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1212 Curriculum Areas: English Unit: Intercultural Understanding

Rationale This unit of work focuses on the learning across the curriculu

Stage/ Year: Stage 2 Unit duration: 9 Weeks (4 hours per week)

(!"#"$") general capa%ilit& of Intercultural understanding"

It is stated in the #ustralian $urriculu that students de'elop intercultural understanding as the& learn to understand their own identit& in relation to others for different cultures and %ackgrounds" Therefore( this unit pro'ides opportunities for students to e)plore culture %ased on chosen te)t of The Little Refugee %& #nh *o + Su,anne *o" The Little Refugee shares #nh *o-s stor& that his entire fa il& ca e close to losing their li'es as the& escaped fro war.torn /ietna in an o'ercrowded %oat en.route for #ustralia" It was a dangerous 0ourne&( with urderous pirates and terrif&ing stor s( %ut the& anaged to sur'i'e" !ife in su%ur%an #ustralia was also hard for a s all %o& with no English and funn& lunches" 1ut there was a lo'ing e)tended fa il&( lots of friends( and alwa&s so ething to laugh a%out for #nh( his %rother 2hoa and their sister Tra " #nd e'entuall& for a &oung #nh( who tried hard to see the %right side of life no atter what the difficult&( there was triu ph" The following te)ts were chosen to support intercultural understanding and the sense of %elonging3ho e: This is Our Home %& 4ichael 5osen was selected to e)plore acceptance of others in &our co unit&( e otions associated with e)clusion" This %ook de onstrates the correct use of 6uotation arks in a con'ersation te)t" The Colour of Home %& 4ar& 7off an was selected to appreciate the challenges of co unication( feeling ho esick and scared in a new countr&" This %ook de onstrates descripti'e writing and different t&pes of 'er%s (action( thinking( sensing( sa&ing and relating 'er%s)" The Treasure Box %& 4argaret Wild was selected to highlight the resilience of the hu an spirit" This %ook de onstrates the use of i ager& to support words( the uted gre&s and %rowns effecti'el& irror the ood during the opening half( with the %rilliant red of the %ook e phasising its central i portance 8 link to $reati'e #rts acti'it&" Home and Away %& 9ohn 4arsden (diar& for at) link to ain te)t and the the e of sur'i'al"

We want students to (outcomes): E:2.;# co unicates in a range of infor al and for al conte)ts %& adopting a range of roles in group( classroo ( school and co unit& conte)ts E:2.2# plans( co poses and re'iews a range of te)ts that are ore de anding in ter s of topic( audience and language

What do we want our students to learn? ( ee! "nowledge element)

E:2.<1 identifies and uses language for s and features in their own writing appropriate to a range of purposes( audiences and conte)ts E:2.=1 identifies and co pares different kinds of te)ts when reading and 'iewing and shows an understanding of purpose( audience and su%0ect atter E:2.91 uses effecti'e and accurate sentence structure( gra atical features( punctuation con'entions and 'oca%ular& rele'ant to the t&pe of te)t when responding to and co posing te)ts E:2.;>$ thinks i aginati'el&( creati'el& and interpreti'el& a%out infor ation( ideas and te)ts when responding to and co posing te)ts E:2.;;* responds to and co poses a range of te)ts that e)press 'iewpoints of the world si ilar to and different fro their own

Must be guided by syllabus content pages not indicators! and foundation" stage statements#

#in"s to Stage Statements Students will: ?co unicate e)pressi'el& and clearl& with growing proficienc& a%out ideas and infor ation in classroo ( school and social situations for a range of purposes ?use 'arious listening %eha'iours to gather general ideas and ke& points fro con'ersations( reports or spoken presentations ?identif& the effect of purpose( audience and culture on spoken te)ts and shape and present ideas accordingl& ?independentl& read( 'iew and respond to fa iliar and challenging te)ts and 0ustif& interpretations of ideas( infor ation and e'ents using a range of skills and strategies ?recognise the representation of characters( settings and e'ents in i aginati'e te)ts and start to e'aluate point of 'iew ?create well.structured i aginati'e( infor ati'e and persuasi'e te)ts in ter s of topic( purpose( audience and language %& drafting( proof.reading and editing for fa iliar and unfa iliar audiences ?e)plain and reflect on how the& structure their writing to achie'e intended purposes" $his learning matters %ecause: Students ust stud& the %est e)a ples of 6ualit& spoken te)ts( print te)ts( 'isual te)ts and ulti edia3digital te)ts Students ust e)perience te)ts written a%out intercultural e)periences including te)ts that pro'ide an insights a%out the peoples and cultures of #sia The stud& of English pro'ides learning opportunities for students to e)plore and appreciate #sian cultures( how the& ha'e influenced #ustralian culture and the ongoing relationship #ustralia has with countries around the world in the future" Wh& does this learning matter? (Signi'icance dimension) Are there clear lin$s to prior and future learning and real world application%

