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Internationalizing Your Teaching with the Blackboard Learning Management System, Three Useful ebsites ! "re#uently$Used %nglish &hrases for the Uni'ersity (lassroom
Robert E. Johanson NTUST Department of App !ed "ore!#n $an#%a#es

As Ta!&anese %n!'ers!t!es cont!n%e to internationalize the!r camp%ses b( !mp ement!n# b! !n#%a )En# !sh * +h!nese, !nstr%ct!on- !t !s becom!n# !ncreas!n# ( !mportant that &e ocate on !ne so%rces that can he p %s meet th!s amb!t!o%s #oa . The p%rpose of th!s & !s three/ fo d0 1, to demonstrate ho& the presenter %ses the 1 ac.board $earn!n# 2ana#ement S(stem !n h!s En# !sh/ an#%a#e content co%rses- 2, !ntrod%ce the a%d!ence to three e3treme (/%sef% ES$4E"$ &ebs!tes- and 5, to fam! !ar!6e non/nat!'e En# !sh/spea.!n# !nstr%ctors &!th some common (/%sed En# !sh/ an#%a#e teach!n# terms that the( can read! ( adapt to the b! !n#%a c assroom. The so%rces of the mater!a for th!s & der!'e from )andall*s Listening Lab 7http044&&&.es / ab.com8- )ong$chang+com 7http044ron#/chan#.com8- The &urdue Uni'ersity ,nline riting (enter )9:$, 7http044o& .en# !sh.p%rd%e.ed%8- the Uni'ersity of (alifornia at Santa Barbara Teaching -ssistant .andbook;- and the presenter<s o&n ect%re notes. =opef% (- th!s presentat!on &! not on ( he p a%d!ence/members ta.e the necessar( steps to transform themse 'es from monolingual to bilingual !nstr%ctors- b%t a so offer some peda#o#!ca (/po&erf% phrases that teachers e'er(&here m!#ht f!nd &orth( of ref ect!on. This /resentation is su//orted in /art by funding recei'ed from the 0ational Science (ouncil 10S( 23$4567$.$766$7658 and the Institute of System %ngineering, 0ational Uni'ersity of Tainan+

Part I: An Introduction to a Useful Blackboard Exercise

The /resenter will introduce the audience to a no'el way to conduct a writing assignment 'ia the Blackboard Learning Management System+

Part II: Three ESL Websites

Three e9tremely :handy; %SL<%"L ebsites a., Randa <s $!sten!n# $ab 7http044&&&.es / ab.com8 b., Ron#/ 7http044ron#/chan#.com8 c., >%rd%e Un!'ers!t( 9n !ne :r!t!n# +enter )9:$, 7http044o& .en# !sh.p%rd%e.ed%8 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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Part III (A): Usef% En# !sh >hrases for + assroom +omm%n!cat!on;
Set out below is a series of useful e9/ressions that ha'e been ada/ted from the U(SB Teaching -ssistant .andbook=+ &lease refer to the handbook, itself, for a more in$de/th co'erage of these to/ics+ 7Note0 To sa'e reso%rces- the phrases ha'e been co apsed t&o to a !ne and connected &!th bac./
s ashes )4,.8

