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Lesson Plan 1 Subject: Writing Activity: Personal Narrative Writing Setting: Resource Room # of Students: 1 (used with multiple

students, but not at the same time) Statement of Ob ective! *Observable/Measurable (A ! " #$ *%L"&/'&P ()*)*a: &stablis+ a situation and introduce a narrator and/or c+aracters, organi-e an event se.uence t+at unfolds naturally) /essie 0ill be able to describe 0+at a 1ersonal narrative story is 0it+ a 2a3i2u2 of one 1ro21t) /essie 0ill be able to describe 0+at c+aracters and setting are 0+en 0riting a 1ersonal narrative) #aterials! *Pre1ared and organi-ed *Available for all (riting s+eets o 4%reat 0riters5 o 4(e "an (rite About5 o 4Setting5 and 4"+aracters5 o %ra1+ic organi-er o 6u21ty #u21ty story o 7+e S+aggy #og story %reeting sign in (ar2:u1: Sig+t 0ords 0ord searc+ 'ntroduction to 0+at 0e;re doing today o 6ave you ever 0ritten a story before< o (+at did you 0rite about< =edirection bac8 to to1ic if necessary "ccommodations

Opening! *%ain attention/2otivate *Activate 1rior 8no0ledge 9lin8/relate, assess, 1re1are for ne0 learning (e)g) vocabulary$ *State goals/set 1ur1ose 9e31lain tas8: 0+y 0+at +o0 and 0+en for strategies *"lear directions Presentation! 7eac+er: *>ariety of learning (7/S S/S S/7$ *Organi-ational fra2e0or8 9construct clarify and lin8 conce1ts in a 2eaningful conte3t *Present visually verbally 8inest+etically real 0orld (e)g) L&S6$ *Model and t+in8 aloud to 2a8e visible 9language 1ractices/1rocesses 9learning strategies and

%o over 0+at to re2e2ber 0+en 0riting: (+at great 0riters do &31lain 0+at setting and c+aracter are (+y t+ey;re i21ortant in 0riting a story %ive e3a21les As8 for e3a21les &31lain 0+at 1ersonal narratives are %o t+roug+ gra1+ic organi-er of 0+at 1ersonal organi-ers loo8 li8e:

>erbal 1ro21ting 0+en needed

6ave student retell

ada1tations (+o0 0+en and 0+y$ 9organi-ation relations+i1s and clues *7ransfer of control 9students e31lain justify clarify etc) *"lear directions *"+ec8 for understanding 9a11ro1riate feedbac8: 1raise 1ro21t 1robe/.uestion (in ?P#$ 9assess/error drill 92onitor and adjust instruction Students: *Partici1ation 9overt and active 9instructional dialogue t+in8 aloud e31lain justify evaluate etc) $uided Practice! *Activity related to 1resentation/objectives *Active student 1artici1ation 91rovide rationale for assign2ent 92ulti:sensory and real 0orld 9instructional dialogue *7ransfer of control 9students e31lain justify clarify t+in8 aloud *"+ec8 for understanding 9ensure +ig+ success rate 9a11ro1riate feedbac8: 1raise 1ro21t 1robe/.uestion (in ?P#$ %ndividual Practice! 9assess/error drill 92onitor and adjust instruction *Manage2ent/2onitoring 9scan circulate assess su11ort 1raise &losing! *Ade.uate ti2e *Students su22ari-e content and acco21lis+2ents *Assess/identify ne0 goals *Lin8 to future learning

O1ening first ne3t last closing

to c+ec8 for understanding

=ead for student =ead a fa2iliar s+ort story toget+er (6u21ty #u21ty$ 'dentify t+e setting 'dentify t+e c+aracters

=ead a s+ort story (S+aggy #og Story$ 'dentify t+e setting 'dentify t+e c+aracters

=ead for student

Su22ary of 0+at 0e tal8ed about today 7o2orro0 0e 0ill begin 0or8ing on your o0n 1ersonal narrative so you 0ill need to +ave a setting and c+aracters for your story too)

Lesson Plan @ Subject: Writing Activity: Personal Narrative Writing Setting: Resource Room # of Students: 1 (used with multiple students, but not at the same time) Statement of Ob ective! *Observable/Measurable (A ! " #$ *%L"&/'&P ()*)*a: &stablis+ a situation and introduce a narrator and/or c+aracters, organi-e an event se.uence t+at unfolds naturally) /essie 0ill identify an occasion fro2 +er life and narro0 it do0n to one s1ecific event to 0rite about 0it+ a 2a3i2u2 of t0o 1ro21ts) (riting s+eets o 47+ings ' +ave done5 o 4?oo2 in on one 2o2ent5 o 4Aarro0 t+e to1ic5 %reeting sign in (ar2:u1 "ccommodations

