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( I.C.C 619/664 )

This NCNDA/MFP Agreement is restricted to the commodity; as presented below, however this may be increased with m t al consent! Referen e! D"#e$ ! C%&&%$'#(" #heat $ man Cons mption Or')'n" %eller&s 'ption *+"n#'#(" (),)))mt*+ De,'-er(! CIF ABC PORT D+r"#'%n! Pr' e! ! . &%n#/0

NON-CIRCUMVENTION, NON-DISCLOSURE & WORKING AGREEMENT (NCNDA) WHEREAS the ndersigned wish to enter into this Agreement to de,ine certain parameters o, the , t re legal obligations, are bo nd by a d ty o, Con,identiality with respect to their so rces and contacts! This d ty is in accordance with the -nternational Chamber o, Commerce! WHEREAS the ndersigned desire to enter a b siness relationship to the m t al and common bene,it o, the parties hereto, incl ding their a,,iliates, s bsidiaries, stoc.holders, partners, co/vent res, trading partners, and other associated organi0ations 1hereina,ter re,erred to as 2A,,iliates34! NOW THEREFORE in consideration o, the m t al promises, assertions and covenants herein and other good and val able considerations, the receipts o, which is ac.nowledged hereby, the parties hereby agree as ,ollows" 12TERMS AND CONDITIONS A.The parties will not in any manner solicit, nor accept any b siness in any manner ,rom so rces or their a,,iliates, which so rces were made available thro gh this agreement, witho t the e5press permission o, the party who made available the so rce and,

IRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT (IMFPA) #e the ndersigned herewith re,erred as the 6 yer, nder penalty o, per7 ry do hereby irrevocably con,irm and irrevocably accept to pay all intermediaries and ,ee holders at the same time and in a manner as the seller is being paid ,or each and every transaction o, this contract p to the completion o, the contract pl s rollovers and e5tensions and in accordance with the ban. details to be speci,ied in this contract! #e, the SELLER, irrevocably con,irm that we will order and direct o r ban. to endorse a tomatic payment orders to the bene,iciaries named below; , rthermore, #e, the SELLER, con,irm that all pay orders shall a tomatically trans,er , nds as directed into each bene,iciaries designated ban. acco nt immediately and the same day o, the date o, closing and completion o, each and every shipment o, the prod ct d ring the contract term pl s any/or e5tensions and rollover o, the speci,ied contract! For the p rpose o, clarity, we con,irm that the closing and completion o, each and every shipment shall be deemed to ta.e place when the letter o, credit iss ed by the b yer has been drawn down at the co nters o, the iss ing ban.! #e, the SELLER, agree to provide all bene,iciaries with written evidence o, the pay orders lodged with o r ban. together with ac.nowledgements o, their acceptance! F rthermore, o r ban. shall be instr cted to provide d ly signed and stamped ac.nowledgement o, this instr ction as set o t in the anne5! Forming part o, this agreement! -t is


parties will maintain complete con,identiality regarding each other b siness so rces and/or their A,,iliates and will disclose s ch b siness so rces only to the named parties

Non-Circumvention, Non Disclosure & Working Agreement / Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement
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p rs ant to the e5press written permission o, this party who made available the so rce and,

nderstood that ,or the p rposes o, this Master Fee Protection Agreement, o r ban. shall be the same ban. and this -MFPA acts as an integral part o, it! #e the ndersigned being SELLER named legally a thori0ed representative as stated within the signed and legally binding main transaction, contract nconditionally agree and nderta.e to approve and originate all payments in :%D c rrency to all bene,iciaries named below as their right, l and payable commissions! This agreement also acts as a record con,irming the commission amo nts ,or each named bene,iciary as set o t below"/

C.That they will not in any o, the transactions the

parties are desiro s o, entering into and do, to the best o, their abilities ass re the other that the transaction codes established will not be a,,ected and,

D.That they will not disclose names, addresses,

e/mail address, telephone and tele/,a5 or tele5 n mbers to any contacts by either party to third parties and that they each recogni0e s ch contracts as the e5cl sive property o, the respective parties and they will not enter into any direct negotiations or transactions with s ch contracts revealed by the other party and

