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Computer Science BWP Board Annual 2011(solved)


Part 1



Computer Science BWP Board Annual 2011(solved) Computer Science Intermediate Part I
(Bahawalpur Board Annual 2011) (Objective)
Q.No:1.Multiple Choice Questions. i) Software used to access the internet is called: (a) Package (b) Browser (c) Spread Sheet (d) Microsoft

ii) The computer that manages sending and receiving of e-mails is called: (a) Mail Server (b) Web-browser (c) HTTP (d) Out Look

iii) Graphical representation of data is named: (a) Graphics (b) Picture (c) Chart (d) Figure

iv) Menus are a part of the: (a) Hardware (b) Status Bar (c) Monitor (d) User Interface

v) Interface used by Windows is called: (a) Menu Driven Interface (c) Graphical User Interface vi) The extension of an executable file is: (a) xls. (b) doc. (c) ext. (d) exe. (b) Command Driven Interface (d) Prompt Interface

vii) The step that obtain the next instruction from memory is called: (a) Read (b) Fetch (c) Get (d) Decode

viii) How many types of Language Translator have: (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

ix) The order of stack is: (a) FIFO x) Which one is faster: (a) RAM (b) Cache (c) Register (d) Hard Disk (b) LIFO (c) GIGO (d) FIGO

xi) A translator is best described as: (a) Application Software (b) System Software (c) Hardware (d) Utility Software

xii) Many Banks provide the facility of: (a) CAD (b) CAM (c) ATM (d) CBT

xiii) Which communications medium requires line-of-sight: (a) Microwave (b) Fiber Optic (c) Twisted Pair (d) Coaxial Cable

xiv) A device that connects multiple network using similar or different protocol: (a) Router xv) L.C.D. stands for: (a) Liquid Crystal Display (c) Layered Crystal Display (b) Linear Crystal Display (d) Long Crystal Display (b) Bridge (c) Gate Way (d) LAN

Computer Science BWP Board Annual 2011(solved)

Q.No:2. Write short answers of the following Questions.
i) What do you know about printer? Ans: A printer is an output device that prints characters, symbols and graphics on paper. The printed output is generally referred to as hardcopy. Print resolution is commonly measured in dot per inch (dpi). Impact and non impact are two categories of printers ii) Describe Phased Conversion. Ans: A type of conversation in which individual components of new system are implemented one by one is called phased conversion. iii) Define Application Software. Ans: Application software is used to perform various applications on the computer. It helps a computer user to perform specific tasks. People use application software according to their needs. It is also known as application package. iv) Define Computer Network Ans: A computer network is a set of two or more computers connected together in order to share information and other resources. The computers in a network are connected with one another through cables, satellites or telephone line. It is also called information network. v) What is Bus Topology? Ans: Bus topology is the simplest type of network. In bus topology all computers are connected to a common communication medium. This medium is often a central wire called bus. It is mostly used in peer-to-peer networks. vi) Define Internet. Ans: internet is a huge collection of computers all over the world that are all connected to one another. It is global network of computers. These computers are connected through different telecommunication links like phone lines and fiber optics lines. vii) Define Refraction. Ans: An important characteristic of fiber optics is refraction. Refraction is a characteristic of a material to pass or reflect light. Q.No:2. i) How does microwave system work? Ans: Microwave uses line-of-sight transmission. It means that the signals travel in straight path and cannot bend. Microwave stations are placed within 20 to 30 miles to each other. ii) Define Modulation and Demodulation. Ans: The process of converting digital signal into analog signal is called modulation. The process of converting analog signal into digital signal is called demodulation. iii) What do you know about On-Line Education? Ans: Many websites provide online education. You can download educational material books and tutorials without going outside. Some universities provide online lectures for the students. Students can ask questions and discuss problems by sending emails to websites. iv) How computers can be used in Marketing? Ans: Office automation is process of automating office tasks using computers. Many types of tasks are performed in an office. These tasks include decision making, data manipulation, document handling, communication and storage. v) What do you know about Bus Interconnection? Ans: A system consists of CPU, main memory and I/O units. These components have to be connected to transfers data from one component to another. The use of buses to connected different components is known as bus interconnection. vi) Why ROM is called Non-Volatile Memory? Ans: ROM stores data and instruction permanently. When the power is switched off, the instructions stored on the ROM are not lost. Therefore ROM is called non-volatile memory. vii) What is the concept of Store Program Machine? Ans: The concept of stored program machine means that program and data are stored in computer memory. The computer reads instructions one by one and executes them. It is very simple concept. It is the basis of the modern computer. It was introduced by Von Neumann. Q.No:3. i) Explain the functions of Input/output Unit. Ans: Input/output devices are used for communication between the computer and the user. Input devices are used to get input from the user output devices are used to display output to the user. 3

Computer Science BWP Board Annual 2011(solved)

ii) Describe the role of main memory in computer system. Ans: Main memory is an important component of the computer system. It is used to store program and data that are being used by the processor. It is also known as working area of computer system. A computer cannot work without main memory. iii) What do you know about Multitasking Operating System? Ans: An operating system that can execute more than one program at the same time is called multitasking operating system. It supports the use of single processor iv) Define Partition. Ans: Disk partition is a disk management technique. It is the logical division of the hard disk. It divides the memory unit into sections. A hard disk can contain one or more partitions. Partitioning is useful if the user wants to use multiple operating systems. v) Write about Biometrics. Ans: Biometrics is the uses of voice prints, fingerprints, retinal scans, facial feature scans or other

measurements of individual body characteristics.

