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Year level(s) Year 1 Duration 60 min Focus Data representation and interpretation Implementation date(s) Curriculum area(s) Numeracy Statistics and Probability

NOTE: Use the relevant curriculum document: Australian Curriculum (P-10); !A ueensland "inder#arten $earnin# %uideline; !A Earl& 'ears Curriculum %uidelines; !A Essential $earnin#s and !tandards ('ears 1 -(); !A $earnin# area ('ear 10); !A !u)*ect s&lla)us+!A! ('ears 11 , 1-). and other curriculum sources (school /riorities. etc0) Prior no!led"e# Students count to and $rom (0 and order small collections) Students are learnin" to count to and $rom 100) Students are able to "roup ob*ects based on common characteristics and sort shapes and ob*ects) Students can answer simple +uestions to collect in$ormation) Students ha%e had e&posure to posin" +uestions about themsel%es and $amiliar ob*ects and e%ents) Students can represent responses to +uestions usin" simple displays, includin" "roupin" students accordin" to their answers) Students use data displays to answer simple +uestions) Students are learnin" to tell the time usin" analo"ue and di"ital clocks) Students are learnin" to write the days o$ the week and months o$ the year statin" how many days in each month)
Learnin" outcomes'standardsL$%( - Where does the learner need.want to be? /nowled"e # understandin" # skills to be ac+uired or $urther de%eloped) Draw upon rele%ant content descriptions $rom curriculum document to in$orm speci$ic outcomes.standards $or this learnin" e&perience) 0ore"round achie%ement standards that will in$orm assessment) 1se descriptors appropriate $or phase o$ learnin" # curriculum) 2S3, (011, de$ines curriculum as 4the sum total o$ the learnin" and de%elopment e&periences that are o$$ered by a school, $ormally and in$ormally, in class and out o$ class5)'

L$%& - What does the learner already know? !inks to prior knowled"e # interests includin" dia"nosis o$ pre%ious learnin" e&periences'

/nowled"e # understandin"declarati%e' D/ 1- Simple +uestions are used to "ather data $or picture "raphs D/ (- 6n a picture "raph a sin"le picture represents a sin"le response and shows the ob*ect in +uestion this is called one-to-one correspondence D/ 7- 8he comparati%e lan"ua"e used to describe displays includes - more, less, $ewer, "reater)


P/ 1- 9reate an ob*ect "raph usin" plastic ob*ects) P/ (- Pose simple +uestions to "ather appropriate responses $or a simple in%esti"ation) P/ 7- 9reate a simple table to collect data) P/ :- 9on%ert data in table into a picture "raph) P/ ;- Describe displays by identi$yin" %arious cate"ories) P/ 6- Describe displays by identi$yin" cate"ories with the "reatest or least number o$ ob*ects P/ <- 1se comparati%e lan"ua"e when makin" statements describin" displays)
Version 25 Nov 2011