C%&&'00'%n! 3 4er MT "0 $'-'$e$ 5e,%6 'n 0e,,er 5enef' '"r( %,+&n0
TERM & CONDITIONS! This master ,ee protection agreement covers the initial contract and shall incl de any renewals, e5tensions, rollovers, additions or any new or trans,er contract any how originated ,rom this transaction beca se o, the above intermediaries or changing codes o, the initial contract entered into between the 6:>9? and %9;;9?! This master ,ee protection agreement and any s bse8 ently iss ed pay orders shall be assignable, trans,erable and divisible and shall not be amended witho t the e5press written and notari0ed consent o, the receiving bene,iciary! All parties agree neither to circ mvent nor to attempt circ mvent either ,or the transaction o, this c rrent contract or in the , t re ,or a period o, ,ive 1(4 years ,rom the date o, the e5ec tion o, this ,ee protection agreement! This doc ment binds all parties, their employees, associates, trans,erees and assignees or designees! All ,a5ed and/or e/mailed signat res shall be considered as original signat res ,or the p rpose o, binding all parties to this agreement! This doc ment may be signed @ in any n mber o, co nterparts all o, which shall be ta.en together and shall constit te as being one @ the same instr ment! Any party may enter into this doc ment and the agreement constit ted thereby by signing any co nterpart any time, date or period mentioned in any provision o, this doc ment shall only be amended by agreement in writing and signed o,, by all parties concerned! F rthermore, we agree that any and all commissions d e shall be paid to the bene,iciary as a res lt o, any e5tension or rolls o, the contract and that we shall e,,ect all necessary doc mentation with o r ban. witho t any nd e delays to ens re s ch commissions and paid within the terms o, the agreement! PARTIAL INVALIDIT7! The illegality, invalidity and non/en,orceable provision o, this doc ment nder the laws o, any

E.That they , rther nderta.e not to enter into

b siness transaction with ban.s, investors, so rces o, , nds or other bodies, the names o, which have been provided by one o, the parties to this agreement, nless written permission has been obtained ,rom the other party1ies4 to do so! For the sale o, this agreement, it does not matter whether in,ormation obtained ,rom a nat ral or a legal person! The parties also nderta.e not to ma.e se o, a third party to circ mvent this cla se and,

F.That in the event o, circ mvention o, this

Agreement by either party, directly or indirectly, the circ mvented party shall be entitled to a legal monetary penalty e8 al to the ma5im m service it sho ld reali0e ,rom s ch a transaction pl s any and all e5penses, incl ding b t not limited to all legal costs and e5penses inc rred to recover the lost reven e and,


considerations, bene,its, bon ses, participation ,ees and/or commissions received as a res lt o, the contrib tions o, the parties in the Agreement, relating to any and all transactions will be allocated as m t ally agreed and, -!This Agreement is valid ,or any and all transaction between the parties herein and shall be governed by the en,orceable law in All Commonwealth Co ntry&s, 9 ropean :nion Co ntry&s, :%A Co rts, or nder %wiss ;aw in < rich, in the event o, disp te, the arbitration laws o, states will apply and, =!The signing parties hereby accept s ch selected 7 risdiction as the e5cl sive ven e! The d ration o, the Agreement shall perpet ate ,or ,ive 1(4 years ,rom last date o, signing! 2. AGREEMENT TO TERMS A2%ignat res on this Agreement received by the way o, Facsimile, Mail and/or 9/mail shall be an e5ec ted contract! Agreement en,orceable and admissible ,or all p rposes as may be necessary nder the terms o, the Agreement!

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B2All signatories hereto ac.nowledge that they have read the ,oregoing Agreement and by their initials and signat re that they have , ll and complete a thority to e5ec te the doc ment ,or and in the name o, the party ,or which they have given their signat re!

7 risdiction shall not a,,ect its illegality, validity or en,orceability nder the law o, any other 7 risdiction or provision! GOVERNING LAW AND 8URISDICTION! This doc ment shall be governed @ constr ed in accordance with c rrent 9nglish or -!C!C +))/())/A)) signed between partners NCND laws! ARBITRATION! All parties agree to re,er any disp tes between the parties arising o t o, or in connection with this agreement incl ding any 8 estions regarding its e5istence, validity or termination to arbitration r les o, the international arbitration centre 1-!A!C4! The appointed arbitrator shall hold the proceedings in any co ntry chosen by the parties and the r les o, the -AC shall apply! This doc ment is signed and accepted by parties named below as to be incl ded in the main contract!

9A e4#e$ "n$ ")ree$ 6'#/%+# /"n)e (E,e #r%n' 0')n"#+re '0 -",'$ "n$ " e4#e$ "0 /"n$ 0')n"#+re): EDT ( E,e #r%n' $% +&en# #r"n0&'00'%n0)

1. 9DT 19lectronic doc ment transmissions4 shall be deemed valid and en,orceable in respect o, any
provisions o, this Contract! As applicable, this agreement shall be"/ -ncorporate :!%! P blic ;aw B)A/CCD, EE9lectronic %ignat res in Flobal @ National Commerce Act&& or s ch other applicable law con,orming to the :NC-T?A; Model ;aw on 9lectronic %ignat res 1C))B4

2. 9;9CT?'N-C C'MM9?C9 AF?99M9NT 19C9/T?AD9/C(G, Feneva, May C)))4 adopted by the

:nited Nations Centre ,or Trade Facilitation and 9lectronic 6 siness 1:N/C9FACT4!