Students ust %e pro'ided with the opportunit& to understand their own identit& in relation to others fro different cultural %ackgrounds" The unit of work continues and %uilds upon the Stage ; Intercultural Understanding Unit %ased on The Walking Stick" (ow will students demonstrate their dee! understanding? &esign tas$ s! with authentic purpose' audience and communication tools# (s student direction content' process or product! suitable to the tas$% (s there opportunity for students to demonstrate learning at an )A* le+el% (ow well do we e*!ect students to do it? How will this information be communicated to all students and parents%

Assessment tas" outline Writing Tasks Infor ati'e writing (end of week @) 8 $o parison of $aptain $ook 'o&age and the !ittle 5efugee 'o&age I aginati'e writing (end of week A) 8 Sur'i'al at sea (%ased on orientation sti ulus) Bersuasi'e writing (end of week 9) 8 Should #ustralians show tolerance towards other culturesC 5eading Tasks $ontri%ution to the class word wall and indi'idual dictionaries with new words Duided research on /ietna 3refugees (incorporating technolog&) !istening3Speaking Tasks Bresentation of research $lass de%ate %ased on persuasi'e writing task (week 93;>) )e& outcomes 'or assessment Assessment criteria (+ndicators/ Content escri!tors) Eral and written feed%ack will %e pro'ided to the students throughout the unit Students will plan( draft and pu%lish infor ati'e( i aginati'e and persuasi'e te)ts de onstrating their a%ilit& to appropriatel& structure( use language features and digital resources to achie'ed desired outco es 5u%rics will %e pro'ided with e'er& assess ent task with clearl& stated e)pectations"

#esson Se,uence
Week ; $ontent Eutco es3 !earning E)perience
E:2.=1 E:2.;;* E:2.<1 E:2.=1 E:2.;>$ E:2.;>$ The Treasure Box by Margaret Wild with illustrations by Freya Blackwood +nitial iscussion 1efore 5eading 8 look at the co'er and endpapers" What do &ou i ediatel& notice a%out the illustrationsC What t&pes of edia ha'e %een usedC What is Gthe treasure %o)HC $an &ou guess what the treasure ight %eC !ook at the %o&-s clothing" In which ti e period do &ou think the stor& ight %e setC Wh&C The end papers are ade fro te)t in a language other than English" $an &ou identif& the languageC *oes this gi'e &ou an& clues as to where the stor& a& %e taking placeC 5eading the te)t 8 read the %ook all the wa& through( then go %ack to the %eginning" The %ook opens with the ention of an Gene &H" The& are ne'er entioned %& na e( nor are we told when or where the %ook is set" #re there an& further clues as to the ti e period or geographical settingC *o these clues co e fro the te)t or the illustrationsC Who is Gthe ene &HC Beter-s father refers to the %ook as %eing Ga%out our peopleH" Who are Beter-s peopleC What ight the %ook %e and wh& would it %e so i portantC What is the purpose of %eing 'ague with such i portant detailsC 7ow do the illustrations and te)t work together to Ifill in the %lanks-C $reasure The E)ford English *ictionar& defines treasure as Ga 'er& 'alua%le o%0ectH" To an&( an old %ook would not %e considered worth sa'ing" Indeed( when Beter is forced to choose %etween his suitcase and the %ook he is told to Glea'e the iron %o)"""we ha'e a long wa& to goH" E'en Beter hi self re6uires so e con'incing that the %ook is a treasure as it is not ru%ies( sil'er or gold" Wh& does Beter-s father consider his %ook to %e treasureC What akes it so 'alua%le( if it-s not the onetar& 'alueC Is senti ental worth as i portant as onetar& 'alueC


#ssess ent

Identifies the audience and purpose of i agination( infor ati'e + persuasi'e te)ts"

BET## $1$ :otes U tu%e of stor&

$hd prepare short talk + present to class $ollage acti'it&

En.line acti'it& Related $e*ts The #rri'al %& Shaun Tan The Island %& #r in Dreder Fi%a $a e on a 1oat %&


$ontent $o unicates effecti'el& for a wide range of audiences"