#aterials! *Pre1ared and organi-ed *Available for all

Opening! *%ain attention/2otivate *Activate 1rior 8no0ledge 9lin8/relate, assess, 1re1are for ne0 learning (e)g) vocabulary$ *State goals/set 1ur1ose 9e31lain tas8: 0+y 0+at +o0 and 0+en for strategies *"lear directions Presentation! 7eac+er: *>ariety of learning (7/S S/S S/7$ *Organi-ational fra2e0or8 9construct clarify and lin8 conce1ts in a 2eaningful conte3t *Present visually verbally 8inest+etically real 0orld (e)g) L&S6$ *Model and t+in8 aloud to 2a8e visible 9language 1ractices/1rocesses 9learning strategies and ada1tations (+o0 0+en and 0+y$ 9organi-ation relations+i1s and clues *7ransfer of control 9students e31lain justify clarify etc)

'ntroduction to 0+at 0e;re doing today: o (+at are so2e t+ings you 0ould li8e to 0rite about< o 7+in8ing bac8 to our last lesson 0+at do you t+in8 is i21ortant to include in your 0riting< (e can 0rite aboutB 7+in8 aloud 0+at ' 2ig+t 0rite about based on e3a21les fro2 2y life 6ave student brainstor2 events in +er life t+at s+e really re2e2bers and 0ould li8e to tell so2eone about As8 1robing/1ressing .uestions about events student brings u1

%ive re2inders/ 1ro21ting of 0+at 0e tal8ed about last lesson if needed

%ive 2ore e3a21les fro2 1ersonal life if student is stuc8

*"lear directions *"+ec8 for understanding 9a11ro1riate feedbac8: 1raise 1ro21t 1robe/.uestion (in ?P#$ 9assess/error drill 92onitor and adjust instruction Students: *Partici1ation 9overt and active 9instructional dialogue t+in8 aloud e31lain justify evaluate etc) $uided Practice! *Activity related to 1resentation/objectives *Active student 1artici1ation 91rovide rationale for assign2ent 92ulti:sensory and real 0orld 9instructional dialogue *7ransfer of control 9students e31lain justify clarify t+in8 aloud *"+ec8 for understanding 9ensure +ig+ success rate 9a11ro1riate feedbac8: 1raise 1ro21t 1robe/.uestion (in ?P#$ %ndividual Practice! 9assess/error drill 92onitor and adjust instruction *Manage2ent/2onitoring 9scan circulate assess su11ort 1raise &losing! *Ade.uate ti2e *Students su22ari-e content and acco21lis+2ents *Assess/identify ne0 goals *Lin8 to future learning

7oget+er discuss and fill out 4t+ings ' +ave done5 s+eet

Scribe for student if needed

After t+e broad to1ic is c+osen +ave student fill out 4?oo2 in on a 2o2ent5 s+eet to narro0 t+e to1ic do0n to one s1ecific event 6ave student identify 0+o t+e c+aracters are in t+e story as 0ell as t+e setting (reflecting bac8 on lesson 1$

6ave student retell 0+at 0e 0or8ed on today #iscuss +o0 0e 0ill use t+e infor2ation 0e ca2e u1 0it+ today for our ne3t lesson 0+en 0e begin 1re:0riting activities

Lesson Plan * Subject: Writing Activity: Personal Narrative Writing Setting: Resource Room # of Students: 1 (used with multiple students, but not at the same time) Statement of Ob ective! *Observable/Measurable (A ! " #$ *%L"&/'&P ()*)*b: Cse dialogue and descri1tions of actions t+oug+ts and feelings to develo1 e31eriences and events or s+o0 t+e res1onse of c+aracters to situations (ill one:on:one adult su11ort /essica 0ill fill out t+e o1ening body and closing of a gra1+ic organi-er) %ra1+ic organi-er %reeting sign in (ar2:u1 "ccommodations

#aterials! *Pre1ared and organi-ed *Available for all Opening! *%ain attention/2otivate *Activate 1rior 8no0ledge 9lin8/relate, assess, 1re1are for ne0 learning (e)g) vocabulary$ *State goals/set 1ur1ose 9e31lain tas8: 0+y 0+at +o0 and 0+en for strategies *"lear directions Presentation! 7eac+er: *>ariety of learning (7/S S/S S/7$ *Organi-ational fra2e0or8 9construct clarify and lin8 conce1ts in a 2eaningful conte3t *Present visually verbally 8inest+etically real 0orld (e)g) L&S6$ *Model and t+in8 aloud to 2a8e visible 9language 1ractices/1rocesses 9learning strategies and ada1tations (+o0 0+en and 0+y$ 9organi-ation relations+i1s and clues *7ransfer of control 9students e31lain justify clarify etc)

