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name: _______________________________ SecLlon: _________ 2/26/14 Pomework

1) CompleLe Lhe Lable Lo compare and conLrasL PC1CS?n1PLSlS and 8LSl8A1lCn:

PC1CS?n1PLSlS 8LSl8A1lCn
uoes lL Lake place ln LAn1S,
AnlMALS or 8C1P?
Plants Both plants AND animals
ln whaL C8CAnLLLL does lL happen? chloroplasts mitochondria
WhaL are Lhe 8AW MA1L8lALS?

Water, carbon dioxide

Glucose, oxygen
WhaL are Lhe 8CuuC1S?

Glucose, oxygen

Water, carbon dioxide, ATP
Are LnZ?MLS used? Yes! Yes!
Where do Lhe 8AW MA1L8lALS come
from? (Make separaLe llsLs for planLs
and anlmals).
Plants: take in water from the
soil through the roots; take in
CO2 from the air, through the
Plants: make their own glucose
(in photosynthesis); take in
oxygen through the STOMATA

Animals: eat food (especially
plants) for glucose, breathe air
for oxygen
Why do Lhe cells do lL?

Plant cells do photosynthesis to
make their own food using
energy from the sun.

Plant and animal cells do
respiration to release the
energy in food, and make ATP
(which is the form of energy
that all cells can finally use).
Cne way Lhey are Lhe same:
1) In both photosynthesis and respiration, energy is changed
from one form to another.
2) In both processes, enzymes are used to make the chemical
reactions happen.
3) Both processes take place in cells, in specialized organelles
(chloroplasts for photosynthesis, mitochondria for respiration)

2) uo boLh planL and anlmal cells have chloroplasLs? Lxplaln why.
no. Anlmal cells don'L have chloroplasLs because Lhey don'L do phoLosynLhesls.
3) uo boLh planL and anlmal cells have mlLochondrla? Lxplaln why.
?es. 8oLh planL and anlmal cells need Lo release Lhe energy ln food (glucose), and Lhls happens ln Lhe
4) Are planLs more lmporLanL Lo humans, or are humans more lmporLanL Lo planLs? Lxplaln.
8oLh are equally lmporLanL Lo each oLher. lanLs glve us oxygen and food (LhaL we need for resplraLlon),
and we glve planLs carbon dloxlde (LhaL Lhey need for phoLosynLhesls).

A) carbon dioxide moves in; oxygen moves out
B) carbon dioxide and oxygen move in; ozone moves out
C) oxygen moves in; nitrogen moves out
D) water and ozone move in; carbon dioxide moves out
5. Leaves oI green plants contain openings known as stomates, which are opened and closed by
specialized cells allowing Ior gas exchange between the leaI and the outside environment. Which
phrase best represents the net Ilow oI gases involved in photosynthesis into and out oI the leaI through
these openings on a sunny day?
A) organisms convert solar energy into the chemical energy Iound in Iood molecules
B) respiration occurs in the cells oI producers and high-energy molecules enter the atmosphere
C) cells carry out the process of respiration
D) animal cells synthesize starch and carbon dioxide
6. All liIe depends on the availability oI usable energy. This energy is released when
7. Base your answer to the Iollowing question on The diagram below represents a structure involved in
cellular respiration.
A) glucose B) oxygen C) carbon dioxide D) DNA
The release oI which substance is represented by the arrows?
A) producers B) parasites C) Iungi D) decomposers
8. What uses the dissolved carbon dioxide in a lake?
A) C6H12O6 B) ATP C) alcohol D) oxygen
9. All producers and consumers use the chemical process oI respiration to synthesize which oI the
Iollowing molecules:
Answer Key
Photosynthesis & Respiration HW
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. B

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