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Curriculum Areas: ENGLISH Unit: Sustainability

Stage/ Year: Stage 2 and 3 Unit duration: 8 Weeks *hat do 'e 'ant our students to learn+ ,(ee# kno'ledge elementMust be guided by syllabus content pages (not indicators) and foundation/ stage statements.

We want students to (outcomes : EN2-10C Think imaginati el!" creati el! and inter#reti el! a$out in%ormation" ideas and te&ts 'hen res#onding to and com#osing te&ts Engage #ersonall! 'ith te&ts: !es"ond to te#ts by identi$ying and discussing as"ects o$ te#ts t%at &elate to t%ei& own e#"e&ience (e elo# and a##l! conte&tual kno'ledge: Identi$y and analyse t%e di$$e&ent o&ganisational "atte&ns and $eatu&es to engage t%ei& audience Understand and a##l! kno'ledge o% language %orms and %eatures: Identi$y c&eati'e language $eatu&es in imaginati'e( in$o&mation and "e&suasi'e te#ts t%at cont&ibute to engagement )es#ond to and Com#ose te&ts: )se 'isual &e"&esentations( including t%ose digitally "&oduced m to &e"&esent ideas and in$o&mation $o& di$$e&ent "u&"oses and audiences

.inks to Stage Statements

*y t%e end o$ Stage 2 students communicate e#"&essi'ely and clea&ly wit% g&owing "&o$iciency about ideas and in$o&mation in class&ooms( sc%ool and social situations $o& a &ange o$ "u&"oses+ Students e#"lain some ways in w%ic% aut%o&s and illust&ato&s engage t%e inte&ests o$ audiences and ac%ie'e a &ange o$ "u&"oses+ Students e#"lo&e t%e st&uctu&al and g&ammatical $eatu&es and "u&"oses $o& a &ange o$ w&itten( 'isual and multimodal te#ts+ Students c&eate well st&uctu&ed "e&suasi'e te#ts+ Students e#"lain and &e$lect on %ow t%ey st&uctu&e t%ei& w&iting to ac%ie'e intended "u&"ose+

This learning matters $ecause:

,%e study o$ Englis% "&o'ides students wit% t%e skill &e-ui&ed to in'estigate and unde&stand issues o$ en'i&onmental and social sustainability( to communicate in$o&mation about sustainability( and to ad'ocate action to im"&o'e sustainability+ I$ "eo"le now and into t%e $utu&e a&e to be t&eated $ai&ly( action to im"&o'e sustainability needs to be in$o&med by a wo&ld 'iew o$ "eo"le( "laces and communities+ *ot% lite&atu&e and lite&acy a&e key elements in t%e de'elo"ment o$ eac% student.s wo&ld 'iew+ /o&e sustainable "atte&ns o$ li'ing a&e la&gely s%a"ed by "eo"le.s be%a'iou&s+ Englis% "&o'ides an im"o&tant means o$ in$luencing be%a'iou&s( $acilitating inte&action and e#"&essing 'iew"oints t%&oug% t%e c&eation o$ te#ts $o& a &ange o$ "u&"oses( audiences and conte#ts( including multimodal te#ts and t%e use o$ 'isual language+

*h! does this learning matter+ ,Signi%icance dimensionAre there clear links to prior and future learning and real world application? /o' 'ill students demonstrate their dee# understanding+ Design task(s) with authentic purpose, audience and communication tools.

Assessment task outline

In "ai&s( students will wo&k collabo&ati'ely( wit% teac%e& guidance to c&eate a digital "e&suasi'e te#t (on glogste& t%at encou&ages ot%e&s to look a$te& t%e en'i&onment+ ,%e unit o$ lea&ning is wo&king towa&ds ob0ecti'es 1( 2 and E+ 3 t%inking imaginati'ely and c&eati'ely( e#"&essing ideas and o"inions and &e$lecting on lea&ning+ /uc% o$ t%e assessment will be obse&'ation o$ students. &es"onses t%&oug%out t%e unit as well as analysis o$ t%ei& "oste& wo&k( in w%ic% c&eati'ity and imagination will be assessed+

s student direction (content, process or product) suitable to the task? s there opportunity for students to demonstrate learning at an !A" le#el? 0e! outcomes %or assessment Assessment criteria ,1ndicators/ Content (escri#tors/o' 'ell do 'e e&#ect students to do it+ $ow will this information be communicated to all students and parents?

