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Re: Psalms for black magick use

by Wanderer Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:42 pm

The Bible has a bunch of passages that can be used for magick of either polarity, and psalms is no different. While the language might seem holy and upright, the fact remains that the Judeo-Christian God can be e tremely !rathful - hence the Judaic "ulsa #i$ura. %seful "salms for cursing&re'ersal( "salm ) "salm * "salm +, "salm -) "salm -. %seful passages( / odus .(+) "ro'erbs +(0 "ro'erbs +(1-+(+. "ro'erbs +(-.-+(23e'elations +-(0-+-(. 3e'elations -+(1 45ll let you 6gure out ho! to use those to !ork your !ill. 7s you can see, the Bible is a -'ery- useful book in that regard. Source:

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