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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

1. What do Harry and the Weasleys use to get to the World Cup? (O que Harry e os Weasley usam para chegar ao Torneio Mundial?) a. b. c. d. An old sock (uma meia velha) An old boot (uma bota velha) A tin can (uma lata) A flying car (um carro voador)

2. Which teams play against each other in the Quidditch World Cup? (Que times competem no Torneio de Quadribol?) a. b. c. d. England and France Ireland and Austria France and Bulgaria Bulgaria and Ireland

3. Which of the following is not an Unforgivable Curse? (Qual dos feitios abaixo no um Feitio Imperdovel?) a. b. c. d. Avada Kedavra Crucio Imperio Stupefy

4. The minimum age for entering the Triwizard Tournament is supposed to be (A idade minima para entrar no Torneio Tribruxo deve ser...) a. b. c. d. 15 16 17 18

5. Which kind of dragon did Harry face in his first challenge? (Que tipo de drago Harry enfrentou em seu primeiro desafio?) a. b. c. d. Chinese Fireball Hungarian Horntail Swedish Short-Snout Welsh Green

6. In the book, Harry gets some gillyweed from Dobby. Who gives it to him in the film? (No livro, Harry recebe gillyweed de Dobby. Quem d a erva para ele no filme?) a. b. c. d. Neville Parvati Dobby Hermione

7. With whom does Cho Chang go to the dance? (Com quem Cho Chang vai danar?) a. b. c. d. Cedric Harry Ron Krum

8. What color is Harrys bow tie at the dance? (Que cor a gravata borboleta do Harry no baile?) a. b. c. d. Black Red White He doesnt wear a bow tie

9. The Triwizard Cup (A Taa Tribruxo) a. is the goal of the third and final challenge. ( o objetivo do terceiro e ltimo desafio.) b. is a Portkey leading to a graveyard. ( uma chave de portal que leva a um cemitrio.) c. is reached by Harry and Cedric at the same time. ( alcanada por Harry e Cedrico ao mesmo tempo.) d. All of the above. (Todas acima.) 10. Who does Snape give Veritaserum to? (Para quem Snape d a poo Veritaserum?) a. b. c. d. Harry Potter Rita Skeeter Barty Crouch Jr. Albus Dumbledore

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