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Botkin & Keller: Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet- 8th Ed.

APES- Chapter #19Water Pollution and Treatment- Guided Reading is a serious pro le!" A#ter reading this $hapter% &ou should understand the #ollo'ing: * What constitutes water pollution and what the major categories of pollution are * Why the lack of disease-free drinking water is the primary water-pollution pro lem in many locations around the world * !ow point and non-point sources of water pollution differ * What iochemical o"ygen demand is# and why it is important * What eutrophication is# why it is an ecosystem effect# and how human activity causes it * Why sediment pollution is a serious pro lem * What acid mine drainage is# and why it is a pro lem * !ow ur an processes can cause shallow-a$uifer pollution * What the various methods of wastewater treatment are# and why some are environmentally prefera le to others * Which environmental laws protect water resources and ecosystems Read: Case Study: Americas First River: A Success Story Summari%e the stor& o# the (udson Ri)er and PCB*s: 1++ ton o# PCBs still e,ist in the (udson Ri)er" PCB -pol&$hlorinated iphen&is is a $he!i$al $o!pound that $auses li)er disease and is a $ar$inogen" .t a$$u!ulated in the #ood $hain & the pro$ess o# ioa$u!!ulation" /he 0 alternati)es 'ould e dredge areas 'ith PCB $on$entrations are high or to let natural pro$ess get rid o# the PCBs" .t 'as $hosen to dredge the ri)er in 0++1 and is e,pe$ted to take until 0+11" Water Pollution 1: (o' is ater !ollution de#ined2 3egradation o# 'ater 4ualit& 0: 5hat are so!e o# the common water pollutants2 (ea)& !etals% sedi!ent% radioa$ti)e isotopes% heat and #e$al $oli#or!" 6: 5hat is the primary water pollution pro le! in the 'orld toda&2 7a$k o# $leaning and disease #ree drinking 'ater" 8: (o' !an& people are e,posed to water orne diseases 'orld'ide2 Se)eral illion people e)er& &ear" 1: 9a!e " sources o# Sur#ace Water and " sources o# $round ater Pollution #ro! the $hart -19"1: Ground'ater- leak #ro! 'aste disposal sites Sur#a$e 'ater- ur an runo##% a$$idental spill o# oil and sedi!ent

A Closer %oo& '(.': What is the )alue o# Clean Water to *e +or& City, What is the main idea of this story& People !ust not under)alue the po'er o# natural e$os&ste!s to gi)e us the po'er o# natural e$os&ste!s to gi)e us a nu! er o# i!portant ser)i$es like i!pro)ed 'ater and air 4ualit&" -iochemical ./y0en 1emand 2-.13 1: 5hat is -.1 and 'hat are so!e sources of it2 B;3- iologi$al o,&gen de!and Sour$es < dead organi$ !atter% drugs% pathogen% organi$ $he!i$als and nutrients 0: 5here does appro,i!atel& ""4 o# all -.1 in strea!s $o!e #ro!2 Agri$ultural a$ti)ities 6: 5hat a out in ur5an areas 2-.132 /he& in$rease the B;3 in strea!s 8: 5hat is the relationship etween '() and dissolved o"ygen levels2 2What ha!!ens hen -.1 is hi0h,3 5hen B;3 is high dissol)ed o,&gen le)els o# the 'ater !a& e too lo' to support li#e in 'ater" 1: E,plain the " 6ones o# -.1: = Pollution >one: (igh B;3 in the ?one" 5hen 'aste de$o!posed% !i$roorganis!s use the o,&gen% de$reasing dissol)ed o,&gen" = A$ti)e 3e$o!position >one: 3issol)ed o,&gen rea$hes a !ini!u! o'ing to rapid de$o!position & !i$roorganis!s" = Re$o)er& >one: 3issol)ed o,&gen in$reases and B;3 is redu$ed e$ause o,&gen de!anding organi$ 'aste has de$o!posed and natural strea! pro$ess are replenishing 'ater@s dissol)ed o,&gen" Water5orne 1isease 1: 5hat is Fecal Coli#orm -acteria and where does it come from2 A standard !easure and indi$ator o# disease potential" .t $o!es #ro! the #e$al !aterial o# !a!!als or irds" *utrients 1: (o' do ur an strea!s get high concentrations of *itrogen and Phosphorus2 Aro! #ertili?ers% detergents% and produ$ts o# se'age treat!ent plants" Eutro!hication 1: 3e#ine Eutro!hication: Pro$ess & 'hi$h a od& o# 'ater de)elops a high $on$entration o# nutrients like nitrogen or phosphorus"

