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8erneua Parrell-Snell,
Alllance Plgh School, CuL 8eglonal ConLenL laclllLaLor,
C88-S8L8 Plgh School-Plgher Ld. Advlsor
uecember, 2011

Cvervlew of Lhe Common Core SLaLe
SLandards for Lngllsh Language ArLs & LlLeracy
ln PlsLory/Soclal SLudles, Sclence, and
1echnlcal Sub[ecLs
8ole of conLenL Leacher ln llLeracy pracuces
Lxamlnlng classroom pracuces
8lg Shls
ApproprlaLe 1exL ComplexlLy
lncreased 8eadlng of lnformauonal 1exLs
! ulsclpllnary LlLeracy
Close 8eadlng
1exL-dependenL Cuesuons
Ceneral Academlc and uomaln-speclc vocabulary
ArgumenLauve Wrlung
ShorL and SusLalned 8esearch ro[ecLs
<=* ;4 >. '..; &"-.)($* #-(';();# ?4)
@"#-4)*A 94$"(& 9-:;".#B 9$".'$.B ('; C.$='"$(&
Crade: Cnly one Lhlrd were able Lo perform
aL a proclenL level lnvolvlng more sophlsucaLed
dlsclpllnary comprehenslon expecLauons. Cnly
3 scored advanced.
Crade: Cnly 3 scored aL advanced levels,
able Lo read speclallzed and complex LexLs.
nAL, 2009

lnLernauonal SLudles
grade u.S. sLudenLs performed among Lhe
besL ln Lhe world
grade u.S. sLudenLs performed
conslderably lower
grade u.S. sLudenLs ranked among Lhe
lowesL of Lhe nauons sLudled
!"#$%&'% !)*$+', )$ -./"$+'$& -.),%0+%$1 2'1%#"+34 2010
Cnly 31 percenL of 2003 AC1-LesLed hlgh school
graduaLes are ready for college-level readlng -
and , whaL's worse, more sLudenLs are on Lrack
Lo belng ready for college-level readlng ln elghLh
and LenLh grade Lhan are acLually ready by Lhe
ume Lhey reach Lwelh grade."
-5%#'+"$ !),,%&% 6%07$& 8#)&#"54 2006
College 8eadlness
AlmosL half of Lhe 3 mllllon people ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes
who sLarL Lhelr rsL year of college wlll drop ouL before
Lhey earn Lhelr degree, and 30 wlll drop ouL aer Lhelr
rsL year.
AL Lhe communlLy college level, ouL of 6 mllllon sLudenLs, 1
mllllon wlll Lake remedlal courses.
SLudenLs who Lake remedlal courses are hlghly llkely Lo
drop ouL.
lnadequaLe preparauon ls repeaLedly clLed as a cenLral
facLor ln Lhe dlsappolnung college success raLes.
69% !),,%&% !)5:,%7)$ -&%$."; <=>= 8#)&#%00 ?%:)#14 Lee & 8awls, 2010
1he readlng level of documenLs, Lechnlcal
manuals, and oLher maLerlals requlred by enLry
level posluons ln mosL elds far exceed Lhe
readlng level of many sLudenLs.

@%%7$& 19% !9",,%$&% )A -.),%0+%$1 2'1%#"+34 !udlLh lrvln, eL al
All courses ln hlgh school, noL [usL Lngllsh and
soclal sLudles buL maLhemaucs and sclence as
well, musL challenge sLudenLs Lo read and
undersLand complex LexLs."

-5%#'+"$ !),,%&% 6%07$& 8#)&#"5 (2006)

Common Core
State Standards for

G'1&"#= ,('1:(1. H)-#
,"-.)($* "' @"#-4)*A94$"(& 9-:;".#B
9$".'$.B ('; C.$='"$(& 9:DE.$-#
Shared 8esponslblllLy
1he SLandards lnslsL LhaL lnsLrucuon ln readlng,
wrlung, speaklng, llsLenlng, and language be a
shared responslblllLy wlLhln Lhe school."

!!BB4 page 4
.ulumaLely, our sLudenLs are expecLed Lo
develop as compeLenL readers, wrlLers, and
Lhlnkers ln ",, academlc dlsclpllnes."

