLLLLLLL %r by the p%lice. D. The r%ad is being LLLLLLLLLLLL by the .%rker. E. The black b%- % the crash aer%plane .ill be LLLLLLLLLL in *ustralia. 1F. The pr%blems .ere LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL by the g%'ernment and the parliament last .eek. :atihan ". ?alam teks berikut ini terdapat sejumlah kalimat pasi . Temukan dan tulis kembali kalimat kalimat tersebut. #t .as ann%unced t%day that %il had been disc%'ered % the c%ast % a small island nati%n in the 8arribbean. This is c%nsidered a 'ery imp%rtant de'el%pment. #t came as a surprise+ since it had been belie'ed that n% %il e-isted there. The prime minister declared that drilling rights .%uld be gi'en t% a pri'ate c%mpanies. The %il c%mpanies .ill be reOuired t% gi'e pr%% % their capability % e-tracting the %il ec%n%mically. *pplicati%ns .ill be accepted %r a peri%d % si-ty days+ beginning March 1. The %il c%mpanies .ill be asked t% sign an agreement t% pay a percentage % their pr% its t% the ?epartment % Transp%rtati%n. S%me % these unds .ill be used t% build high.aysK s%me .ill be spent %n the study % s%lar energy. 4ith the .%rld;s %il supply bec%ming scarce+ %ther kinds % uel .ill ha'e t% be utili=ed. Example: 2t was announced today = 5()iumumkan hari ini=..8 :atihan >. Terjemahkan kalimat pasi berikut ke dalam bahasa #nd%nesia. 1. That the%ry .as de'el%ped by ?r. #keda. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLL 2. My s.eater .as made in ,ngland. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLL !. ,nglish is taught e' N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLL
$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


". M%nas; .as built in President S%ekarn%;s era. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLL >. The Prambanan temple .ill be ren%'ated ne-t year. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLL A. * ne. strategy is being prepared t% %'erc%me the pr%blem. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLL C. Th%usands *merican s%ldiers are sent t% #raO and * ghanistan. N LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLL Beberapa Terminologi Penting dalam Bahasa Inggris A. Subjek (Subject) Subjek adalah pokok kalimat. Biasanya berupa kata benda. Dalam kalimat positi dan negati terletak di a!al kalimat. Sedangkan pada kalimat tanya terletak setelah auxiliary (kata bantu). "ontoh kata bantu adalah# do, does, did, have, has, had, is, am, are, can, will, must$ dll "ontoh # %. She is a good student. &she' adalah Subjek dalam kalimat positi (. We don)t like smoking. &!e' adalah subjek dalam kalimat negati . *. +here did you go in the last holiday, &you' adalah subjek dalam kalimat tanya in ormati . -. Are they playing basketball, &they' adalah subjek dalam kalimat tanya interrogati B. .erba .erba adalah kata yang sangat penting dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris karena hampir setiap kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris mengandung /erba ( kata kerja). .erba tersebut ber ungsi sebagai Predikat biasanya terletak setelah subjek baik dalam kalimat positi $ negati $ maupun kalimat tanya. 0amun dalam kalimat negati dan kalimat tanya biasanya di dahului oleh auxiliary. "ontoh# %. I invited all o my classmates to my birthday party. &in/ited' adalah /erba sebagai predikat dalam kalimat positi . (. +e don)t like spacy ood. &like' adalah /erba sebagai predikat dalam kalimat negati yang didahului oleh au1iliary &do 2 not'. *. +hat do you need right no!,

