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Ancient Egypt (Synthesis) Lesson Title & Grade: Ancient Egypt (Grade 6) Lesson Duration: 2-3 sessions in the

library Learning Objectives Students will be able to summarize information by gathering and selecting important information from their written notes. Students will write information in their own words. Performance TaskStudents will: Work with a partner to rewrite their guiding questions. Write two to three facts to answer each guiding question. Facts are to be written in bullet format. Assessment Tool Presentation Plan graphic organizer and checklist. Standards AASL: Standard 2: Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. Common Core: 6-8.WHST.7- Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration. Resources Student notes collected from Encyclopedia Britannia, print materials from the library, websites suggested from Destiny catalog search. Collaboration Loertschers Taxonomy- Planned Gathering o This lesson would coincide with the librarys Ancient Egypt Unit. Mrs. Korpi established this unit in order support 6thgrade classroom curriculum.

Lesson Procedure Hook interest- Review with the class the questions they are forming while studying about their individual Ancient Egypt topics. State todays goal- Explain to students that they will be creating a presentation plan for their upcoming presentations. Demonstrate- Display the Presentation Planner graphic organizer with the document camera and show how to complete Question #1 and Slide #1 by writing a guiding question and summarize information from notes with bullet points on a sample topic about Ancient Egypt (that wasnt selected already by students). Guided Practice- Have students complete Question #2 and Slide #2 as a class on the sample topic. Team Practice- Have students sit by their partners. Pass out new Presentation Planners and have students complete the graphic organizer as a team. Assess Work- Students will asses their work with the checklist at the bottom of the graphic organizers. LMS will assess student work with the same checklist. Once students have completed their graphic organizer, they can move onto creating a PowerPoint presentation in the computer lab. Sample of Student Work Meets: The following is a student example of meeting expectations. Example shows four guiding questions and 3-4 bullet point facts answering each question. Reflection Although I have not officially taught this lesson, it was developed in order to coincide with the librarys 6 th grade Ancient Egypt unit. While working with students on finding information, most of the students were losing their work and were anxious to jump to the PowerPoint presentations before finding information on their topic. This lesson would help students plan for their presentations and would also serve as an assessment tool for their upcoming presentations.

To modify this lesson for students who have special needs with writing/processing disorders, an electronic version of the graphic organizer would be provided for students to type in their answers.

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