C%/%,):'$& ?%".%#0 '$ 19% -+".%5'+ C'0+':,'$%04 uoug 8uehl
SLudenLs Who are College and Career 8eady (CC8):
uemonsLraLe lndependence.
8ulld sLrong conLenL knowledge.
8espond Lo Lhe varylng demands of audlence, Lask,
purpose, and dlsclpllne.
Comprehend as well as crluque.
value evldence.
use Lechnology and dlglLal medla sLraLeglcally and capably.
Come Lo undersLand oLher perspecuves and culLures.
!!BB4 page 7
uemonsLraLe lndependence
Comprehend and evaluaLe complex LexLs
ConsLrucL eecuve argumenLs
Convey lnLrlcaLe or mulufaceLed lnformauon
ulscern a speaker's key polnLs, requesL
clarlcauon, and ask relevanL quesuons
become self-dlrecLed learners
8ulld SLrong ConLenL knowledge
Across a wlde range of sub[ecL mauer
Lngage wlLh works of quallLy and subsLance
Learn Lhrough research and sLudy
8ead purposefully Lo galn dlsclpllne-speclc
8ene and share Lhelr knowledge Lhrough wrlung
and speaklng
8espond Lo varylng uemands
AdapL Lhelr communlcauon ln relauon Lo
audlence, Lask, purpose, and dlsclpllne
know Lhe dlerenL dlsclpllnes call for dlerenL
Lypes of evldence
Comprehend as Well as Crluque
Lngaged, open-mlnded, and dlscernlng readers
and llsLeners
undersLand whaL Lhe auLhor ls saylng
Cuesuon Lhe auLhor's assumpuons and premlses
Assess Lhe veraclLy of clalms
Assess Lhe soundness of reasonlng
value Lvldence
ClLe speclc evldence
use relevanL evldence
LxhlblL clear reasonlng
ConsLrucuvely evaluaLe oLhers' use of
use 1echnology and ulglLal Medla
Lmploy Lechnology Lhoughuully
Search onllne Lo acqulre useful lnformauon
lnLegraLe onllne sources wlLh oLher
SelecL Lools besL sulLed for Lhelr goals
undersLand CLher erspecuves
and CulLures
Acuvely seek Lo undersLand oLher
perspecuves and culLures
CommunlcaLe eecuvely wlLh people of varled
LvaluaLe oLher polnLs of vlews crlucally and
k-3 lnformauve/LxplanaLory 8eadlng And Wrlung
8ulld wlde background ln conLenL areas
8ead closely
Answer LexL expllclL quesuons and make
8ead complex LexLs
WrlLe oplnlons and lnformauve/explanaLory
30 of Lhe LexL read should be noncuon.
1he 8alance of lnformauon and
LlLeracy 1exLs ln k-3
LlLeracy uevelopmenL
8aslc LlLeracy
Shanahan and Shanahan (2008)
Comprehenslon SLraLegles All Cood
8eaders use
8evlew vocabulary
Make predlcuons
8evlew LexL feaLures

Comprehenslon SLraLegles All Cood
8eaders use
Whlle readlng
MonlLor for undersLandlng, rereadlng lf needed
uraw a vlsual represenLauon of Lhe unfoldlng
Asklng quesuons abouL Lhe maln ldeas as Lhey
Make noLe of unfamlllar words, concepLs, ldeas
Lo research laLer
Comprehenslon SLraLegles All Cood
8eaders use
Aer readlng
Summarlzlng and resLaung Lhe LexL's maln
Comparlng noLes wlLh oLher sLudenLs
LlLeracy uevelopmenL
8aslc LlLeracy
Shanahan and Shanahan (2008)

A8CC Model ConLenL lrameworks
1he brldge beLween CCSS and A8CC AssessmenLs"

SupporL lmplemenLauon of Lhe Common Core
SLaLe SLandards
lnform Lhe developmenL of lLem speclcauons
and blueprlnLs for assessmenLs ln grades 3-8 and
hlgh school

Asklng a Leacher Lo become a readlng Leacher ls
dlsuncLly dlerenL from asklng a Leacher Lo help
sLudenLs masLer LexLs wlLhln Lhe Leacher's own
eld. ln facL, sub[ecL-area Leachers are besL
qualled Lo help Lhelr sLudenLs masLer LexLs ln each
course. Sub[ecL-area Leachers should noL be
expecLed Lo Leach baslc readlng skllls, buL Lhey can
help sLudenLs develop crlucal sLraLegles and skllls
for readlng LexLs ln each sub[ecL."
B)*19%#$ ?%&')$", D.*+"7)$ E)"#.4 2009 ollcy SLaLemenL, page 3
1o become compeLenL ln a number of
academlc conLenL areas requlres more Lhan [usL
applylng Lhe same old skllls and comprehenslon
sLraLegles Lo new klnds of LexLs. lL also requlres
skllls and knowledge and reasonlng processes
LhaL are speclc Lo parucular dlsclpllnes.
2'1%#"+3 F$01#*+7)$ '$ 19% !)$1%$1 -#%"04 Peller and Creenleaf (2007)
J4)7# ('; K4'L.'24'# 4? @"#-4)*
PlsLory ls lnLerpreLauve, and auLhors and
sourclng are cenLral ln lnLerpreLauon
(conslderauon of blas and perspecuve)
Cen seems narrauve wlLhouL purpose and
argumenL wlLhouL expllclL clalms (need Lo see
hlsLory as argumenL based on parual evldence,
narrauves are more Lhan facLs)
Slngle LexLs are problemauc (no corroborauon)