Introducin a To!ic :hat &e are #o!n# to co'er toda( !s ... 4"!rst of a - A &o% d !.e to ta . abo%t ... Toda(- A am #o!n# to ta . abo%t B 4:hat A &ant to do toda( !s ... The !mportant po!nt A &ant to ma.e toda( !s ... 4Toda(Cs top!c !s ... "akin Transitions Bet#een Ideas No&- etCs see &hat happens. 4The second po!nt A &ant to ma.e !s... Af thatCs c ear- &e &! #o on to the ne3t po!nt. 4$etCs #et bac. to the !dea of... No&- etCs approach the prob em !n a d!fferent &a(. ACd !.e to f!n!sh ta .!n# abo%t ... before &e mo'e on ... Su$$ari%in and &oncludin An s%mmar( ... 4To conc %de ... 4An conc %s!on ... 4The conc %s!ons &e can dra& from th!s are ... :hat &e ha'e been ta .!n# abo%t ... 49.a(- &e ha'e d!sc%ssed... So far )u/ until now,- A ha'e been tr(!n# to sho& (o% ... The !mportant po!nts to remember are ... In'itin Partici!ation or (iscussion :ho &o% d !.e to sa( someth!n#D 4Do (o% a#ree ...D 4+o% d (o% sa( a !tt e more abo%t thatD +an (o% e aborate on thatD 4:hat do (o% th!n. ...D 4=o& do (o% fee ...D :hat compar!son can (o% ma.e bet&een ...D :hat !s the po!nt made b( the a%thor of th!s art!c eD &larif)in Student &o$$ents An other &ords ... 4Af A %nderstand (o% correct (- (o% mean ... :hat (o% sa!d !s ... 4:hat th!s means !s that ... A th!n. A %nderstand &hat (o% mean. $et me p%t !t another &a(. :o% d (o% !.e to e aborate on th!s po!ntD 4Th!s br!n#s %s to o%r maEor F%est!on ... +o% d (o% restate (o%r po!ntD 4ACm not s%re A %nderstand. *i'in Exa$!les
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"or e3amp e ... 4Ta.e ...- for e3amp e. 4To be more spec!f!c ... $et me #!'e (o% an e3amp e ... 4"or !nstance ...4 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Part III (B): Some +ommon En# !sh >hrases !n RJ<s + asses
Attendance+Takin ,oll-call :ho<s absent toda(D 4T!me to ta.e ro . >resent 4Not >resent 4An(one 2.A.A.D )2!ss!n# !n act!on, :ho<s #one A.:.9.$.D )Absent &!tho%t ea'e, Late-Tardiness Go%<re ate. The doors &! be oc.ed ten m!n%tes !nto the per!od. Tard!ness ref ects a ac. of respect for (o%r teacher. T&o ates eF%a s an absence. ;>on*t worry? Better late than ne'er, right@ =>on*t tell me, you were born late, too, right@ ;You*re not late, you*re Aust early for ne9t week, right@ &lass ,ules+,e ulations > ease ra!se (o%r hand !f (o% ha'e someth!n# to sa(. No s eep!n# !n c ass. )HGo% snoo6e- (o% ose.I, > ease p%t (o%r ce /phones on s! ent mode. > ease don<t ta . &hen A<m ta .!n#. $et<s chat abo%t th!s after c ass to#ether. D!d (o% br!n# eno%#h )food, for the rest of %s- tooD ;I*m talking at you not talking to you+ ;-nd what was your ad'isor*s name, again@ ; Go%r ne& En# !sh name !s (huck(J 7So%thern 2!n4Ta!&anese for0 H+h%t/.!JI or HKet o%tJI8 .o$e#ork Do 's/ Due H>ue ne3t &ee..I 's. H>o ne3t &ee..I E3amp e Sentence0 HD%e ne3t &ee. !n c ass.I *rades 0 Test Perfor$ance "!na E3am!nat!on L 2!d/Term L Test L M%!6 L>op M%!6 L $earn!n# +hec. K.>.A. L Krade >o!nt A'era#e A &ant to .no& &hat (o% .no&- not .no& &hat (o% don<t .no&.
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To ace a test. )do &e , / To bomb a test. )fa! , / Boose egg. )6ero, A< def!n!te ( be see!n# (o% ne3t semesterJ
)A don<t &ant to beat a dead horse here- so A< conc %de th!s esson B,

&onclusion Th!s br!ef presentat!on has !ntrod%ced (o% to three ES$4E"$ &ebs!tes and some common En# !sh/ an#%a#e phrases for the b! !n#%a c assroom. =opef% (- th!s & has !nsp!red (o% to !mp ement some of these phrases !nto (o%r o&n teach!n#. > ease remember that s%ccessf% internationalization be#!ns &!th each and e'er( one of %sJ rA ;So%rce for >art AA0
Ron.o&s.!- S. )1999,. The international teaching assistant handbook? -n introduction to uni'ersity and college teaching in the United States. Santa 1arbara- +A0 Re#ents of the Un!'ers!t( of +a !forn!a. Up oaded 9ctober 22- 2NN7O htt/?<<www+id+ucsb+edu<I(<T-<main+htm.

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