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LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Science - Biology

General Capabilities: Literacy Numeracy ICT

Cross-curriculum priorities: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures

Critical and creative thinking

Ethical Behaviour

Personal and social Competence

Intercultural Understanding

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia Sustainability

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Living things have life cycles ( ACSSU 072)

Students are able to correctly list effects of environmental disasters on the stages of the life cycle of a plant Students will be able to correctly name past Australian disasters that have affected the environment

Engage in a whole class discussion to informally assess students through asking them to recount what the learnt Again, use informal assessment when walking around the classroom, by asking students what they have discovered (particularly those students at risk)

Begin the lesson by viewing this clip: t 1sW f0zpCc " Engage in whole class discussion about bushfires and other such natural disasters and potential effects on lives, plants and animals. " As you do this, have the students create a brainstorm on Popplet; adding the opinions and questions thrown around the classroom to their mind-map " Be adding to your own brainstorm on the SmartBoard. Have the youtube clip as the centre-piece of your mindmap Have the students research natural disasters that have occurred across Australia " Scan the QR code on the board to get them to this link: u/#/category/2 " Report their findings on each of

Does anybody remember this?

What would you like to learn about bushfires?

QR Code 1

the different types of disasters on the Popplet. " Ensure that they students are making note of the effects of such disasters on life cycles of animals and plants Once student have made sufficient additions to their Popplet from the information found of the DisasterMapper, interrupt them to invite them to scan the second QR code if they would like to try a bushfire based game: " Ensure they know that the game is set in Victoria and reveals facts about Victorian fires Before the end of the lesson ensure that you have engaged in a whole class discussion and the class have shared aloud some of their findings and compare findings with others " Have students from each group of tables share their most interesting fact or what surprised them most.

Can you tell me how a fire that big might affect the trees and plants in the area? How might that affect be felt by animals?

QR Code 2

surprised you most during your research? What was the most interesting thing you found out?

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