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by Leslie Pittman

I would like to pursue a career in

psychology because I enjoy dealing with

and helping individuals understand

and cope with mental stress and illness.

Conduct scientific studies to study behavior and brain function Collect information through observations, interviews, surveys, tests, and other methods Find patterns that will help them understand and predict behavior Use their knowledge to increase understanding among individuals and groups Develop programs that improve schools and workplaces by addressing psychological issues Work with individuals, couples, and families to help them make desired changes to behaviors Identify and diagnose mental, behavioral, or emotional disorders Develop and carry out treatment plans Collaborate with physicians or social workers to help treat patients


skills Communication skills Observational skills Patience People skills Problem-solving skills Trustworthiness


taken a psychology class or sociology class Have taken or interested in English classes Have taken a speech/communication class Have taken or have an interest in chemistry and biology

High School Diploma Doctorate(Ph.D or a Psy.D) degree One year internship with a psychologist To Practice Independently Previous experience Certification to practice independently by passing the exam for pro practice in psychology

Howard University 1000 SAT 20 Act Composite 4 Core Classes Louisiana State University 22 ACT Composite 1030 SAT 4 Core Classes


is the median wage for psychologists not including if an individual has their own private practice.
job outlook of psychologists is expected to grow 22% in projected popularity rate


. Freshman Admission. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Sep 2013. <>. "Best Psychology Programs." . N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Sep 2013. <>. Howard University, Graduate School. N.p.. Web. 25 Sep 2013. <>. . N.p.. Web. 25 Sep 2013. <>.

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