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Name :

"orm :


CHEMISTRY 962/1 One hour and a half hours

0 Se)*+on $ [15 marks] Answer all questions in this section.

10 1,

C and

C atoms are isotopes of car on! "#ic# of t#e fo$$o%in& is t#e same

for t#e isotopes' $ , C 2 Sta i$it( N)c$ear c#ar&e N)c$eon n)m er *e$ati+e isotopic mass

*e$ati+e intensit(





1// 10/ 1,/ 1./


"#ic# of t#e fo$$o%in& )nkno%n or&anic compo)nd %i$$ re$ease a spectr)m as t#e one s#o%n a o+e' $ , C ( C,HC-H1. C1/H0/ C1/H00

1anadi)m #as t#e e$ectronic confi&)ration of 1s00s00p.2s02p.2d2,s0! "#ic# ion does no* e3ist' $ 1O,2. , 1O2. C 1O04 - 1O2/

2 0 6#e ener&(7$e+e$ dia&ram for a #(dro&en atom s#o%s se+era$ e$ectronic transitions %it# fre8)encies f19 f29 f39 f4 and f5!

Ener&( n:> n:, n:2 f4 f5 n:0



n:1 f3

"#ic# of t#e fo$$o%in& statements is 5 are *rue of t#e a o+e dia&ram' I II III I% $ , C 1 f1 represents t#e con+er&ence $imit of t#e L(man series! f19 f2 and f3 represent $ines in t#e L(man series! f4 and f5 are )sed to ca$c)$ate t#e difference et%een t#e ener&( $e+e$s of n : 2 and n : ,! 6#e e$ectronic transition of f3 &i+es a $ine spectr)m t#at corresponds to t#e re&ion of +isi $e $i&#t! I and II I and I% II and III III and I%

;ased on t#e and t#eor(9 t#e cond)cti+it( of meta$ is d)e to de$oca$i<ed e$ectrons in t#e cond)ction and! Ho% man( e$ectrons are fo)nd in t#e cond)ction and of a 1/!/ & ma&nesi)m meta$ strip' [*e$ati+e atomic mass of M& is 0,!/= A+o&adro constant is .!/0 3 1/02 mo$71] $ 0!51 3 1/02 , 5!/0 3 1/02 C 0!51 3 1/0, 2!/1 3 1/0,

"#ic# of t#e fo$$o%in& #as +an der "aa$s forces' $ , C S)$p#)r! Diamond! Sodi)m c#$oride! Ma&nesi)m o3ide!

, 2 "#ic# species is dra%n %it# t#e correct s#ape' O $ [ ? @ ? @ ? ]7 , O H ; C A A A H H B S O O


6#e dia&ram a o+e s#o%s t#e od(7centred c) ic str)ct)re of a )nit ce$$! Ho% man( atoms are t#ere in t#e )nit ce$$ a o+e' $ 9 1 , 0 C 2 - ,

6#e ;o$t<mann distri )tion c)r+es at temperat)re 61 and 60 are s#o%n e$o%!

Araction of mo$ec)$es 60 61 Ea At temperat)re 619 I II III I% $ t#e acti+ation ener&( is $o%er! more mo$ec)$es #a+e $o%er ener&(! t#e tota$ n)m er of mo$ec)$es remain constant! t#e ma3im)m point of t#e c)r+e is disp$aced to t#e ri&#t! I and II , I and I% C II and III III and I% Ener&(

5 1' A p#ase dia&ram of %ater is s#o%n e$o%! C Bress)re 5 Ba ;

.11 A

O 0G2!1. 6emperat)re 5 K

"#at can (o) ded)ced from t#e p#ase dia&ram' $ , C 11 An increase in press)re %i$$ decrease t#e free<in& point of %ater! An increase in press)re %i$$ decrease t#e oi$in& point of %ater! ?ce s) $imes at a press)re #i&#er t#an .11 Ba! "ater e3ists as $i8)id at a press)re of .11 Ba and temperat)re of 0C-K!

