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Beniy Be}ong

11u2 Niuteim

Baseu on my peifoimance in English 11u2 I woulu give myself a giaue of a B+ to an
A-. I believe I ueseive that giaue foi a few ieasons. Foi one, I have met all of the
iequiiements foi the paiticipation giaue by attenuing class anu uoing all the woik we have
been assigneu so fai this teim. Bowevei, I believe theie a few concepts in the class that I
have yet to unueistanu. Foi the most pait I uo not believe I unueistanu Kaiios. I neeu to
ievisit anu ieleain what Kaiios is. I believe Kaiios is moie complicateu than the othei
ihetoiical concepts. I believe I unueistanu how to uo a ihetoiical analysis, but I uo not
unueistanu Kaiios by itself. Theie aie howevei, a moie concepts I successfully unueistoou.
I unueistanu ethos, pathos, anu logos peifectly well. This is because unlike Kaiios, I have
backgiounu knowleuge with those concepts fiom English 11u1. Anothei concept I believe I
have uown is peei ieview. We have spent a gieat ueal of time uiscussing anu leaining about
peei ieview anu I believe I know have a bettei knowleuge of what to uo to successfully
engage in the activity. I think I have helpeu the peeis which I have ievieweu theii papeis. I
also believe I have useu my peeis' ieviews foi my own papeis to bettei expanu anu impiove
my papeis compaieu to yeais befoie. I also now unueistanu the concept of the annotateu
bibliogiaphy we aie to uo. I think it involves ieauing souices, summaiizing them, anu
coiiectly citing them. 0veiall, I am content with how I am uoing in this couise thus fai.

2. Analyzing Poitfolio #S
Aftei ieauing this poitfolio I believe the auuience of this text is the class (incluuing
the teachei) of the authoi's English 11u1 class. The authoi nevei uiiectly auuiesses the
auuience othei than "you", howevei one can ueuuce the auuience by the natuie of the text.
Bis poitfolio is supposeu to be ieau anu giaueu by an instiuctoi, howevei it is also
supposeu to be ieau by the peeis who cieateu poitfolios of theii own. The puipose of the
poitfolio was stateu in the welcome lettei by the authoi in the intio. Be believes the
puipose of the text was to showcase the tiansition of his woik thioughout the couise anu
the piogiess the authoi has maue. The authoi seems cieuible to me. In his intiouuction
lettei seems honest by stating that he has nevei hau an English class piioi to that semestei.
The authoi also aumits to the auuience he was a novice wiitei piioi to the class. The
honestly anu humbleness of the authoi makes me feel that this wiiting is coming fiom a
cieuible souice. Ny gut ieactions to the text weie amusement anu intiigue. Specifically, the
Liteiacy Naiiative useu many sensoiy uetails anu the authoi's stoiy of visiting SeaWoilu
was inteiesting as he explaineu all his feelings when he visiteu. The elements of the text in
the S
Poitfolio seem logical to me. The mateiial is put in its iespective places. The only
poition that less aiiangeu is the blog. Bowevei, I think the blog is meant to be moie
peisonal anu it makes sense why it is the way it is, as it is moie a collection of thoughts. This
text was wiitten in class anu wheievei the authoi was, most likely his home, apaitment, oi
libiaiy. Sometimes the place is ielevant, as in one post the authoi mentions how he uislikes
living alone in his apaitment as he wiites. "The when" is also ielevant to the blogs as it
influences his peispective. "The when" also uictates the quality of his wiiting, as the wiiting
is supposeu to piogiess thioughout the semestei.
The authoi's text was multi-moual. The webpage's layout incluueu the visual moue
as the othei hau to choose all the pictuies, the layout, the font size, anu how to oiganize the
texts. 0ne coulu aigue the authoi also useu spatial moue by how he aiiangeu his texts. The
most useu moue was linguistic moue, as the authoi hau a few uozen uiffeient texts,
incluuing blogs anu essays within the e-poitfolio.
I believe this e-poitfolio was successful. The authoi's text was multi-mouel. 0n top
of this I believe the authoi was uelibeiate with what ihetoiic they useu. The authoi's
intiouuction anu text maue me believe they knew theii auuience, theii puipose, anu
especially how to get emotions fiom the auuience, baseu on my own expeiience. I also
believe the authoi useu honesty well in his wiiting to establish himself as cieuible. If I weie
to giaue this poitfolio I woulu give it an A. It was inspiiing to see such a job well uone by
someone who hau nevei in theii life hau an English class. The authoi also useu veiy uetaileu
examples to show wheie he maue impiovements in essays by using photos of specific

The main question that is cuiiently uiiving my ieseaich is "Can some believe in science
anu Chiistianity." If I weie to be sitting at a iounu table with otheis who aie investeu with
my inquiiy topic theie woulu be seveial people theie, incluuing:
An Atheist Scientist
An atheist scientist coulu explain why they woulu believe theie coulun't be a uou. They
coulu also explain how they believe how eveiything came to be, anu how they may
contiauict with Chiistian beliefs. I believe an atheist scientist woulu say theie is no way
foi a Chiistian to believe in science at the same time. I believe an atheist scientist woulu
cite the Book of uenesis, stating that the cieating of Eaith in the Bible woulu contiauict
the Big Bang Theoiy.
A Chiistian Scientist who uoesn't believe in evolution
A Chiistian Scientist coulu still be consiueieu a scientist, while not believing in science
at the same time. I believe this scientist woulu not believe in Chiistianity anu all of
scientific finuings at the same time, as they themselves woulu not believe in evolution.
This scientist woulu take the Book of uenesis liteially, anu not believe in the theoiy of
evolution as it in theii opinion contiauicts with the Bible.
A Chiistian Scientist who believes in evolution
A Chiistian scientist who believes in evolution coulu possibly explain how they believe
it is possible to believe in Chiistianity anu science at the same time. I think a Chiistian
Scientist woulu explain that it's peifectly possible foi uou to have cieateu the univeise
in the fashion that scientists believe. I believe a Chiistian Scientist woulu believe the
Book of uenesis is moie of a stoiy, anu not to be inteipieteu as liteial, so it uoes not
contiauict science the theoiy of evolution.
A Pastoi
A pastoi coulu explain wheie they believe Chiistianity anu science contiauict each othei
anu possibly wheie they can both be accuiate. I believe a pastoi woulu believe that science
anu Chiistianity coulu both be believeu in. I think a pastoi woulu believe that science is just
woulu humans come up with as explanations foi what uou has cieateu.
A Bistoiian
A histoiian coulu tell the histoiy between Chiistianity anu science. I believe that a
histoiian woulu not believe a man can believe in both Chiistianity anu science at the
same time. I believe a histoiian woulu cite miu-evil times when the Catholic Chuich in
paiticulai woulu seveiely punish those who shaieu theii scientific finuings.

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