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T"RM)*""+S: ,"AR L"-"L: ./ L"ARNING AR"A)T0%IC: Chemical Sciences)%eri$dic table

General Capabilities: Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative thin in! Asia and Australia's en!a!ement (ith Asia "thical #ehavi$ur %ers$nal and s$cial C$mpetence Sustainability Intercultural Understandin!

Cr$ss&curriculum pri$rities: Ab$ri!inal and T$rres Strait Islander hist$ries and Cultures



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ASSESSMENT (what & how)

TEAC ING & LEARNING E!PERIENCES ("#$%&'( %(a)#() '"*()+"t,)



Lesson 4

(ACSS U186)

1. Demonstrate the ability to make connections between the properties o perio!ic "ro#ps with the reacti$ity o certain metals. %. Ability to make scienti ic obser$ations an! to present them in an appropriate ormat. &. Ability to make pre!ications (hypothesises) an! to test their acc#racy' st#!ents nee! re lect on their work an! e(plain why they were correct or incorrect.

)ormati$e * !ia"nostic assessment #sin" Linoit (teacher will be able to see any misconceptions that st#!ents may ha$e abo#t the topic an! be able to assess i content rom pre$io#s lessons has been learnt). )ormati$e assessment #sin" +oo"le Docs (teacher will be able to check on st#!ents work)

Introduction: St#!ents will ha$e a class !isc#ssion on a Linoit note boar! to answer the ,#estion- .ase! on what yo# know abo#t the properties o metals pre!ict how they will react to water an! ire/ St#!ents will nee! to #se their knowle!"e o "ro#p properties rom the pre$io#s lesson. Body: St#!ents will watch a 0o#1#be clip rom .rainiac showin" the reacti$ity o alkali metals with water. A ter watchin" the clip st#!ents will recor! their in!i$i!#al obser$ations in a 2or! !oc#ment table (create! in +oo"le Docs). St#!ents will then watch another 0o#1#be clip o a lame test. Usin" +oo"le Docs st#!ents will then create their own !ata table to recor! their obser$ations o what happens when certain metals react with ire. Conclusion: As a class st#!ents will look back at the Linoit boar! an! !isc#ss as a "ro#p i their pre!ictions were acc#rate or i somethin" #ne(pecte! happene!. 2hy !o the st#!ents belie$e the metals reacte! the way they !i!. Provisions for students at educational risk: 1here will be a pre3ma!e !ata table or st#!ents to ill in their obser$ations rom the lame test clip. 1he names an! pict#res o the metals will be incl#!e! in the table to help st#!ents i!enti y the correct metals rom the clip. Extension work: St#!ents will in$esti"ate why precio#s metals are so special. .e ore watchin" a short clip st#!ents will a!! their pre!ictions o what will happen when metals react with o(y"en to the class Linoit boar!. A ter watchin" the clip st#!ents will locate the metals #se! as e(amples on the perio!ic table an! i!enti y which "ro#p they belon" to.

1. 4ow !o yo# pre!ict metals o the perio!ic table will react with water an! ire/ %. 2hat obser$ations ha$e yo# ma!e abo#t when alkali metals react with water an! how other metals react to ire/ &. 2hy !o metals react this way/

Linoit boar!http-55linoit.com5#sers5 Sarah6c.5can$ases5L esson7%847&A 7%89eacti$ity7%8o 7%86etals

.rainiac 0o#1#be m5watch/ $:m;;k"yAp0r0

+oo"le Docshttps-55!ocs."oo" m5!oc#ment5!51<=h$> t?w@k2%%A6 kS1;op !4.Bli1n4<C29p$b ;C2D65e!it/ #sp:sharin"

)lame test 0o#1#be m5watch/ $:B<C8aDw#U6o

Brecio#s metal clip (e(tension) 5me!ia535m58;4>%

+oo"le Docs (e!#cational risk)https-55!ocs."oo" m5!oc#ment5!51CeD) #E#"6+C= ?UslF&p3 +DGSH?9b"h&1"89 ?Hi;(65e!it/ #sp:sharin"

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