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Simple Machines

Three Day Teaching Investigation

Chrissy Davis

2 Lesson Plan (based on AR Teaching Standards) Teacher candidate: Chrissy Davis Subject(s): Science Topic(s): _Simple Machines Day 1
Circle the Blooms Domains that apply: Cognitive Affective Psychomotor

Grade: 5th

Ar ansas !rame"or s (complete S#$s): or Common Core Standards %S&'&(&) Classi*y simple machines %S&'&(&+ ,elate simple machines to in-entions and disco-eries o* lesson (speci*y be.innin. and endin. time): Start 9:00 /Finish_9:50_

Learning Goals/Objectives/Stds 4-8 The students "ill e-aluate the si0 di**erent inds o* simple machines& The students "ill be sho"n ho" a pulley "or s throu.h a li-e demonstration1 as "ell as ho" a scre" is made& Gi-en the "ebsite http:22"""&edheads&or.2acti-ities2simple3machines2*rame4loader&htm the students "ill be able to describe simple machines and ho" "e use them in our li*e& Considering Prior Knowledge Stds 1-!" # Students ha-e a prior no"led.e o* simple machines St$dent Gro$%ing/Stds 1-&" 8 Students "ill not be in .roups& This part o* the lesson is direct instruction 'eac(ing )et(ods/Stds 4" *" #-8 Direct instruction& 5 chose this method because 5 "ant to teach the students the *undamentals o* the simple machines& L+SSO, D+SC-.P'.O,//C'.0.'.+S1Stds 1-8 Proced$res )& 5ntroduction:
Projecte !ime: _5"# min$tes___ (%ass out simple machines .raphic or.ani6er 7 located at the end o* the lesson plan) Do you no" "hat simple machines are8 9a-e you used a simple machine today8 Today "e "ill learn about simple machines and ho" they help us out e-ery day& Simple machines ma e "or easier1 and this allo"s you to be able to do more "or *aster& :or is done "hen a *orce ma es an object mo-e& So pic in. up a soda is "or because the can mo-es&

;n the other hand pushin. an object that doesnt mo-e is not "or because the object stayed "here it "as& There are si0 di**erent types o* simple machines&

23 Lesson Content4
Projecte !ime: _%0 min$tes___ The *irst one that "e are .oin. to tal about is the inclined plane& A ramp is a .reat e0ample o* an inclined plane& 5t "or s because it allo"s you to use less *orce o-er a distance& This ma es "or easier& 9as anyone used a ramp to .et a *our "heeler or a la"n mo"er on a truc 8 5t "ould be really hard "or to .et it up in the truc "ithout the use o* an inclined plane "ouldnt it8 :hy do you thin that the inclined plane is important8 Can you thin o* any more inclined planes that 5 missed8 Are there any inclined planes in this room8 A "ed.e is another simple machine& A "ed.e is an object that has one thic side that tapers and it ends in a sharp ed.e& Some " are used to cut thin.s apart& :hy do you thin that the "ed.e is important8 Can you thin o* any more " that 5 missed8 Are there any " in this room8 Another simple machine is a scre" it is actually made up o* an inclined plane that is "rapped around a core into a spiral shape& Did you no" that8 Can you ima.ine "hat li*e "ould be li e "ithout the scre"8 :hat "ould be hard about it8 To help you -isuali6e ho" a scre" is made up o* an inclined plane 5 am .oin. to pass out trian.les o* paper& This represents an incline plane& $-eryone ta e out a pencil& <o" "rap your trian.le around your pencil& Do you see ho" the ed.e o* the paper ma es a desi.n li e a scre"8 :hy do you thin that the scre" is important8 Can you thin o* any more scre"s that 5 missed8 Are there any scre"s in this room8 ;ur ne0t simple machine is the le-er& A le-er is a bar that rests on a *ulcrum *or support "hich allo"s loads to be mo-ed or li*ted& The le-er is e**ecti-e because it reduces the amount o* *orce that is needed to mo-e or li*t an object& 9a-e you e-er ridden on a seesa" or a teeter3totter8 That is a le-er& 5t "ould be -ery hard to pic someone up1 but "ith a seesa" it is a lot less "or to li*t the person on the other side& That is because o* the *ulcrum in the middle& Did you no" that your arm is a le-er8 $-ery time you pic up a cup or .et out o* a chair the bones in your arms and le.s act li e a le-er& :hen you li*t your arm to pic somethin. up your elbo" is the pi-ot& The e**ort *rom the upper arm is then trans*erred to the lo"er part o* the arm& This allo"s you to pic up the load in your hand& <o" "hy do you thin that the le-er is important8 Can you thin o* any more le-ers that 5 missed8 Are there any le-ers in this room8 A pulley is a simple machine that uses "heels and a rope to mo-e1 raise or lo"er a load& A pulley "or s because it has a "heel "ith a .ro-e *or a rope& %ulleys allo" you chan.e the direction o* the *orce& :e are .oin. to do a little e0periment to sho" just ho" important a pulley is& Can 5 ha-e t"o -olunteers8 5 ha-e here a simple

