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Video Setting 1 Fade in Logo of SuperWhoLock

Audio MUSIC: Dramatic music plays in the background.

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Transition Mid shot of Sam. Cut to a Close up of Castiel

Sam Winchester So, Crowley is in London? Castiel: That is what they are telling me.
Dean Winchester: What, so now youre going all angel radio on us. Sam Winchester: Lets just find Crowley and get back to Illinois. Dean Winchester: And when we find Crowley I am going to beat the crap out of him for making us come to England, I mean, everything is completely different! Sam Winchester: Yes Dean, we are in London we arent in America.

Cut to a Long shot of Castiel, Dean and Sam. Cut to a Shot reverse shot as Sam turns to Dean Cut to a Shot reverse Shot between Sam and Dean.

Cut to a Close up of Sam

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Cut to a Mid shot of Castiel

Close up shot of Dean

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Close up of Castiel Cut to a Long shot. INT 221B BAKER STREET Sherlock sits in 221b, gun in hand, laying out across the sofa Cut to an Establishing shot. Switches to a Mid Shot as John walks in. Keeps to a mid shot High angle as Sherlock is lying down on the sofa.

Castiel: Do they have burgers? Dean Winchester: Dude, what is it with you and burgers? Castiel: It is probably my vessel Dean Winchester: No Shit, Sherlock. MUSIC: Sherlock Theme tune fades in and then slowly fades out

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Sherlock Holmes: Bored! (John Watson comes in) John Watson: You need to get out. Sherlock Holmes: How can I? There is nothing

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interesting in London. Switches to a Mid Shot John Watson: Have you asked Lestrade? High angle as Sherlock is Sherlock Holmes: laying down on the sofa. Yes, he is on some other case something to do with money and a monkey. Switches to a Mid Shot John Watson: A monkey? High angle as Sherlock is Sherlock Holmes: lying down on the sofa. Yes John, a monkey. It is quite simple really.. Switches to a Mid Shot John Watson: How is that simple? High angle as Sherlock is Sherlock Holmes: laying down on the sofa. What is it like in your tiny little brains? Switches to a Mid Shot John Watson: Sherlock. an extreme close up of the SOUND EFFECT: gun The sound of the safety is pulled back when the bullet it fired there SOUND EFFECT: is slow motion A gunshot is heard along with the sound of fire. Switches to a medium shot Sherlock Holmes: Bored! Mid Shot still on the same (Sherlock Shoots again.) angle Close up of Johns face as he covers his ears. Switches to a Medium Close up John Watson: Jesus! Sherlock! Sherlock Holmes: The world is so boring. Everyone is boring and ordinary, what is it going to take to get a good case?! John Watson: Well the wall doesnt have to take a beating for it. Sherlock Holmes: Oh, it was asking for it. The Doctor: So Clara! Where to? Hot place? Cold place? Another




a Medium Close up

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Wide Shot Int: Tardis control room Establishing shot as the doctor runs around the

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TARDIS control panel. Medium Close up of Clara Medium Close up

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Over the shoulder shot Over the shoulder shot The TARDIS lands this is a establishing shot of the outside of baker street EXT Outside Baker street Close up of Sam.

planet! Clara: Id like to go to London. The Doctor: London? Yes London! A lovely place London! London, London, London. Loooondon. Strange name isnt it? Looondon. Clara: Yes Doctor, I get the point. The Doctor: Then to London we go! SOUND EFFECT: TARDIS Sound effect Sam Winchester: Hey, do you hear that?


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