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Srdrlebilir Ulatrma Mhendislii Prof.Dr.Mustafa KARAAHN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Srdrlebilir Ulatrmaya Giri Ulatrma Planlama Yaklamlar Motorlu Tatlar Motorsuz Tatlar Motorsuz Tatlar iin Altyap Tatlardan Kaynaklanan Hava Kirlilii, Grlt Yaya Yollar Ulatrma Planlamasnda Srdrlebilir Yaklam Trafik Skkl ve Srdrlebilirlik Potansiyel Alternatif Yaktlar Srdrlebilir Talep Ynetimi Akll Ulatrma Sitemleri Avrupa Birlii Srdrlebilir Ulatrma Politikalar Srdrlebilir Yk Tamas

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Introduction to Sustainable Transportation Transporation Planning Approaches Motorized Vehicles Non-motorized Vehicles Infrastructure for Non-motorized Vehicles Pollution and Noise Due to Vehicles Pedestrian Ways Sustainability Approach to Transporation Planning Congestion and Sustainability Potential Alternative Fuels Sustainable Demand Management Intellgient Transportation Systems Sustainable Transportation Politics in EU Sustainable Freight Transportation Kaynaklar Golinska, P ve Hajdul, M. (2012) Sustainable Transport, Springer Publications. Banister, D. (2005) Unsustainable Transport New Transport in the New Century, Roudledge Taylor&Francis Publication. Root, A. (2003) Delivering Sustainable Transport A Social Perspective, Pergoman Press. Tolley, M. (2003) Sustainable Transport, CRC Press.

Dersin renme ktlar 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ulatrma planlama yaklamlarn renme Tat teknolojileri ve gelimeleri konusunda bilgilendirme Bisiklet ve yaya yollar ile ilgili tasarm ve ilkelerini renme Avrupa Birlii srdrlebilir ulatrma yaklamlar konusunda bilgilenme Srdrlebilir ulatrma planlama ilkelerini renme

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