$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


&need' adalah /erba dalam kalimat tanya in ormati yang didahului oleh au1iliary &do'. -. Did she call you yesterday, &call' adalah kata kerja sebagai predikat dalam kalimat tanya interrogati yang didahului au1iliary &did'. 3. She is a good singer. &is' adalah kata kerja (tobe) sebagai predikat dalam kalimat positi . 4atihan %. Sebutkan Subjek dan .erba (sebagai predikat) pada kalimat kalimat berikut ini. "ontoh# The man speaks 5nglish /ery !ell. Subjek kalimatnya adalah The man. .erba sebagai predikatnya adalah speaks. %. 6ack put the letter in the mailbo1. (. The children !alked to school. *. "hairil An!ar !rote a lot o poems. -. 7ary didn)t do her home!ork. 3. Does 7r. 6ohn come rom America, 8. Birds is lying in the sky. 9. +hy did the baby cry, :. The students need a pen. ;. 7y riends enjoyed the party. %<. Are they studying in the library, %%. Did you enjoy the party, %(. +hen !ill !e go to the =oo, %*. She opened the door. %-. >ather asks me to study hard. %3. Ana doesn)t al!ays come on time. %8. ?eorge is a producti/e !riter. %9. The soup smells /ery good. %:. I didn)t go any!here during holiday. %;. Does she stay there, (<. +hat does he teach at the school, (%. 6ack has a part@time job. ((. Ae !orks at a ast@ ood restaurant. (*. 7onkeys don)t like !ater. (-. Do you ha/e a pet,
$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


(3. +hen did they arri/e, ". Adjecti/e (Bata si at) Bata si at (adjecti/e) adalah kata yang menerangkan kata benda (noun). Dalam istilah tata bahasa kata si at memodi ikasi kata benda. 7emodi ikasi artinya &mengubah sedikit'. Bata si at tidak memiliki bentuk jamak. 6adi kita tidak bisa menambahkan akhiran &eCes' kepada kata si at. Beberapa contoh kata si at# good, bad, young, beautiful, old, rich, poor, brown, hungry, thirsty, modern, careful, easy$ dll. "ontoh pemakaian kata si at untuk memodi ikasi kata benda# %. good student (Dsis!a yang baik) &good' adalah kata si at$ &student' adalah kata benda. (. rich man (Dorang kaya) &rich' adalah kata si at$ &man' adalah kata benda. *. beauti ul girl (Dgadis yang cantik) &beati ul' adalah kata si at$ &girl' adalah kata benda. 4atihan (. Sebutkan kata si at dan kata benda dalam rase berikut ini. %. 5asy Euestion (. So t /oice *. ?ood book -. Intelligent student 3. Foung man 8. 4a=y boy 9. Black jacket :. Big house ;. Aungry people %<. Busy road %%. Aea/y door %(. 51pensi/e car %*. "orrect ans!er %-. Diligent girl %3. ?reen apple (ati)an 1 Dalam teks berikut ini paling tidak terdapat sebilan bua) 3rase yang berupa kata sifat + kata benda. Carila) semua 3rase tersebut4 kemudian pa)ami artinya%

+uccess +t ry
9ester+a# a!tern n 8rank <a*kins *as telling me a( ut 'is experiences as a # ung man- 8rank is n * t'e 'ea+ ! a 5er# large c mpan#) (ut as a little ( # 'e use+ t * rk in a small s' p- ?t *as 'is % ( t repair (ic#cles an+ at t'at time 'e *as use+ t * rk ! urteen ' urs a +a#- <e sa5e+ m ne# ! r #ears an+ in 1938 'e ( ug't a small
$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


* rk4s' p ! 'is *n- 1uring t'e *ar 8rank use+ t make spare parts ! aer planes0t t'at time 'e 'a+ t* 'elpers- 6# t'e en+ ! t'e *ar) t'e small * rk4s' p 'a+ (ec me a large !act r# *'ic' empl #e+ se5en 'un+re+ an+ t*ent#4eig't pe ple8rank smile+ *'en 'e remem(ere+ 'is 'ar+ earl# #ears an+ t'e l ng r a+ t success<e *as still smiling *'en t'e + r pene+ an+ 'is (eauti!ul *i!e came- S'e *ante+ 'im t repair t'eir s n:s (ic#cleP

$%mpilasi /ahan *jar /ahasa #nggris by 3adi.inata


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