3. 9DT doc ments shall be s b7ect to 9 ropean Comm nity Directive No! D(/+A/99C, as applicable! 9ither
Party may re8 est hard copy o, any doc ment that has been previo sly transmitted by electronic means provided however, that any s ch re8 est shall in no manner delay the parties ,rom per,orming their respective obligations and d ties nder 9DT instr ments!

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NAM9 " D9%-FNAT-'N " C'MPAN> NAM9 " C'MPAN> N'! " ADD?9%% " T9; " M'6-;9 " FA* " 9MA-; ADD?9%% " PA%%P'?T No " NAT-'NA;-T> " T'DA>&% DAT9 " %-FNAT:?9 @ %9A;" ?9F 6ANH NAM9 " ACC':NT $';D9?" 6ANH ADD?9%% " ACC':NT N:M69? " ACC':NT T>P9" %#-FT C'D9 " 6ANH 'FF-C9? " 6ANH T9; " 6ANH FA* " 9MA-;"



NAM9 " D9%-FNAT-'N " C'MPAN> NAM9 " C'MPAN> N'! " ADD?9%% " T9; " M'6-;9 " FA* " 9MA-; ADD?9%% " PA%%P'?T No " NAT-'NA;-T> " T'DA>&% DAT9 " %-FNAT:?9 %9A;" @ ?9F 6ANH NAM9 " ACC':NT $';D9?" 6ANH ADD?9%% " ACC':NT N:M69? " ACC':NT T>P9" %#-FT C'D9 " 6ANH 'FF-C9? " 6ANH T9; " 6ANH FA* " 9MA-;"




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NAM9 " D9%-FNAT-'N " C'MPAN> NAM9 " C'MPAN> ?9F N'! " ADD?9%% "

ACC9PT9D 6> :% #-T$ 69;'# 6ANH D9TA-;% 69N9F-C-A?> NAM9 " 6ANH NAM9 " ACC':NT $';D9?"

6ANH ADD?9%% "

T9; " M'6-;9 " FA* " 9MA-; ADD?9%% " %H>P9 -D " National -d Card No " NAT-'NA;-T> " T'DA>&% DAT9 " %-FNAT:?9 @ %9A;"

ACC':NT No " 6?ANC$ C'D9 " %#-FT C'D9 " 6ANH 'FF-C9? " 6ANH T9; " 6ANH FA* " PA>MA%T9? F'? C'MM-%%-'N ?9C9-I9D

PREADVICE MUST BE SENT VIA SWIFT PRIOR TO WIRE TRANSFER & EMAIL a notification immediatel !"on eac# t$anc#e t$an%fe$ "a ment to&et#e$ 'it# t#e t$an%action% code(% to) e* mail) +,-.&mail/com Re0!i$ed Me%%a&e) ALL TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS S1ALL STATE) 2Immediate c$edit 3 %ame da 4al!e ( in%tant ca%# !"on $ecei"t5 Re0!i$ed Me%%a&e) Remitte$ i% 6no'n to !%/ T#i% i% done 'it# f!ll 7an6in& $e%"on%i7ilit and 'e a$e %ati%fied a% to t#e %o!$ce of t#e f!nd% %ent !%/2 2F!nd% a$e clean and Clea$8 of non*c$iminal o$i&in and a$e "a a7le in ca%# immediatel !"on $ecei"t 7 7eneficia$ 7an6/2 ALL BAN9 C1AR:ES S1OULD BE BORNE B; ACCOUNT BENEFICIARIES ABOVE




NAM9 " D9%-FNAT-'N " C'MPAN> NAM9 " C'MPAN> ?9F N'! " ACC9PT9D 6> :% #-T$ 69;'# 6ANH D9TA-;% 69N9F-C-A?> NAM9 " 6ANH NAM9 " ACC':NT $';D9?"

