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Physical Education Unit Plan

Age Level: 3rd Grade Dates: December 16th-24th, 2013 Lesson NASPE Standards Outcomes
Specific O !ectives "ndicate the main focus of the activities #psychomotor$ cognitive$ and or affective%

Unit: Jumping Activities Resources: PE entra! and "par# Activities &ain Learning Activity
"ndicate the name of the main activity' (yperlin) lesson plan to chosen day' Also$ hyperlin) chosen cues sheet to chosens day as *ell'

State specifically *hat you *ill e assessing$ and ho*' (yperlin) assessments to chosen days'

Safety "ssues

Day 1

Standard +$ %he ph&sica!!& !iterate individua! dem'nstrates c'mpetenc& in a variet& '( m't'r s#i!!s and m'vement patterns)

Psychomotor$ %he student *i!! 'btain a higher number '( times he+she ,umps 'ver the !ine *hi!e d'ing !ine ,umps in 30 sec'nds each) ,ognitive$ -hi!e d'ing the !ine ,umps, the student *i!! be ab!e t' c'mprehend that #eeping &'ur (eet !'*er t' the gr'und *hen d'ing !ine ,umps *i!! increase the number '( times &'u ,ump) %he student *i!! rea!i.e this a(ter the third stati'n '( !ine ,umps) Affective$ %he student *i!! set a g'a! ('r himse!(+herse!( t' get a better number '( ,umps ('r t'm'rr'*/s *arm-up in parta#ing in !ine ,umps) %he student *i!! achieve their g'a! b& at !east 'ne ,ump)

"ntroduction$ 0ine tag%his is t' he!p them in rec' the !ines) 1're s' '( a game t' get their !egs *armed up) -e *i!! g' ('r 2 minutes then s*itch taggers) %here *i!! be 2 taggers at a time) &ain Activity$ 0ine ,umping-%his is the (irst da& '( m& unit s' 2 *anted t' ma#e sure 2 didn/t get t'' in depth *ith t'' man& ,umping activities) 1astering h'* t' c'rrect!& ,ump is m& g'a!) -e *i!! simp!& d' !ine ,umps) Each stati'n *i!! have a di((erent #ind '( !ine t' ,ump repeated!&) 2t *i!! be c'nsidered a c'ntest+race t' see *h' gets the m'st ,umps in a(ter 2 am sure the& have the c'rrect ('rm d'*n) ,losure$ %' he!p them get their heart-rate d'*n, *e

3'r the !ine ,umping activit&, 2 *i!! be using a teacher 'bservati'n b& assessing i( the& are c!earing the !ines, ta#ing '(( 'n t*' (eet, and !anding 'n t*' (eet)

0ine tag- be sure t' #eep &'ur e&es up s' as t' n't run int' each 'ther 0ine ,umpingtr& t' !and *ith 4uite (eet, n't !'ud (eet)

Physical Education Unit Plan

*i!! d' a *a!#+,'g thr'ugh each stati'n and see h'* man& ,umps s'me students achieved) Psychomotor$ %he student *i!! be ab!e "ntroduction$ -e *i!! t' get thr'ugh the c!imbing the m'untain revie* (r'm the previ'us 'bstac!e c'urse (aster the sec'nd time da&) %he& *i!! tr& t' get s' than the (irst time g'ing thr'ugh the man& ,umps in 30 sec'nds 'bstac!e c'urse b& ab'ut 5 sec'nds) ('r three di((erent stati'ns !i#e the previ'us da&) ,ognitive$ %he student *i!! identi(& *hat %he& *i!! set a g'a! ('r s#i!! has t' be per('rmed at each hurd!e themse!ves) *hen he+she gets t' them b& success(u!!& mastering the s#i!! he+she uses t' get 'ver &ain Activity$ !imb the the hurd!e at !east 657 '( the time) m'untain-%his inc!udes man& ,umping stati'ns Affective$ %he student *i!! rec'gni.e i( *ith vari'us t&pes '( he+she has t' c'mbine a certain s#i!! ('r a e4uipment) %he ('cus *i!! speci(ic hurd!e 'r he+she *i!! rec'gni.e i( main!& be ,umping but the& have t' use 'ne certain s#i!! ('r a 'ther s#i!!s *i!! be used) speci(ic hurd!e) %he student *i!! 3irst *e *i!! c!imb up the rec'gni.e this a(ter the sec'nd time '( m'untain, and then *e *i!! g'ing thr'ugh the 'bstac!e) c!imb d'*n the m'untain) ,losure$ %he c!'sure *i!! be the students he!ping me put a*a& the e4uipment since there *i!! be much e4uipment being used)

Day 2

Standard +$ %he ph&sica!!& !iterate individua! dem'nstrates c'mpetenc& in a variet& '( m't'r s#i!!s and m'vement patterns) Standard -$ %he ph&sica!!& !iterate individua! app!ies #n'*!edge '( c'ncepts, princip!es, strategies and tactics re!ated t' m'vement and per('rmance) Standard .$ %he ph&sica!!& !iterate

