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Teen Pregnancy: How to decrease the teenage pregnancy rate.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention In 2011, a total of 329,797 babies were born to women aged 1519 years, for a live birth rate of 31.3 per 1,000 women in this age group. This is a record low for U.S. teens in this age group, and a drop of 8% from 2010. Birth rates fell 11% for women aged 1517 years, and 7% for women aged 1819 years (The importance of). There is reasonable evidence to suggest that the number of teen pregnancies can be reduced through birth control and parental intervention (The importance of). Biologically young women are made to produce offspring in teenage years which made it common and natural many years ago for teenage girls to get pregnant and young males to become fathers. However, studies show babies of teen mothers are more likely to be born prematurely and at low birth rate and have medical conditions. There are seven methods and thirteen forms of birth control. Research conducted by The Office on Womens Health and the U.S. Department of Health and Human services states that there is no such thing as a best method of birth control. Each method comes with positive and negative effects however; all women and men can have control over when and if they become parents. Before choosing a birth control method it is always best to consult with a health care provider (Birth control methods). When considering different forms and method of birth control think about the following; Overall health, how often sexual interaction or intercourse takes place, the number of partners obtained, if having children is in future plans, how well each method works to prevent pregnancy, the possible side effects, the level of comfort experienced

when using the method(Birth control methods). The Office on Womens Health and Human Services offers detailed information on the following types (Birth Control Methods) The researchers of Kids Health organization states that Abstinence is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy (abstinence). If two people don't have sex, then sperm can't fertilize an egg and there's no possibility of a pregnancy. According to the Avert Organization the two most common methods for teenagers to use are Barrier methods which physically prevent sperm from swimming into the uterus and fertilizing the womans egg and Hormonal methods, which alter a womans hormonal cycle to prevent fertilization.(contraception for...).Research done by the office on womens health and the U.S department of Health and Human Services states that each method should be consulted by a health professional(Birth control methods). These are not the only two methods the Avert Organization proposes. The Avert Organization also proposes that parents become interactive in their children lives and educate them as well (contraception for...). Guardians should talk with kids early and frequently about sex, and be very detailed. Young people have plenty of questions about sex, love, and relationships. They often say that the source they will most likely to go for answers is their parents or guardians (ten tips for). When beginning the conversation, make sure that it is truthful, open, and respectful. If there is an issue with starting the discussion reflect on different situations shown on TV or in the movies as discussion starters (ten tips for). Caretakers should express feelings candidly and confidently to teenagers about the principles, morals and beliefs they obtain. Parents that feel that they are unsure about some issues, should express that as well(ten tips for). The researchers for the National Campaign to prevent teen and unwanted pregnancy has mentioned to be sure to have a

collaborative conversation, not a one-way lecture. Parents should ask teenagers what they think and what they know so they can correct misconceptions. Inquire if there is anything they have uncertainties about (ten tips for). Age-appropriate conversations about relationships and intimacy should begin early in a childs life and continue through adolescence. Repel the idea that there should be just one conversation about the Birds and the bees. (Ten tips for) Think 18 years of conversations, The truth is that parents and kids should be talking about sex and love all along. This applies to both sons and daughters along with mothers and fathers. All adolescences need large amounts of communication, guidance, and information pertaining to these issues even if the child occasionally dont seem to be interested in what parents have to say (ten tips for). If guardians have steady or consistent discussions, they will not worry as much about making a mistake, because conversation will always be able to take place. While having these conversations with teenagers parents should let their child know where they are coming from and the point they are trying to make (ten tips for)

Guardians should tell children what they think and discuss their point of view Dont be hesitant to say, here are some questions and discussion starting ideas provided by the National Campaign to Prevent Unplanned Pregnancy: I think kids in high school are too young to have sex, especially given todays risks. Whenever sex takes place, always use protection against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases until you are ready to have a child. Our familys religious tradition says that sex should be an expression of love within marriage.

