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Article Analysis Journal Daniel Laden 6th Period 12/8/13

Heads Up, Concussions in Football

Summary This article begins by discussing what a concussion is, and what occurs when someone gets a concussion. Concussions occur when the brain jolts back in forth in the skull, which damages the brain cells. The article proceeds to discuss the signs and symptoms of concussions and how you can identify them. Concussions are characterized by headaches, nausea, blurred vision, loss of memory, as well as many other symptoms. The author then outlines the dangers of concussions and what you should do if someone has one. If a concussion is suspected, the athlete should immediately be removed from the game, and evaluated by a doctor. Finally, the article describes the best way for athletes to return from, and prevent future concussions. The victim of a concussion should do light exercise and slowly build up until they are cleared to play by a doctor. The best ways to prevent concussions are to wear properly fitted, and up to date equipment, as well as play with the proper form and technique. Reflection As a football player, concussions are a great danger to me. While I have been fortunate enough to never suffer one, I have had many teammates be diagnosed with not just one, but multiple concussions from playing football. Less and less kids are playing football due to the risks of concussions and that is very sad to me. Football can be a dangerous game, but playing with the right form can greatly reduce the risk of concussions. I take great care in making sure I always play with proper form so that I can best protect myself from concussions. Properly fitted

equipment can also greatly reduce the risk of concussions. I see many of my teammates running around with helmets way to big and loose for their heads. I always make sure that my helmet is properly fitted, so I can stay as safe a possible on the field. I love the game of football, and intend to continue playing it as long as possible, as long as my health permits me. The possibility of a concussion is always present while playing, but using the proper form and equipment, as well as treating concussions the right way, can help reduce the impact they have on the sport.

The Science of Sleep

Summary The article begins by examining a very simple question. Why do we sleep? In short, we need to sleep to maintain normal levels of speech ability, memory, thinking and brain development. It proceeds to examine what would happen if we didnt sleep. Lack of sleep can harm our brains ability to function properly. It can cause us to have memory loss, slow reflexes, and can also lead to stress and high blood pressure. The author then begins to examine what occurs during sleep, and the different stages of it. The first stage of sleeping is light sleep, where we are essentially half awake. Next comes true sleep, which accounts for the largest portion of sleep. Finally comes deep sleep, in which breathing and heart rate reach their lowest levels. The article then discussed REM sleep, which is when our brain is very active even though our bodies are paralyzed. Finally the author discusses how much sleep humans require. Reflection As a teenager, I love sleep. I love the feeling of waking up rested and ready to start the day. I know the importance of sleep, and more times than I would like, I have felt the affects of sleep deprivation. Its tough getting the recommended amount of sleep, especially as a busy high-school student. Between homework, football, and friends, sleep is sometimes hard to come buy. I average about 7 hours of sleep a night, which is not as much as I need. Far to often, I am tired and sleepy throughout the course of the day, and I can feel the effects of not getting enough sleep the night before. I found the information about the stages of sleep very

interesting. I can tell when I am awoken during deep sleep because I will feel very groggy throughout the day. I have never been a heavy dreamer, so I learned that I might not have much REM sleep, because thats when most dreams occur. I need to start getting more sleep, because I want to be able to function at my peak throughout the day, and my current levels of sleep are not ideal to help my brain function throughout the school day.

Humans Carry More Bacterial Cells than Human Ones

Summary This article discusses the newfound info that humans have more bacterial cells in our bodies than human ones, ten times more. Bacterial cells enter our bodies at birth. Babies ingest bacterial during birth, and from their mothers during breastfeeding. The bacteria enter the body and travel to the stomach and intestines. There are more than 500 species of bacteria living inside us, but the majority are Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. These bacteria benefit us in many ways. The produce chemicals that help us better utilize energy and nutrients from our food. They also serve to strengthen our immune systems and boost immunity. Some studies have shown that some human genes actual are bacterial in origin. While scientists dont yet fully understand the links between bacteria and us, they are sure that we are very closely linked. Reflection I found this article very interesting, and also pretty creepy. The thought of billions of little bacteria living inside me is pretty frightening. Its mind-boggling to thing that essentially, we are more bacteria than we are human. A larger percentage of our cells are bacteria than human. Thats fascinating to me. While the idea of massive amounts of bacteria living inside me is creepy at first, the knowledge that they are very helpful is comforting. It is amazing that billions upon billions of bacteria live inside us and perform functions that actually aid us. When I think of bacteria I normally think of germs and gross things and make us sick. In reality however, it is the opposite. The vast majority of bacteria in our bodies actually help

us. It is reassuring to think that all these bacteria living inside of me are actually working to help keep me healthy. This article was fascinating to me, and I would like to learn more about all the bacteria that live inside us, and aide our bodily functions. Citation Wenner, Melinda. "Humans Carry More Bacterial Cells than Human Ones: Scientific American." N.p., 30 Nov. 2007. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. <>.

