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Infosys paper: 11th September 2005, Mumbai 1. A cube has its 6 faces painted red.

It is cut by 6 straight lines into 27 smaller cubes. Find how

many smaller cubes are there having: (i ! faces painted red. (ii 2faces painted red. (iii " face painted red. (iv # faces painted red$$$ 2. %here are two different temperature measurement systems& similar to 'elsius and Fahrenheit& say A ( ). If A*"+ then )*!6 and if A*"!! then )*,7. -hat value will be e.ual in both systems$ !. %he cyclist race is going in circular pattern. Ahead of me are "/0 th& behind of me are 0/6th. Find total no of participants. +. %here are 6 members in a family 1 2 3 4 5 6. 2 is brother of 57s husband. 3 is sister of 6 4 is father of 1 and grandfather of 6. %here are 2 fathers& ! brothers& and a mother. a. who is 57s husband$ b. 8ow many males are there$ c. 9roup of brothers$ 0. %here are less than 0## students in a class. "/! rd of the student is whole number. :ame is "/+th& "/0th& "/7th is whole number. Find the total number of students.

6. Mom asked me to buy some postal stamps of 2 paise, 5 paise, 7 paise, 10 paise 15 paise and 20 paise. She a!e me total ".#0 rupees for this. $hi%h of these should be multiple of 5 and &hi%h of these of 6'

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