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Julianna Proffitt Kinlea Hensel English IV 9 April 2014

History of Braiding

Braiding is a ery popular hair trend that has !een around for "enturies# $here are %any different types of hairstyles that one "an do &ith !raids# In different "ountries different !raids sho& the "lassifi"ation and indi iduality of the people that li e there# A""ording to the arti"le !y 'o elyish( )!raids indi"ated e erything su"h as utility to gla%our( so"ial status to ethni"ity( and %arital status to e en religious affiliation* +)'o elyish*,# -ith the help of the internet( !raiding has !e"o%e a popular hairstyle# Braiding has !een around for .uite a&hile and it allo&s people to ha e %any "hoi"es in hairstyles for %any different o""asions# $hroughout ti%e !raids ha e "hanged and !e"a%e "reati e and uni.ue# In the past people &ore !raids all of the ti%e to /eep hair out of their fa"e and they also "lassified the% as indi iduals# Braids are a lot %ore popular today !e"ause they are used fre.uently# Braiding has !e"o%e a neat and popular &ay to /eep your hair out your fa"e &hile loo/ing pretty# Braids ha e al&ays !een around# $here are lot of uni.ue different !raids that %any people ha e "a%e up &ith# 0o%%on !raids are the 1ut"h( 2ren"h( 2ishtail( 3ope( $&ist( 2our strand( Braid ha&/( and the Head !and !raid# A""ording to Ki%( )there are

endless "hoi"es of !raids a aila!le and yet they all are !ased on the sa%e prin"iple of &ea ing the hair together in se eral strands( &ith differen"es related %ostly to positioning* +Ki%,# $he "o%%on te"hni.ues that people use to !raid are usually the o erhand and underhand te"hni.ue# 4ost people usually !raid faster &hen o erhand !raiding( ho&e er &hen you underhand !raid( the !raids "o%e out a lot neater# $here are %any hairstyles you "an do &ith all types of hair# $he longer the hair( the %ore "reati e you "an !e( !ut any hair length "an pull off its o&n ersion of a !raided hairstyle# Braids are ery uni.ue and there are endless styles you "an do &ith the%# Besides the standard !raid( there is a ariety of !raids that "an !e used for spe"ial o""asions su"h as &eddings( parties( and pro%s +'a"ey,# Braids "an !e used for lots of things su"h as atta"hing tra"/s and e5tensions to your hair# $ra"/s and e5tensions "an !e used to atta"h hair to your o&n to %a/e it appear loo/ing longer( thi"/er( and lustrous# Braids are an ad antage &hen it "o%es to tra"/s and e5tensions !e"ause they allo& tra"/s or e5tensions to !e se"ure# A""ording to %y arti"le a!out tra"/s and e5tensions )to add in tra"/s or e5tensions you ha e to !raid the hair into a !ee hi e( straight a"ross( or !raid e ery other se"tion of the hair &hile you lea e so%e out so it has a natural loo/* +3efiney29,# $ra"/s( e5tensions( any types of hairstyle &ith !raids "an !e &ore any&here for %any o""asions su"h as pro%( !irthdays( s"hool photos( and different types of photos in general# $here are %any "ountries that ha e "arried out !raiding hairstyles and they stand for %any things# 4ost "ountries "lasses su"h as the upper( %iddle( and lo&er "lasses are deter%ined !y the !raids they "hoose to &ear# 4ost pla"es( if you isit the% you &ill see that they &ear different !raids that distinguish indi iduality# 6o%e of the pla"es that ha e

the uni.ue !raids that sho& indi iduality are Afri"a( An"ient Egypt( 7ree/( 8ati e A%eri"a( and 4edie al Europe# A""ording to %y arti"le !y 'o elyish( )these ela!orate hairstyles e entually !e"o%e popular a%ongst &ealthy 3o%an &o%en and !e"o%e e en %ore dra%ati" in later 3o%an periods*+)'o elyish*,# 1ue to the internet( !raiding has !e"o%e a ery uni ersal %ethod of fi5ing your hair# A""ording to the 'o elyish arti"le )&hen 9ou$u!e laun"hed in 200:( !raiding !e"a%e an internet sensation#* $here are "urrently o er one %illion !raiding ideos on 9ou$u!e for literally endless inspiration# Braiding is a ery popular hair trend that has !een around for a long ti%e and &ill re%ain popular as ti%e goes on# I;% sure there &ill %any %ore hairstyles in ol ing !raiding that people &ill "o%e up &ith( %ay!e one day I "ould "o%e up &ith one of %y o&n# $hroughout history !raiding has !e"o%e the %ost popular hairstyles in the <nited 6tates# Braiding has !een around for .uite a&hile and it allo&s people to ha e different o""asions# 8o& !raids are %ore popular and they don;t really stand for anything spe"ifi"( they are =ust &orn as "ute hairstyles# A""ording to Ki%( )hairstyles "o%e and go( !ut !raided hair is an an"ient !eauty te"hni.ue &ith a long and literally &inding history that roa%s a"ross "ountries( "ultures( and "enturies*+Ki%,#

Ki%# )$he !eautiful and a%a>ing history of !raids*#Lovelyish# April 1:(201?# -e!# 2e!ruary 2?( 201? 'a"ey# )Braiding helps your hair*# Hairstyles# -e!# 2: fe!#2014 3efinery 29# )$he &ild( A%a>ing true history of Braids# -e!# 2: 2e!#2014 )$he Beautiful and A%a>ing History of Braids*# Lovelyish# 'o elyish# -e!# 19 2e!# 2014#

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