Eutco es3 !earning E)perience

#cti'it&: I agine &ou are %eing forced to flee &our ho e" Jou are a%le to take one precious ite with &ou" Think carefull& a%out what it ight %e and wh& &ou think it is worth sa'ing" Brepare a short presentation to the class on &our GtreasureH" E)plain wh& the o%0ect is so i portant to &ou and what it would ean to &ou should &ou lose it"

!i, !ofthouse The 5a%%its %& 9ohn 4arsden + Shaun Tan

#ssess ent

Teacher records chds a%ilit& to present to class

Interpretes how i aginati'e and infor ati'e te)ts are written

-isual #iterac& GBeople caught the words and cupped the in their hands"H !ook at the words falling fro the sk&" The& are the onl& words( within the illustrations( in English and would ha'e %een chosen deli%eratel&" Hope' forget' sang'gentle',ewels'comfort'silence'greatempty" 7ow do &ou think these words appl& to the stor&C 1lackwood-s illustrati'e st&le has a @.* effect" En her %log( 1lackwood sa&s GIt wasnKt the easiest %ook IK'e worked on( ostl& %ecause I decided to create each illustration in la&ers( cut out and stuck one upon the other like a paper diora a" This eant the illustrations had to %e lit and photographed rather than scanned" There were an& technical learning cur'es"H (http:33fre&a%lackwood"%logspot"co "au3) Wh& would she ake the decision to create the illustrations in this wa&C 7ow does she achie'e this and what does it add to the illustrationsC 1lackwood uses the fore and %ackgrounds to great effect in her illustrations" $onsider the choices she has ade( and wh& she would ha'e done so" She also uses fra ing( al ost in'iting the reader to look through a window into the li'es of the characters" Each illustration is a dou%le page spread( often with ore than one i age" 7ow does 1lackwood use these de'ices to tell the stor& and indicate the passage of ti eC 7ow does she portra& distanceC We often can-t see the faces of the people lea'ing their ho es( &et the reader feels a strong e otional pull towards the " 7ow does 1lackwood portra& the e otions of the people without using their faces (think

E)peri ent with 'isual( ulti odal and digital technologies""



Eutco es3 !earning E)perience

a%out colours and %od& language)C 7ow are the& feelingC !ook at 1lackwood-s choice of colour palette throughout the %ook" 7ow does it changeC Wh&C Is this sa e change reflected in the te)tC 1lackwood has used torn paper for a 'ariet& of i ages" 7ow an& can &ou findC 7ow has she used it in different wa&sC Wh& use paper and not watercolour and pencil as in the rest of the i agesC


#ssess ent

Uses 'isual representations to represent #cti'it&: using &our GtreasureH as the focal point( create a ontage representing &our ideas" special o%0ect and what it eans to &ou" Jou a& like to use photographs( paper

clippings( drawings( words( charcoal( pencil( etc" !ook at so e of the techni6ues 1lackwood has used ( ultiple points of focus( fra ing( colour( etc") as inspiration for &our piece"

Understands that 'er%s represent different processes. doing( thinking( sa&ing( relating"

#cti'it&: Enline 9ournal $reate an online 0ournal3%log for Beter that tracks his 0ourne& fro ho e to his new life" I agine that he is a%le to update it e'er& few da&s( gi'ing details a%out where he is( how he is feeling( the health of his father( his hopes for the future" Include cop&right free i ages to illustrate 'arious aspects of the account"



Eutco es3 !earning E)perience


#ssess ent

Doogle Earth

Identif& and co pare the difference %etween te)ts fro a range of cultures"

$he #ittle Re'ugee tells the stor& of #nh *o-s 0ourne& fro /ietna after the /ietna War" 7e and his fa il& fled their countr& %& fishing %oat" The& endured heat( stor s( hunger( thirst( attack( loneliness and fear %efore the& reached #ustralia" In #ustralia the& had to learn a new language and new skills in order to sur'i'e" En the world ap( locate /ietna and plot #nh-s 0ourne& fro /ietna to 4ala&sia and then #ustralia" If a'aila%le( use Doogle Earth to gi'e a ore d&na ic 'iew and tour of so e of the places that are part of #nh-s 0ourne&" #s a class( list the situations that are encountered %& #nh *o-s fa il& on their 0ourne& %& %oat" *istri%ute a different situation to different groups and ask the to record answers to the following 6uestions:

Teachthis"co "au I igration to #ustralia ;L posters

7ow ight &ou feel in this situationC Who or what ight &ou %e worried a%outC Who could &ou help or who could help &ou in this situationC Write down ;>.;L things that &ou would take with &ou if &ou had to flee &our ho e like #nh *o" The& ust %e a%le to fit into a %ackpack and %e carried %& &ou"