.esson Se2uence
Week 1ontent 4utcomes5 Lea&ning E#"e&ience
3$4ecti e C 3utcome: EN2-10C 6 student: ,%inks imaginati'ely( c&eati'ely and inte&"&eti'ely about in$o&mation( ideas and te#ts w%en &es"onding to and com"osing te#ts Lesson 1 Tuning In:

,e#t8 4ne Small Island 3 6lison Leste& and 1o&al ,ulloc% 3 $o& unit du&ation


37 min

37 min

S%ow wo&d sustainability on boa&d+ *&ainsto&m w%at students t%ink sustainability is+ W&ite answe&s to kee" $o& late& in unit+ S%ow t%e students a ma" o$ /ac-ua&ie Island+ Gi'e students tem"late o$ last sentence $&om te#t+ Students a&&ange wo&ds to c&eate sentence+ 2iscuss as w%ole class 'a&ious o"tions and students s%a&e insig%ts $o& const&uction+ Lesson 2: Making Predictions and Observations S%ow t%e students t%e $&ont and back co'e&s o$ t%e book and &ead t%e back co'e& te#t (blu&b ( t%en ask t%em t%e $ollowing -uestions:

,uning in sentence+ ;<o& i$ we can sa'e one small island( "e&%a"s we can sa'e t%em all.

W%at do you t%ink t%e book will be about: W%y: How do you t%ink t%e te#t and illust&ations will be o&ganised: W%y: W%at do we know about t%e aut%o& and illust&ato& by looking at t%e $&ont and back co'e& o$ t%is book: )sing t%e blu&b and t%e $inal sentence you %a'e const&ucted( w%at can you in$e& about w%at ty"e o$ book t%is mig%t be: )se one o& bot% o$ t%e $ollowing st&ategies to "&omote o&al language and discussion:

,%ink8"ai&8s%a&e: o& "&edicting &eading st&ategy

=> min

3$4ecti e C 3utcome: EN2-10C 6 student: ,%inks imaginati'ely( c&eati'ely and inte&"&eti'ely about in$o&mation( ideas and te#ts w%en &es"onding to and com"osing te#ts 3$4ecti e ( 3utcome: EN2-11( 6 Student: &es"onds to and com"oses a &ange o$ te#ts t%at e#"&ess 'iew"oints o$ t%e wo&ld simila& to and di$$e&ent $&om t%ei& own Lesson 3: Immersion to Macquarie Island (video documentary outube! Watc% documenta&y+ Students to take notes+ S%a&e and discuss ideas5student notes+

%tt":55www+youtube+com5 watc%:'?"'@Am9usGe8
@outube8 6ust&alia.s !emote Islands (2793

6sk $o& c%anged "&edictions about te#t a$te& 'iewing documenta&y

Lesson ": #trategic Immersion )se ma" o$ /ac+ Island( discuss "u&"ose o$ ma" legends+ Encou&age students to identi$y 'isual symbols in legend t%at ca"tu&e all $acets o$ li$e on /ac-ua&ie Island+ Biew ma"s t%at s%ow /ac-ua&ie Island.s "&o#imity to 6ust&alia( New Cealand( 6nta&ctica In "ai&s( students collect &eco&d and e'aluate geog&a"%ical in$o&mation $&om &ange o$ sou&ces and dis"lay in glogste& "oste&

%tt":55www+"a&ks+tas+g o'+au5indeA+as"A: base?3D=

(,asmania Ea&ks F Wildli$e 3 /ac-ua&ie Island www

9 %ou&

3$4ecti e ( 3utcome: EN2-11( 6 Student: &es"onds to and com"oses a &ange o$ te#ts t%at e#"&ess 'iew"oints o$ t%e wo&ld simila& to and di$$e&ent $&om t%ei& own

Lesson $: %eading and %es&onding E#"lain t%e ty"e o$ te#t 3 Hyb&id te#t+ 3 e#"lain t%ese ty"es o$

=7 min

te#ts and t%ei& $eatu&es !ead te#t to students (Na&&ati'e section only( wit%out s%owing illust&ations 6$te& &eading "&om"t students to discuss t%oug%ts "u&"ose o$ additional te#ts 5diag&ams Student ,%ink "ai& s%a&e aut%o&s. intent( t%ei& &es"onse and $eelings a$te& 'iewing te#t S%a&e as a class Int&oduce assessment task+ Students will be c&eating a digital

te#t using glogste& to communicate to an audience about t%e im"o&tance o$ looking a$te& t%e en'i&onment+ Lesson ': %es&onding to Te(t ) Te(t as a *+ole

