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Geocentric vs.

Heliocentric Theories

Geocentric Solar System

Geo is Greek for Earth Geo-centric = Earth-centered

Heliocentric Solar System

Helios is Greek for Sun Helio-centric = Sun-centered

Around 140 A.D. (Roman) Geocentric Model Explained what people saw everyday:
the stars would stay in their position but change places in the sky, while the planets would change place and position every night

Naturally he assumed the Earth was in the center of the universe, with the planets orbiting around it

Geocentric theory lasted 1400 years!


Nicholas Copernicus
(1473-1543) Polish Heliocentric Model His ideas were never accepted in his lifetime

But they led to

Galileo Galilei
(1564-1642) Italian Heliocentric Model

Born 21 years after Copernicus died

Embraced cutting edge technology of his day the telescope His observations were scientifically-proven and BELIEVED


Isaac Newton
(1642-1727) British Finally explained WHY the Earth orbits the Sun Newton came up with:
The 3 Laws of Motion The Law of Universal Gravitation Helped invent Calculus

Stay tuned

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