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Lesson 1 Unit 1


Articolul este o parte de vorbire care insoteste, de regula, un substantiv. In limba engleza
exista trei tipuri de articole. Acestea stau intotdeauna in fata substantivului.

Articolul nehotarat este a, an si se intrebuinteaza numai la singular.

A se pronunta [ei] cand este accentuat si [ə] cand nu este accentuat, fiind folosit in fata unui
substantiv care incepe cu o consoana, sau cu unul din sunetele semivocale w si y :

a dog a horse a window a unity

An pronuntat [æn], [an], [n] este intrebuintat in fata unui cuvant care incepe cu o vocala sau
cu h mut :

an apple an hour an honourable man

Folosirea articolului nehotarat:

1. atunci cand nu stim nimic despre substantului respectiv:

There is a boy in the street.

2. inaintea unui substantiv nume de profesie, meserie, nationalitate plasat dupa verbele to be,
to become:
She is a teacher.
He will become a doctor.
You are an Englishman.

3. cu inteles de numeral:
A boy is reading, two girls are playing.

4. in fata cuvintelor litlle si few conferindu-le acestora un plus de cantitate:

He has few English books. - El are putinecarti englezesti.
He has a few English books.- El are multe (ceva) carti englezesti.

5. dupa many (urmat de substantiv la singular), quite, rather, such, what, without, as,

Many a man would like this.

She is quite a Lady.
Such a nice girl!
What a morning!
She is a woman without a husband.
Write this as an introduction.

6. in unele expresii curente:

at a distance – la distanta
on an average – in medie
on a large/small scale – pe scara larga/ redusa
with a view to – in scopul de a
it is a pity!/ a shame!- e pacat!, e rusine!
To be in a hurry – a fi grabit
to have an answer for everything – a avea raspuns la toate
to have a fancy for – a avea chef de
to have an opportunity – a avea prilejul
to have a right to – a avea dreptul la
to have a talent for – a avea talent la, pentru
to keep it a secret – a tine secret
to make a fortune – a face avere
to make a fuss – a face caz
to take a seat – a lua loc
to go for a walk/ a sail/ a drive/ a ride/ etc. - a se duce la plimbare/ pe jos/ cu yola sau
cu vaporul/ cu automobilul etc.
To catch a cold – a raci
to have a headache – a avea o durere de cap

7. in fata numelor de masuri (timp, distanta, cantitate):

once a day – o data pe zi
three miles an hour – trei mile pe ora
30 lei a dozen – 30 lei duzina.


I am a teacher. You are a student. You are students. You are my students and i
am your teacher. Bill and i are teachers. We are your teacher. Ben is a student
and Ann is a student, too. He is a student and she is a student. Kitty is a
typist and Dick is a dentist. Nick and Dick are dentists. Tom is a doctor. Tom
and Lisa are doctors. Paul is a poet. All my students are poets. Charles is a
mechanic. I am a teacher. I am not a student. Ann is a student; she is not a
teacher. Charles is not an economist; he is a mechanic. You are students; you
are not teachers. Alec is an artist; he is not a teacher. We are students. We are
not teachers.

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