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101 Ways to React to a Book

The Characters 1. Discuss how the main character is like or unlike people you know. 2. Pretend youre one character and introduce the other characters in your class. 3. As an interior decorator, how would you decorate a characters bedroom and why. 4. In ite one character to dinner and write a note o! e"planation to your mother. #. In ite three celebrities to a party !or the main character and e"plain your choice. $. %rite a pa&e about a character be&innin& with the sentence 'I was (any erb) by*+ ,. -ake a timeline o! the e ents in the li!e o! the main character. .. %rite a chronolo&y !or one character. /. -ake up !i e inter iew 0uestions with answers !or the main character. 11. 2"plain where and how you think the main character will die. 11. 3or a !ilm o! your book, which actress would you choose !or the leadin& !emale and why4 12. 3or a !ilm o! your book, which actor would you choose !or the leadin& male and why4 13. 2"plain what the main character would pre!er !or 5hristmas and why4 14. 2"plain where the main character would pre!er to acation and why4 1#. 2"plain what the main character would pre!er !or dinner and why4 1$. 2"plain what the main character would pre!er to wear and why. The Setting 1,. -ake a map o! your book.

1.. 5ompare where you li e with the nei&hborhood or town in your book. 1/. Draw the settin& o! your book and e"plain it. The Author 21. %rite to the author and e"plain your reaction to his6her book. 21. %rite to the author and e"plain why his6her book appeals to your a&e &roup. 22. -ake up !i e inter iew 0uestions with answers !or the author. 23. Pretend youre the author and e"plain why you chose the title o! your book. 24. Pretend youre the author and describe the part that was the most !un to write. 2#. Pretend youre the author and tell what else you e written. 2$. Pretend youre the author and tell about your li!e and how this book !its into it. The Past 2,. 7ell what you think happened be!ore the story be&an. 2.. Ima&ine that youre an ei&hteenth century student8 9ow would you react to this book4 2/. I! your story took place one hundred years earlier, how would your main character act4 21. I! your main character is !rom the past, how would he6she act i! the book took place today4 The Future 31. I! you were a man !rom -ars, how would you ract to your book4 32. Describe what you think happened to the main character a!ter the book ended4 33. 2"plain why your book should be included in a capsule to be du& up in one hundred years. 34. -ake a horoscope !or the main character e"plain his si&n and his !uture.

Comparisons 3#. 5ompare your book with another book you e readin&. 3$. Describe an e"perience you e had that was like the e"perience o! a character. 3,. 5ompare your book with a mo ie or 7: show o! the same kind. Art Work 3.. Desi&n a book co er !or your book. %rite a detailed para&raph e"plainin& the reasonin& behind your desi&n. 3/. Draw a comic strip o! your book. 41. Draw a portrait o! your !a orite character and e"plain somethin& about it. 41. -ake any kind o! illustration !or your book (drawin&, chart, &raph) and e"plain it. 42. 5ut words or pictures !rom the newspaper to make a colla&e to ad !or your book. 43. -ake a '%A;72D+ poster !or the main character. 44. -ake a 'thumbprint+ book about your book (the !i&ures come !rom thumbs dipped in paint) and write captions !or these illustrations. 4#. -ake a bulletin board about your book. 4$. 5reate a poster !or your book. 4,. %rite an ad !or your book. 4.. -ake a bookmark !or your book. %rite a detailed para&raph e"plainin& the reasonin& behind your desi&n. 4/. 5ollect pictures that &o with your book and describe each. #1. %rite out your title decorati ely and !or each letter write a phrase about the book. #1. -ake a soundtrack !or your book. #2. -ake a slideshow about your book. #3. %rite ten discussion 0uestions !or your book.

Drama #4. Dramati<e your !a orite incident. ##. As a !amous mo ie star you ha e been asked to play a character= e"plain your answer. #$. %rite a 7: commercial !or your book. #,. -ake a 7: script !or one scene o! your book. #.. Play '%hats my line+ with one character. %rite out 0uestions to portray him. #/. As a mo ie producer e"plain why you will or will not make your book into a mo ie. $1. 2"plain how your book could be made into a mo ie8 clothes, settin&, cars, props, etc. Creative Writing $1. %rite any kind o! poem about your book. $2. %rite a letter to a !riend describin& this book you are &oin& to send him. $3. %rite a di!!erent endin& !or your book. $4. >eep a ?ournal as your read your book8 your reactions, thou&hts, !eelin&s. $#. %rite a !i e@line 'easy+ poem about your book8 a noun, then two ad?ecti es, then three erbs then a thou&ht about the noun, and !inally a synonym !or the noun. $$. %rite two articles !or a newspaper published at the time o! or in the country o! your book. $,. %rite an obituary !or one character. $.. %rite a diary !or your !a orite character. Voca u!ary $/. -ake a small dictionary (at least twenty !i e words) !or the sub?ect o! your book. ,1. Aist !i!teen interestin& words !rom your book and tell why each is interestin&. ,1. Aist new words learned !rom your book8 De!ine them and &i e them sentences in which you !ound them.

,2. 5hoose some o! the !ollowin& words and e"plain how each applies to your book8 stupendous, e"citin&, breathtakin&, horrendous, !abulous, etc. "iterary #ua!ities ,3. %hy does your book be&in as it does4 ,4. Buote passa&es o! &ood description and &ood dialo&ue and e"plain them. ,#. 3ind and write down twenty@!i e similes and metaphors. ,$. 7hink about who the narrator is8 then write one scene !rom the point o! iew o! another character and e"plain the switch. "i rary Pro$ects% ,,. Do research on any topic connected with your book. ,.. In the Ceaders Duide !ind !i e articles related to your book and tell how they apply. ,/. 3ind a 0uotation applicable to your book and tell how it applies. .1. Eee i! your book is in the library and then write a letter to the librarian either con&ratulatin& her !or choosin& it or askin& her to order it. .1. 3ind a poem which applies to your book8 write it out and e"plain how it applies. Career &'ucation .2. -ake a ?ob application !or the main character and !ill it in. .3. %hat did you learn about the ocation o! the leadin& adult character4 .4. 3ind newspaper want ads o! interest to a character and e"plain why. .#. %rite a business letter to the publisher and order copies o! your book= e"plain why.

3rom the yellow pa&es o! a phone book, pick out businesses you think the main character would be interested in and why. Va!ues C!ari(ication .,. 9ow did the book chan&e your way o! thinkin&4 ... Fse this topic sentence, '7his book made me (any erb).+ ./. 2"plain what the main character would be least likely to do and why. /1. Did any character chan&e durin& the book4 2"plain how and why. /1. %hat problems did the main characters ha e and how did they meet them4 /2. I! the book has a illain, why was his punishment ?usti!ied4 /3. As a psychiatrist, analy<e the con!licts and problems o! a character. /4. %ould you like to ha e a character !rom this book as a !riend4 2"plain. 3un /#. De!end8 7his book should be read by e eryone who hates readin&. /$. De!end8 7his book should ne er be spoiled by a teacher re0uirin& a book report. /,. 3ree choice8 Do anythin& you want in connection with your book. /.. 9ow many reasons can you think o! to take your book to an isolated Antarctica camp4 //. Describe a !ield trip you would like to take because o! your book. 111. %rite one pa&e on this8 %hyGGGGGGGGGGGG should not read this book. 111. -ake a crossword pu<<le !rom your book.

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