Assessment *i!! be 'n c'mp!eti'n '( the c!imbing the m'untain 'bstac!e c'urse at a 4uic#er pace than the (irst time c!imbing the m'untain)

!imb the m'untain-be care(u! t' n't !and 'n the e4uipment)

Day 3

Psychomotor$ %he students *i!! be ab!e t' get thr'ugh the !adder *ith'ut t'uching the !egs '( the !adder ('r at !east 'ne *h'!e !adder e8ercise during a

"ntroduction$ 0ine ,umps-e *i!! start '(( practicing ,umping (u!!& 'ver a !ine using !ine ,umps !i#e in the

Assessment *i!! be based 'n e(('rt given thr'ugh the races and re!a&s as the end '(

9e care(u! t' tr& and n't step 'n the !egs '( the

Physical Education Unit Plan

individua! dem'nstrates the #n'*!edge and s#i!!s t' achieve and maintain a hea!thenhancing !eve! '( ph&sica! activit& and (itness) certain !adder e8ercise) ,ognitive$ A(ter the re!a&s and races thr'ugh the !adders, the student *i!! summari.e *h& using !adders is a great *a& t' e8ercise) (irst da&) %his *a& 2 can see i( the& are a!! c!earing the !ine) the !ess'n) Are the students g'ing their hardest t' het a vict'r&; !adders) A!s', be cauti'us '( 'ther students) D'n/t start t' g' thr'ugh the !adder unti! the student be('re &'u is c'mp!ete!& thr'ugh it)

Day 4

Standard /$ %he ph&sica!!& !iterate individua! e8hibits resp'nsib!e pers'na! and s'cia! behavi'r that respects se!( and 'thers)

&ain Activity$ 0adders-2 *i!! (irst e8p!ain *h& *e use !adders ('r e8ercise Affective$ %he students *i!! rea!i.e h'* and h'* it is bene(icia!) 2 much hitting the !egs '( the !adders s!'*s *i!! then dem'nstrate &'u d'*n *hi!e d'ing the re!a&s and di((erent *a&s '( g'ing races) 2n additi'n, the students *i!! thr'ugh the !adder) attempt t' n't hit the !adder 657 '( the time *hi!e d'ing the races) ,losure$ :nce the& get d'*n each di((erent techni4ue t' get thr'ugh the !adders, i( there is time *e *i!! have !adder re!a&s and races) Psychomotor$ %he student *i!! be ab!e "ntroduction$ "ing!e t' get thr'ugh the d'ub!e ,ump r'pe at Jump <'pe intr'ducti'n) !east 'nce a(ter mastering h'* t' d' ='* t' h'!d the ,ump r'pe sing!e ,ump r'pe) *hi!e d'ing it &'urse!() ,ognitive$ %he student *i!! be ab!e t' brea# d'*n the a!ternating (''t ,ump r'pe a(ter seeing me dem'nstrate, thus, rea! that each student can ,ump r'pe at a 4uic#er pace as a resu!t) Affective$ %he student *i!! assist each 'ther in getting ever&'ne thr'ugh the d'ub!e ,ump r'pe at !east 'nce a(ter seeing a student c'mp!ete it success(u!!&) Psychomotor$ %he student *i!! be ab!e t' hit 507 '( the m'ves a(ter getting &ain activity$ Partner+gr'up ,ump r'pe) %*' pe'p!e *i!! h'!d the ,ump r'pe *hi!e an'ther *i!! tr& t' ,ump *ithin) ,losure$ As a c!ass, *e have t' get thr'ugh t*' r'pes individua!!&) >eep tr&ing unti! ever&'ne gets thr'ugh) "ntroduction$ Dancing *arm-up) -e *i!! !isten t'

Assessment *i!! be based 'n h'* !'ng a student can ,ump r'pe ('r b'th sing!e ,ump r'ping and partner ,ump r'ping) A!s', *hi!e partners are ,ump r'ping in gr'ups, the students sitting 'ut *i!! peer criti4ue their gr'up members)

%r& &'ur best t' n't *hip &'ur !egs *ith the ,ump r'pe) %his c'u!d resu!t in (a!!ing) A!*a&s use s'(t (eet)

Day 5

Standard +$ %he

Assessment *i!! be based 'n h'* *e!!