Learnin" processes# L$%) - =ow does the learner best learn? Do!1 0ocus - What 3ttitudes and Perceptions will be the $ocus o$ this !>P and how Do!; 0ocus - What =abits o$ Dind will be the $ocus o$ this !>P and how will 6 will 6 support indi%idual learners? 6ncludin" di$$erentiated teachin" $or student support their de%elopment? di%ersity)' 3ttitudes and perceptions are a %ital part o$ e%ery teachin" and learnin" e&perience) =a%in" a repertoire o$ e$$ecti%e strate"ies $or elicitin" positi%e attitudes will enhance students? learnin") 8he $ollowin" list will "uide the Year 1 students to take ownership o$ their learnin", $orm positi%e attitudes about what they are learnin" and their ability to learn new thin"s) 6t will teach them to accept and $eel accepted by others) >ach has been embedded into the unit plan to encoura"e students to test the boundaries o$ their learnin" abilities in a sa$e learnin" en%ironment) @eco"niAe and pro%ide $or students? indi%idual di$$erences) @espond positi%ely to students? incorrect responses or lack o$ response) Bary positi%e rein$orcement when students "i%e the correct response) Structure opportunities $or students to work with peers) 0re+uently use acti%ities that in%ol%e physical mo%ement) 1se a %ariety o$ ways to en"a"e students in classroom tasks) 9reate classroom tasks that relate to students? interests and "oals) Celie%e they ha%e the ability and resources to complete tasks) Pro%ide students with clear per$ormance e&pectations and pro%ide appropriate $eedback) Producti%e mental habits alon" with positi%e attitudes and perceptions enhance the way students learn) 8hey help to what students are learnin" currently and de%elop and enrich how students learn in the $uture) 8he unit has been desi"ned to incorporate mental habits that e&empli$y critical thinkin" includin"E bein" accurate and seekin" accuracy, bein" clear and seekin" clarity, restrainin" impulsi%ity and to respond appropriately to others? $eelin"s and le%el o$ knowled"e) Students learn the importance o$ $ormin" mental habits that e&empli$y creati%e thinkin" includin"E perse%erance, pushin" the limits o$ their knowled"e and abilities and maintainin" their own standards o$ e%aluation) Students also de%elop habits o$ mind associated with sel$-re"ulated thinkin" includin"E plannin" appropriately, identi$yin" and usin" necessary resources, respondin" appropriately to $eedback and to e%aluate the e$$ecti%eness o$ their actions) 8he unit has been desi"ned to incorporate each o$ these throu"h a %ariety o$ rich learnin" e&periences


Learnin" procedures L$%+ - What will constitute the learnin" *ourney? L$%, - Who will do what? 6nclude ad*ustments in the learnin" e&periences to accommodate learner di$$erence)'

Dimensions o- Learnin" (DoL) -ocus. includin" teachin" strate"ies to be used

Resources L$%/ - What resources do 6 ha%e at my disposal?

Assessment 0 -eed1ac L$%2 - =ow will 6 check to see the learner has achie%ed the learnin" outcomes? See also the 2S3 Assessment 1an2)' L$%3 4 =ow will 6 in$orm others? 6nclude moderation o$ teacher *ud"ments o$ standards i$ necessary)'

Version 25 Nov 2011


5arm 6p =a%e students Write the months o$ the year in order in their maths e&ercise book 1se a calendar to $ind out how many days in each month and write these numbers ne&t to the written month e)") No%ember 70 P7ase & 6ntroduce, en"a"e, $ocus, ad%ance or"aniser, re%iew prior knowled"e, Fhook?

Do! 1- Positi%e attitudes and perceptions G classroom tasks G ability and resources to complete tasks

Students e&ercise books Pencils 9alendar Word wall


6ntroduce the lesson to the class G e&plain that today they will be usin" what they ha%e already learned to create a picture "raph) 6ntroduce students to the $ormati%e assessment task sheets 1) 8he data table () 8he Fdo more people like do"s?? picture "raph template 7) 8he pictures o$ do"s sheet @e%iew students prior knowled"e o$ data representation and interpretation 9lari$y to students that 3 "raph will show in$ormation or answer a +uestion more clearly and easily than a response data table Hne type o$ "raph is an ob*ect "raph which me made earlier with the plastic bears 3nother type o$ "raph is the picture "raph where a sin"le picture represents a sin"le response and shows the ob*ect in +uestion Ii%e students the three task sheets and e&plain1) Sheet 1 G Do you like do"s? G Students will use the data recorded in the table to create a picture "raph () Sheet ( G Yes.No Iraph - Do more people like do"s? G Students will translate the data table into the picture "raph) Students will then complete the +uestions at the bottom o$ sheet () 7) Sheet 7 G Students will cut up and use the pictures o$ do"s to $ill in their picture "raph) P7ase ( De%elop skills # knowled"e8 build, practise, ac+uire, inte"rate, e&tend, re$ine

Do! 1- Positi%e attitudes G understand and be clear about tasks

0ormati%e assessment task sheets 1-7 Scissors Ilue Pencils

Do! 1- @espond positi%ely to students? incorrect responses or lack o$ response P)P- 6ntellectual 2uality G metalan"ua"e Do! (- 9onstruct meanin" G declarati%e knowled"e G %ocabulary terms Do! 1- =elp students be clear about the directions and demands o$ the task Do! 1- 9lassroom tasks that relate to learner interests and "oals Do! (- Shape procedural knowled"e Do! (- 6nternalise G practise- $luency, automaticity Do! 1- 9lassroom tasks G help students be clear about tasks


