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Students will explore 4 of the listed activities, one from


each category (Listening, Writing, Reading & Speaking ) and share with their class. This sheet will be collected at the end of the unit. (Due Date: Monday, May 12th)

Find out what happens when Spanish STOPS being a class and starts being REAL! Share a Cultural Encounter. Fill out form. Bring proof (photo, receipt, purchase, ect.) Watch Qu es Ecoturismo/What is Ecotourism? video posted on Edmodo. Write down 10 words you hear in Spanish and write them down (and English). Then write your own definition in English of Ecotourism based off what you heard and saw. LISTENING Describe your ideal pets qualities on our Edmodo class page wall with the hastag #mascotaperfecta. What kind of animal would it be? Write 3 sentences using adjectives to describe it. WRITING

See list of suggestions on Edmodo.


Choose a trip you have taken. Create a written story using PowerPoint or another tech tool (or paper/pencil). Write at least 5 sentences in Spanish describing what you did on your trip. WRITING Play Prove that you got 200 in a Spanish or geography activity. READING

Create a parody story to Chp 1 of Isabela using StoryBird. Create your account & link it to mine with our class code ZM685. The story must be in Spanish using at least 7 vocab words from Isabela. WRITING

In class answer the following three questions in Spanish: Cantos aos tienes? Cal es tu animal favorite y por qu? Dnde quieres ir de vacciones? SPEAKING

Isabela captura un congo Real World Homework

Watch Costa Rica en Espaol- Discovery Travel YouTube Video and write down 10 words in Spanish that you recognize (with their definition in English). Also answerWhere would you most likely visit and why? You can write on a looseleaf or post on Edmodo. LISTENING

Read the flyer posted in Edmodo on EcoTourism in Costa Rica. In English post or turn in a reflection after reading about why ecotourism is so important in Costa Rica.

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