7oday 0e are going to 0or8 on 1re:0riting activities) (+y do you t+in8 0e do 1re:0riting activities instead of just starting to 0rite< So 0e re2e2ber to add all of t+e i21ortant details 7o 2a8e sure everyt+ing is in order (telling t+e story in t+e correct order of events$

%uide student in rig+t direction if needed

(e use gra1+ic organi-ers to sort out our t+oug+ts and ideas) %o t+roug+ and e31lain eac+ section of Scribe for student t+e gra1+ic organi-er) 'n your o1ening you 0ant to catc+ t+e reader;s attention to begin telling your story) 7+e body of t+e 1aragra1+ is 0+ere you list 0+at +a11ened first ne3t and last) 7+is is 0+ere all of your interesting details are added in) 'n t+e closing you 0ra1 u1 your t+oug+ts including your feelings about t+e event)

'ntroduce gra1+ic organi-er to student (e are going to fill t+is gra1+ic organi-er out using t+e details of t+e event you 1ic8ed (na2e event$ (+en 0e fill it out 0e do not +ave to +ave a bunc+ of full sentences in eac+ section

*"lear directions *"+ec8 for understanding 9a11ro1riate feedbac8: 1raise 1ro21t 1robe/.uestion (in ?P#$ 9assess/error drill 92onitor and adjust instruction Students: *Partici1ation 9overt and active 9instructional dialogue t+in8 aloud e31lain justify evaluate etc) $uided Practice! *Activity related to 1resentation/objectives *Active student 1artici1ation 91rovide rationale for assign2ent 92ulti:sensory and real 0orld 9instructional dialogue *7ransfer of control 9students e31lain justify clarify t+in8 aloud *"+ec8 for understanding 9ensure +ig+ success rate 9a11ro1riate feedbac8: 1raise 1ro21t 1robe/.uestion (in ?P#$ %ndividual Practice! 9assess/error drill 92onitor and adjust instruction *Manage2ent/2onitoring 9scan circulate assess su11ort 1raise &losing! *Ade.uate ti2e *Students su22ari-e content and acco21lis+2ents *Assess/identify ne0 goals *Lin8 to future learning

but 0e s+ould 2a8e sure to include 0+at ideas are going to be 2entioned in eac+ section) Model for student

(or8 toget+er on eac+ section of t+e gra1+ic organi-er (o1ening body closing$ 6ave student co2e u1 0it+ t+e ideas for 0+at to 0rite 'f student is stuc8 give 2ulti1le suggestions about so2et+ing t+at could be used

Scribe for student As8 1robing/1ressing .uestions for student to clarify or e31and on t+oug+ts

7+ere is no individual 1ractice for t+is lesson as t+e student and ' 0ill be 0or8ing toget+er

=evie0 all of t+e +ard 0or8 done to fill out t+e gra1+ic organi-er %ra1+ic organi-ers are used to +el1 us sort out t+e infor2ation 0e 0ant to 0rite about so t+at 0+en 0e sit do0n to 0rite t+e story 0e can loo8 bac8 at t+e gra1+ic organi-er to 2a8e sure 0e +ave everyt+ing 0e 0anted in t+e 0riting) (e are going to use ours 0+en 0e begin 0riting our introduction to2orro0)

Lesson Plan D Subject: Writing Activity: Personal Narrative Writing Setting: Resource Room # of Students: 1 (used with multiple students, but not at the same time) Statement of Ob ective! *Observable/Measurable (A ! " #$ *%L"&/'&P ()*)E: (it+ guidance and su11ort fro2 adults use "ccommodations tec+nology to 1roduce and 1ublis+ 0riting (using 8eyboarding s8ills$ as 0ell as to interact and collaborate 0it+ ot+ers /essie 0ill create and ty1e a 2ini2u2 of t+ree sentences as an o1ening to +er 1ersonal narrative 0it+ a 2a3i2u2 of @ 1ro21ts) %ra1+ic organi-er to reference %ood and 1oor e3a21les of o1enings 46oo8 t+e reader5 anc+or c+art "o21uter First draft %reeting sign in (ar2:u1

#aterials! *Pre1ared and organi-ed *Available for all

Opening! *%ain attention/2otivate *Activate 1rior 8no0ledge 9lin8/relate, assess, 1re1are for ne0 learning (e)g) vocabulary$ *State goals/set 1ur1ose 9e31lain tas8: 0+y 0+at +o0 and 0+en for strategies *"lear directions

