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! As you run your heart is pumping blood through your body. The heart is working hard to get blood through your arteries and veins to the rest your body. The circulatory system is like a one-way transportation highway for your body. It helps the oxygen that you inhale get to the rest of your body. It does this by using blood vessels, and there are two types. The first type is arteries they help carry oxygen filled blood throughout your body. The second type is veins they help carry waste gas like carbon dioxide to your lungs for you to breathe out. There are also three types of cells that flow in your blood. The first one is red blood cells; it carries oxygen into your body and carbon dioxide out. The second type is white blood cells; it helps fight infection, diseases and germs that grow within your body. The last and final type is platelets; they help your blood clot to stop bleeding if you have a cut. The blood is pumped by the main organ of the circulatory system, the heart. The blood only flows through blood vessels because the left side of the heart squeezes, sending the blood around your body. The heart is about the same size as an average childs fist and is located behind the sternum.

There many diseases that has to do with the circulatory system. But here are two of the most common and main ones. The first one is leukemia. Leukemia is when the bone marrow makes too many white blood cells therefore stopping the bone marrow from making red blood cells. It will also prevent the white blood cells from fighting germs properly. The second type is sickle cell anemia. Sickle cell anemia would cause the red blood cells to lose its round shape. Causing it to clog blood vessels and make the person feel weak because it cant carry as much oxygen. Although there are many diseases, there are ways to prevent the likelihood of catching one. To keep it healthy we must not eat too many foods with high fats and cholesterols. Too many of these can block your blood vessels to be blocked by fat, forcing the heart to pump harder, over working its self. We must also exercise daily; it helps make our hearts fitter reducing the likelihood of getting heart diseases.

Just like we interact with friends and family, the circulatory system also interacts with another main system, such as the respiratory system. The respiratory system includes the nose and mouth that we use to breathe in air, it then goes down to the lungs and the red blood cells get oxygen from the alveoli that are in the lungs to bring to the rest of the body. Since this system is vital for our life we must protect it, as well as make sure it is healthy.

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