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Anthony W. Batts POLICE COMMISSIONER Lt. J. Eric Kowalczyk Actin !ir"ctor

Baltimore Police Department to purchase 300 new computers

Balti$or"% M&.% March '(% ')*+ , Mo&"rnizin a &"-art$"nt .sin t"chnolo y an& "/.i-$"nt that at ti$"s is $or" than ') y"ars ol& has 0""n a -riority 1or Polic" Co$$ission"r Anthony Batts. #h" &"-art$"nt an& its nin" -olic" &istricts ha2" .n&"r on" an in3&"-th analysis o1 t"chnolo y an& har&war" in an "11ort to $o&"rniz" th" &"-art$"nt. #h" in2"st$"nt in t"chnolo y will -ro&.c" 1ast"r int"lli "nc" sharin % 0"tt"r &ata3analysis% an& a l"an"r $or" "11ici"nt -olic" &"-art$"nt. All o1 this will translat" into o11ic"rs 0"in 0"tt"r a0l" to 1i ht cri$" in Balti$or". 4So$" o1 th" t"chnolo y .s"& 0y this or anization is what I start"& .sin wh"n I 0"ca$" a -olic" o11ic"r 5) y"ars a o% it is .nacc"-ta0l"%6 sai& Polic" Co$$ission"r Anthony Batts. 4W" ha2" a "n"ration o1 o11ic"rs .s" to hi h3"n& t"chnolo y an& th"y know how to .s" it "11"cti2"ly. W" ar" oin to -ro2i&" th"$ what th"y n""& so w" can all work to r"&.c" 2iol"nt cri$".6 #h" 5)) n"w co$-.t"rs will r"-lac" ol& $achin"s in th" nin" -olic" &istricts% $ost o1 which &o not ha2" th" ca-a0ility to r.n $o&"rn -ro ra$s .s"& in law "n1orc"$"nt. #h" n"w co$-.t"rs will 0" -has"& in o2"r th" n"7t s"2"ral $onths in a r"-lac"$"nt -ro ra$ &"si n"& to r"-lac" th" ol&"st $achin"s 1irst.
8or $or" in1or$ation% contact Balti$or" Media Relations Section at (410)-396-2012.


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