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ADD?9%% " 6ANH ADD?9%% "

T9; " M'6-;9 " FA* " 9MA-; ADD?9%% " %H>P9 -D " National -d Card No " NAT-'NA;-T> " T'DA>&% DAT9 " %-FNAT:?9 @ %9A;"

ACC':NT No " 6?ANC$ C'D9 " %#-FT C'D9 " 6ANH 'FF-C9? " 6ANH T9; " 6ANH FA* " PA>MA%T9? F'? C'MM-%%-'N ?9C9-I9D

$ per MT

/ PREADVICE MUST BE SENT VIA SWIFT PRIOR TO WIRE TRANSFER & EMAIL a notification immediatel !"on eac# t$anc#e t$an%fe$ "a ment to&et#e$ 'it# t#e t$an%action% code(% to) e*mail) Re0!i$ed Me%%a&e) ALL TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS S1ALL STATE) 2Immediate c$edit 3 %ame da 4al!e ( in%tant ca%# !"on $ecei"t5 Re0!i$ed Me%%a&e) Remitte$ i% 6no'n to !%/ T#i% i% done 'it# f!ll 7an6in& $e%"on%i7ilit and 'e a$e %ati%fied a% to t#e %o!$ce of t#e f!nd% %ent !%/2 2F!nd% a$e clean and Clea$8 of non*c$iminal o$i&in and a$e "a a7le in ca%# immediatel !"on $ecei"t 7 7eneficia$ 7an6/2 ALL BAN9 C1AR:ES S1OULD BE BORNE B; ACCOUNT BENEFICIARIES ABOVE

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NAM9 " D9%-FNAT-'N " C'MPAN> NAM9 " C'MPAN> ?9F N'! " ADD?9%% " 6ANH ADD?9%% " ACC9PT9D 6> :% #-T$ 69;'# 6ANH D9TA-;% 69N9F-C-A?> NAM9 " 6ANH NAM9 " ACC':NT $';D9?"

T9; " M'6-;9 " FA* " 9MA-; ADD?9%% " %H>P9 -D " National -d Card No " NAT-'NA;-T> " T'DA>&% DAT9 " %-FNAT:?9 @ %9A;"

ACC':NT No " 6?ANC$ C'D9 " %#-FT C'D9 " 6ANH 'FF-C9? " 6ANH T9; " 6ANH FA* " PA>MA%T9? F'? C'MM-%%-'N ?9C9-I9D

$ per MT

/ PREADVICE MUST BE SENT VIA SWIFT PRIOR TO WIRE TRANSFER & EMAIL a notification immediatel !"on eac# t$anc#e t$an%fe$ "a ment to&et#e$ 'it# t#e t$an%action% code(% to) e*mail) Re0!i$ed Me%%a&e) ALL TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS S1ALL STATE) 2Immediate c$edit 3 %ame da 4al!e ( in%tant ca%# !"on $ecei"t5 Re0!i$ed Me%%a&e) Remitte$ i% 6no'n to !%/ T#i% i% done 'it# f!ll 7an6in& $e%"on%i7ilit and 'e a$e %ati%fied a% to t#e %o!$ce of t#e f!nd% %ent !%/2 2F!nd% a$e clean and Clea$8 of non*c$iminal o$i&in and a$e "a a7le in ca%# immediatel !"on $ecei"t 7 7eneficia$ 7an6/2 ALL BAN9 C1AR:ES S1OULD BE BORNE B; ACCOUNT BENEFICIARIES ABOVE

9A,, %n#" # 6'#/ B+(er %r Se,,er 5( B+(er;0 %r Se,,er;0 Re4re0en#"#'-e0 %r #/e'r "00')n0 6'#/%+# #/e 6r'##en 4er&'00'%n 5( #/e B+(er>Se,,er;0 M"n$"#e '0 0#r' #,( 4r%/'5'#e$ "n$ &"( ,e"$ #% 0+ / 'n$'-'$+",>0 5e'n) 6'#/$r"6n fr%& #/e Fee A)ree&en# %&4,e#e,(, "n$ 6',, n%# 5e en#'#,e$ #% "n( %&&'00'%n2:

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T$-% AF?99M9NT #-;; 69 9ND'?%9D 6> T$9 6ANH :P'N D9;-I9?> C'MP;9T-'N! This is to certi,y that the above irrevocable payment order has been lodged with s and will be e5ec ted in accordance with the instr ctions stip lated in this doc ment!

__________________________ 6ANH 'FF-C9? B %-FNAT:?9 6ANH 'FF-C9? NAM9" T-T;9" T-T;9" P-N N:M69?" 6ANH NAM9 6ANH ADD?9%%" 6ANH T9;" T'DA>&% DAT9" J%9A;K J%9A;K

_________________________ 6ANH 'FF-C9? C %-FNAT:?9 6ANH 'FF-C9? NAM9" P-N N:M69?" 6ANH NAM9" 6ANH ADD?9%% 6ANH T9;" T'DA>&% DAT9"

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