=7 min

!ead t%e %isto&ical account sections o$ t%e te#t+ Students &es"ond to t%e te#t by $olding an 6= "age in %al$( and on one side &es"ond to t%e guiding -uestions below and on t%e ot%e& side d&aw an image o$ %ow t%ey $eel about t%e te#t o& an image t%at t%e te#t e'okes+ )nde&take t%is acti'ity "&io& to 'iewing t%e te#t and illust&ations as it allows t%em to "&edict t%e t%ematic natu&e o$ t%e book and use t%e &eading st&ategies o$ "&edicting and c&eating images to su""o&t t%ei& com"&e%ension+ 6sk t%e students t%e $ollowing guiding -uestions:

W%at is t%e tone o& $eeling o$ t%e book: W%at style o$ illust&ation would you e#"ect to see in t%is book: How do you $eel about /ac-ua&ie Island:

37 min

!e$lection8 students s%a&e &es"onses 3$4ecti e C 3utcome: EN2-10C 6 student: ,%inks imaginati'ely( c&eati'ely and inte&"&eti'ely about in$o&mation( ideas and te#ts w%en &es"onding to and com"osing te#ts
Lesson ,: Language conventions: Personi-ication E#"lain and discuss "e&soni$ication !ead na&&ati'e te#t o$ 4ne Small Island 6sk students to look $o& "e&soni$ication in te#t S%a&e and discuss )sing e#am"les allow students to c&eate t%ei& own sentences t%at include "e&soni$ication

=7 min

Lesson .: /nalyse +o0 a book is %ead !e &ead %isto&ical accounts section and s%ow "ages 2iscuss student inte&"&etations o$ additional in$o&mation on "ages 2iscuss %ow students would &ead book8 ie %isto&ical accounts $i&st etc w%y5w%y not 2iscuss %ow na&&ati'e te#t and %isto&ic accounts com"lement eac% ot%e& 6nalyse aut%o& and illust&ato& intent ,%ese -uestions could use t%ink5"ai&5s%a&e st&ategy

=7 min

3$4ecti e C 3utcome: EN2-10C 6 student: ,%inks imaginati'ely( c&eati'ely and inte&"&eti'ely about in$o&mation( ideas and te#ts w%en &es"onding to and com"osing te#ts

Lesson 1: 2istoric /ccounts 6nalyse 0ou&nal ent&y on "age 8 3 989G 2iscuss natu&e o$ 0ou&nal w&iting )sing la&ge e#am"le o$ 0ou&nal ent&y $&om 4S/ ("age 8( 989G 6llow students time to &ead 0ou&nal ent&y Identi$y language $eatu&es: Eu&"ose( audience( "&ima&y sou&ce o& seconda&y sou&ce( &ole o$ illust&ations wit% te#t( o&ientation( im"o&tance o$ e'ents being a&&anged in c%&onological o&de&( nouns and noun g&ou"s( "&e"ositions etc 6nalyse main ideas5t%emes $&om ent&y8 sustainability( en'i&onment(

c%ange and w%ose 'iews a&e being &e"&esented( &eason inclusion in book 6sk students %ow t%ei& "e&s"ecti'e o$ /ac+ Island %as c%anged in any way Lesson 13: 4aring -or Our Land: 5ytut 5inyu !ead Nyunti Ninti (W%at you S%ould know 2iscuss %ow indigenous "eo"le %a'e looked a$te& t%e land and continue to do so+ 6sk Huestions: In w%at was is t%e li$e o$ t%e "eo"le in t%e book simila& to o& di$$e&ent $o&m %ow we li'e: How is t%e land sustainable $o& t%e "eo"le in t%e book: How do t%ey li'e o$$ t%e land: W%at messages does t%e book gi'e us about ca&ing $o& ou& land W%at im"o&tant links can be made to 4ne Small Island:

=> min

=> min

3$4ecti e ( 3utcome: EN2-11( 6 Student: &es"onds to and com"oses a &ange o$ te#ts t%at e#"&ess 'iew"oints o$ t%e wo&ld simila& to and di$$e&ent $&om t%ei& own Lesson 11: Introduction to Persuasive Te(ts !e'iew Lesson 9 b&ainsto&m on sustainability+ 2iscuss c%anged &es"onses+