6#e kinetic data for t#e reaction A 4 0; D C at a certain temperat)re is s#o%n in t#e fo$$o%in& ta $e! E3periment 1 0 2 ?nitia$ cencentration [A]o [;]o a 0a a 0 ?nitia$ rate of reaction r ,r r

"#at is t#e rate of t#e reaction' $ 12 k[A]0 , k[;]0 C k[A][;]0 - k[A]0[;]

A 0!/ dm2 stoppered f$ask at 6 oC contains /!5/ mo$ of SO09 /!/1/ mo$ of O0 and ,!. mo$ of SO2 at e8)i$i ri)m! Ca$c)$ate Kc for t#e fo$$o%in& e8)i$i ri)m at 6 oC! 0SO0 E&F 4 O0 E&F $ , C 5!C 3 1/75 dm2 mo$71 C!0 3 1/0 dm2 mo$71 -!5 3 1/2 dm2 mo$71 1!G 3 1/, dm2 mo$71 0SO2 E&F

. 1( "#ic# )nder$ined mo$ec)$e reacts as a Le%is ase' $ , C 10 K0O 4 SO2 D K0SO, ;A2 4 NH2 D H2N!;A2 OH7 4 CO0 D HCO27 CH2C$ 4 AeC$2 D CH24 4 AeC$,7

6#e so$) i$it( prod)ct9 Ksp of ma&nesi)m #(dro3ide in p)re %ater at 05 oC is 0!/ 3 1/711 mo$2 dm7C! "#at is t#e so$) i$it( of ma&nesi)m #(dro3ide %#en an e3cess of so$id ma&nesi)m #(dro3ide is s#aken in 1 dm2 of /!1 mo$ dm72 sodi)m #(dro3ide' $ , C 0!/ 3 1/712 mo$ dm72 ,!/ 3 1/710 mo$ dm72 ,!/ 3 1/711 mo$ dm72 0!/ 3 1/7C mo$ dm72


6#e p#ase dia&ram of a mi3t)re of t%o $i8)ids B and H is as fo$$o%sI 1apo)r press)re 5 atm

1!/ H "#at co)$d B and H e' B $ , C -

Mo$e fraction

1!/ B

H Bropanone Met#($ en<ene "ater Bropanone

6ric#$oromet#ane ;en<ene Et#ano$ Car on dis)$p#ide

SECTION , [15 marks] Answer all 8)estions in t#is section! 16 6#e mass spectr)m of a &aseo)s compo)nd is s#o%n e$o%!

Bercenta&e a )ndance


"rite t#e form)$a of ions responsi $e for eac# of t#e peaks $a e$$ed A9 ;9 C and D! [0 marks] A I 77777777777777777777777777777 CI 777777777777777777777777777777 ;I 777777777777777777777777777777777 DI 777777777777777777777777777777777



"rite a possi $e form)$a for t#e compo)nd %it# m5e +a$)e of C0 [0 marks] 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777


Name t#e compo)nd 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777


6#e fo)r nat)ra$$( occ)rrin& sta $e isotopes of iron are &i+en in t#e ta $e e$o%! *e$ati+e atomic mass *e$ati+e a )ndance 5 J 52!C, 5!-0 55!C2 C1!-/ 5.!C, 0!1/ 5G!C2 /!0[0 marks]

Determine t#e re$ati+e atomic mass of iron!

17. 6#e dia&ram e$o% represents t#e ener&( $e+e$s of t#e or ita$s in atoms of t#e t#ird period!



