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Early Childhood Education Learning Experience Plan Name: Caroline McConkey Lesson Title: Identifying Different Sounds Date: April 10 201! Grade Level:"re#$ Circle one: ECE PKSN Standard s!"Guideline s!:Science: Science In%uiry and Application: In%uiry: descri&e co'pare sort classify and order( Motor De)elop'ent: S'all Muscle: *ouc+ grasp reac+ 'anipulate: coordinate t+e use of +ands fingers and ,rists to 'anipulate o&-ects an d perfor' tasks re%uiring precise 'o)e'ents Pre#assessment o$ current %no&ledge: kindergarten entry c+ecklist opening +ook acti)ity: Ask students to say ,ords t+at associate ,it+ sound( 'nstructional ()*ectives +#,! (ne"T&o -ssessed 'nstructional ()*ective s.: *+e student ,ill &e a&le to((( "redict ,+at t+e contents are inside t+e plastic eggs &y s+aking t+e' /se descripti)e ,ords to descri&e t+e different sounds t+at eac+ indi)idual egg produces ,+en s+aken -ssessment o$ Student Learning 'denti$y Evidence: 01+at ,ill you collect or record as data to de'onstrate students +a)e 'et your o&-ecti)e0s. and skill2. Sa$ety Considerations: Make sure plastic eggs are not t+ro,n &ut +eld tig+tly and s+aken Make sure eggs stay closed and seal so students do not try to eat contents of eggs $eep door closed and all students in sig+t Program .onitoring: 06o, ,ill you aggregate or co'pile your e)idence into a class or group )ie,2. *+is lesson ,ill take place in s'aller groups 0groups of around 6. *+e 3a&eling "oster ,ill continue to &e displayed in t+e classroo' t+oug+ t+e ,+ole unit on senses( It ,ill ser)e as a self#c+eck for t+e students as t+ey t+ink and talk a&out t+eir senses( "ictures ,ill &e taken a %uotes ,ill &e recorded for t+e students7 portfolios 3a&eling poster 4uestioning predictions students/+a)ing t+e' 'ake Learning Experience -cademic Language: senses +earing ears loud %uiet s+aker Procedural steps: 6ook: Ask students to recall ,+ic+ of t+e senses ,e +a)e discussed already 0t+is ,ould &e touc+ taste s'ell and sig+t. +a)e students na'e t+ese senses and place proper &ody parts onto la&eling poster 89plain to students t+at you use your ears for your sense of +earing 3ist t+e different de)ices t+at can &e used to aid ,it+ +earing and e9plain t+at not all people can +ear t+e sa'e so'e not a&le to +ear at all 3esson: :ead students to descri&e t+e sense of +earing Ask students %uestions ,+ile reading and after reading t+e &ook ;i)e eac+ student a plastic egg filled ,it+ different o&-ects 0rice &eans cotton %uarters ,ater popcorn kernels. 6a)e eac+ student descri&e ,+at t+ey +ear and t+en +a)e t+e' guess ,+at is in t+e egg 5nce t+ey +a)e guessed &ased on inference let t+e' open t+e egg to see ,+at ite' it contains

Allo, students to use descripti)e ,ords "+otograp+s 5&ser)ation


Early Childhood Education Learning Experience Plan Closing: 6a)e students descri&e ,+at t+ey found inside t+eir eggs Ask students %uestions a&out +earing as ,ell as ,+at t+ey learned fro' t+e story/lesson -uthentic .aterials: 0Descri&e aut+entic real life +ands#on 'aterials(. "lastic eggs &ook rice &eans cotton %uarters ,ater popcorn kernels -dult /oles: Make sure all eggs stay sealed until asked to open t+e' 6elp pass out t+e eggs *ake pictures and record o&ser)ations during lesson

/esources 0 /e$erences:

/e$lection: 1+at +a)e you learned a&out your students2 6o, ,ill t+is infor' future instruction2.

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