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Sofia Sheikh RST 2nd/3rd nd 2 April 2013 Colored Classroom Classrooms are a second home to students.

A classroom is in which the students come to learn and build a future an area that parents trust to send their kids without hesitation! knowin" that their children are in safe hands learnin". Classrooms are desi"ned to help stimulate the brain of the tudents in a wa# that makes the learnin" fun. Student spend thirteen #ears of their li$es in about thirteen different classrooms! if not more. %t is a bi" part of an# human bein"&s life! and it should be a memor# that the student remembers for man# #ears to come. A classroom should sa# '()*C+,)-. to e$er# student. ,# classroom is desi"ned for second "raders. Spendin" time in two different 2nd "rade classrooms with two different host teachers! % ha$e e/perienced $ariet# of learnin" techni0ues and the attitude needed to handle 2nd "raders. Second "raders are constantl# wantin" to talk! draw and start a new acti$it#. 1illed with e/cessi$e ener"#! the students need items and acti$ities that consume time and teaches the student. ,# classroom for the second "raders pro$ides space! but it also pro$ides a restriction as well. %f the students are "i$en too much space! the# are constantl# wantin" to mo$e around and do other unnecessar# thin"s! such as horsepla#. % ha$e created a classroom in which student ha$e space for "roup work! but the# will be unable to run around or do an# other 'recess 2 t#pe. acti$ities. % would like the students to use the classroom as learnin" time and not pla# time. As % sa# this! % still ha$e kept in mind that e$er# second "rade student is a special indi$idual! who has a special techni0ues that the# use to learn. (hile e/periencin" a second "rade en$ironment! there is a hea$# emphasis on readin"! and whene$er students ha$e time to spare! there are books for them to read. The readin" corner in the classroom includes a space b# the wall and a bench that swin"s. 3# "i$in" the students an incenti$e! % hope this will stimulate the brain acti$it# of the students and encoura"e the students to read more. Another aspect of m# classroom is the ru". The run" area allows the teacher to create an area where the teacher can ha$e the student come to the ru" and e/plain the lesson! read a book! or 4ust simpl# for a "roup talk. Also the ru" area is an e/tra space for students to work to"ether in a "roup with lots of room and space between each other. 3ehind the ru" area is the calendar that is fitted into onto a la#out of an apple! to create uni0ueness in the classroom. 1or a student to focus! the classroom la#out needs to bi" enou"h so that the students will not feel confined but instead en$ision the school as a place of freedom and sense to stimulate the mind! but it also needs to be a place where the student can learn to control emotions and learn. 1or a classroom! focusin" on a theme can alter the students perception and help them achie$e a hi"her le$el of creati$it# b# "i$in" them access to a new concept and helpin" them relate back to theme! which will e/pand their hori5on of creati$it#. Creati$it# is an aspect that % ha$e seen that is alwa#s missin" in classrooms. Classroom walls are usuall# bare or contain the common factor of rules and re"ulations. The theme that % chose for m# classroom was colors. Colors are known to awaken the mind and inspire! not onl# children! but also adults. The wall are painted man# different colors! and the chairs and tables are also colored red! blue! "reen! #ellow and white. This will not onl# allow the teacher to distin"uish between each "roup! but it will also appeal to the students& mind The teacher&s desk is splattered painted. The splattered paint on the desk shows the difference between a teacher&s desk and a students& desk! allowin" the students to indirectl# respect elders! for in 2nd "rade is when students are creatin" their personalit#! and in an# personalit# the# need to know that elders need to be respected. +n the walls there is the the alphabet and number. 3# attractin" the students& attention! the students will ha$e a better re$iew of the alphabet and will become a 0uick reminder for them when needed! for student&s in second "rade do know their A3Cs! but the# need a reminder e$er# now and

then. Also on the wall there is a clipboard hun" behind the teacher&s desk. The clipboard allows the teacher to keep the roles in the classroom or"ani5ed! for students will ar"ue o$er thin"s like who is first in line. To establish order! the clipboard will state who has what role durin" the week. There are shel$es that will allow the teacher to or"ani5e her supplies! lea$e out supplies for the student to use in their dail# acti$ities! and an area where students can turn in assi"nments. There is also a book shelf for the students to use to read and e/pand their $ocabular# and learn sentence structure. There is a word wall b# the book shelf for students to put up words that the# ha$e learned either from readin" or from their spellin" words. Colors hold a different meanin" for each person! and % hope that b# seein" different colors! the students will be more ea"er to learn with new idea "rowin" in their brains. The outside of the classroom is also a factor that can help with education. The outside is embellished not onl# with different colors! but it is also decorated with apples. Apples are known to s#mboli5e school related items. 3# addin" apples to the outside desi"n! % hope to appeal to the students and their minds. % want the students to ha$e fun while the# are in the classroom! but % want them to be drawn to class not dra""ed. 3# creatin" an outside of the classroom with man# different colors and classroom! % hope students will find it e/citin" to step into class and en4o# their da#. The windows of m# classroom relate to the outside theme! for the windows are! also! in a shape of apples. The apple theme not onl# helps the ima"ination! but the apples will promote a health# eatin" habit that is decreasin" within each new "eneration. % hope the students will be"in to like apples and eat them for snacks instead of the chips and candies. +besit# is an epidemic that is runnin" hi"h in the 6nited States ! and as a teacher % feel obli"ated to take care of m# students& health and hope that the theme of apples will promote health# habits. . The readin" corner is a separate area in which the students can read! and it is an area where the teacher can see her students. The corner&s purpose is pro$ide a separate area for the student to en4o# their readin" time. At the readin" corner there is a bench swin" that will moti$ate the students to read as much as possible. % created the swin" as stimulus for the students to read. The students will become e/cited to read in the room and en4o# their readin" time. The students can read to self or read to some one at the corner and swin". 3# "i$in" a push or e/citement to read will stimulate their want to read which will help de$elop their $ocabular# and sentence structure. The swin" is white! for while readin"! % want the students to not be distracted b# the different colors around them! but instead feel peace and tran0uil while readin". The readin" should be 0uiet and peacefull# done to understand and learn from the book. %n m# intern class! the students pa# more attention to $oices and pictures than readin". The readin" area is desi"ned to sol$e that problem. The readin" area is specificall# for readin"! but it could be the teacher readin"! readin" with a partner or readin" alone! but it is an area that onl# pertains to readin". The la#out of the classroom allows the teacher to ha$e an easier access to the students mind and want. (ith all e/citin" and new factors! the students will en4o# their time at school. The# will come to school thinkin" of it as a time the# can en4o# their 7 hours in school with e/citement. Second "raders ha$e ener"# that needs to be contained and controlled. The classroom that % ha$e created is neither too small nor too bi". The readin" ru" helps the students rela/ and there is plent# of space for students and the teacher to store items. As Rick Riordan once said ',# "oal in the classroom was alwa#s to make sure the# were ha$in" so much fun that the# didn&t reali5e the# were learnin". for students need that direction of mind to help them learn easil# and with fun.

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