7oday is e3citing because 0e are going to start our 0ritingG (e are going to 0rite our first draft of our o1ening 1aragra1+) Let;s revie0 all of t+e t+ings 0e +ave tal8ed about since 0e starting tal8ing about 0riting 1ersonal narratives) "+aracters and setting !eginning 2iddle and end Pre:0riting activities &31lain +o0 t+e o1ening of t+e story is i21ortant because it grabs t+e readers attention and 2a8es t+e2 0ant to 8ee1 reading to find out 0+at +a11ens in t+e story

'f student struggles 0it+ re2e2bering give +ints about 0+at 0e tal8ed about

Presentation! 7eac+er: *>ariety of learning (7/S S/S S/7$ *Organi-ational fra2e0or8 9construct clarify and lin8 conce1ts in a 2eaningful conte3t *Present visually verbally 8inest+etically real 0orld (e)g) L&S6$ *Model and t+in8 aloud to 2a8e visible 9language 1ractices/1rocesses 9learning strategies and ada1tations (+o0

S+o0 t0o e3a21les of o1enings to a story (one good and one 1oor e3a21le$, +ave student identify 0+ic+ one is good and 0+ic+ one is 1oor as8 0+y s+e t+in8s t+at (0+at is in t+e good one t+at 2a8es it good and 0+at is in t+e 1oor one t+at 2a8es it 1oor$)

=ead t+e2 for student

0+en and 0+y$ 9organi-ation relations+i1s and clues *7ransfer of control 9students e31lain justify clarify etc) *"lear directions *"+ec8 for understanding 9a11ro1riate feedbac8: 1raise 1ro21t 1robe/.uestion (in ?P#$ 9assess/error drill 92onitor and adjust instruction Students: *Partici1ation 9overt and active 9instructional dialogue t+in8 aloud e31lain justify evaluate etc) $uided Practice! *Activity related to 1resentation/objectives *Active student 1artici1ation 91rovide rationale for assign2ent 92ulti:sensory and real 0orld 9instructional dialogue *7ransfer of control 9students e31lain justify clarify t+in8 aloud *"+ec8 for understanding 9ensure +ig+ success rate 9a11ro1riate feedbac8: 1raise 1ro21t 1robe/.uestion (in ?P#$ %ndividual Practice! 9assess/error drill 92onitor and adjust instruction *Manage2ent/2onitoring 9scan circulate assess su11ort 1raise &losing! *Ade.uate ti2e *Students su22ari-e content and acco21lis+2ents *Assess/identify ne0 goals *Lin8 to future learning

Point out t+at t+e good 1aragra1+ +as an indent at t+e beginningHdiscuss indents o Model for student

6ave student t+in8 about +o0 to o1en +er story Cses anc+or c+art 4+oo8 t+e reader5 to give e3a21les for student to 2odel fro2 !egin 0riting including at least t+ree sentences in t+e o1ening)

Scribe for student

6ave student ty1e t+e o1ening on t+e co21uter instead of +and 0riting it

=e:read t+e o1ening &31lain t+at 0e 0ill co2e bac8 once 0e +ave t+e first draft of t+e body and closing done to do editing and add in 2ore details and/or describing 0ords if needed 7+is 0ill +el1 you for your ne3t lesson 0+en you 0rite t+e body of t+e story

Lesson Plan I Subject: Writing Activity: Personal Narrative Writing Setting: Resource Room # of Students: 1 (used with multiple students, but not at the same time) Statement of Ob ective! *Observable/Measurable (A ! " #$ *%L"&/'&P ()*)*b: Cse dialogue and descri1tions of actions t+oug+ts and feelings to develo1 e31eriences and events or s+o0 t+e res1onse of c+aracters to situations ()*)*c: Cse te21oral 0ords and 1+rases to signal event order) ()*)E: (it+ guidance and su11ort fro2 adults use tec+nology to 1roduce and 1ublis+ 0riting (using 8eyboarding s8ills$ as 0ell as to interact and collaborate 0it+ ot+ers /essie 0ill 0rite a 2ini2u2 of t+ree body 1aragra1+s using a 2ini2u2 of * te21oral 0ords to develo1 t+e e31eriences of t+e 1ersonal narrative) #aterials! *Pre1ared and organi-ed *Available for all Opening! *%ain attention/2otivate *Activate 1rior 8no0ledge 9lin8/relate, assess, 1re1are for ne0 learning (e)g) vocabulary$ *State goals/set 1ur1ose 9e31lain tas8: 0+y 0+at +o0 and 0+en for strategies *"lear directions Presentation! 7eac+er: *>ariety of learning (7/S S/S S/7$ *Organi-ational fra2e0or8 9construct clarify and lin8 conce1ts in a 2eaningful conte3t *Present visually verbally 8inest+etically real 0orld (e)g) L&S6$ *Model and t+in8 aloud to 2a8e visible %ra1+ic organi-er List of transition 0ords "o21uter First draft %reeting sign in (ar2:u1 =e2ind student of one e3a21le and +ave +er e31and on it/co2e u1 0it+ 2ore "ccommodations

