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NOMINATION FORM FOR THE NRHH ESTEEMED SCHOLAR AWARD The NRHH Esteemed Scholar Award is awarded to an individual

who: 1.) Has a minimum of a 3.75 G.P.A. 2.) Is a current member of NRHH. 3.) Has demonstrated the importance of keeping education as a priority by being involved on campus and still excelling in academics. 4.) Has shown a passion for academics and the value of being a hardworking and successful scholar and leader on campus. 5.) Has an evident plan for the future and the career being pursued.

Nominees Name: Erica Lunderman Nominees Email: 1.) How has the nominee demonstrated the value of scholastics while still remaining involved on campus? (500 words maximum) As a Political Science major, Erica focused on achieving her ultimate goal of becoming an attorney, and she did just that with her involvement on campus. Erica is currently the President of the Law Society, being asked by the organizations advisor to run for the position. She has also been a committed member of NRHH, regularly attending meetings and even helping to become a integral part in planning the first off campus NRHH retreat. Erica is also a member of the Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Society, where members must rank in the top 35% of their college. Erica is obviously a part of the top 35% of students at BGSU with her 3.9 GPA. Erica has obviously put forth scholastics as a high priority while at BGSU. From being an attentive student and completing all of her papers, projects, and readings on time, to joining organizations in which scholastics is an integral part of the organizations philosophy, Erica has worked to be a top student that will help her to future career goals. Erica also maintained a 4.0 still while dealing with the loss of her mother and grandmother in the same semester. This not only shows her resolve to succeed academically, but Im also sure it is to make her mother and grandmother proud of being a successful graduate who has a bright future ahead of herself.

2.) How does nominee have an evident plan for the future and the career he or she is pursuing? (500 words maximum) As mentioned earlier, Erica has been working to become an aspiring attorney. All of the classes that she has taken would help her in career as a practicing attorney. Being President of Law Society has also helped Erica in her future career as it helps build her resume and also allows her to learn more about the career and potential employers. As Erica is graduating this semester, she has been applying to law schools and has been successful in being accepted to all 8 of the law schools that she has applied to, including Capital University, University of Cincinnati, and the Ohio State University. It is clear that she has her future career path planned and knows exactly what she must do in order to reach those goals. I am sure that with her continued success inside and outside the classroom, she will surely reach those goals. 3.) Please give an overall statement about the nominee that could best describe why he/she is deserving of the award. (500 words maximum) When I looked at the criteria for this award, Erica was the first person that came to my mind as to who I could nominate. Her academic performance and involvement is more than enough to show that she is a scholar indeed. Ive known Erica long enough to recognize that she is definitely a hard worker and that she will go far as an attorney. She consistently gives top performance in her academics and involvement, and is one of the most humble people I have ever met. Erica never boasts about her academic success (even though she should8 law schools, including some of the top ones in the country!) and she is always there to support her friends in their academic successes. Erica Lunderman definitely deserves the NRHH Esteemed Scholar Award.

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