0: 5hat is the solution to artificial or cultural eutrophication2 A Closer %oo& '(.7: Cultural Eutro!hication in the $ul# o# 8e/ico .t ensures high $on$entrations o# nutrients #ro! hu!an sour$es don@t enter the lakes & using phophate#ree detergents and $ontrolling nitrogen ri$h runo##" What is a dead %one and how is it created& .t is a pla$e 'here there is no' $on$entration o# dissol)ed o,&gen" .t@s $reated #ro! eutrophi$ation an e,a!ple is 'ith algae loo! and their de$o!position% it depletes the o,&gen in the 'ater" .il Sediment 1: 5hi$h Environmental +ct 'as $reated a#ter the Exxon Valdez disaster2 A#ter the E,,on Balde? disaster the oil pollution a$t 'as $reated" 1: 5h& is sediment pollution $onsidered to e a t'o-#old pro le!2 .t results #ro! erosion% 'hi$h depletes a land resour$e and it redu$es the 4ualit& o# the 'ater resour$e it enters" 0: 5hat are so!e o# the te$hni4ues e!plo&ed & a sedi!ent $ontrol progra!2 /e$hni4ues e!plo&ed & a sedi!ent $ontrol progra!s is to !ini!i?e on site erosion $ontrol" Acid 8ine 1raina0e 1: 3e#ine Acid 8ine 1raina0e and e"plain how it occurs: .t is 'ater 'ith a high $on$entration o# sul#uri$ a$id 'hi$h o$$urs 'hen #ool@s gold is disse!inated in ro$k and $oal and $o!es into $onta$t 'ith o,&gen and 'ater" .t produ$es sul#uri$ a$id" 0: 5hat is the 0eneral e9uation #or a$id !ine drainage2 8 P&rite C 11+ o,&gen C18 'ater D 8 #erri$ (&dro,ide -Ae -;(:6: C E sul#uri$ a$id 6: 5hat site 'as on$e designated & the F"S" En)iron!ental Prote$tion Agen$& as the nation,s worst ha%ardous waste site& /ar Creek in ;klaho!a 'as designated & the EPA as a nation@s 'orst ha?ardous 'aste site" Sur#ace Water Pollution 1: 5hat are so!e !oint sources o# sur#a$e 'ater pollution2 Point sour$es o# sur#a$e 'ater pollution are pipes #ro! industrial and !uni$ipal sites that e!pt& into strea!s or ri)ers" 0: 5hat are so!e non:!oint sources o# sur#a$e 'ater pollution2 Runo## #ro! street or #ields" 6: 5hat are the - approaches to dealing with sur#a$e 'ater pollution2 Redu$e sour$es and to treat the 'ater to re!o)e pollutants or $on)ert the! to #or!s that $an e disposed o# sa#el&"

$round ater Pollution 1: ;<GH o# the 1I1%+++ kno'n 'aste disposal sites in the Fnited States !a& e produ$ing plu!es o# ha?ardous $he!i$als that are !igrating into ground'ater resour$es" 0: 5hat is 5ioremediation2 A te$hni4ue o# 'aste !anage!ent using !i$roorganis!s underground" 6: 5hat are the 1 i!portant points a out ground'ater pollution2 Pollutants are lighter than 'ater J the& #loat Pollutants ha)e !ultiple phases J li4uid% )apor and dissol)ed Pollutants are hea)ier than 'ater J the& sing to the ground Kethods used to treat 'ater pollutant !ust take into a$$ount the ph&si$al and $he!i$al properties o# the pollutants E!phasis o# en)iron!ental da!age should e pre)enting pollutants #ro! entering into the ground'ater 8: 5hat is salt'ater intrusion o# 'ell 'ater2 5here su sur#a$e salt& 'ater !igrates to 'ells eing pu!ped" Waste ater =reatment 1: Su!!ari?e ho' Se!tic =an& Se a0e 1is!osal Systems 'ork" Se'er line #ro! houses lead to underground septi$ tanks" /hese tanks separate solids #ro! li4uids and store organi$ !atter through a period o# detention" .t allo's all $lean 'ater to dis$harge into the drain #ield #ro! a piping s&ste! 'here se'age seeps into the soil" 5aste'ater !o)es through soil% 'hi$h is treated & natural pro$esses o# o,idation and #iltering" 0: 5hat happens during !rimary treatment o# se'age2 Se'age enters !uni$ipal se'er line and passes through a series o# s$reens to re!o)e large #loating organi$ !aterial" .t enters a girt $ha! er and goes through a pri!ar& sedi!entation tank 'here !atter #or!s sludge" .t is re!o)ed and transported to a digester" 6: 5hat happens during secondary treatment o# se'age2 5aste'ater #ro! pri!ar& sedi!entation tanks enter aeration tanks%' ehre it is !i,ed 'ith air" Sludges $onsu!e B;3 in the 'ate" 8: 5hen is advanced aste ater treatment used2 .t is used 'hen pri!ar& and se$ondar& treat!ent does not re!o)e all the pollutants 1: 5hat are so!e o# the risks asso$iated 'ith Chlorine treat!ent o# 'aste'ater that is later dis$harged2 Can$er and other health e##e$t" /he degree o# risk is $ontro)ersial and is eing de ated %and A!!lication o# Waste ater 1: E,plain the pro$ess o# 'aste'ater reno)ation and $onser)ation $&$le" 5hen 'aste'ater !o)es through gardens 'hi$h is e)entuall& dis$harged into the en)iron!ent"