Bacterium Reverses Autismlike Behavior in Mice

Summary In this article, the author outlines the newfound evidence that a microbe that exists in the human intestinal system reversed behavioral problems in mice with autism-like symptoms. Paul Patterson, a neurobiologist, created mice with autism by injecting chemicals in to pregnant mice. The mice that were then born were less sociable, more anxious, and were more prone to intestinal disorders than their wildmouse counterparts. These symptoms are almost identical to those exhibited by autistic humans. Patterson and his team took a census of the bacteria living in the intestinal system of mice to investigate the possible links between them and autism. They found that the autistic mice had lower levels of a bacteria called Bacteroides fragilis. When this bacterium was fed to the mice, they began to behave normally. The scientists then examined the blood of the mice with autism and discovered that they had an average of 46 times more of a substance called 4-ethylphenylsulphate (4EPS). This substance is very similar to a chemical called para-cresol that exists in high quantities in people with autism. Scientists believe that this research is sufficient proof that bacteria can help improve brain function and potentially reverse the effects of autism. Reflection If scientists can really use bacteria to reverse the effects of autism, that would be incredible. One of my family members has a mild form of autism, and to hear that there might be a way to help her is amazing to me. After seeing the effects of autism first hand, this article was very interesting to me and I really hope that scientists can

find a way to utilize these bacteria to help reduce the effects of autism in humans not just mice. While the results of this research are very positive to me, the testing that was used to find them is concerning. Injecting mice with chemicals to make them autistic is kind of scary to me. It is sad to think of mice being mad to suffer like that, even though it is for a good cause. While the methods of experimenting to find the bacteria are sad and unfair to the mice, it is a necessary evil to potentially help millions of people affected by autism. This article was fascinating to me. Its amazing to think of all the things that scientists do to aid us against various diseases and disabilities. If they can find a way to utilize the bacteria that helped the mice to aide humans, that would be a huge discovery that would help millions of people with autism. Citation Reardon, Sara. "Bacterium Reverses Autismlike Behavior in Mice: Scientific American." N.p., 5 Dec. 2013. Web. 08 Dec. 2013. <>.

University of Cape Town Researchers Believe They Have Found a Single Dose Cure for Malaria
Summary Scientist from the University of Cape Town announced that they believe that they have found a compound that will kill malaria in a single dose. Malaria has become resistant to the current treatments, so this potential cure would be huge for those affected by malaria. Scientists have tried the drug on animals over 18 months and the drug killed the parasites instantly. Just as amazingly, the drug was not only completely safe and effective to use, it showed no negative side effects. If this drug is put to use it will save millions and millions of lives in Africa. 24% of child deaths in Africa are due to malaria and this drug could help save the lives of all those children. Not only would this drug save lives, but also it would save health care systems around the world billions of dollars, and open up new areas for settlement in Africa. This cure, if approved for widespread use, could help save millions of lives in Africa and eradicate one of the deadliest diseases in the world. Reflection This miracle cure almost seems to be to good to be true to me. Not only does it completely kill this deadly disease in one dose, but it has no adverse side effects. If that is deemed true, it would be absolutely amazing and would change the face of Africa. However, I cant help but be apprehensive about it because this drug seems a little to amazing and flawless. I would love for all the research and tests put in to this drug to be true. It would save the lives of millions of people every year. My church is very active with a group from Africa advocating for malaria treatment and

prevention, so I have some knowledge about the devastating toll malaria has taken on Africans, especially children. If this cure is approved it could change the world. With a healthier population, Africans could vastly improve their economy and wellbeing of their counties. Africa could become a more influential force in the world. If this cure is everything that the scientists proclaim it to be, it really would be a miracle. Citation Boyes, Steve. "University of Cape Town Researchers Believe They Have Found a Single Dose Cure for Malaria." News Watch. N.p., 29 Aug. 2012. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. <>.

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