2iscuss intention o$ 6lison Leste& and 1o&al ,ulloc% w%en t%ey w&ote and illust&ated %ne &mall sland+ Establis% t%at t%ey wanted to "e&suade &eade&s t%at it is im"o&tant to "&otect and &esto&e /ac-ua&ie Island+

6sk t%e students -uestions suc% as:

Has you& &es"onse to t%e book c%anged t%&oug%out t%e se&ies o$ lessons: I$ so( w%at c%anged you& o"inion: W%at do t%e aut%o& and illust&ato& want you to t%ink and $eel: 6&e t%e aut%o& and illust&ato& t&ying to "e&suade you to act in "a&ticula& ways: Ee&suasi'e te#ts can take two $o&ms: one is to I"e&suade t%at.( meaning t%at a "&o"osition %as me&itJ anot%e& $o&m is to I"e&suade to.( w%e&e t%e te#t encou&ages you to take action+ W%ic% stance did t%e aut%o&s take:

Thinking a$out the %eatures o% a #ersuasi e te&t !ead Hel" Sa'e /ac-ua&ie IslandK 2is"lay t%e te#t on an inte&acti'e w%iteboa&d and su""o&t t%e students to analyse and identi$y its o&ganisational $&amewo&k and language $eatu&es+ Eoint out t%at t%is te#t was w&itten in 277F and t%at since t%at time actions %a'e been taken to &esto&e t%e island and e&adicate $e&al animals+ 6nalyse te#t "u&"ose and st&uctu&e:

,ake 6ction+ Hel" Sa'e /ac-ua&ie Island 3 Humane Society Inte&national (www

W%o w&ote t%is te#t: W%y would t%ey w&ite t%is te#t: W%e&e mig%t you $ind a te#t suc% as t%is: 2iscuss t%e natu&e o$ "&ess &eleases and %ow t%ese can be used to "e&suade &eade&s to t%ink and act in s"eci$ic ways+

W%at is t%e "u&"ose o$ t%is w&iting: W%o is t%e audience $o& t%is w&iting: W%ose "oint o$ 'iew %as not been included in t%is te#t: How %as t%is te#t been o&ganised: !e8&ead t%e $i&st t%&ee "a&ag&a"%s+ W%at is t%e &elations%i" between t%e $i&st sentence o$ eac% "a&ag&a"% and t%e

$ollowing sentences:

W%at is t%e main idea o$ eac% o$ t%ese "a&ag&a"%s: !etu&n to "a&ag&a"% 9 and ask t%e students t%e $ollowing -uestions:

W%at do you notice about many o$ t%e noun g&ou"s in t%is "a&ag&a"%: W%y %as t%e w&ite& c%osen to include t%ese &e$e&ences: 2oes t%e w&ite& attem"t to establis% t%ei& aut%o&ity and c&edibility in any ot%e& ways: 2oes t%e w&ite& use any language t%at seeks to "e&suade

3$4ecti e ( 3utcome: EN2-11( 6 Student: &es"onds to and com"oses a &ange o$ te#ts t%at e#"&ess 'iew"oints o$ t%e wo&ld simila& to and di$$e&ent $&om t%ei& own

Lesson 12: 6se o- Modality

37 min

2is"lay "age 37 o$ %ne &mall sland and &ead t%e sentence( I<o& i$ we can sa'e one small island( "e&%a"s we can sa'e t%em all.+ E#"lain t%at t%e class will be const&ucting a te#t to "e&suade ot%e&s t%at /ac-ua&ie Island s%ould be sa'ed and t%ey will be lea&ning about some o$ t%e language $eatu&es t%at a&e ty"ical o$ t%is ty"e o$ w&iting+ <ocusing on t%e modal au#ilia&y 'e&bs Imust. and Imay.( model %ow an a&ea o$ meaning is &elated to "ossibility( "&obability( obligation o& "e&mission+