7oday 0e;re going to 0rite t+e body of our story) 't;s a good t+ing 0e +ave our gra1+ic organi-er 0it+ all of t+e ideas 0ritten do0n so 0e re2e2ber all of t+e2) #o you re2e2ber 0+at goes in t+e body of a story< Assist student if necessary in reflecting on 0+at t+e body is Loo8ing bac8 at our gra1+ic organi-er revie0 t+e co21onents t+at need to be included in t+e body) #iscuss t+e i21ortance of using transition 0ords 0+en 2oving fro2 one t+oug+t to anot+er) Provide student 0it+ a list of transition 0ords to +el1 use a variety of t+e2 in 0riting)

Scribe for student 7ouc+ on using indents again

9language 1ractices/1rocesses 9learning strategies and ada1tations (+o0 0+en and 0+y$ 9organi-ation relations+i1s and clues *7ransfer of control 9students e31lain justify clarify etc) *"lear directions *"+ec8 for understanding 9a11ro1riate feedbac8: 1raise 1ro21t 1robe/.uestion (in ?P#$ 9assess/error drill 92onitor and adjust instruction Students: *Partici1ation 9overt and active 9instructional dialogue t+in8 aloud e31lain justify evaluate etc) $uided Practice! *Activity related to 1resentation/objectives *Active student 1artici1ation 91rovide rationale for assign2ent 92ulti:sensory and real 0orld 9instructional dialogue *7ransfer of control 9students e31lain justify clarify t+in8 aloud *"+ec8 for understanding 9ensure +ig+ success rate 9a11ro1riate feedbac8: 1raise 1ro21t 1robe/.uestion (in ?P#$ %ndividual Practice! 9assess/error drill 92onitor and adjust instruction *Manage2ent/2onitoring 9scan circulate assess su11ort 1raise &losing! *Ade.uate ti2e *Students su22ari-e content and acco21lis+2ents *Assess/identify ne0 goals *Lin8 to future learning

Put t+e ideas fro2 gra1+ic organi-er into full sentences and t+en arrange t+e2 in t+e correct order (se.uencing$)

Scribe for student

6ave student ty1e t+e body of t+e 1ersonal narrative

=e:read t+e body and +ave student recall 0+at t+e body of a story includes (including indents and transition 0ords$ #iscuss +o0 all of t+is 0ill be 0ra11ed u1 in t+e ne3t lesson t+roug+ 0riting t+e closing of t+e story)

As8 1robing and 1ressing .uestions to +el1 student recall if necessary

Lesson Plan E Subject: Writing Activity: Personal Narrative Writing Setting: Resource Room # of Students: 1 (used with multiple students, but not at the same time) Statement of Ob ective! *Observable/Measurable (A ! " #$ *%L"&/'&P ()*)*d: Provide a sense of closure) ()*)E: (it+ guidance and su11ort fro2 adults use tec+nology to 1roduce and 1ublis+ 0riting (using 8eyboarding s8ills$ as 0ell as to interact and collaborate 0it+ ot+ers /essie 0ill 0rite a closing to +er 1ersonal narrative to 0ra1 u1 t+e story using a 2ini2u2 of t+ree sentences) #aterials! *Pre1ared and organi-ed *Available for all 4(riting a =eflecting &nding5 s+eet First draft %ra1+ic organi-er "o21uter %reeting sign in (ar2:u1 Probing and 1ressing .uestions if necessary "ccommodations

Opening! *%ain attention/2otivate *Activate 1rior 8no0ledge 9lin8/relate, assess, 1re1are for ne0 learning (e)g) vocabulary$ *State goals/set 1ur1ose 9e31lain tas8: 0+y 0+at +o0 and 0+en for strategies *"lear directions Presentation! 7eac+er: *>ariety of learning (7/S S/S S/7$ *Organi-ational fra2e0or8 9construct clarify and lin8 conce1ts in a 2eaningful conte3t *Present visually verbally 8inest+etically real 0orld (e)g) L&S6$ *Model and t+in8 aloud to 2a8e visible 9language 1ractices/1rocesses 9learning strategies and ada1tations (+o0 0+en and 0+y$ 9organi-ation relations+i1s and clues

7oday you are going to 0rite t+e closing to your story) 7ell 2e so2et+ing you re2e2ber about 0+at t+e closing does for t+e story) (ra1s everyt+ing u1

