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Holocaust Internet Scavenger Hunt Complete the following scavenger hunt to familiarize yourself with the Holocaust.

You may use the websites given to complete the answers or any additional website you wish. 1. Define the term Holocaust: The holocaust The systematic, state- sponsored persecution and murder of approximately 6 million Jews. What does it mean? Holocaust means sacrifice by fire 2. List five groups persecuted by the Nazis during WWII. 1. Roma (Gypsies) 2. People with disabilities 3. Poles 4. Soviet Prisoners of war 5. Afro-germans 3. How did the Nazis determine who was a Jew and who was not? A person was considered Jewish if they were descended from three or four Jewish grandparents.

4. Compare and contrast 2 maps: the European Jewish population in 1933 map and the European Jewish population in 1950 map. Choose 3 European countries from the maps and give before and after data (specific numbers) of the Jewish population before 1933-and after, 1950. Country 1. Poland 2. Germany 3. Czechoslovakia Before 3,000,000 565,000 357,000 After 45,000 37,000 17,000

5. Describe the Nuremburg Laws. This Stripped Jews from civil rights as German citizens separated them from the Germans, legally, socially and political. 6. Using the timeline in the year 1938, Joseph Goebbels was the Minister of Propaganda 7. Describe what happened during Kristallnacht and its purpose.

It was called Night of broken of Glass where 1,000 synagogues were set on fire, and 7,000 Jewish businesses and homes were destroyed. Its purpose was to lower human emotions, promulgating fear, and engaging Germans in anti-Semitism. 8. Locate the website: Describe Hitlers Final Solution for the Jews. He invaded the Soviet Union to gather up more Jews. He sent SS unit to research towns throughout Europe to track down Jews. They were killed or sent to death camps in Auschwitz.

9. Explain the methods Hitler used to carry out his Final Solution. He sent SS units to hunt down Jews all over Europe.

10. What was the purpose of the ghetto? The purpose of ghettos was to basically imprison the Jews there. They were kept here and these were their new homes, they were in very bad conditions and 100,000 Jews died from living in these conditions. 11. Describe life in the Warsaw Ghetto. Life in the ghetto Life in the Ghettos Diseases spread very easily was unbearable and had very unhealthy living conditions. Diseases spread easily, there were unsanitary housing and people were staving to death. People fought over the smallest amount of food. Some individuals killed themselves because they had no hope. People were stealing, and becoming deathly ill. Conditions in Ghettos were horrible and thousands died there.

12. Look at the following pictures and describe what is taking place in the photos. In the pictures, people have wagons filled with furniture because they were forced to move out of their homes.

13. What were two forms of transportation that were used during the Holocaust? Two forms of transformation were walking and train.

14. Locate the following website: One of these was not a camp. Circle the incorrect answer. a. Belzec c. Deutsch Haus

b. Auschwitz

d Treblinka

15. Which camp had the highest estimated number of murders? Auschwitz Where was it located? Oswiecim, Poland What was the estimate? 1,100,000

16. Name at least three other camps, identify their locations and functions, when they were established, evacuated, and liberated. Name of Camp Chemlno Dachau Location Functions Established Evacuated Liberated March 1943 April 29, 1945 April 23, 1945

Chemlno,Poland extermination Dec. 7 1941 Dachau Poland concentration March 22, 1933 concentration May 3, 1938 April, 26 1945 April 20, 1945

Flossenburg Flossenbrg, Poland

17. What was the purpose for building concentration camps? Concentration camps were important to Nazi systematical oppression and murder of the Jews. There were forced labor camps, concentration camps, extermination camps and much more. 18. Who was imprisoned and murdered there? The Jews, Gypsies, clergies, homosexuals, Jehovahs Witnesses were imprisoned and murdered there.

19. How many concentration camps were established in Poland? Six concentration camps were established in Poland. 20. Describe the living conditions in a concentration camp. The conditions were brutal, they were unhealthy and the prisoners were not fed. 21. Why do you think Germany built so many camps in Poland? The concentration was in Poland because Poland was the home to the largest population of Jewish speaking people. 22. In 1942, what was the Wannsee Conference? It was a conference in Wannsee, Berlin with the German government and the Nazi Party to discuss the Final solution of all Jewish Question 23. How many Jewish victims were murdered in the camps? 5. 8 million were murdered.

24. How many other victims were also murdered in the camps? 5 million were murdered. 25. Why did the Nazis force inmates to go on death marches in l945?

The German military force was weakening. Sent them to German to work as forced labors in camps.

26. Who is Oscar Schlinder and why is he considered a hero? *Be sure to provide ample information!

Oscar Schlinder was a man who secured permission from the German army and SS officers to move his Jewish workers and other Jews to his fake munitions factory and he kept them there, safe until the war ended. He was considered a hero for saving the lives of many, which were put onto the Schlinders List.

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