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Week 3: Day 3 Death and Chaos (Chapt.

15/16) Unit: Brave New World (Dystopian Novel Study) Time Frame: 75 minutes Curricular Expectations: Reading and Literature Studies - Reading for meaning 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8 - Reflecting on Skills and Strategies 4.1 Writing Developing and Organizing Content 1.1, 1.2 - Reflecting on Skills and Strategies 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 SWBAT: Students will be able to understand the implications of Johns actions after Linda dies and how her death, along with other scenes from the novel, can be imagined in different ways. *This brief focus on the different representations of Lindas death will benefit the students when they are examining the film, Brave New World - even though that portion of the lesson will be mostly taught through indirect learning. Knowledge and Understanding: Students will gain an added understanding of the uses of soma and how quickly this society, even though very much structured, can unravel into a chaotic state. Communication: Students will express opinions, share ideas, and discuss reasons behind ethical moral dilemmas. Application: Students will use the knowledge they learn in this lesson to engage critically in inclass discussions. Preparing for Class: 30 copies of Death and Chaos work sheet. 20 pieces of blank paper. Students will use these to create comic representations of the occurrence after Lindas death. Prep audio file reading is originally 1hour and 11 minutes, so teacher must adjust to particular time frame that will focus on the occurrences the teacher deems important for students to listen to. For group activity write on the board: 1. One piece of blank paper will be used for the rough draft of the comic (outline which each panel will contain). The other piece of paper will be for your good copy. 2. Fold each paper into six 3. *Final panel must be of John, Bernard and Helmholtz, in Mustapha Monds office. 4. One or two people must draw, one or two people must color, one or two people must add script 5. Work on one panel at a time. *The first panel has to be complete before moving onto the next one, and so on. 6. A half page personal reflection must be written on a separate piece of paper outlining: What do you think your group would do differently if you did this assignment again? Was it difficult or easy to work as a group? How did you participate in the creation of this comic? Did you choose to take on that role? Why or why not? Materials for Class: pencils, projector+screen, chalk/dry erase marker and board, lined paper, entrance cards. Grade Level: ENG4U

Hook/Introduction: (5 minutes) On an entrance card, students will answer: What is chaos? What can create a chaotic environment? Are there different degrees of chaos? Do your parents/guardians ever refer to your room as being in a state of chaos? Why do you think that is? *Collect proposals for Critical Essays teacher will review them during the period where groups are creating comic strips. Lesson: 1. (2 minutes) Quickly review what has been happening to Linda in the previous chapters. Ask: What happens to Linda in the hospital? Why? 2. (5 minutes) Have students put down their writing utensil to listen to the audio version of the scene. (*suggest that they listen with their eyes closed) Have other students share the images that came to mind when listening to the audio version. Ask: How different was the scene, to you, when listening to the audio than reading it yourself? 3. (10 minutes) Lead students into the scenes following Lindas death. Have students listen to the scene from the audio version. Ask: What is happening to John? Why does John react the way that he does?- The triggering factor? How do the Deltas respond? Who helps John and where is Bernard? What may be some external factors that play into Bernards decision? 4. (5 minutes) Count students off to form groups of 3-4. Reveal the directions on the board and tell them what they are expected to do in their groups. Students will be creating a 6 panel comic strip within their group. The comic will illustrate each groups representation of the occurrences that follow Lindas death. Their final frame, of the comic strip, must end with John, Bernard and Helmholtz, in Mustapha Monds office. While elaborating on the expectations of this in-class assignment, hand 2 blank pieces of paper to each group. *Students have 30 minutes to complete this assignment. 5. (30 minutes) Students will work to complete their comic strips and personal reflections. 6. (2 minutes) Students will merge two groups together to finish the remainder of the handout in discussion groups. *Each student has to act as their own scribe and complete the questions on the handout as their group discusses each question 7. (5 minutes) Students will answer/discuss, within their groups: In our society, do we send the people who disrupt social norms to isolated locations (include any examples given) and are problems/issues alleviated when those who caused the disturbance sent away? Will problems be solved in the World State when Bernard and Helmholtz are sent away? Why? What is the Cyprus project? What were the reasons why it failed? *Take up answers as a class Bridge: This lesson will bridge into the next lesson focused on the End of a Savage and the wrap up of the text.

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