Teenagers often find themselves in a sexually charged situation is not unusual. Should think about how to handle it in advance. Have a plan. Will you say no? Will you use contraception? How will you negotiate all this? It is okay to think about sex and to feel sexual desire it is natural, but its not okay to get pregnant or get someone else pregnant as a teenager. For boys, having a baby doesnt make you a man. Being able to wait and acting responsibly does. For girls; sex is not necessary to keep a boyfriend. If sex is price of the relationship, find someone else. (Ten tips for parents) Be clear about personal sexual beliefs and outlooks. Connecting with teenagers about sex, love, and relationships is often more successful when parents are clear in their own mind about these issues. It is important for children to feel they can talk with their caregivers especially about sex and sexual health and education. If not, children are more likely to not only have sex but to have unprotected sex leaving them at risk to become teen parents (Ten tips for parents). Only guardians can make their teenager feel comfortable with them. Parents are a childs first and most important teacher and the first person they learn to trust. Loving and caring parents actively discover a child's needs for information and then find ways to fill those needs (Be an askable parent). Even kids in their mid-teens are still learning from their guardians. Here are some traits of an askable parent provided by the American Sexual Health Association. An askable parent: Shows respect, value and love for children. Realizes that every difficult situation is not a crisis. Wants communication, but doesn't expect to have all the answers.

Knows the most important part of communication is listening. Doesn't laugh when a child asks a question, even in reaction to the child's cuteness. Doesn't expect to be perfect, and knows that admitting mistakes is a valuable lesson for the child. Is sometimes embarrassed by questions about sex but acknowledges the discomfort and explains it to the child (Be an askable parent). Supervising children may be one of the most important steps in the intervention process. In order for teens to engage in sexual activity they must have the opportunity to do so. Research conducted by The National Campaign to prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy says: Establish rules, curfews, and standards of expected behavior, preferably through an open process of family discussion and respectful communication. (Ten tips for parents). If a guardians child get out of school at two in the evening and parents or caregiver dont get home from work until seven in the evening, who is responsible for making certain that the children are not only safe, but also are involved in useful activities? Where are they when they leave off with their friends? Will there be adult observation? Supervising and monitoring a teenagers location doesnt make a nagging parent; It makes the job of influencing teenagers much more easy (Ten tips for parents). Friends have a strong influence on each other, so children and teenagers should be influence and motivated to become friends with kids whose families share similar values(Ten tips for parents). It would even be a wise step for parents to arrange to meet with the parents of the childs friends to get a sence of their morals, parenting skills and environment and to establish common rules and expectations (Ten tips for parents). It is easier to enforce a curfew that all of the childs friends share as long as it is healthy rather than make one that makes him or her different. But even if ones views dont equal those of other parents, guardians should still own and practice the principles that are valued (Ten tips for parents). Caregivers could welcome their childrens friends into their home, this gives the child a chance to engage

with their friends and guardians a chance to monitor their child and make sure the principles instilled in them are not at risk(Ten tips for parents). Parents should also monitor teenagers interest in education and teach the importance education (Ten tips for parents). Knowledge is power! Take a strong stand against your daughter courting a boy considerably older than she is. And dont allow teenage boys to cultivate an intense relationship with a girl much younger than he is (Ten tips for parents). Older guys may seem desirable to a young girl but the matter of fact is the risk of things getting out of hand increase when the guy is much older than the girl. Try setting a boundary of no more than a two at most three year age difference. The power differences between older boys or men and younger girls can lead girls into risky and unsafe situations, including unwanted sex and sex with no protection(Ten tips for parents). Let teenagers know risky behavior could lead to lose of a bright future (Ten tips for parents). Guardians should inspire teenagers to have options for the future that are more attractive than early pregnancy and parenthood (Ten tips for...).Statistics provided by The National Campaign to Prevent Unplanned Pregnancy shows that the chances that teenagers will delay having sex, pregnancy, and parenthood are considerably increased if their future appears bright. This means helping them set significant objectives for the future, talking to them about what it takes to make future plans become reality, and helping them reach their goals. Tell them, for example, that if they want to be a doctor, they will need to stay in school in order to earn several Degrees and pass certain assessments. (Ten tips for parents) It also means teaching them to use at liberty time in a beneficial way, such as setting aside certain times to complete homework assignments. Explicate how becoming pregnant or causing pregnancy can disrupt the best of

plans an example would be how child care expenses might make it almost impossible to afford college (Ten tips for parents). Parents, Caretakers, and guardians all have the responsibility of keeping and influencing their child about how early parenthood can reduce the chance of accomplishing goals and completing educational programs. The doctors of Planned Parenthood states that they offer many resources where parents and their teenager can receive information about different forms of birth control and there many different forms that are safe and effective (Birth control). Through parental intervention, Birth control and education, teenage pregnancy can be reduced.

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