Sa'ing t%e island may5could be a good idea+ ("ossibility 3 low modality Sa'ing t%e island will be a good idea+ ("&obability 3 medium modality We need to5s%ould sa'e /ac-ua&ie Island+ (obligation 3 medium modality We must sa'e /ac-ua&ie Island+ (obligation 3 %ig% modality We %a'e to sa'e /ac-ua&ie Island+ (obligation 3 %ig%

modality 2iscuss t%e sentences abo'e and ask t%e students to &ank t%em $&om low modality to %ig% modality+ E#"lain t%at modalities can be %ig%( medium o& low and t%at t%ese %a'e an im"act on t%e ce&tainty o$ t%e a&gument o& asse&ti'eness o$ t%e w&ite&+

Lesson 13: 7ointly constructing a &ersuasive te(t

=> min

E&o'ide t%e %eading ISa'e /ac-ua&ie Island. and e#"lain t%at t%e class will 0ointly const&uct a te#t to "e&suade ot%e&s o$ t%e need to sa'e t%e island+ 6sk t%e students to suggest t%&ee &easons o& a&guments $o& sa'ing t%e island+ List t%e a&guments+ /odel and 0ointly const&uct an int&oducto&y "a&ag&a"% "&e'iewing t%e a&guments t%at will be de'elo"ed in $u&t%e& "a&ag&a"%s+ !emind students t%at eac% "a&ag&a"% needs a to"ic sentence t%at will be elabo&ated on+ Encou&age all students to "a&tici"ate by suggesting additions( edits and im"&o'ements to t%e language c%oices+ Ha'e students co8const&uct a concluding "a&ag&a"% t%at "&o'ides a summa&y o$ t%ei& a&guments and a call to action+ !e8&ead com"lete te#t and make any $u&t%e& suggestions $o& its im"&o'ement+ 2is"lay t%e com"leted te#t as a model $o& t%e students. own w&iting+

3$4ecti e C 3utcome: EN2-10C 6 student: ,%inks imaginati'ely( c&eati'ely and inte&"&eti'ely about in$o&mation( ideas and te#ts w%en &es"onding to and com"osing te#ts Lesson 1": Predict and discuss ideas dra0n -rom &ictures and

=> min

digital te(ts G&ou" students into t%&ee+ E&o'ide t%em wit% en'i&onmental "oste&s5ad'e&ts+ Int&oduce and %old discussion about ad'e&tising "oste&s and int&oduce e$$ects o$ 'isual lite&acy 3 6s a class discuss use o$: Elements o$ line( s%a"e ( 'ecto&s( W%at s%a"es a&e $&e-uent o& &e"eated How and w%en a&e elements o$ line used to suggest5c&eate mo'ement: How does line c&eate "atte&ns: Is use o$ line mo&e "owe&$ul t%an use o$ colou&: In "ai&s( students answe& t%ese -uestions8 Ee&sonal &es"onses to images How do I &es"ond to t%is image: W%at do you $eel: W%at does t%is &emind you o$: W%at is t%e com"ose& con'eying: Is t%e "oste& making you want to do somet%ing: W%at: )se o$ "e&suasi'e te#t: S%a&e &es"onses Ee&suasi'e te#t( $act and o"inion ,e#t8 bold $ont: SiLe: Elacement: 1olou&: 2emanding te#t W%at emotions to t%e combined design elects c&eate $o& you as audience: Would 'iewe&s inte&"&et images di$$e&ently: How is t%e w&itten mate&ial used and %ow does it &elate to image W%at is $unction o$ t%e image in &elation to te#t 2oes te#t su""o&t image well+ 'ice 'e&sa S"ace( colou&( te#tu&e Is s"ace clutte&ed( busy( o"en( wide( colou&$ul: 6&e images balanced5 any dominant images: W%at would c%ange about image i$ you we&e to c%ange image to make anot%e& element dominant: How would you& &es"onse be alte&ed: SiLe o$ images )se o$ $acts8 e$$ect o$ t%is Lesson 1$: 4reating 8igital Te(ts !emind students %ow to use glogste& 2iscuss again 3 "u&"ose( audience( main message con'eyed( use o$

See Notebook $ile $o& $u&t%e& e#am"les

9 %ou&

colou&( siLe o$ te#t images 3 e$$ecti'eness 6llow students time to wo&k in t%ei& "ai&s to c&eate digital te#t and wo&k $&om t%ei& "&e'iously w&itten "e&suasi'e te#ts+ Lesson 1' Biew all "oste&s+ 6llow students to discuss c&eati'e design( likes etc+ 2iscuss -uestions $&om lesson9=+ S%a&e "oste&s at assembly

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