Loo8 bac8 at t+e gra1+ic organi-er to revie0 +o0 you 1lan to end t+e story) Since it can so2eti2es be difficult to co2e u1 0it+ a strong ending before 0riting t+e rest of t+e story give student t+e c+ance to c+ange t+e 0ay in 0+ic+ t+e story 0ill end or add a fe0 2ore i21ortant details to t+e gra1+ic organi-er)

&31lain to student 0+at a reflective ending is and s+o0 +er t+e 4(riting a =eflective &nding5 s+eet)

S+o0 t0o e3a21les of closings to a story (one good and one 1oor e3a21le$, +ave student identify

=ead for student

*7ransfer of control 9students e31lain justify clarify etc) *"lear directions *"+ec8 for understanding 9a11ro1riate feedbac8: 1raise 1ro21t 1robe/.uestion (in ?P#$ 9assess/error drill 92onitor and adjust instruction Students: *Partici1ation 9overt and active 9instructional dialogue t+in8 aloud e31lain justify evaluate etc) $uided Practice! *Activity related to 1resentation/objectives *Active student 1artici1ation 91rovide rationale for assign2ent 92ulti:sensory and real 0orld 9instructional dialogue *7ransfer of control 9students e31lain justify clarify t+in8 aloud *"+ec8 for understanding 9ensure +ig+ success rate 9a11ro1riate feedbac8: 1raise 1ro21t 1robe/.uestion (in ?P#$ %ndividual Practice! 9assess/error drill 92onitor and adjust instruction *Manage2ent/2onitoring 9scan circulate assess su11ort 1raise &losing! *Ade.uate ti2e *Students su22ari-e content and acco21lis+2ents *Assess/identify ne0 goals *Lin8 to future learning

0+ic+ one is good and 0+ic+ one is 1oor as8 0+y s+e t+in8s t+at (0+at is in t+e good one t+at 2a8es it good and 0+at is in t+e 1oor one t+at 2a8es it 1oor$)

Cse t+e 4(riting a =eflective &nding5 s+eet to 1ut original ideas into full sentences using as 2uc+ detail as 1ossible) Scribe for student (rite closing 1aragra1+ 6ave student 2ention t+e need for an indent Csing at least @ sentences

6ave student ty1e t+e closing

#iscuss +o0 t+e first draft is no0 finis+ed and t+at 0e 0ill be using t+is in t+e ne3t lesson to revise t+e 0riting adding and/or ta8ing t+ings out to 2a8e t+e story better

Lesson Plan J Subject: Writing Activity: Personal Narrative Writing Setting: Resource Room # of Students: 1 (used with multiple students, but not at the same time Statement of Ob ective! *Observable/Measurable (A ! " #$ *%L"&/'&P ()*)*b): Cse dialogue and descri1tions of actions t+oug+ts and feelings to develo1 e31eriences and events or s+o0 t+e res1onse of c+aracters to situations) /essie 0ill 2a8e a 2ini2u2 of I revisions to +er story by adding details adjectives dialogue and/or ta8ing out unnecessary infor2ation leaving no 2ore t+an * errors) #aterials! *Pre1ared and organi-ed *Available for all Opening! *%ain attention/2otivate *Activate 1rior 8no0ledge 9lin8/relate, assess, 1re1are for ne0 learning (e)g) vocabulary$ *State goals/set 1ur1ose 9e31lain tas8: 0+y 0+at +o0 and 0+en for strategies *"lear directions Presentation! 7eac+er: *>ariety of learning (7/S S/S S/7$ *Organi-ational fra2e0or8 9construct clarify and lin8 conce1ts in a 2eaningful conte3t *Present visually verbally 8inest+etically real 0orld (e)g) L&S6$ *Model and t+in8 aloud to 2a8e visible 9language 1ractices/1rocesses 9learning strategies and ada1tations (+o0 0+en and 0+y$ 9organi-ation relations+i1s and clues *7ransfer of control 9students e31lain justify Adjective s+eet First draft %reeting sign in (ar2:u1 %ive sentence starters if student does not ans0er or says 4' don;t 8no05 "ccommodations

7oday you are going to 2a8e revisions to your 0riting) 7ell 2e 0+at you 8no0 about revising a story)

(+en 2e 2a8e revisions 0e can: Add details if necessary Add describing 0ords (adjectives$ Add dialogue 7a8e out any infor2ation t+at isn;t needed in t+e story/drifts a0ay fro2 t+e story (+en 0e revise 0e 0ant to 2a8e sure 0e +ave described 0+at is +a11ening in t+e story so t+at t+e reader 8no0s e3actly 0+at is going on) 7o do t+is 0e can use our adjective s+eet) (e 8no0 t+at adjectives are describing 0ords and t+is s+eet gives us different 0ords to use) For e3a21le t+ere are color 0ords s+a1e 0ords 0ords t+at tell +o0 2any taste 0ords)