5ecognise how te)ts draw on a reader-s or 'iewer-s e)perience and knowledge to ake eaning and

!ook at the illustrations in the %ook" The colour ranges fro sepia to %rightl& coloured drawings" Wh& do &ou think the illustrator did thisC What feelings or oods do the different colours con'e&C *iscuss la&out and design of dou%le page" $o pare to I7o e + #wa&-" $hildren draw two artworks in contrasting anner"

5esearch artists U.tu%e *eep Space Sparkle


$ontent understanding"

Eutco es3 !earning E)perience

!ook at cartoons. Warhol 3 !ichtenstein


#ssess ent

/iew the Behind the -ews 'ideo clip I5efugee 2ids- which shows aspects of refugeespositi'e e)periences in #ustralia"

Blan to help cele%rate 5efugee Week (2>82A 9une each &ear)" Scaffold an acti'it& in which students design their own poster( download the full si,ed 'ersion of the 2>;> 5efugee Week poster and discuss for students to further understand how 'isual ele ents and te)t co %ine to define a purpose for the poster"


5ecognises how aspects of personal perspecti'e influence responses to te)ts"

*iar& Writing using a digital te)t E/E!

$he Colour o' (ome .& /ar& (o''man 0ossi%le Acti1ities:

See e)tra resources

5ead the stor& to the class( and let the children gi'e initial responses" Introduce the ter KrefugeeK( essentiall& as so eone who has had to lea'e their ho e and there" ain parts of 7assanKs life stor& in pairs" issing out an&thing i portantC This countr& %ecause it is too dangerous for the

#sk the children to orall& recap the

$an the& tell it in A sentences( without



Eutco es3 !earning E)perience

could %e recorded as a series of ta%leau)( writing( or a line ap of his life and if the& had


#ssess ent

In pairs( the& could agree on L things that the& would take with the

to lea'e in a hurr&" The& do not know where &ou are going( or how long the& will %e awa&" *iscuss as a class" Ideas could %e displa&ed either in indi'idual drawings or as a real displa&" #sk the children for suggestions as to wh& the


fa il& took the MuKran with the " What would the& lea'e %ehindC Think a%out people( places( hopes as well as things" e ories and ight %e

$onsider and discuss ideas drawn fro their world and the worlds of their te)ts"

!ook through the %ook at the pictures and tr& to work out what 7assan feeling at 'arious points of the stor&" 7as an&one e'er felt like hi C

7ow could the children help 7assan to feel welco e if he ca e to &our classC

Nocus on wa&s the& could help a newco er to feel welco e" Encourage practical ideas as well as general friendliness( e"g:
o o o o

7ello( would &ou like to pla& with Eur teacherKs na e is """ Jou ha'e to %e 6uiet on the stairs If &ou need to go to the toilet """ ade up into a %ook or poster"

e in the pla&groundC

These could %e

$o pose a 'ariet& of te)ts( eg"si ple poetr&( that includes aspects of ho e and local co unit& life"

#s a co prehension e)ercise the children could paint their own picture of 7assanKs ho e( as descri%ed on the fifth page of the stor&" The& could then list the things that 7assan found strange a%out his new school and countr&" $ontrasting pictures could %e drawn of his two ho es" 5ead the poe KNi'e SensesK to the class" #fter discussion( the& could ake

their own class or indi'idual poe " Si ilarl& with other poe s"

Nind out an&thing &ou can a%out So alia" $heck on the internet( read folk tales(



Eutco es3 !earning E)perience

ask the fa ilies in &our school"


#ssess ent

*iscuss literar& e)periences with others( sharing responses and e)pressing a point of 'iew"

7o e and #wa& 9ohn 4arsden Starting Eut Wh& did the illustrator scri%%le through the word Iho e- on the title pageC Su arise the stor&" $onstruct a ti eline of e'ents in the stor&" Who put the fa il& into prison and wh&C What is the diar& written onC What are the different st&les of illustration used in this stor&" 1ranching Eut What is the effect of the hand.written te)tC What happens to the fa il& %etween 29th Septe %er and ;st Ecto%erC Write so e diar& entries to fill the gaps" When grand a dies what i pact did this ha'e on the other sur'i'ing charactersC 7ow do &ou get entr& into #ustraliaC 5esearch"

*escri%e how so e skills in speaking( listening( reading + 'iewing help the de'elop ent of language learners"

E:2.91 E:2.;#

Tolerance. What-s Nair" Su ing up the Unit. *ra a acti'ities

htt!://www2 literac&shed"co 3the .resource.shed;"ht

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