Waste ater and Wetlands 1: (o' $an appl&ing treated se'age to 'etlands e help#ul to the 'etland e$os&ste!2 /he& $an help treat !uni$ipal 'aste'ater% agri$ultural 'aste'ater% !ining 'ater and ground'ater seeping #ro! land#ills" Water Reuse 1: 5hat is the di##eren$e et'een indire$t and dire$t 'ater reuse2 .ndire$t 'aster < 'hen treated 'aste'ater has een applied to nu!erous sites to re$harge ground'ater and then reused #or agri$ultural and !uni$ipal purposes" 3ire$t 'ater- reuses is 'hen 'aste'ater is piped dire$tl& #ro! a treat!ent plant to the ne,t user" Environmental %a s Kake sure to memori%e the following laws: Clean 5ater A$t Aederal Sa#e 3rinking 5ater A$t 5ater Lualit& A$t !ow safe do you elieve the drinking water is in your home& !ow did you reach your conclusion& +re you worried a out low-level contamination y to"ins in your water& What could the sources of contamination e& . think the drinking 'ater in !& ho!e is sa#e% e$ause 'e@)e een drinking it #or &ears and no e##e$ts or pro le!s ha)e happened" . a! though a little 'orried a out the $onta!ination & to,ins in !& 'ater sin$e 'e get !ost o# our 'ater #ro! $olorado 'hi$h is dealing 'ith #ra$king $onta!inations" MMMM Read> NIs Water Pollution from Pig Farms Unavoidable and ans er the #ollo in0: 1: 5h& 'as pig #ar!ing su$h a $ontro)ers& in 9orth Carolina during this ti!e2 Be$ause a#ter the #lood% the $ar$asses rot and the a$teria leaked into ground'ater and sur#a$e 'ater" 0: 5hat did pig #ar!ers do 'ith the pig 'aste2 Why was this allowed2 .t 'as allo'ed e$ause there 'asn@t enough in$inerators to urn $ar$asses 6: 5hat is the lesson learned #ro! 9orth Carolina*s N'ay of Pigs.& (o' )ulnera le 'e are to en)iron!ental $haos $aused & large s$ale industrial $ulture 8: 5hat legislation has een $reated as a result o# this $atastrophe2 /o an $onstru$tion or e,pansion o# ne' 'aste lagoons and to en$ourage pig #ar!s to treat pig 'aste" Study ?uestions: 1: 3o &ou think out reaks o# 'ater orne diseases 'ill e !ore $o!!on or less $o!!on in the #uture2 Why& Where are out reaks most likely to occur& /he& are less $o!!on e$ause there 'ould e etter te$hnolog& in the #uture to treat the 'ater" ;ut reaks !ost likel& 'ill o$$ur in third 'orld $ountries" 0: (o' does 'ater that drains #ro! $oal !ines e$o!e $onta!inated 'ith sul#uri$ a$id2 Why is this an important environmental pro lem& 5hen it runs through !ines it $reates sul#uri$ a$id 'hi$h is a ig en)iron!ental pro le! e$ause it $auses da!age to iologi$al produ$ti)it&% e$ologi$al da!age and #ish and a4uati$ li#e"

6: 3o &ou think our 'ater suppl& is )ulnera le to terrorist atta$ks2 Why& Why not& !ow could potential threats e minimi%ed& Oes% e$ause 'ater is so!ething used & e)er&one e)er&'here so i# terrorists ai! to atta$k 'ater it 'ill har! all o# the people" 5e $ould !ini!i?e potential threats & #iltering out all the a$terial and the pollutants and to,ins" 8: (o' 'ould &ou design a s&ste! to $apture runo## 'here &ou li)e e#ore it enters a stor! drain2 ;ne that 'ould #ilter out hea)& !etals% pollutants and to,in" A#ter . 'ould use a grit $ha! er to rid o# sedi!ent% sand and s!all stones" 9e,t . 'ould use $hlorine to get ride o# pathogens" 7astl& ha)e plants that 'ould get rid o# the rest o# the a$teria and pollutants"

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