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E-mail: 6415 Andrew Avenue Summerland, .! "#$ 1%& 'hone: ()5#* 4+4-#+#6 !ell: (&&,* +&&--&5-

.o /ind a /ull time jo0 where 1 can im2lement m3 ac4uired 5nowled6e and s5ills o/ sailin6 to teach in a constructive environment while accumulatin6 savin6s to /urther m3 2ost-secondar3 education.

Bachelor of Science, Kinesiology 4th 3ear, 7niversit3 o/ "ictoria Se2t )#11 8 'resent

9elevant course wor5: :otor ;evelo2ment < 'h3sical :aturation, :ultidisci2linar3 'h3sical Activit3, 's3cholo63 o/ 'h3sical Activit3, :otor =earnin6, :otor !ontrol, >utrition /or E?ercise and $ealth, 'ro6ram 'lannin6. Understand the physiology of both children and adults, the benefits of physical activity, and how to best implement activity in a safe and fun environment.

Personal Management =isten to the o2inions and su66estions o/ others, and see5 advice when necessar3 7nderstand the need /or e//ective communication with cowor5ers, 2arents and clu0 mem0ers Act relia0l3, honestl3, and with inte6rit3 7nderstand the need to assess and mana6e ris5 in di//icult situations

Leadership Skills Ensure all students are inte6rated into the lessons and activities in a sa/e and /un manner A0ilit3 to dele6ate tas5s accordin6l3 A0ilit3 to thin5 4uic5l3 and 2ro0lem solve in di//icult situations


@or5 coo2erativel3 with others o/ var3in6 a6es and 2ersonalities E//ectivel3 communicate with cowor5ers and students ali5e @elcome constructive /eed0ac5 on m3 2er/ormance and 2rovide it when necessar3

Communication A0ilit3 to communicate e//ectivel3 in a res2ect/ul manner with 0oth adults and children 1n/orm cowor5ers o/ the lesson 2lan so that activities can 0e carried out sa/el3 and e//ectivel3 A0ilit3 to communicate 0oth sim2le and com2le? conce2ts in a variet3 o/ di//erent manners to account /or di//erent learnin6 techni4ues


!anadian 9ed !ross, Emer6enc3 Airst Aid < !'9BAE; C!D (e?2ires )#16* 'leasure !ra/t E2erators =icense, e?2erience o2eratin6 a rescue 0oat :em0er o/ >ational !oachin6 !erti/ication 'ro6ram (>!!'* !erti/ied in 0oat sa/et3 ronFe =evel Sailin6 !erti/ication !erti/ied to teach !A>sail 1 < ), and !A>sail - <4 ilin6ual (En6lish, Arench* 'h3sicall3 /it

South Okanagan Sailing Association Gune B Gul3 )#11 8 )#1$ead instructor /or white sail (!A>sail 1<)* and 0ronFe sail (!A>sail -<4* level classes. 9es2onsi0le /or creatin6 lesson 2lans, teachin6 land and water lessons to adults and children, maintainin6 a structured and sa/e environment /or students.

Art Knapps lantland and !lower Shop

:a3 B Gune )#1# 8 )#1)

@or5ed in a team environment carin6 /or 2lants and 2rovidin6 4ualit3 customer service. 9es2onsi0le /or tas5s such as 2lantin6, waterin6, creatin6 dis2la3s and or6aniFin6 stoc5. Gul3 B Au6ust )##+ 8 )#1#

Summerland Sweets and Sleeping "iant #inery

@or5ed as 2art o/ a team to 2rovide e?cellent customer service. 9es2onsi0le /or tas5s such as servin6 wine, 2ac5a6in6, la0elin6 and mana6in6 the till. Gune 8 Au6ust )##+

$elodys %ineyard Assisted in vine3ard duties such as tuc5in6, 2runin6, and nettin6. 7sed tractor to s2ra3 and mow the vine3ard.

SO&SA Soccer Association !oached childrenHs soccer

Gul3 B Au6ust )##& A2ril 8 Gune )##, Ecto0er )##5

"ilchrist ' (o. )aw Offices Ailed documents


Ea5 a3 9u603 !lu0 o Athletic trainer for #omens U*+ team A2ril 8 Gune )#1Se2t 8 ;ec. )#1-

"ictoria Aield $oc5e3 Association o Assistant coach, U*, girls team

;istrict Science Aair o -udge for !rench .mmersion science pro/ects

)##, 8 )#1#

E5ana6an !hildrenHs Aestival o %olunteer

:a3 )##& 8 )##+

'ioneer 'aci/ic !am2 o (abin leading, &outh $entorship, Outdoor (amp $aintenance

Gul3BAu6 )##& 8 )##,

9ela3 /or =i/e o Organi0ational and fundraising committee

Gan 8 :a3 )##,

Eutdoor activities such as sailin6, hi5in6, and cam2in6 S2ort activities such as /ield hoc5e3 and soccer 'la3in6 violin, 2iano, and 6uitar Enjo3 readin6, drawin6, and 2hoto6ra2h3

'enry King Owner of Art Knapps lantland 'hone: ()5#* 4+)-5&#en File( Owner of Summerland Sweets )td. 'hone: ()5#* 4+4-#-&&

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