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Unit Topic: Forensic Science/Math Grade level: 6-8 grades Stage 1 Desired Results

Content Standard/Established Goals(s): CC.2.2.7.B.3: Model and solve real-world and mathematical problems by using and connecting numerical, algebraic and/or graphical representations CC.2.3.6-7.A.1: Solve/analyze real-world mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, circumference, and volume CC.2.4.7.B.3: Investigate chance processes and develop, use, and evaluate probability models CC.8.5.6-8.H: Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text S6-8.3.1.A9: understand how theories are developed. Design and conduct a scientific investigation S6.A.2.2.1: Describe ways technology extends and enhances human abilities for specific purposes S6.A.3.2: Apply knowledge of models to make predictions, draw inferences, or explain concepts S7.A.1.2: Identify and explain the impacts of applying scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge to address solutions to practical problems Understanding(s) Essential Question(s): Students will understand that: *How are math and science related? *real-world and mathematical problems can *How can math and science be used be modeled and solved by using and together to solve mysteries? connecting different forms of mathematical *How can students identify and explain the representations scientific method? *models can be used to make predictions, *How can students apply learned processes draw inferences, and explain concepts to real-life situations/scenarios? *inferences can be made from multiple *Using evidence examined, how can modes: i.e. statements, evidence collection, students make inferences about a case? etc. Student objectives (outcomes): Students Students will be able to will know *use proportional relationships to solve real*the difference between fact, opinion, and world mathematical problems reasoned judgment *represent and analyze quantitative *how theories are developed relationships *how to use chance processes to develop and *relate knowledge of real-life assassinations use probability models and the methods used to solve them to the *ways in which technology extends and crime scene presented enhances human abilities for specific *design and conduct a scientific investigation purposes

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence Performance Task(s): Other Evidence:

Students will conduct multiple labs in order to further their understanding of the evidence found in the case. *DNA station *Melted Ice Cube Test *Secret Note lab *Powder differentiation lab *Tape Lift station *Chromatography Lab *Footprint/height worksheet *DNA Fingerprints sheet *Handwriting samples worksheet *Powder station worksheet *Tape lift worksheet

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activity
Chromatography Lab

*Use paper chromatography to separate the pigments found in ink samples *Construct a reference library of ink samples and use it to identify an unknown marker *Calculate the retention factor for ink samples *Create a spreadsheet with names of individuals, heights, and foot length *Find the approximate height of each of the classmates by measuring their feet and charting it using the spreadsheet *Develop and identify fingerprints *Conduct test lab on the evidence to find out more about the suspect for the crime *Differentiate one perfume/cologne from another using olfactory senses *Using a DNA sheet, examine each of the suspects DNA sample and determine whose was left at the crime scene *Check the pH of the melted ice cube left at the crime scene *Determine whether the pH is different from regular tap water *Use silly putty to try to read the impression left on the cardboard from the crime scene *Use a mirror to read the imprinted word and write it down

Formative Assessment:
More specific discussion questions found in lesson plans

Beginning Culminating

*Reference library (worksheet) *Accurate retention factor recorded on reference library sheet *Recording of information in spreadsheet *Accurate recording of heights of classmates using the proportion calculation *Recording of information on the Data Sheet *Class discussion of examined evidence *Recording of predictions *Class discussion and theories around smells of perfume/cologne *Recording of predictions *Class discussion around each of the students predictions *Recording of data on the Data Sheet *Discussion of data *Record secret note on Data Sheet *Class discussion of datasimilarities? Differences?

Footprint/Height Lab

Fingerprint Lab

Smells Lab


Melted Ice Cube Test

Secret Note Lab

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