household rollin. pin& 5t is .oin. to act as our pulley today& 5 also ha-e some yarn and some hea-y boo s& Student >) "ill you li*t these boo s8 Are they hea-y8 <o" lets see i* the pulley can lessen our load& Tie up the boo s and place the rope o-er the rollin. pin& Student >) please hold the rollin. pin& Student >2 5 "ant you to li*t the boo s by pullin. do"n on the strin.& 5s it easier to li*t the boo s8 5t is easier because the pulley allo"s you chan.e the direction o* the *orce& ?sin. a pulley is a lot less "or isnt it8 Than you *or your help& @ou .uys can sit do"n& :hy do you thin that the pulley is important8 Can you thin o* any more pulleys that 5 missed8 Are there any pulleys in this room8 The last simple machine is a "heel and a0le& 5m sure e-ery one o* you has ta en ad-anta.e o* a "heel and a0le because you are here today& 9o" did you .o to school today8 A car8 :ell that has a "heel and a0le& Another .reat e0ample o* a "heel and a0le is a door nob& :hen you turn the door nob the a0le inside the nob turns and pulls bac the latch& Did you no" that a door nob "as a "heel and a0le8 :hy do you thin that the "heel and a0le is important8 Can you thin o* any more "heel and a0les that 5 missed8 Are there any "heel and a0les in this room8

&3 Clos$re4
Projecte !ime: __5"# min$tes___

<o" that "e ha-e learned about simple machines 5 ha-e somethin. *un to test "hat you learned& (http:22"""&edheads&or.2acti-ities2simple3machines2*rame4loader&htm) 5 "ant you to .o home and loo around *or simple machines that you use e-ery day and on !riday 5 "ant to hear about some o* the simple machines that you *ound& =& $0tensions: http:22"""&edheads&or.2acti-ities2simple3machines2*rame4loader&htm http:22"""&mi ids&com2Smachines&htm The #$G; Technic 5dea Boo : Simple Aachines Chec out the class set o* Simple Aachines3 Set o* ( Aachines

)aterials and 'ec(nology1/4 Access to a computer "ith an o-erhead projector %re6i presentation http:22"""&edheads&or.2acti-ities2simple3machines2*rame4loader&htm rollin. pin

( @arn hea-y boo s 2B pieces o* paper in a trian.le&

/ssess5ent The students "ill -erbally ans"er the Cuestions on http:22"""&edheads&or.2acti-ities2simple3machines2*rame4loader&htm and use their study .uide to study *or the simple machines test on !riday& The students "ill be .i-en a handout to ta e home& This "ill also be their study .uide *or the test on !riday& )odi6ications or /cco55odations 5 "ill slo" do"n my lecture and use lots o* -isuals *or the second learners& They can also ha-e their peer helper e0plain anythin. that they dont understand& !or the hearin. impaired 5 "ill not turn my bac to them "hile 5 am teachin. and 5 "ill spea slo"ly and clearly& !or the seein. impaired 5 "ill print out the %o"er%oint *or them as "ell as ha-e them sit in the *ront o* the room&


Lesson Plan (based on AR Teaching Standards) Teacher candidate: Chrissy Davis Subject(s): Science Topic(s): _Simple Machines& Day 2
Circle the Blooms Domains that apply: Cognitive Affective Psychomotor

Grade: 5th

Ar ansas !rame"or s (complete S#$s): or Common Core Standards %S&'&(&) Classi*y simple machines %S&'&(&+ ,elate simple machines to in-entions and disco-eries o* lesson (speci*y be.innin. and endin. time): Start 9:00 /Finish_9:50_

Learning Goals/Objectives/Stds 4-8 The students "ill create di**erent simple machines to see ho" they "or & The students "ill e0plain to the class ho" they constructed their simple machine and "hat ma es it "or & Considering Prior Knowledge Stds 1-!" # The students ha-e prior no"led.e o* simple machines in their li*e& St$dent Gro$%ing/Stds 1-&" 8 The students "ill be .rouped into three .roups& 5 chose this .roupin. because 5 "ant the students to "or to.ether to create a simple machine and present it to the class& 'eac(ing )et(ods/Stds 4" *" #-8 9ands on& 5 chose this because 5 "ant the students to be creati-e and understand simple machines by creatin. one& L+SSO, D+SC-.P'.O,//C'.0.'.+S1Stds 1-8 Proced$res )& 5ntroduction:
Projecte !ime: _5"# min$tes___ 9a-e you e-er "ondered ho" Simple Aachines "or 8 :ell today "e are .oin. to create three di**erent simple machines& @ou "ill be assi.ned to three di**erent .roups& Group one "ill ha-e more members because it is a more A*ter you ha-e completed your e0periment and created a simple machine1 your .roup "ill sho" the class ho" you created your simple machine and "hy2 ho" it "or s&