6ave student retell revisions

clarify etc) *"lear directions *"+ec8 for understanding 9a11ro1riate feedbac8: 1raise 1ro21t 1robe/.uestion (in ?P#$ 9assess/error drill 92onitor and adjust instruction Students: *Partici1ation 9overt and active 9instructional dialogue t+in8 aloud e31lain justify evaluate etc) $uided Practice! *Activity related to 1resentation/objectives *Active student 1artici1ation 91rovide rationale for assign2ent 92ulti:sensory and real 0orld 9instructional dialogue *7ransfer of control 9students e31lain justify clarify t+in8 aloud *"+ec8 for understanding 9ensure +ig+ success rate 9a11ro1riate feedbac8: 1raise 1ro21t 1robe/.uestion (in ?P#$ %ndividual Practice! 9assess/error drill 92onitor and adjust instruction *Manage2ent/2onitoring 9scan circulate assess su11ort 1raise &losing! *Ade.uate ti2e *Students su22ari-e content and acco21lis+2ents *Assess/identify ne0 goals *Lin8 to future learning

Let;s 1ractice elaborating on an event toget+er) 7+in8 about t+e cafeteria during lunc+) (+at do you: See< 6ear< S2ell< Feel< 7aste< (e 0ould 0ant to use all of t+ese i21ortant 0ords so t+e reader +as a clear 1icture of 0+at is +a11ening in t+e story) 7+e reader s+ould be able to 1icture e3actly 0+at is going on in t+e story) 6ave student go t+roug+ +er story to add adjectives and 2a8e ot+er revisions

%ive e3a21les for student to ins1ire +er o0n t+oug+ts if necessary

#iscuss +o0 i21ortant editing is to t+e 0riting 1rocess) &31lain +o0 t+is is a +uge factor in t+e co21letion of 0riting a story and t+at in t+e ne3t lesson 0e 0ill c+ec8 over t+e revisions and t+en be able to 1ublis+ t+e story)

Lesson Plan K Subject: Writing Activity: Personal Narrative Writing Setting: Resource Room # of Students: 1 (used with multiple students, but not at the same time) Statement of Ob ective! *Observable/Measurable (A ! " #$ *%L"&/'&P ()*)*: (rite narratives to develo1 real or i2agined e31eriences or events using effective tec+ni.ue descri1tive details and clear event se.uences) ()*)E: (it+ guidance and su11ort fro2 adults use tec+nology to 1roduce and 1ublis+ 0riting (using 8eyboarding s8ills$ as 0ell as to interact and collaborate 0it+ ot+ers /essie 0ill 2a8e revisions of ca1itali-ation 1unctuation gra22ar and s1elling 0it+ KLM accuracy t+roug+ t+e entire narrative) #aterials! *Pre1ared and organi-ed *Available for all &diting c+ec8list %ra1+ic organi-er First draft Final draft "olored 1encils %reeting sign in (ar2:u1 "ccommodations

Opening! *%ain attention/2otivate *Activate 1rior 8no0ledge 9lin8/relate, assess, 1re1are for ne0 learning (e)g) vocabulary$ *State goals/set 1ur1ose 9e31lain tas8: 0+y 0+at +o0 and 0+en for strategies *"lear directions Presentation! 7eac+er: *>ariety of learning (7/S S/S S/7$ *Organi-ational fra2e0or8 9construct clarify and lin8 conce1ts in a 2eaningful conte3t *Present visually verbally 8inest+etically real 0orld (e)g) L&S6$ *Model and t+in8 aloud to 2a8e visible 9language 1ractices/1rocesses

"ongratulations on 0riting your 1ersonal narrativeG Nou s+ould feel very 1roud for co21leting t+isG 7oday 0e are going to go over a2 editing c+ec8list to +el1 2a8e our final edits and t+en you 0ill be able to 1ublis+ your 0or8G

Let;s revie0 t+e c+ec8lists to see 0+at 0e are loo8ing for in your 0riting) %o t+roug+ eac+ 1oint on t+e c+ec8list o "a1itali-ation o Punctuation o %ra22ar o S1elling