vi) How virus is activated? Ans: When the computer virus starts working. It is called the activation of virus. A virus normally runs all time in the computer. Many viruses are activates on a certain data. A popular virus Friday the 13th virus is activates only if the data is 13 and day is Friday. vii) State the purpose of password. Ans: The purpose of password is protecting data stored in the computer It protects data from being lost, misused or deleted by any person. The system can be accessed by a person who knows the password. Password can be changed only by authorized person. Q.No: 4. i) What is the purpose of Word Processor? Ans: Word processing is used for the following purposes. Preparing notes. Writing books. Writing letters. Designing Resumes. Preparing newspaper, magazines advertisements etc. ii) State the use of Clipboard in MS-Word. Ans: Clipboard is used to temporarily store the information that has been cut or copied. The options cut and copy are available in edit menu or standard toolbar. Clipboard can store twenty four items. iii) Define Formula in Excel. Ans: A formula performs calculations on data and displays the result in a cell. A formula begins with equal sign =. It can be used for different types of calculations. iv) Differentiate in Active Cell and Passive Cell. Ans: Active cell is the cell in which data is entered or edited at a given time. A cell must be activated before entering data. A cell that is not currently selected is called passive cell. The data cannot be inserted or deleted in a passive cell. v) Describe Arpanet. Ans: During cold war America developed a network named ARPANet. It was developed for Advance Research Project Agency(ARPA). It was used to send information to armed forces at long distance. vi) Define Website Ans: A collection of related Web pages is called website. Each website has a unique address. It contains text, graphics, sound and video.

Computer Science BWP Board Annual 2011(solved) SECTION II

Q.No.5: What is SDLC? Explain different phases of SDLC. Ans: SDLC stands for System Development Life Cycle. It is a set of different steps that performs to develop a system. It is an organized way of developing successful systems, it consists of different phases. These are as follows: Preliminary investigation: Preliminary investigation is the first phase. In this phase system is investigated. System Analysis: In this phase the current business system is studied in detail to find out how it works and how to improve it. System Design: System design phase is used to design logical and physical model of new system. Coding: This phase consists of writing programs for the system. Single programmer or a the team of programmers develops the system using different tools. Testing: Complete testing of the system is very important. A system be tested to detect and remove errors in it. The system is tested by giving sample data. Implementation: Implementation consists of installing the hardware, software and files. A system can be implemented after it has been tested. It is also called system conversion. Maintenance: Maintenance is a process of checking the working of the system. It is very important to ensure that the system is fulfilling the objectives. Q.No.6: What is a Network Topology? Explain the working, advantages and disadvantages of Star Topology with Diagram. Ans: A network can be configured or arranged in different ways. The physical layout or arrangement of connected devices in a network is called network topology. It is the shape of a network. Working of Star Topology: The sending computer sends the data to the HUB. The HUB sends data to the receiving computer. Each computer in star network communicates with a central HUB. Advantage: It is easy to maintain and modify network. Adding or removing computers can be done without disturbing the network. Finding faults become very simple. Single computer failure does not bring down the whole network. It is more flexible than other topologies. Disadvantages: If central HUB fails the entire network breaks down. It is more expensive. It requires a large length of cable to connect computers. Q.No.7: Define Modem. Write down the types and features of Modem. Ans: Modem stands for Modulator and Demodulator. It is a commonly used communication device. Modem sends and receives data from one computer to another on the internet through telephone lines. The sending and receiving computers both must have modem. Some important features of modem are as follows: Speed: Speed is the rate at which the modem can send data in bps. Typically modem speeds are 300bps to 56Kbps. Self Testing: Modem can test the digital connection with the computer. It can also test analog connection with remote modem. Voice over data: Modem provides the facility of voice conversation while data is being transmitted. Both the source and destination modems should have this feature. Error Control: Modem use different methods to control errors for transmitted data. Types of Modem External Modem: External modem is attached to the system unit as an external device through telephone line. It is connected to the telephone wall jack by another cable. Internal Modem: Internal modem is a circuit board that is inserted into an expansion slot on the mother board. Wireless Modem: Wireless modem transmits data signals through air instead of cables. It is also known as radio-frequency modem.

Computer Science BWP Board Annual 2011(solved)

Q.No.8 Define Language Processor or Translators. Discuss different types of Language Processor. Ans: Language translator is a program that translates a program of high level language or assembly language into machine code. Every computer language has its own translator. Computer understands only machine language. A program written in high level or assembly language cannot be run on a computer directly. It must be converted into machine language before execution. Different types of translators are: Compiler: A compiler is a program that converts the instruction of a high level language into machine language as a whole. A program written in high level language is called source program. The compiler converts the source program into machine code. Machine code program is known as object code. The object program can executed many times. Interpreter: An interpreter is a program that converts one statement of a program in to machine at time. It executes this statement of the source program. If there is an error in the statements the interpreter stops working and displays an error message. Assembler: An assembler is translating program that translates the instruction of a assembler language into machine language. Q.No.9: Explain different causes of computer virus. Ans: Computer virus is a program that may disturb the normal working of a computer without the knowledge or permission of the user. Virus attaches itself to the files in flash drives, hard disks and email attachments. A file containing a virus is called infected file. The virus is activated when the infected file is executed. Email: The viruses are most commonly spread through emails. An email may contain an infected file attachment. Virus spread if the user opens and download an email with infected file. Network: Virus can spread if the user connects with a computer network that contains virus. Internet is an example of such network. When user download a file infected with virus from internet. The virus is copied to computer. It may infect the files stored on the computer. Removable Storage Media: Floppy disk, CDs and flash drives are important means of exchanging data. A virus can also be copied from one computer to other when the user copies infected files using these devices. Pirated Software: The illegal copy of software is called pirated software. Virus can spread, if the user installs pirated software that contains a virus. A variety of pirated software is available in CDs and from internet. Some companies intentionally adds virus in the software. The virus is automatically activated if the user uses the software without purchasing a license.

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