2& #esson Content:

Projecte !ime: _%0 min$tes___

Students .et into .roups& 5 "ill pass out the pulley1 inclined plane and le-er "or sheet1 as "ell as the materials needed *or the e0periment& Students "ill "or on their e0periments and present them at the end o* the class& 5* "e run out o* time "e "ill continue presentin. the *ollo"in. day& ("or sheets are at the end o* the lesson plan) +& Closure:
Projecte !ime: __5"# min$tes___

Great job& 5 am -ery proud o* "hat you accomplished today& Can anyone tell me somethin. interestin. that you learned today8 5 "ant you to "rite do"n somethin. else that you learned and hand it to me on your "ay out& <o" remember tomorro" "e are ha-in. a test o-er simple machines& 5 no" you are ready1 just loo o-er the "or sheet 5 .a-e you yesterday to re-ie"& 5 also "ant you to "rite do"n at least )B simple machines that you ha-e at home and turn that in tomorro"& =& $0tensions: 'e(sites to e)plore* +$estions to research* esta(lishin, ne' in+$iries* a itional applications& http:22"""&edheads&or.2acti-ities2simple3machines2*rame4loader&htm http:22"""&mi ids&com2Smachines&htm The #$G; Technic 5dea Boo : Simple Aachines Chec out the class set o* Simple Aachines3 Set o* ( Aachines

)aterials and 'ec(nology1/4 ) board and pulley ) small buc et ) lar.e buc et ) piece o* paper ) piece o* cellophane tape ) ruler ) le-er (ruler) 2 pennies )( "ei.hts ) pulley ) clamp ) pencil ) hi.hli.hter ) scissors 2 stic ers ) *ulcrum (pencil) )B "ei.hts ) rope ) load 2 hoo s

E /ssess5ent $0it slip )odi6ications or /cco55odations Students that are behind "ill ha-e their peer helper e0plain anythin. that they dont understand& Students that are esl students "ill ha-e a buddy to assist them

-eso$rces Projects4 (tt%4//canadaonline3abo$t3co5/gi/o3(t57 8i91/:;<8'i91<sdn9canadaonline<cdn9newsiss$es<t592&<69==<tt914<bt9#<bts9#<8$9(t t%>&///www3gala?y3net/>2!#+@12/5ac(ines/>2&e?%er A$i84 (tt%4//www36c%s3ed$/KingsPar@+S/tec(nology/t4t/toye?%o/test3%d6

PBLL+CS DCPO'D+S.S 5* "e had to li*t a hea-y load1 pulleys can ma e the job easier& )/'+-./LS ) board and pulley )( "ei.hts ) rope ) small buc et ) pulley ) load ) lar.e buc et ) clamp 2 hoo s P-OC+DB-+ )& Clamp the board to your des & 2& 9oo the rope to the small buc et& +& %ut the load in the small buc et& =& %ut the rope o-er the top o* the board& See !i.ure )& (& Tie the loose end o* the rope to the lar.e buc et& Aa e the rope short enou.h so that the lar.e buc et is near the board& '& G$<T#@ put the "ei.hts into the lar.e buc et one at a time until the load just li*ts o** the .round& 5* you can slide a piece o* paper under the ed.e o* the small buc et1 you ha-e added enou.h "ei.hts& D& ,ecord the number o* "ei.hts you needed& E& Ta e the "ei.hts out o* the lar.e buc et and ta e the buc ets o** the rope& F& ,epeat this e0periment t"o more times: *irst use the setup in !i.ure 2 and then the one in !i.ure +& S+'BP <o pulleys ) pulley 2 pulleys CO,CLBS.O, 9o" can pulleys help us8 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 E+.GD'S ,++D+D

)B .,CL.,+D PL/,+ )/'+-./LS ) piece o* paper ) piece o* cellophane tape ) ruler P-OC+DB-+ )& Aa e an inclined plane by mar in. a piece o* paper dia.onally and color a "ide stripe alon. the dia.onal& 2& Cut the paper alon. the dia.onal as sho"n in !i.ure )& ) pencil ) hi.hli.hter ) scissors

+& Tape the paper to the pencil as sho"n in !i.ure 2& =& :rap the paper around the pencil& F.GB-+ .' OB' :hat type o* machine did you just ma e8 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444