J4)7# ('; K4'L.'24'# 4? 9$".'$.
1exL provldes knowledge LhaL allows predlcuon of
how Lhe world works
lull undersLandlng needed of experlmenLs or
Close connecuons among prose, graphs, charLs,
formulas (alLernauve represenLauons of consLrucLs
an essenual aspecL of chemlsLry LexL)
Ma[or readlng sLraLegles lnclude corroborauon and
ChemlsLry noLe 1aklng
SLrucLured Summary"
Shanahan, 1lmoLhy, 2012



Processes Interactions Atomic
J4)7# ('; K4'L.'24'# 4? 5(-=
Coal: arrlve aL LruLh"
lmporLance of close readlng" an lnLenslve
conslderauon of every word ln Lhe LexL
8ereadlng a ma[or sLraLegy
Peavy emphasls on error deLecuon
reclslon of undersLandlng essenual lnformauon
ulsclpllnary 8eadlng 8ange and ConLenL
ls crlucal Lo bulldlng knowledge ln conLenL areas
8equlres an appreclauon of Lhe norms and
convenuons of each dlsclpllne
necesslLaLes an undersLandlng of domaln-speclc
words and phrases
Calls for an auenuon Lo preclse deLalls
uemands Lhe capaclLy Lo evaluaLe lnLrlcaLe
argumenLs, synLheslze complex lnformauon , and
follow deLalled descrlpuons of evenLs and

Crade Span Speclc SLandards
8eadlng PlsLory/Soclal SLudles (8P) page 61
8eadlng Sclence and 1echnlcal Sub[ecLs
( 8S1) page 62

ulsclpllnary Wrlung 8ange and ConLenL
key means of asserung and defendlng clalms
and showlng whaL ls known
Conslders audlence, Lask, and purpose
uses Lechnology sLraLeglcally
Lmphaslzes wrlung argumenLs and
lnformauve/explanaLory pleces

Crade Span Speclc SLandards
Wrlung PlsLory/Soclal SLudles, Sclence and
1echnlcal Sub[ecLs
( WPS1) pages 64-66

*noLe LhaL narrauve wrlung ls noL appllcable as
a separaLe requlremenL

LlLeracy ln CLher ulsclpllnes
WhaL can lnsLrucuonal leaders do Lo supporL
conLenL Leachers?
- 8e sure LhaL conLenL Leachers have a clear and conslsLenL message abouL
Lhelr roles and responslblllues as Lhey relaLe Lo llLeracy lnsLrucuon (Peller
& Creenleaf, 2007),
- Clve Leachers lnlual and ongolng professlonal developmenL ln vocabulary
and comprehenslon supporL (ueshler eL al., 2001, !acobs, 2008),
- Pelp Leachers ln adapung llLeracy sLraLegles Lo meeL Lhe unlque needs of
Lhelr conLenL areas (8eed, 2008, SleberL & uraper, 2008),
- Clve conLenL Leachers lncenuves and approprlaLe Lools, for lncorporaung
readlng and wrlung lnsLrucuon (8ryanL, Llnan-1hompson, ugel, Pam, &
Pougen, 2001, Peller & Creenleaf, 2007) .
-,,'"$+% A)# DG+%,,%$1 D.*+"7)$

NOPPQNOPN !"#$"%&"'()* ,"-.)($*
3)4?.##"4'(& ,.()'"'1 R%%4)-:'"2.#
6-8 lmplemenung CCSS ln Sclence
6-8 ArgumenL
9-12 lmplemenung CCSS ln Sclence
9-12 ArgumenL

@"#-4)*A94$"(& 9-:;".#/
6-8 ArgumenL
6-8 CCSS - 8eadlng Lhrough a PlsLorlan Lens
9-12 ArgumenL
9-12 CCSS - 8eadlng Lhrough a PlsLorlan Lens
Common Core SLaLe SLandards for Lngllsh Language ArLs and LlLeracy ln PlsLory,/
Soclal SLudles, Sclence, and 1echnlcal Sub[ecLs,
Common Core SLaLe SLandards for Lngllsh Language ArLs and LlLeracy ln PlsLory,/
Soclal SLudles, Sclence, and 1echnlcal Sub[ecLs, Appendlx A,
ubllshers' CrlLerla for Lngllsh Language ArLs and LlLeracy, Crades k-2,
ubllshers' CrlLerla for Lngllsh Language ArLs and LlLeracy, Crades 3-12,
A8CC Model ConLenL lrameworks for Lngllsh Language ArLs/LlLeracy, Crades

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