3sk students to look at the +uestion that is asked on Sheet 1- Do you like do"s? Discuss with students What sort o$ +uestion is it? What sort o$ answer is it "oin" to "i%e us? Will it tell us how many people like cats? 3sk students to look at the title on Sheet (- Yes.No "raph) >&plain to students- 8his tells us what the "raph is about it says FDo more people like do"s?? 3sk students 9an we "et this answer $rom the data table we will collect? Draw students to the words FYes? and FNo? alon" the bottom a&is G e&plain to students that-

Version 25 Nov 2011

8hese words tell us what in$ormation in on the line abo%e line 8he pictures $rom sheet 7 will be used to make the picture "raph Students will "lue FYes? pictures on the line to represent people who like do"s and "lue FNo? pictures on this line to represent the people who don?t like do"s 10min =a%e students complete the picture "raph then complete the missin" numbers in the sentence below the picture "raph and then circle the words that make the second sentence true) P7ase ) 9onclude, culminate, draw to"ether, re%iew # summarise key learnin"s, checks $or learnin", consolidation, tasks 3$ter students ha%e completed their $ormati%e assessment tasks =a%e a "roupin" "ame 698 tool.acti%ity $or students to "o on with G ha%e 8eacher 3ide monitor students on task beha%iour) 8eacher ill en"a"e each student in an indi%idual teacher.student inter%iew about their "raphs usin" the $ollowin" $ocus +uestions1) What in$ormation can we see? () Which line has more pictures on it? 7) What do you think it means i$ there are more pictures on that line? :) 3re there a "reater number o$ pictures or $ewer on the FNo? line? ;) Does that mean more people like do"s or less people 6) =ow many pictures would you ha%e to add to the shorter line to make it e+ual to the lon"er one? <) Do you think more people like do"s? =ow do you know 8ake obser%ations.anecdotal notes. $ormati%e assessment checklist.make records o$ students answers and in particular their ability to answer the +uestions usin" the correct comparati%e %ocabulary less, more, "reater, $ewer, than' 3t the completion o$ the teacher.student inter%iew "i%e students indi%idual $eedback) =a%e student "lue their work sheets into their acti%ity books
Some teachin" ideas were deri%ed $rom a c(c lesson plan on data representation and interpretation)

Do! ;- 9ritical thinkin" G be clear and seek clarity, check $or understandin"

Do! 1- 3bility to "et the help and resources needed

Hbser%ations 3necdotal records o$ students capacity to complete the task independently 6nteracti%e whiteboard set up 698 "roupin" "ame link ready


Do! 1- @espond positi%ely to students? incorrect responses or lack o$ response Do! (- =elp students to construct meanin" $or %ocabulary terms P)P- Social support G all students encoura"ed and %alued re"ardless o$ skill le%el Student obser%ation.record sheet $or teacher.student inter%iew

Hbser%ations 3necdotal notes 9hecklist o$ $ocus +uestions.answers Berbal $eedback to students

Re-lection# L$%9 - Why has the learner achie%ed.'not achie%ed the learnin" outcomes standards'? 0eedback to the student # teacher about what is needed to in$orm $uture learnin" - what worked and what didn?t) Were the knowled"e # understandin" # skills achie%ed? !earnin" dia"nosis includin" indi%idual learnin" issues that need to be addressed)' 0ormati%e assessment $eedback G students will recei%e %erbal $eedback $rom teacher about the completed picture "raph and $or the +uestions answered durin" the teacher.student inter%iew) Students will "ain a deeper understandin" o$ picture "raphs by stren"thenin" their ability to %erbalise statements about the data contained within the picture "raph incorporatin" the use o$ comparati%e %ocabulary) Students will recei%e $eedback about what still needs learnin")
Version 25 Nov 2011

Version 25 Nov 2011

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