) le-er (ruler) 2 pennies 2 stic ers ) *ulcrum (pencil) )B "ei.hts

%,;C$D?,$ )& #abel one stic er G#G *or 4444444444 and stic it at the G) inchG end o* the le-er& #abel the other stic er G!G *or 4444444444 and stic it at the G)2 inchG end& 2& %ut the *ulcrum at the 'G mar o* your ruler 3 in the middle o* the le-er& +& %ut a load o* one " at the end o* the le-er mar ed G#G& %ut the load as close as possible to the end o* the le-er& Be care*ul that the *ulcrum stays in place& =& Apply a *orce by puttin. "ei.hts at the G!G end o* the le-er& Heep them as close as possible to the end and be care*ul that the *ulcrum stays in place& Add enou.h "ei.hts to li*t the load& ?se one or t"o pennies i* you need to& (& ,ecord the number o* "ei.hts needed (but not the pennies)& '& ,epeat this *or the same load (2 "ei.hts) but "ith the *ulcrum in di**erent positions& ,ecord your results& FBLC-B) /' LO/D FO-C+ ,++D+D = ' E CO,CLBS.O, Based on this e0periment1 "hat can you recommend about ho" to ma e it easiest to li*t a load "ith a le-er8 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 444444444444444444 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 CD/LL+,G+ 9o" can a le-er be used to "ei.h somethin.8 Describe it belo" in "ords and pictures& 2 2 2

Lesson Plan (based on AR Teaching Standards)


)2 Teacher candidate: Chrissy Davis Subject(s): Science Topic(s): _Simple Aachines& Day &
Circle the Blooms Domains that apply: Cognitive Affective Psychomotor

Grade: 5th

Ar ansas !rame"or s (complete S#$s): or Common Core Standards %S&'&(&) Classi*y simple machines %S&'&(&+ ,elate simple machines to in-entions and disco-eries o* lesson (speci*y be.innin. and endin. time): Start 9:00 /Finish_9:50_

Learning Goals/Objectives/Stds 4-8 (:hat do you intend *or students to learn8 9int/use Blooms Ta0onomy -erbs in your objecti-e "ritin. to detail le-els o* thin in.I ho" "ill you share these objecti-es "ith students8): The students "ill ta e a test o-er simple machines& The student "ill identi*y the correct simple machine .i-en a multiple choice test

Considering Prior Knowledge Stds 1-!" # The students ha-e prior no"led.e o* simple machines in their li*e and *rom pre-ious lessons& St$dent Gro$%ing/Stds 1-&" 8 The students "ill be not be in .roups because they "ill be ta in. a test o-er simple machines 'eac(ing )et(ods/Stds 4" *" #-8 Testin. day L+SSO, D+SC-.P'.O,//C'.0.'.+S1Stds 1-8 Proced$res )& 5ntroduction:
Projecte !ime: _5"# min$tes___ !or the last couple o* days "e ha-e been tal in. about simple machines& ,emember ho" "e tal ed about some in this -ery classroom8 5t is time to ta e a test o-er that material1 so 5 "ant you to put a"ay all o* your thin.s and only ha-e a pencil out& Aa e sure you put your name on your paper&

2& #esson Content:

Projecte !ime: _-0 min$tes___

Students ta e the test +& Closure: )2

Projecte !ime: __.0 min$tes___ $-ery one pass up your tests& Than you& <o" yesterday 5 as ed you *or )B thin.s that are simple machines that you ha-e at home& :ould anyone li e to tell me one o* those8 ($-eryone shares a *e") %lease hand those lists to me on your "ay out& 9a-e a .reat day&

=& $0tensions: 'est /ssess5ent Simple machines test )odi6ications or /cco55odations !or students that reCuire more time 5 "ill allo" it& !or students that need the test read to them1 5 "ill read it& http:22"""&edheads&or.2acti-ities2simple3machines2*rame4loader&htm http:22"""&mi ids&com2Smachines&htm The #$G; Technic 5dea Boo : Simple Aachines Chec out the class set o* Simple Aachines3 Set o* ( Aachines

)aterials and 'ec(nology1/4

-eso$rces A$i84 (tt%4//www36c%s3ed$/KingsPar@+S/tec(nology/t4t/toye?%o/test3%d6


)= 5nteracti-e Bulletin Board Students "ill be able to add pictures to the board *or each simple machine& They can cut the pictures out o* ma.a6ines in class or at home and add them to the board& ;n the *irst day o* the lesson the board "ill be blan "ith the e0pectation o* the boarder and de*initions& 5 "ill add one picture to the board and as *or a -olunteer to add another picture& The students "ill be able to *ill the board "ith pictures thou.h out the lesson unit& http:22eheidu &"estchesterareaschooldistrict&"i ispaces&net2#e-ersJandJ%ulleys


As "e discuss each type o* simple machine 5 "ant you to ta e notes in the bo0es belo"& :rite do"n as )( many e0amples o* the simple machine as you can thin o*& Dra" a little illustration o* the simple machine to help you remember "hat it loo s li e&

Simple Aachines
5nclined %lane





:heel and a0le


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