"tudents *i!! need t' be

Physical Education Unit Plan

ph&sica!!& !iterate individua! dem'nstrates c'mpetenc& in a variet& '( m't'r s#i!!s and m'vement patterns) Standard .$ %he ph&sica!!& !iterate individua! dem'nstrates the #n'*!edge and s#i!!s t' achieve and maintain a hea!thenhancing !eve! '( ph&sica! activit& and (itness) Standard -$ %he ph&sica!!& !iterate individua! app!ies #n'*!edge '( c'ncepts, *armed up *ith !istening t' the music ('r the ver& (irst dance+s'ng) ,ognitive$ %he student *i!! predict the ne8t dance m've 657 '( the time 2 *i!! initiate since the m'ves are repetitive thr'ugh'ut the dance a(ter the (irst time '( g'ing thr'ugh the (irst dance+s'ng) Affective$ %he student *i!! disp!a& the act '( the dance a!m'st b& mem'ri.ati'n b& the end '( each 'ne '( the s'ngs+dances per('rmed because '( the student?s genera! patterns '( ad,ustment) music and d' s'me d&namic *arm ups+stretching) %his *i!! he!p us t' practice and get 'ur rh&thm d'*n int' matching 'ur e8ercises *ith the beat) &ain Activity$ Jumping *ith rh&thm) 2ndividua!!& ever&'ne gets a r'pe and starts d'ing s'me ,ump r'pe dancing !ead b& me) %he g'a! is t' tr& and hit ever& beat and m've *ith me) 2 *i!! be ver& simi!ar t' d'ing s'me s'rt '( @umba, e8cept *ith a ,ump r'pe inc!uded) ,losure$ 2( time, 2 *i!! !et s'me students !ead a dance) Jump r'pe *hi!e ,'gging *i!! be their main c''! d'*n) the students ('!!'* a!'ng t' m& !ead *hi!e d'ing the @umba ,ump r'ping) Each dance, 2 *i!! see i( the& c'mprehend the m'ves better b& the end '( the dance because '( the repetiti'n '( the m'ves) spatia!!& a*are '( each 'ther s' as t' n't run int' each 'ther) A!s', students *i!! need t' ta#e their time *hen ,ump r'ping *hi!e ,'gging)

Day 6

Psychomotor$ %he student *i!! be ab!e t' rep!icate *hat their partner is d'ing at !east 607 '( the time *hi!e mirr'ring the !eader) ,ognitive$ %he !eader *i!! be ab!e t' thin# '( di((erent s#i!!s that he+she sees their ('!!'*er strugg!e at and attempt t'

"ntroduction$ "tart '(( ,ump r'ping *ith a partner ('r a bit '( revie*) &ain Activity$ 1irr'r the ,umper) "tudents *i!! partner up) :ne *i!! be the !eader and the 'ther the

Assessment *i!! be based 'n h'* much the students cha!!enge their c!assmates *hi!e being the !eader) Are the !eaders ,ust g'ing thr'ugh m'ti'ns 'r are the& attempting t'

"tudents *i!! need t' be spatia!!& a*are '( each 'ther *hi!e mirr'ring each 'ther s' as t' n't hit

Physical Education Unit Plan

princip!es, strategies and tactics re!ated t' m'vement and per('rmance) Standard /$ %he ph&sica!!& !iterate individua! e8hibits resp'nsib!e pers'na! and s'cia! behavi'r that respects se!( and 'thers) Standard 0$ %he ph&sica!!& !iterate individua! rec' the va!ue '( ph&sica! activit& ('r hea!th, en,'&ment, cha!!enge, se!(e8pressi'n and+'r s'cia! interacti'n) cha!!enge the ('!!'*er a(ter the (irst time mirr'ring each 'ther) Affective$ %he student *i!! be ab!e t' c'mpare each student/s s#i!! !eve! and there('re attempt t' cha!!enge each student a di((erent *a& each time *hi!e mirr'ring each 'ther) ('!!'*er) %he ('!!'*er needs t' mirr'r ever&thing the !eader d'es) %he& *i!! b'th be h'!ding a ,ump r'pe) %hen s*itch !eaders and ('!!'*ers) %hen s*itch partners) ,losure$ 1irr'ring *'n/t ta#e t'' !'ng s' 2 *i!! then intr'duce hinese ,ump r'pe) Atric#B their peers; A!s', students *i!! be based 'n a chec#!ist '( s#i!!s re!ated t' ,umping) each 'ther *ith their r'pes)

Day 7

Psychomotor$ %he student *i!! be ab!e t' s#i!!(u!!& using ,umping as a *a& t' c'mp!ete each hurd!e at each di((erent 'bstac!e c'urse a(ter *'r#ing 'n ,umping thr'ugh this entire unit)

"ntroduction$ "tart '(( *ith hinese ,ump r'pe ('r a *arm up)

&ain Activity$ %hen as a *rap up '( the unit, 2 *i!! ,ognitive$ %he student *i!! identi(& *hat have students give the s#i!! has t' be per('rmed at each hurd!e ideas t' ma#e their '*n *hen he+she gets t' them b& success(u!!& 'bstac!e c'urse) mastering the s#i!! he+she uses t' get 'ver the hurd!e at !east C07 '( the time) ,losure$ G' thr'ugh the students/ 'bstac!e c'urses) Affective$ %he students *i!! attempt t' %his *i!! actua!!& be !'nger cha!!enge each 'ther b& pic#ing *a& the& than the main activit&) thin# are di((icu!t 'bstac!es ('r their c!assmates a(ter !earning (r'm their

Assessment *i!! be based 'n h'* the students set up their cha!!enging 'bstac!e c'urse) Are the& initiating ,umping s#i!!s 'r m'st!& 'ther s#i!!s t' be used *hen getting t' each 'bstac!e c'urse;

!imb the m'untain-be care(u! t' n't !and 'n the e4uipment)

Physical Education Unit Plan

c!assmates ,umping s#i!!s thr'ugh'ut this unit)

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