?ndicate t#e t(pe of or ita$s at eac# ener&( $e+e$ e$ectrons in t#e dia&ram a o+e! [0 marks]


Dra% and $a e$ a$$ t#e possi $e s#apes of or ita$s at t#e ener&( $e+e$9 n : 0! [, marks]


?n t#e a o+e dia&ram9 mark t#e +a$ence e$ectron confi&)ration for p#osp#or)s9 )sin& arro%s to represent e$ectrons in t#e dia&ram a o+e! [2 marks]

SECTION C [2/ marks] Ans%er an( *7o 8)estions in t#is section! 13 4a5 Ammonia is a co$o)r$ess &as %it# a p)n&ent sme$$! ?t reacts %it# #(dro&en ions in acids to form ammoni)m ions9 NH,4! Dra% a Le%is str)ct)re for ammonia and t#e ammoni)m ion! [0 marks] 6#e H@N@H ond an&$es in ammonia and ammoni)m ion are 1/GK and 1/C!5K respecti+e$(! E3p$ain t#e difference in t#ese ond an&$es! [, marks] 6#e reaction et%een f$)orine and nitro&en dio3ide %as carried o)t at 6 K! A0E&F 4 0NO0E&F 0NO0AE&F

465 4)5

6#e fo$$o%in& data %ere o tained %#en t#e reaction %as carried o)t )sin& different concentrations of t#e &ases!

"#at is t#e order of t#e reaction %it# respect to EiF EiiF EiiiF 19! 4a5 f$)orine and nitro&en dio3ide' "rite t#e rate e8)ation for t#e reaction! Bropose a possi $e mec#anism for t#is reaction! [, marks] [ 1 mark ] [, marks]

Nitro&en mono3ide9 NO can e prepared from t#e reaction et%een nitro&en and o3(&en! N0E&F 4 O0E&F 0NOE&F/ LH : 41-/!5 kM

State #o% EiF Kc and EiiF t#e amo)nt of NO %i$$ c#an&e %#en an e8)i$i ri)m mi3t)re of N 09 O0 and NO is s) Nected to t#e fo$$o%in& c#an&es! EiF EiiF EiiiF Ei+F 465 More O0 is added 6#e +o$)me is increased 6#e temperat)re is decreased A cata$(st is )sed [- marks] Car on mono3ide can e )sed to red)ce steam to #(dro&en! COE&F 4 H0OE&F H0E&F 4 CO0E&F

0!0/ mo$ of COE&F and 1!G1 mo$ of H0O are p$aced in an empt( 1!// dm2 f$ask at 6 KC! After e8)i$i ri)m %as reac#ed9 t#e concentration of CO %as /!G- mo$ dm 72! Ca$c)$ate EiF EiiF EiiiF t#e concentration of H0OE&F at e8)i$i ri)m t#e +a$)e of Kc at 6 KC for t#e a o+e reaction t#e +a$)e of Kc at 6 KC for t#e reaction9 H0E&F 4 CO0E&F COE&F 4 H0OE&F [0 marks] [0 marks] [2 marks]

2'! 4a5 EiF EiiF "#at do (o) )nderstand ( t#e term so$) i$it( prod)ct' [0 marks] "rite an e3pression for t#e so$) i$it( prod)ct of ma&nesi)m #(dro3ide9 M&EOHF 0! [0 marks]


A 05!/ cm2 samp$e of sat)rated9 a8)eo)s ma&nesi)m #(dro3ide re8)ired 1C!0 cm2 of /!/5/ mo$ dm72 #(droc#$oric acid for ne)tra$isation! Ca$c)$ate EiF EiiiF t#e #(dro3ide ion concentration of t#e sat)rated so$)tion9 a +a$)e for t#e so$) i$it( prod)ct of ma&nesi)m #(dro3ide9 statin& t#e )nits! [0 marks] [0 marks]


6#e )ffer s(stem9 H0BO, 7 5 HBO, 07 in $ood #e$ps to keep t#e pH of $ood at a o)t G!,/! EiF EiiF Ca$c)$ate t#e [H0BO, 7] 5 [ HBO,07 ] ratio at t#e norma$ pH of $ood! [Ka H0BO, 7 I .!0 3 1/7- mo$ dm 72] Osin& a s)ita $e e8)ation9 e3p$ain %#at #appens %#en= ?F a sma$$ amo)nt of stron& acid is added to t#is )ffer s(stem! ??F a sma$$ amo)nt of stron& ase is added to t#is )ffer s(stem! [, marks] [2 marks]




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