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Berto y sus buenas ideas

Cpitulo 4: La Pastelera
Nombre: _________________________________________
Listen and watch the recipe for the following and put the statements in order.
Galletas de Chocolate
_________ Aade harina y chocolate
_________Refrigerar 30 minutos
_________Horno 15 minutos
_________ Mezcla azcar, manteca y huevos
_________ Come las galletas con caf
6. What is la pastelera? _____________________
7. Cmo se llama una pastelera de los Estados Unidos? ___________________________________
8. Qu te gustan ms las galletas o helado?
Me gusta(n) _________________________________ ms que ______________________________________.
9. Qu te gustan ms las hamburguesas o un sndwich de jmon y queso?
Me gusta(n) _____________________________________ ms que __________________________________.
Chapter 4 Reading Activity:
Lo Escuch (I Heard It!)
When you hear the following phrase in Cpitulo 4, be the first shout out Lo Escuch to find
out what you win!
I have an obsession with chocolate.
We like pastries.
Paquita is rich!
She buys me 45 chocolate pastries.
Suddenly, I have a stomachache.

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