6ave student retell 0+at 0e are loo8ing for 0+en editing today

9learning strategies and ada1tations (+o0 0+en and 0+y$ 9organi-ation relations+i1s and clues *7ransfer of control 9students e31lain justify clarify etc) *"lear directions *"+ec8 for understanding 9a11ro1riate feedbac8: 1raise 1ro21t 1robe/.uestion (in ?P#$ 9assess/error drill 92onitor and adjust instruction Students: *Partici1ation 9overt and active 9instructional dialogue t+in8 aloud e31lain justify evaluate etc) $uided Practice! *Activity related to 1resentation/objectives *Active student 1artici1ation 91rovide rationale for assign2ent 92ulti:sensory and real 0orld 9instructional dialogue *7ransfer of control 9students e31lain justify clarify t+in8 aloud *"+ec8 for understanding 9ensure +ig+ success rate 9a11ro1riate feedbac8: 1raise 1ro21t 1robe/.uestion (in ?P#$ %ndividual Practice! 9assess/error drill 92onitor and adjust instruction *Manage2ent/2onitoring 9scan circulate assess su11ort 1raise &losing! *Ade.uate ti2e *Students su22ari-e content and acco21lis+2ents *Assess/identify ne0 goals *Lin8 to future learning

6ave student go t+roug+ eac+ category on t+e c+ec8list for +er story (one at a ti2e$ 2a8ing final edits)

Scribe for student

6ave student ty1e final edits on t+e co21uter) %ive student t+e o1tion to dra0 and color an illustration of +er story)

"elebrate t+e student;s success in 0riting a 1ersonal narrative) 7oget+er briefly su22ari-e 0+at 0e did (lesson 1:K$ to develo1 a great 1ersonal narrative) &31lain t+at t+ere are ot+er ty1es of 0riting t+at s+e 0ill be doing as 0ell (descri1tive e31ository

'f student struggles 0it+ re2e2bering give an e3a21le and as8 0+at it 0as called or referred to)

1ersuasive$ and 0+ile eac+ is so2e0+at different t+ere are 2any of t+e sa2e as1ects t+at 0e used to 0rite a 1ersonal narrative t+at 0ill be used to 0rite t+ose ty1es as 0ell)

Reflection (+at 0ent 0ell during t+e long range 1lanning 0as +aving a clear 1icture of 0+ere ' 0as starting as 0ell as 0+ere ' 0anted t+e student to be by t+e end of t+e unit) For2ing lesson 1lans around a s1ecific goal 2ade it easier in s1litting u1 t+e content t+at needed to be covered into individual lessons) 7+roug+ creating and teac+ing t+is unit 1lan ' learned t+at not everyt+ing goes e3actly +o0 ' 1lan it in t+e beginning) ' also learned t+at certain t+ings 0ill ta8e a longer a2ount of ti2e to co21lete t+erefore 1us+ing ot+er t+ings bac8 as 0ell) Particularly 0+en 0or8ing in t+e resource roo2 a nu2ber of t+ings can co2e u1 t+at c+ange t+e 0ay a lesson 0ill go) For e3a21le if t+e student is +aving a roug+ day and +aving a 1articularly +ard ti2e focusing t+at 2aterial 0ill 2ost li8ely need to be covered again during t+e ne3t lesson) (+ile it is nice to +ave lesson 1lans 0ritten out in detail ' noticed t+at 0+en actually teac+ing ' a2 not loo8ing at t+e lesson 1lans to direct 0+ere t+ings go as t+is +a11ens naturally) 6o0ever t+e 1lans 0ere a good tool to +ave if t+ere 0as a ti2e 0+en ' didn;t 8no0 0+at to do ne3t) 7+e tec+nology t+at 0as used 0as a la1to1 0+ic+ 0as also used as an acco22odation for t+e student) Since +and0riting is a strenuous activity for t+is student and also because state standard tests are going to be on t+e co21uter in t+e future +aving t+is student learn to ty1e 1roves to be a beneficial s8ill) Anot+er acco22odation used 0as t+at ' scribed for t+e student for gra1+ic organi-ers and t+e first draft) 7+is goes along 0it+ t+e idea t+at 0riting is a laborious tas8 for t+e student) 6o0ever t+e student ca2e u1 0it+ t+e ideas to be 0ritten) Additionally ' as8ed t+e student 1robing and 1ressing .uestions to get +er to t+in8 of a11ro1riate ans0ers 0+en needed) Ae3t ti2e ' teac+ t+is ' 0ould try to incor1orate 2ore +ands on activities and/or tec+nology to +el1 engage t+e student) (+ile 0riting is not t+e 2ost fun activity for 2any resource roo2 students it is an i21ortant s8ill to +ave) Ma8ing 0riting activities 2ore fun and interesting for students 2ig+t +el1 in s1ar8ing an interest to 0rite) Overall t+e i21ortant reali-ation t+at t+ings 2ig+t not go e3actly +o0 you 1lan and to be 1re1ared to s0itc+ t+ings u1 (+ave 2ulti1le 0ays to e31lain t+e sa2e conce1t$ 0as a big 1art of 2y learning)

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